FW: worldwide press freedom index

hi all,

RSF have published the first worldwide press freedom index - with some surprising results.
for details go to: http://www.rsf.org/article.php3?id_articleA16


Philipp Budka
email: [email protected]
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, yasir~

// Reporters Without Borders publishes the first Worldwide Press Freedom
Index //

The first worldwide index of press freedom has some surprises for
Western democracies. The United States ranks below Costa Rica and Italy
scores lower than Benin. The five countries with least press freedom are
North Korea, China, Burma, Turkmenistan and Bhutan.


, yasir~

[previous posting might have got lost in the netwilderness…apologies
for double]

// Reporters Without Borders publishes the first Worldwide Press Freedom
Index //

The first worldwide index of press freedom has some surprises for
Western democracies. The United States ranks below Costa Rica and Italy
scores lower than Benin. The five countries with least press freedom are
North Korea, China, Burma, Turkmenistan and Bhutan.
