Re: [thingist] Terrorism Is Society's Condemnation of Itself

On Mon, 18 Nov 2002 [email protected] wrote:

> Hence the violence associated with globalisation, with a system that wants to
> eliminate any manifestation of negativity and singularity (including the
> ultimate expression of singularity, death). This is the violence of a society
> in which we are almost forbidden to engage in conflict. This violence, in a
> way, marks an end to violence itself, because it yearns for a world free from
> any natural order that might govern the human body or sexuality, life or death.
> It might be more accurate to use the word virulence, rather than violence. This
> violence has viral force: it spreads by contagion and chain reactions. It
> gradually destroys our immunity and ability to resist.

What a pity that he doesn't go one step further and clarify the
'virulent' form of violence as being flattening out and memetic
'reproduction' of the ego, which is thoroughly_ exemmplified by
the likes of NN, Max G2K (who attempts to represent his ego-spawning
as 'seeds of new religions'), Marc Garrett's (I inflict myself on
others and that is how I communicate) and Joseph McElroy's psychotic
'there is no fighting' 'fighting ist bad', I am you really I am you


, joseph mcelroy

Quoting "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>:

> What a pity that he doesn't go one step further and clarify the
> 'virulent' form of violence as being flattening out and memetic
> 'reproduction' of the ego, which is thoroughly_ exemmplified by
> the likes of NN, Max G2K (who attempts to represent his ego-spawning
> as 'seeds of new religions'), Marc Garrett's (I inflict myself on
> others and that is how I communicate) and Joseph McElroy's psychotic
> 'there is no fighting' 'fighting ist bad', I am you really I am you
> idiocy.

'Their defiance can only be addressed by vengefully humiliating the "others"
(but surely not by crushing them with bombs or by locking them up like

joseph (cor e form art) + (porat per ance ist)
frank + lyn - mc + El + roy

go shopping ->
call me 646 279 2309

[email protected]

, D42 Kandinskij

On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, joseph (yes) wrote:

> > What a pity that he doesn't go one step further and clarify the
> > 'virulent' form of violence as being flattening out and memetic
> > 'reproduction' of the ego, which is thoroughly_ exemmplified by
> > the likes of NN, Max G2K (who attempts to represent his ego-spawning
> > as 'seeds of new religions'), Marc Garrett's (I inflict myself on
> > others and that is how I communicate) and Joseph McElroy's psychotic
> > 'there is no fighting' 'fighting ist bad', I am you really I am you
> > idiocy.
> >
> 'Their defiance can only be addressed by vengefully humiliating the "others"
> (but surely not by crushing them with bombs or by locking them up like
> dogs…'

No dearest. take your barking elsewhere.
Citing things you have no capacity to understand
isn't going to make you appear any wiser.

You're an egotistical idiot. C'est tout.
Keep your leeching 'tentacles' to yourself.

And I don't mean that from 'me' only.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, joseph mcelroy

Quoting "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>:

> On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, joseph (yes) wrote:
> > > What a pity that he doesn't go one step further and clarify the
> > > 'virulent' form of violence as being flattening out and memetic
> > > 'reproduction' of the ego, which is thoroughly_ exemmplified by
> > > the likes of NN, Max G2K (who attempts to represent his ego-spawning
> > > as 'seeds of new religions'), Marc Garrett's (I inflict myself on
> > > others and that is how I communicate) and Joseph McElroy's psychotic
> > > 'there is no fighting' 'fighting ist bad', I am you really I am you
> > > idiocy.
> > >
> >
> > 'Their defiance can only be addressed by vengefully humiliating the
> "others"
> > (but surely not by crushing them with bombs or by locking them up like
> > dogs…'
> No dearest. take your barking elsewhere.
> Citing things you have no capacity to understand
> isn't going to make you appear any wiser.
> You're an egotistical idiot. C'est tout.
> Keep your leeching 'tentacles' to yourself.
> And I don't mean that from 'me' only.

Sadly, but it, as in origin, is true. I laugh with the others. I still cherish

joseph (cor e form art) + (porat per ance ist)
frank + lyn - mc + El + roy

go shopping ->
call me 646 279 2309

[email protected]

, D42 Kandinskij

On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, joseph (yes) wrote:

> > And I don't mean that from 'me' only.
> Sadly, but it, as in origin, is true.

No, dearest. You have no capacity to discern truth.
There is no 'sadness' in truth. Yet another attempt at
patronizing condescension.

> I laugh with the others.

You're not 'laughing' dearest. You're simply grimacing.
The fear-response of the self-important outwardly projecting
pity idiot. There are no 'others'.

> I still cherish you.

No dearest you don't. You're incapable of 'cherishing' anything.

Only condescending (self-pity), the 'amorous' infatuation of
a narcissus with his ego-reflection.