computer lab technician needed

Cooper Union School of Art
(New York, NY)
Cooper Union School of Art is currently seeking two part time computer lab technicians for work during open school hours. The school of art computer studio is an Apple Macintosh facility that is open seven days a week, and is open till midnight most days. Some of the shifts being offered may be evening shifts. Candidates should have a good knowledge of troubleshooting Macs, dealing with Ethernet networks, using creative
software, and be able to flourish in a student environment. Students return to school in the first week in September; we are hoping for our new technicians to be available from the 21st August.
Please fax, email or mail resumes to:
Gearoid Dolan
Director, Computer Studio
Cooper Union School of Art
7 East 7th Street, room 214
New York, New York 10003
email: [email protected]
fax: 212 353-4016