_tHE_uNSTITUTE_pRESENTS: Feminist_Discourse_Today

This month at The Unstitute we present the Page 3 Feminist Takeover…


Kayleigh O'Keefe


15/01/2015 _ 15/02/2015

Kayleigh O'Keefe is a contemporary artist engaging with themes of body confidence, identity and alienation through performance and film. She has collaborated with artists, filmmakers and non-performers, produced and directed immersive live art events for the Pink Bear Club and distributed her performance art videos to an online audience.

Flabzilla subverts the concept of the monstrous fatty and plays with common perceptions of an ‘othered’ physique. A morbidly obese behemoth rises from the sea and uses her body mass to attack the city of London, which is built entirely from cardboard and packaging tape. Treading a fine line between grotesque and sex, weighty flesh and physical power clash with intricately crafted landmarks until all is destroyed.

Watch 'Flabzilla'


Page 3

In England, the tabloid newspaper ‘The Sun’ maintains the daily institution of showing soft-core pornographic images of topless women on Page 3 – often right next to images of death, disaster and horror – a recipe which might account for its status as England’s most popular newspaper.

The Unstitute deterritorialises Page 3 in the [dis]Corporate Bodies project. We invite you to come and chew on some of the most exciting discourses on female bodies today…

Featuring works by Blanca Rego, Dawn Woolley, K.E.Wallwork, Banfield-Rees, Laura Plana Gracia, as well as guest practitioners from the Department of Fictions at The Unstitute.

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