Tim Miller @ The Unstitute + exhibition opportunities

[text=center]The Projection Room: Video Launch

'Interview in Progress'

15th October - 15th November[/text]
The Unstitute continues to offer monthly screenings of experimental videos online. This month we take pleasure in presenting the fantastic in-depth situational study 'Interview in Progress' by London-based artist Tim Miller.

Watch 'Interview in Progress': http://theunstitute.org/Projection.Room.html

"‘Interview in Progress’ constitutes documentation of a training model developed in collaboration with a role-play training company that examines the construction and commodification of the self within job interview scenarios. Through the medium of film, a forum-theatre training performance is played out as a potential manual for re-scripting behaviour. Actors, acting out the possible realities of audience participants, on-stage, objectify and display increasingly dramatised answers as responses to standard job interview questions, aided by a panel of screenwriters."
Read more: http://theunstitute.org/Screening.Room.Now.Showing.html

If you would like to have your video work considered for a month long online screening: http://theunstitute.org/Screening.Room.Apply.html

Submissions are free!

View past participants at The Projection Room: http://theunstitute.org/Screening.Room.Archive.html