Rhizome is a Living Being

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BlankRhizome is a Living Entity (A Creative Consciousness)

I have also been pondering on the sidelines, mulling over different

interpretations of 'social sculpture' & can't help mistaking it for

'social non-linear structure', a network of many groups/individuals

that have (together) created and formulated rhizome and what it is


If one looks at Rhizome as a living entity, an actual being. Then

discovering its essence becomes possible, you then begin to observe and

view its conscience, its many personalities. And we are its

personalities. Our presence, our souls give it life. All the doubters,

the shaman, the realists, the dreamers, the pragmatists, the left-

wingers, hunters, gatherers, shouters, singers, moaners, post-

humanists, humanists etc; build up a fluid network (veins), blood

pumped into the veins. Into the larger entity. It breaths, transforms and=

grows in accordance to the ratio of subjective donation, integration and


1. movements - (such as circulation of blood) - information collected, reta=
displayed, observed, interaction, knowledge, input, questioning,debate,
sharing, meeting, consumed, information, bodies, influence, action, thought=
ideas, notion, apprehension, argument, reasoning, non reasoning, fear, poli=
decision, vulnerability, imagination, declaration, collaboration, invention=
, laughter,
hatred, distortion, emotion, input, flux, consumption, hybrids, hope, greed=
deception, truth, trends.

2. transformative movement - (such as digestion) Like a child that grows an=
d gains
non-linear consciousness, changing the now and becoming…never stays in th=
e same
place - it shifts.

3. surface & skin - (shell to the official world) survival, customs, money,=
existence. Propaganda, marketing, role, evidence, personality, endurance, p=
acting, a product, a decree, an enactment, a quantifiable sum, a mannerism,=

impersonation, impression, image, archetype, depiction, gambit, guise.


The function, the action of rhizome (to me) speaks louder than

comments. We do not need to cut open any deep crevices from within

rhizome's administrational data-banks, to comprehend what it actually

is. One does not need to question Mark's Tribe's ethical stand-point to

know what rhizome really is. This is a mere political diversion from

the potentials and possible depths of Rhizome; and what it is actually

doing, ignoring a productive (more than virtual) tool for the many. If

singular, neurotic deconstruction engulfs our vision; then micro

unrealized assumptions will extricate its meaning.

Rhizome only exists as a possibility, it is a collective resource

consisting of many directions, many worlds, many ways of creating, many

individuals/groups. It is offering you the 'participant' during its life-sp=

various options of the future and the now. It is a much needed paradigm

shift declaring options beyond what we all had before. Surviving by using=

technological invention to procure and bring about social change and

elevate creative interaction beyond material limitations. It is imagination=
in flux.

Many assumptions appear and work from a single point, one place, x

marks that spot. Mark out that spot and stick to it and then you have

an idea, a reason, an excuse, a flag, a wall, a weapon. Most static

forms of thinking rely on answers that are not allowed be challenged,

cannot be answered, and many are not allowed to be questioned.

By taking part in this social experiment we are defying the Sisyphus

myth, reinventing new relations, directions, potential beliefs and ways

of connecting. It is not only Mark tribe and the crew who has given

rhizome life - the guts, the breath, the blood comes from elsewhere,

the people in the world visiting and being part of it. We all have

given it a sustainable life-force by recognizing that it is here.

We all perceive it via collective experience, recognizing its

moveability with its significant occurrence or happening, patterns and

changing moods - it is a place of possible mutualism, a space, it is a

platform, it is a behavior, it is a playground, it is a diary, it has memor=
y, it is a

consciousness, it is alive…

marc garrett

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<P><STRONG>Rhizome is a Living&nbsp;Entity (A Creative
Consciousness)</STRONG></U></FONT><STRONG> </STRONG></P><FONT color=#0000=
<P><STRONG>I have also been pondering on the sidelines, mulling over differ=
<P><STRONG>interpretations of 'social sculpture' &amp; can't help mistaking=
for </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>'social non-linear structure', a network of many groups/individu=
<P><STRONG>that have (together) created and formulated rhizome and what it =
<P><STRONG>today. </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>If one looks at Rhizome as a living entity, an actual being. The=
<P><STRONG>discovering its essence becomes possible, you then begin to obse=
and </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>view its conscience, its many personalities. And we are its
<P><STRONG>personalities. Our presence, our souls give it life. All the
doubters, </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>the shaman, the realists, the dreamers, the pragmatists, the
left-</STRONG></FONT><STRONG> </STRONG></P><FONT color=#000080>
<P><STRONG>wingers, hunters, gatherers, shouters, singers, moaners,
post-</STRONG></FONT><STRONG> </STRONG></P><FONT color=#000080>
<P><STRONG>humanists, humanists etc; build up a fluid network (veins), bloo=
<BR><BR>pumped into the veins. Into the larger entity. It breaths, transfor=
and <BR><BR>grows in accordance to the ratio of subjective donation, integr=
and <BR><BR>collective.</STRONG></FONT><STRONG> </STRONG></P><FONT
<P><STRONG>1. movements - (such as circulation of blood) - information
collected, retained, <BR>displayed, observed, interaction, knowledge, input=
questioning,debate, <BR>sharing, meeting, consumed, information, bodies,
influence, action, thought, <BR>ideas, notion, apprehension, argument,
reasoning, non reasoning, fear, politics, <BR>decision, vulnerability,
imagination, declaration, collaboration, invention, laughter, <BR>hatred,=

distortion, emotion, input, flux, consumption, hybrids, hope, greed,
<BR>deception, truth, trends.</STRONG></FONT><STRONG> </STRONG></P><FONT
<P><STRONG>2. transformative movement - (such as digestion) Like a child th=
grows and gains <BR>non-linear consciousness, changing the now and
becoming…never stays in the same <BR>place - it
shifts.</STRONG></FONT><STRONG> </STRONG></P><FONT color=#000080>
<P><STRONG>3. surface &amp; skin - (shell to the official world) survival,=

customs, money, needs, <BR>existence. Propaganda, marketing, role, evidence=
personality, endurance, proof, <BR>acting, a product, a decree, an enactmen=
t, a
quantifiable sum, a mannerism, <BR>impersonation, impression, image, archet=
depiction, gambit, guise. </STRONG></P>
</STRONG></P><FONT color=#000080>
<P><STRONG>The function, the action of rhizome (to me) speaks louder than=

<P><STRONG>comments. We do not need to cut open any deep crevices from with=
<P><STRONG>rhizome's administrational data-banks, to comprehend what it act=
<P><STRONG>is. One does not need to question Mark's Tribe's ethical stand-p=
to </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>know what rhizome really is. This is a mere political diversion =
<P><STRONG>the potentials and possible depths of Rhizome; and what it is
actually </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>doing, ignoring a productive (more than virtual) tool for the
</STRONG></FONT><STRONG><FONT color=#000080>many. If <BR><BR>singular, ne=
deconstruction engulfs our vision; then micro <BR><BR>unrealized assumption=
will extricate its meaning.</FONT> </STRONG></P><FONT color=#000080>
<P><BR><STRONG>Rhizome only exists as a possibility, it is a collective res=
<P><STRONG>consisting of many directions, many worlds, many ways of creatin=
many </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>individuals/groups. It is offering you the 'participant' during =
life-span, <BR><BR>various options of the future and the now. It is a much=

needed paradigm <BR><BR>shift declaring options beyond what we all had befo=
Surviving by using <BR><BR>technological invention to procure and bring abo=
social change and <BR><BR>elevate creative interaction beyond material
limitations. It is imagination in flux.</STRONG></FONT><STRONG>
</STRONG></P><FONT color=#000080>
<P><BR><STRONG>Many assumptions appear and work from a single point, one pl=
x </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>marks that spot. Mark out that spot and stick to it and then you=
<P><STRONG>an idea, a reason, an excuse, a flag, a wall, a weapon. Most sta=
<P><STRONG>forms of thinking rely on answers that are not allowed be challe=
<BR><BR>cannot be answered, and many are not allowed to be questioned.
<P><BR><STRONG>By taking part in this social experiment we are defying the=

Sisyphus </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>myth, reinventing new relations, directions, potential beliefs a=
ways </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>of connecting. It is not only Mark tribe and the crew who has gi=
<P><STRONG>rhizome life - the guts, the breath, the blood comes from elsewh=
<P><STRONG>the people in the world visiting and being part of it. We all ha=
<P><STRONG>given it a sustainable life-force by recognizing that it is
here.</STRONG></FONT><STRONG> </STRONG></P><FONT color=#000080>
<P><STRONG>We all perceive it via collective experience, recognizing its
<P><STRONG>moveability with its significant occurrence or happening, patter=
and </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>changing moods - it is a place of possible mutualism, a space, i=
t is
a </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>platform, it is a behavior, it is a playground, it is a diary, i=
t has
memory, it is a </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>consciousness, it is alive…</STRONG></FONT><STRONG> </STRONG><=
<P><BR><FONT color=#000080><STRONG>marc garrett</STRONG></P></FONT><FONT=

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