AF digital museum

New Digital Museums

by maxherman, 10.28.02 01:16 pm

I side with Dietz here. Ippolito and Anderson sorta hate je I think.

Probably not fit to print but hey.


Re: New Digital Museums

by kittyking, 10.28.02 05:06 pm

Sorry Max, gotta go with I&A.

Absolutely no need for an edifice to see the work of Mr. Maeda, Golan Levin,
Casey Rees, Auria Harvey, Amy Francheschini, or you.

Digiartists should be proud in your etherghetto. (Linkin' Park…that's

Money best spent on hardware and education. All you need: Organizing,
commissioning, exhibiting, collecting, preserving art works and education.


Re: New Digital Museums

by kittyking, 10.28.02 05:08 pm

I meant Linkin' Center…you know what I meant


Re: New Digital Museums

by maxherman, 10.29.02 01:16 am

Well, you have diff museums for say history (Field), science, modern (moma)
and premodern (met). So you can divide up museums by period and discipline.
I think a digital media museum has arguments pro as to both period and
discipline. Why not a separate destination? The Whitney and the Guggenheim
have a strong interest in bundling digital art into what they already