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November 2002 Issue of National Geographic - feature:
Weapons of Mass Destruction

November 2, 2002
EU 'withholds funds' for N Korea reactors (Japan Times)
November 1, 2002
Normal Cancer Rate Found Near Three Mile Island Plant (NYTimes)
November 1, 2002
PM blasts West for its nuclear bias (Gulf News)
November 1, 2002
Let India Develop its non-military nuclear programme (Outlook India)

October Issue of The Sunflower (Nuclear Age Peace Foundation)
October 31, 2002
Pentagon aid plans nuclear talks in Korea, Japan (ABC News)
October 30, 2002
UN weapons inspectors must have impartiality guarantee: IAEA (Hindustan Times)
October 30, 2002
Bush urges Blix on Iraq Disarmament (Las Vegas Sun)
October 30, 2002
Canada looks to solve nuclear question (Sun Times)
October 30, 2002
DOE Funds Cleanup Research at Former Nuclear Weapons Site (Washington File)
October 29, 2002
China to aid Pak in setting up nuclear power plant (Times of India)
October 29, 2002
N Korea refuses demands it give up nuke program during talks w/ Japan (SFGate)
October 28, 2002
H-P enlisted for nuclear work (Silicon Valley News)
October 28, 2002
Japan, N Korea begin talks (Tuscaloosa News)
October 27, 2002
Russia's new nuclear threat (Japan Times)
October 27, 2002
Conservatives pull the plug on nuclear power (Independent)
October 27, 2002
Chechens could strike nuclear plant next (Reuters)
October 27, 2002
Russia refuses to stop aiding Iran's nuclear programme (Independent)
October 26, 2002
NFS storage permit extended for 10 years (Johnson City Press)
October 26, 2002
Groups to push for Yucca routes (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
October 25, 2002
Nuclear waste czar emphasizes ethics (Toronto Star)
October 25, 2002
Senators fear Ontario Nuke site (Detroit News)
October 25, 2002
N Korean statement on talks proposal (BBC)
October 21, 2002
Anti-nuclear protesters march in France (Toronto Star)
October 20, 2002
Nuclear Program Not Negotiable, US Told N Korea (Wash Post)
October 20, 2002
Talking Up & Down About the Nuclear Waste Initiative (Salt Lake Tribune)
October 18, 2002
Amarillo, Pantex, exceeded toxic limits (Amarillo Globe-News)
October 18, 2002
Rokkasho plows ahead despite obstacles (Japan Times)
October 11, 2002
Leaks at India's Nuclear Power-Plants: cause for concern? (Christian Science Monitor)
October 11, 2002
Congress Passes Iraq Resolution (Washington Post)
October 10, 2002
Iraq Shows Suspected Nuclear Site (AP)
October 10, 2002
UN Arms Inspecter Seeks US Intelligence Assistance (Washington Post)
October 10, 2002
Wolfowitz Says Iraqi Nuclear Debate Distracts from Toxin Issue (Washington File)
October 10, 2002
Iraq Denies Efforts to Re-arm (AP)
October 10, 2002
Russia completes third of uranium deal with U.S.A. (Interfax)
October 10, 2002
Pit Project Draws Large Crowds (Carlsbad Current-Argus)
October 9, 2002
The [Plutonium] pits: Supporters, opponents cite views (Amarillo Globe-News)
October 9, 2002
US Concerned at Syrian Nuclear Program (Reuters)
October 9, 2002
Hanford Plan would accelerate tank work (Tri-city Herald)
October 9, 2002
NZ Stands Firm on Anti-Nuclear Policy (ABC)
October 8, 2002
DOE Official Reveals Nuclear Plans (Augusta Chronicle)
October 8, 2002
Despite Assurances 90% Japanese Fear Nuclear Accident (Asahi Shimbun)
October 8, 2002
Former Secretaries of Energy Celebrate 25th Anniversary of DOE (DOE News)
October 8, 2002
Taxpayer Group Calls for Demise of Energy Dept (The Nation)
October 8, 2002
US says satellites detecting activity at Iraqi nuclear sites (AP)
October 7, 2002
Siemens Sent Iraq Parts Usable in Nuclear Arms (Reuters)
October 7, 2002
Uranium Powerhouse Fuels Dreams (Herald Sun - Australia)
October 7, 2002
Al-Qaida Seeks Dirty Bomb (Knight Ridder)
October 7, 2002
World Looks for Ways to Thwart Terrorist 'Dirty Bombs' (Christian Science Monitor)
October 7, 2002
Uranium Cleared from Weapons Site (BBC)
October 7, 2002
Anti-American backlash possible over anti-nuclear policies (AP)
October 6, 2002
Goshutes Fight over N-waste and Feel Abandoned by State (Deseret News - Utah)
October 5, 2002
Ukrainian Company Wins Contract to Equip Nuclear Plants in India (Hoovers - UK)
October 5, 2002
Nuclear Protesters storm Belgian airforcee base, 1100 arested (AP)
October 5, 2002
U.S. Plays Down Talks With N. Korean Officials (Washington Post)
October 5, 2002
Nuclear-Free Zone for Central Asia (Washington Post)
October 3, 2002
Kazakhstan environmentalists speak out against imported rad waste (ENN)

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