protect the international justice system

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BlankThe new system of international justice, which came about with the cre=
ation of the International Criminal Court (ICC), is under attack. The USA i=
s trying to ensure that US nationals are exempt from ICC jurisdiction over =
genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

Act now to protect the international justice system.

The ICC will investigate and prosecute people accused of genocide, crimes a=
gainst humanity and war crimes. The USA is attacking this new system of int=
ernational justice by pressing states around the world to enter into impuni=
ty agreements not to surrender US nationals to the ICC. In many cases the U=
S government is threatening to withdraw military assistance from countries =
that will not agree.

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<P><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>The new sy=
stem of
international justice, which came about with the creation of the Internatio=
Criminal Court (ICC), is under attack. The USA is trying to ensure that US=

nationals are exempt from ICC jurisdiction over genocide, crimes against
humanity and war crimes. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2><B>Act now=
protect the international justice system.</B><BR><BR>The ICC will investiga=
and prosecute people accused of genocide, crimes against humanity and war=

crimes. The USA is attacking this new system of international justice by
pressing states around the world to enter into impunity agreements not to=

surrender US nationals to the ICC. In many cases the US government is
threatening to withdraw military assistance from countries that will not ag=
