OCUSONIC at The Unstitute + open submissions


The Projection Room - Video Launch:


'A Diamond Forms Under Pressure'
15th July-15th August

The Unstitute continues to offer monthly screenings of experimental videos online. This month we take pleasure in presenting 'A Diamond Forms Under Pressure' by Irish artist and composer OCUSONIC.

"A Diamond Forms Under Pressure, is an anomaly existing somewhere between experimental film and music video.
An improvised electronic soundtrack drives proprietary software, which analyses the audio’s frequency content and generates a cogent synchronous image in real-time. Frequencies push and pull against each other stabilising or agitating the central image."


About The Projection Room

The Projection Room at The Unstitute was created to show experimental video art online. Works are selected on the basis of their ability to provoke thought, reaction and engagement on the visual, audible and conceptual levels, whether in a positive or negative fashion. Videos are not selected on the basis of technical merit or aspiration to conventional standards.

Successful works will be screened for one month at The Unstitute. Applicants may send as many works as they like - if selected, they will form part of a month-long roster. Your video/s will be promoted via international web channels.

The Unstitute is currently seeking submissions for its 2015-16 season, but there may be also the opportunity to exhibit as part of a group screening in the nearer future.

If you would like to apply, please send a link to your video/s to [email protected]