-empyre-Avatar Manifestos with Gregory Little

Virtual Construction, part 2 on -empyre-

=empyre- is pleased to announce that Gregory Little joins our ongoing
November dialogue today as host for the topic "Virtual Construction"

Many thanks to Joseph Nechtaval for his insights into 'viractuality' during
the first part of November.

Please join us as Gregory introduces "Avatar Manifestos".

—> Gregory Little is an electronic media artist working with philosophical
and theoretical issues related to the technologies of immersive virtual
reality, netart, and avatars; specifically with respect to issues of
identity, embodiment, and human sentience. He is currently Visiting
Assistant Professor of Digital Art at Bowling Green State University, USA;
and an associate editor for Intelligent Agent.

Avatar Manifesto: http://art.bgsu.edu/~glittle/ava_text_1.html
Projects: http://art.bgsu.edu/~glittle/menu_1.html
Presence and the AE: http://art.bgsu.edu/~glittle/presence/index.html

Warm regards


Christina McPhee