Spam Art...

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BlankIn response to the amount of junk mail that I keep receiving, I have d=
ecided to respond in a positive fashion, and turn into 'Art'. Thank you for=
donating your advertisement to an Art_Behaviour experiment. Entwined with =
your email is poem called…
11/11/97 (you'll understand if you read between the lines)

Hello, [email protected]

As seen on NBC, CBS, CNN, and even Oprah. I was listening to the radio toda=
y As reported on in the New England Journal of Medicine. music was blaring =
its independence Reverses aging while burning fat, I had finished having a =
bath and felt fresher without dieting or exercise. less tired and eager to =
listen Forget aging and dieting forever And it's Guaranteed! I put the kett=
le on and turned the sound up 1.Body Fat Loss it had escaped me, what the d=
ay was today 2.Wrinkle Reduction it might of escaped you as you yourselves
3.Increased Energy Levels went on your merry ways to pursuing yourselves
4.Muscle Strength improvement and all ourselves do collectively pursue for =
the selves 5.Increased Sexual Potency you see I enjoy noise, the sound of e=
nergy crashing 6.Improved Emotional Stability thrashing out intensity with =
liberated an obnoxiousness 7.Better Memory and Drum and Bass, well I'm addi=
cted to it Lose weight while building lean muscle mass
and reversing the ravages of aging all at once. the music had finished ende=
d and then the news began Pleasevisit our website to learn the the voice o=
n the radio mentioned the date then a silence facts about this quality heal=
th product and followed…..view our absolute satisfaction guarantee click =
here To unsubscribe from future offers, I turned the silence up
and listened to the crackles on the radio reply with off for some reason I=
am open to really listening these days Hello, [email protected]
As seen on NBC, CBS, CNN, I listened to that sound called two minutes of si=
lence and even Oprah. to me, it was not silence what I had just heard As re=
ported on in the New England it was a different kind of noise, a noise we a=
ll prefer to ignore Journal of Medicine. I started to think about the one I=
love Reverses aging while burning fat, and the pain of others who had lost=
their loves without dieting or exercise. Forget aging and dieting forever =
and the reality of pain
that history has tirelessly And it's Guaranteed! 1.Body Fat Loss catalogued=
for us all 2.Wrinkle Reduction 3.Increased Energy I thought of my father a=
nd the violence he possessed Levels 4.Muscle Strength improvement 5.Increas=
ed Sexual Potency and his relentless one dimensional onslaught 6.Improved E=
motional Stability 7.Better Memory onslaught on all our family Lose weight =
while building lean muscle mass perhaps you've had a father like that too a=
nd reversing the ravages of aging all at once. I thought of Slaughterhouse =
5, Nagasaki, Hiroshima Please visit our website to learn the facts about th=
is quality health product and all the other killing fields
that many fathers and boys have played on and view our absolute satisfactio=
n guarantee click here To unsubscribe from future offers, reply with off an=
d as the silence reigned its awe and power Hello, [email protected] As =
seen on NBC, CBS, CNN, and even Oprah. As reported on in the New England Jo=
urnal of Medicine. I began to feel a sensation, a sensation to cry Reverses=
aging while burning fat, In that moment of time, my time which is also sha=
red with all those
without dieting or exercise. Forget aging and dieting forever And
who have been senselessly put to death it's Guaranteed! 1.Body Fat Loss by =
man's ever increasing lust for deconstruction 2.Wrinkle Reduction 3.Increas=
ed Energy Levels 4.Muscle Strength improvement
5.Increased Sexual Potency of liberation through violent means it seems tha=
t mankind, is not kind and is evolutionary 6.Improved Emotional Stability =
7.Better Memory Lose weight while far far behind of what I and hopefully ma=
ny other others building lean muscle mass
and reversing the ravages of aging all at once. consider worth being so I a=
sk you, not just you, me also Please visit our website to learn the facts a=
bout this quality health product and view put down our self conscious fears=

and feel the pain of others
feel our own pains our absolute satisfaction guarantee click here To unsubs=
cribe from future offers, reply with off put them to some use and not hide =
them we possess great imaginations Hello, [email protected] As seen on =
NBC, CBS, CNN, and even Oprah. As reported on in the New England Journal of=
Medicine. we possess the reasons the passions
the desire for a better reality Reverses aging while burning fat, without d=
ieting or exercise. Forget aging and dieting the capacity to explore art b=
reaking away forever And it's Guaranteed! 1.Body Fat Loss 2.Wrinkle Reducti=
3.Increased Energy Levels 4.Muscle Strength improvement from institutional =
regimes and also it seems 5.Increased Sexual Potency 6.Improved Emotional S=
tability 7.Better Memory that we all share a common interest of what is goo=
d for ourselves Lose weight while building lean muscle mass and reversing t=
he ravages of aging all at once. Please visit our website to learn the fact=
s about this quality health product and view our absolute satisfaction guar=
antee click here To unsubscribe from future offers, reply with off

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<BODY id=ridBody bgColor=#ffffff
<DIV><STRONG><FONT face=Arial size=2>In response to the amount of junk =
mail that
I keep receiving, I have decided to respond in a positive fashion, and turn=
'Art'. Thank you for donating your advertisement to an Art_Behaviour experi=
Entwined with your email is poem called… </DIV>
<P><FONT face="Courier New" color=#800000 size=4><B class=unnamed2>=
<FONT size=2>(you'll understand if you read between the
<DIV></FONT></STRONG><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>Hello, </FONT>=
href="mailto:[email protected]"><FONT face="Times New Roman"
size=3>[email protected]</FONT></A><BR><BR><FONT face="Times New Ro=
size=3>As seen on N<!–info–>B<!–info–>C, C<!–info–>B<!–info–>S, C=
<!–info–>N<!–info–>N, and even O<!–info–>p<!–info–>rah. </FONT><FON=
face="Courier New" color=#800000 size=2>I was listening to the radio =
</FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>As reported on in the New En=
<!–info–>gland Jou<!–info–>rnal of Medi<!–info–>cine. </FONT><FONT
face="Courier New" size=2><FONT color=#800000>music was blaring its=

independence</FONT> </FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>Reverses=
ag<!–info–>ing while bur<!–info–>ning f<!–info–>at, </FONT><FONT
face="Courier New" size=2><FONT color=#800000>I had finished having a=
bath and
felt fresher</FONT> </FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>without =
or exercise. </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2><FONT color=#8000=
tired and eager to listen</FONT> </FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman"
size=3>Forget aging and die<!–info–>ting forever And it's Gu<!–info–>=
arant<!–info–>eed! </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2><FONT
color=#800000>I put the kettle on and turned the sound up</FONT><FONT
face="Times New Roman" size=3> </FONT></FONT><FONT face="Times New Ro=
size=3>1.Body F<!–info–>at Lo<!–info–>ss </FONT><FONT face="Courier=
color=#800000 size=2>it had escaped me, what the day was today </FONT><=
face="Times New Roman" size=3>2.Wr<!–info–>inkle Reduc<!–info–>tion=

</FONT><FONT face="Courier New" color=#800000 size=2>it might of esca=
ped you as
you yourselves<BR></FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>3.Increase=
d Ene<!–info–>rgy Levels </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" color=#80000=
size=2>went on your merry ways to pursuing yourselves<BR></FONT><FONT
face="Times New Roman" size=3>4.Mus<!–info–>cle Stre<!–info–>ngth i=
mpro<!–info–>vement </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2><FONT
color=#800000>and all ourselves do collectively pursue for the selves</FO=
</FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>5.Incr<!–info–>eased
Se<!–info–>xual Pot<!–info–>ency </FONT><FONT face="Courier New"
size=2><FONT color=#800000>you see I enjoy noise, the sound of energy=

crashing</FONT> </FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>6.Imp<!–inf=
Emoti<!–info–>onal Stab<!–info–>ility </FONT><FONT face="Courier New"=

size=2><FONT color=#800000>thrashing out intensity with liberated an
obnoxiousness</FONT> </FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>7.B<!–=
info–>et<!–info–>ter Me<!–info–>mory </FONT><FONT
face="Courier New" size=2><FONT color=#800000>and Drum and Bass, well=
addicted to it</FONT> </FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>Lo<!–=
wei<!–info–>ght while bui<!–info–>lding le<!–info–>an mus<!–info–>c=
le ma<!–info–>ss<BR>and reve<!–info–>rsing the rav<!–info–>ages of ag=
ing all
at once. </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" color=#800000 size=2>the mus=
ic had
finished ended and then the news began </FONT><A
href=""><FONT face="Courier New"
size=2>Please</FONT></A><A href=""><FONT
face="Courier New" size=2>vis<!–info–>it our web<!–info–>si<!–info=
–>te to
le<!–info–>arn the&nbsp;</FONT></A><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>&n=
color=#800000>the voice on the radio mentioned the date then a
silence</FONT>&nbsp;</FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>fa<!–in=
about this qua<!–info–>lity hea<!–info–>lth pro<!–info–>duct and
</FONT><FONT color=#000000><FONT size=2><FONT face="Courier New"><FON=
color=#800000>followed…..</FONT><FONT color=#0000ff>vi<!–info–>ew o=
ur abs<!–info–>olute satis<!–info–>faction gua<!–info–>rantee<!—-> =
here </FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>To=
un<!–info–>sub<!–info–>sc<!–info–>ribe from fut<!–info–>ure of<!–=
info–>fers, </FONT><FONT face="Courier New" size=2><FONT color=#8000=
turned the silence up<BR>and listened to the crackles on the radio</FONT>=

</FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>re<!–info–>ply with
of<!–info–>f&nbsp; </FONT><FONT size=2><FONT color=#800000><FONT
face="Courier New">for some reason I am open to really listening these
days</FONT> </FONT></FONT><FONT size=2><FONT face="Courier New"><STRONG=
[email protected]<BR>As seen on N<!–info–>B<!–info–>C, C<!–info–>=
B<!–info–>S, C<!–info–>N<!–info–>N,</STRONG> <FONT
color=#800000>I listened to that sound called two minutes of silence
</FONT><STRONG>and even O<!–info–>p<!–info–>rah.</STRONG> <FONT
color=#800000>to me, it was not silence what I had just heard
</FONT></FONT><FONT face="Courier New"><STRONG>As reported on in the New =
En<!–info–>gland</STRONG> <FONT color=#800000>it was a different kind o=
noise, a noise we all prefer to ignore </FONT></FONT><FONT
face="Courier New"><STRONG>Jou<!–info–>rnal of Medi<!–info–>cine.</ST=
<FONT color=#800000>I started to think about the one I love </FONT></FONT=
face="Courier New"><STRONG>Reverses ag<!–info–>ing while bur<!–info–>=
ning f<!–info–>at,</STRONG> <FONT color=#800000>and the pain of others =
who had lost
their loves</FONT> </FONT><STRONG><FONT face="Courier New">without dietin=
g or
exercise. Forget aging and die<!–info–>ting forever
</FONT></STRONG></FONT><FONT face="Courier New"><FONT color=#800000 siz=
the reality of pain <BR>that history has tirelessly</FONT><FONT size=2><S=
And it's Gu<!–info–>arant<!–info–>eed! 1.Body F<!–info–>at
Lo<!–info–>ss</STRONG> <FONT color=#800000>catalogued for us all
</FONT></FONT><FONT size=2><STRONG>2.Wr<!–info–>inkle Reduc<!–info–>t=
3.Increased Ene<!–info–>rgy</STRONG> <FONT color=#800000>I thought of m=
father and the violence he possessed </FONT></FONT><FONT size=2><STRONG>L=
4.Mus<!–info–>cle Stre<!–info–>ngth impro<!–info–>vement
5.Incr<!–info–>eased Se<!–info–>xual Pot<!–info–>ency</STRONG> <FONT=

color=#800000>and his relentless one dimensional onslaught </FONT></FONT>=
size=2><STRONG>6.Imp<!–info–>roved Emoti<!–info–>onal Stab<!–info–>=
7.B<!–info–>et<!–info–>ter Me<!–info–>mory</STRONG> <FONT
color=#800000>onslaught on all our family </FONT></FONT><FONT size=2><S=
TRONG>Lo<!–info–>se wei<!–info–>ght while bui<!–info–>lding le<!–inf=
o–>an mus<!–info–>cle ma<!–info–>ss</STRONG> <FONT
color=#800000>perhaps you've had a father like that too </FONT></FONT><FO=
size=2><STRONG>and reve<!–info–>rsing the rav<!–info–>ages of aging a=
ll at
once.</STRONG> <FONT color=#800000>I thought of Slaughterhouse 5, Nagasak=
Hiroshima </FONT></FONT></FONT><A href=""><FO=
size=2><FONT face="Courier New"><STRONG>Please vis<!–info–>it our web=
<!–info–>si<!–info–>te to le<!–info–>arn the fa<!–info–>cts about=

this qua<!–info–>lity hea<!–info–>lth pro<!–info–>duct</STRONG>
</FONT></FONT><FONT size=2><FONT face="Courier New"><FONT color=#8000=
00>and all
the other killing fields <BR>that many fathers and boys have played on
</FONT><STRONG>and vi<!–info–>ew our abs<!–info–>olute
satis<!–info–>faction gua<!–info–>rantee<!—-> click
here</STRONG></FONT></FONT></A><FONT size=2><FONT
face="Courier New"><STRONG>&nbsp;To un<!–info–>sub<!–info–>sc<!–info=
from fut<!–info–>ure of<!–info–>fers, re<!–info–>ply with
of<!–info–>f</STRONG> </FONT></FONT><FONT color=#800000><FONT
face="Courier New" size=2>and as the silence reigned its awe and power=

</FONT><FONT color=#000000><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>Hello, </F=
href="mailto:[email protected]"><FONT face="Courier New"
size=2>[email protected]</FONT></A><FONT size=2><FONT face="Couri=
er New">
<STRONG>As seen on N<!–info–>B<!–info–>C, C<!–info–>B<!–info–>S, C<=
!–info–>N<!–info–>N, and even O<!–info–>p<!–info–>rah. As reported =
in the New En<!–info–>gland Jou<!–info–>rnal of
Medi<!–info–>cine.</STRONG> <FONT color=#800000>I began to feel a sensa=
tion, a
sensation to cry </FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT size=2><FONT
face="Courier New"><STRONG>Reverses ag<!–info–>ing while bur<!–info–>=
ning f<!–info–>at,</STRONG> <FONT color=#800000>In that moment of time,=
my time
which is also shared with all those<BR></FONT></FONT></FONT><STRONG><FONT=

face="Courier New" size=2>without dieting or exercise. Forget aging and=
die<!–info–>ting forever And </FONT></STRONG></FONT></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#800000><FONT color=#000000><FONT face="Courier New"=

size=2><FONT color=#800000>who have been senselessly put to death</FONT=
</FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT color=#800000><FONT color=#000000><FONT size=
face="Courier New"><FONT size=2><STRONG>it's Gu<!–info–>arant<!–info=
1.Body F<!–info–>at Lo<!–info–>ss </STRONG><FONT color=#800000>by man=
's ever
increasing lust for deconstruction </FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT size=2><FON=
face="Courier New"><STRONG>2.Wr<!–info–>inkle Reduc<!–info–>tion 3.In=
Ene<!–info–>rgy Levels 4.Mus<!–info–>cle Stre<!–info–>ngth impro<!–i=
nfo–>vement<BR>5.Incr<!–info–>eased Se<!–info–>xual Pot<!–info–>ency=
</STRONG><FONT color=#800000>of liberation through violent
means it seems that mankind, is not kind and is evolutionary</FONT><FONT
color=#000000><STRONG>&nbsp; </STRONG></FONT></FONT><FONT
face="Courier New"><STRONG>6.Imp<!–info–>roved Emoti<!–info–>onal Sta=
b<!–info–>ility 7.B<!–info–>et<!–info–>ter Me<!–info–>mory Lo<!–in=
fo–>se wei<!–info–>ght while </STRONG><FONT color=#800000>far far
behind of what I and hopefully many other others </FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT=

size=2><FONT face="Courier New"><STRONG>bui<!–info–>lding le<!–info-=
->an mus<!–info–>cle ma<!–info–>ss<BR>and reve<!–info–>rsing the
rav<!–info–>ages of aging all at once.</STRONG> <FONT color=#800000>con=
worth being so I ask you, not just you, me also
href=""><STRONG><FONT face="Courier New"
size=2>Please vis<!–info–>it our web<!–info–>si<!–info–>te to le<!-=
-info–>arn the fa<!–info–>cts about this qua<!–info–>lity hea<!–info-=
->lth pro<!–info–>duct and vi<!–info–>ew </FONT></STRONG><FONT
size=2><FONT face="Courier New"><FONT color=#800000>put down our self=
fears <BR>and feel the pain of others<BR>feel our own pains </FONT><STRONG>=
abs<!–info–>olute satis<!–info–>faction gua<!–info–>rantee<!—-> cli=
here</STRONG></FONT></FONT></A></FONT><FONT color=#000000><FONT size=2>=
face="Courier New"><STRONG>&nbsp;To un<!–info–>sub<!–info–>sc<!–info=
from fut<!–info–>ure of<!–info–>fers, re<!–info–>ply with
of<!–info–>f</STRONG> <FONT color=#800000>put them to some use and not =
them we possess great imaginations <FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#=
size=3>Hello, <A href="mailto:[email protected]">info@furtherfield.=
As seen on N<!–info–>B<!–info–>C, C<!–info–>B<!–info–>S, C<!–info-=
->N<!–info–>N, and even O<!–info–>p<!–info–>rah. As reported on
in the New En<!–info–>gland Jou<!–info–>rnal of Medi<!–info–>cine. <F=
face="Courier New" color=#800000 size=2>we possess the reasons the
passions<BR>the desire for a better reality </FONT>Reverses ag<!–info–>in=
while bur<!–info–>ning f<!–info–>at, without dieting or exercise. Forge=
aging and die<!–info–>ting <FONT face="Courier New" color=#800000 siz=
capacity&nbsp;to explore&nbsp;art&nbsp; breaking away </FONT>forever And it=
's Gu<!–info–>arant<!–info–>eed! 1.Body F<!–info–>at Lo<!–info–>ss =
2.Wr<!–info–>inkle Reduc<!–info–>tion<BR>3.Increased Ene<!–info–>rgy=

Levels 4.Mus<!–info–>cle Stre<!–info–>ngth impro<!–info–>vement <FONT=

face="Courier New" color=#800000 size=2>from institutional regimes an=
d also it
seems </FONT>5.Incr<!–info–>eased Se<!–info–>xual Pot<!–info–>ency 6.=
Imp<!–info–>roved Emoti<!–info–>onal Stab<!–info–>ility 7.B<!–info–=
>et<!–info–>ter Me<!–info–>mory <FONT face="Courier New"
color=#800000 size=2>that we all share a common interest of what is goo=
d for
ourselves </FONT>Lo<!–info–>se wei<!–info–>ght while bui<!–info–>ldin=
g le<!–info–>an mus<!–info–>cle ma<!–info–>ss and reve<!–info–>rsin=
g the
rav<!–info–>ages of aging all at once. </FONT><A
href=""><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=
vis<!–info–>it our web<!–info–>si<!–info–>te to le<!–info–>arn the =
fa<!–info–>cts about this qua<!–info–>lity hea<!–info–>lth
pro<!–info–>duct and vi<!–info–>ew our abs<!–info–>olute
satis<!–info–>faction gua<!–info–>rantee<!—-> click
here</FONT></A></FONT></FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT
color=#000000><FONT size=3>&nbsp;To un<!–info–>sub<!–info–>sc<!–in=
from fut<!–info–>ure of<!–info–>fers, re<!–info–>ply with of<!–info-=
