Last chance to see:

NICHOLAS MORTIMER's video 'Duty to Act' at the Projection Room, The Unstitute
Until 15th December

The Unstitute continues to offer monthly screenings of experimental videos online. This month we take pleasure in presenting the extraordinary DIY warzone 'Duty to Act' by artist Nicholas Mortimer.

Watch 'Duty to Act':

‘Duty to Act’ shows a hobbyist’s response to the world of broadcast television and past cinematic techniques married with a domesticated DIY pursuit that reflects on today’s implosion of socially mediated news casting. We are witness to a confused interpretation of the production and consumption of personal and mass media, forming a cyclical and closed system in an anonymous living room. The historically loaded script becomes a document that examines the role of rhetoric and political speeches as a form of linguistic technology, something which aids the design of ideologies, emotions and culture.

With our changing relationship to a media environment that sees art imitate life, and vice versa, our understanding of reality is in reference to a vast array of fictional scenarios, persuasive techniques and the careful translation of real world events.

‘Duty to Act’ is a layered approach to representing the ambivalence found in real life news events and their fictional counterparts. By constructing a character who presents an elaborate set of simulations, an overloaded environment emerges that questions our relationship to the projections of fact and fiction, in addition to interpretations of current issues surrounding the politics of terror attacks and their management in all media.

Read more:

If you would like to have your video work considered for a month long online screening:

Submissions are free!

View past participants at The Projection Room: