THE UNSTITUTE presents Jorge Catoni: 'Developing Nation' - WATCH ONLINE NOW

This month in the Projection Room at The Unstitute

'Developing Nation'

15th December - 15th January

The Unstitute continues to offer free monthly screenings of experimental videos online. This month we take great pleasure in presenting
'Developing Nation' ('País en vías de desarrollo' 2013)
by Chilean artist Jorge Catoni.

"Taped around 'La Vega Central' (open market. Santiago, Chile) About how dance invisible is this reality, how wander in circles… Jorge Catoni works in multiple media, including painting, graphics, video art and experimental music."

'Developing Nation' presents a montage of living vignettes, of pasted-together subworlds and rejects, derelicts and conflagrations, as though an irruption/flourishing in the southern heart of Santiago had engulfed this modern, high-tech city, accelerated the rate of entropy in the interconnecting neighbourhoods. Catoni's observations are highly sensitive, both everyday and unimpressive like the bulk of our everyday lives, yet they inflict resonant images on the retina - a sort of video-graffiti or poetic economy of means. Come and see for yourself…



The Projection Room at The Unstitute was created to show experimental video art. Works are selected on the basis of their ability to provoke thought, reaction and engagement on the visual, audible and conceptual levels, whether in a positive or negative fashion. Videos are not selected on the basis of technical merit or aspiration to conventional standards.

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Burrow logic (Deleuze on Kafka)

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