Last chance to see...Stephen Broomer online @ The Unstitute_.

The Projection Room: last chance to see

'Christ Church - Saint James'

15th September- 15th October

This is your last opportunity to watch the beautiful decay of Stephen Broomer's 'Christ Church - Saint James' (2014) over at The Unstitute. It's online, so all you have to do is just follow the link below to watch time condense, unpack, contort…

"In the spring of 1998, Christ Church – Saint James, an historic black church in Toronto’s Little Italy, was destroyed by arson. All that remained were walls and a pit, and over subsequent years, the site was overtaken with graffiti. This film has taken on the layered form of the site itself, the space and its surfaces becoming tangled and multiple, the grid of a stone-filled window giving geometric form to simultaneously occurring images of concrete, nature, waste, paint, and sky."

Participate in The Unstitute's projects:

The Unstitute is an Evolving Interactive Environment (EIE) which continuously alters its territories and adapts its nature according to the inclinations of its participants.

The Unstitute offers a variety of open-submission projects as a part of the participation programme. We would like to invite you to get involved in transforming the architecture of The Unstitute. The link to apply is below: