Sarah's Reflection

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BlankSarah's Reflection…

"Think of this incident, us meeting here with you as a call of nature. All =
of us from the MI5 collective are servers of nature; we all play a major ro=
le concerning this earth's cyclical, historical and inter-genetic process o=
f natural selection." She drinks up the last of the water, "hmm, that's bet=
ter." She places the empty container on the table. "Yes, natural selection,=
" she sensually licks at her red lips. The male agent notices and smiles. S=
arah begins to hug herself to keep warm, feeling a chill.

"We are nature's pruners, doing our best to keep a sense of order on this e=
ver pulsating, changing world. It is not easy, but someone's got to stop hu=
manity from destroying itself and you are a part of that big problem. Imagi=
ne everyone as cells, blood cells, everyone in this room and the whole worl=
d." Says the female agent. David and Sarah are silent, listening, trying to=
imagine how the hell they both got themselves into this nightmarish predic=

"Think of all of us as blood cells fighting for space and territory. Think =
of all the conflicts that have taken place through history and time. In a s=
ense, it is normative for cells to fight each other, but if one cell become=
s too dominant, too powerful and causes instability in the process. Then it=
is a threat to the global community or cell community as a whole, when thi=
s happens it has to be eliminated. Of course our intensive overall policing=
of incidents such as this, prevents unfortunate events as I have described=
from growing out of control." The female agent stops talking and sits on t=
he chair.

David places his hand over his face, fingers pressing against his cheeks. "=
Excuse me for not bothering to clap, I'm sure your policy with us so called=
perpetrators and labeling all of us as bad cells gives you a feeling of gu=
iltless justification. If you actually think that I'm going to take your di=
atribe seriously, the world is in trouble and it's not us who are the dange=
rous one's, it's people like you." David laughs. "As you wish. You are in a=
traumatic state and it is usual for perpetrators not to be able to compreh=
end the information given during the experience of the first discourse." Sa=
ys the female agent. "First?" David yells. "The first of many Mr Little." S=
ays the man agent. "I presume that you have been briefed in regard to Rober=
t, your friend and our demands?" She says. "Yes." David and Sarah both answ=
er. "Well, we are awaiting your decision, be swift or we will have to make =
your minds up for you." Says the female agent.

David turns towards Sarah and places his hand gently on her shoulder. Her h=
ead tilts and rests affectionately on his forehand. "Not much choice is the=
re Sarah?" She does not answer; she merely sighs. To others watching her, t=
he sigh could be interpreted as an expression of helplessness. They would b=
e right, yet part of the sigh was a sense of relief, a secret feeling of le=
tting go. At last the responsibility of the project and its future course h=
as now been handed over to someone else. The mother and father of all insti=
tutions, the Secret Service has stepped into the playground where the child=
ren have been playing and has confiscated the ball.

"Sarah, what shall we do?" David asks in a rigid monotone voice. "Can I hav=
e my piss now?" She asks. "What!" David bellows, confused. "Yes." Says the =
female agent.

Sarah stands in the middle of the room and then spreads her legs. Everyone =
watches and waits, "Sarah, what are you up to?" "Let her be Mr Little." Say=
s the male agent. Sarah begins to imagine that she is water. Her whole body=
begins to shudder, a warm feeling rushes all over her. She shuts her eyes,=
blocking everyone out of her vision and then starts to feel herself drifti=
ng. An image appears in her mind's eye, it is an ocean. It is large, larger=
than the planet. She can see her hands reaching out, drifting in front of =
her. They gradually vanish, become part of the other, part of the ocean. He=
r body relaxes and all the past and present tensions are now nothing but pr=
essure pressing against her bladder. She can feel all the pressure build up=
, like a dam, which is about to burst. Wanting to savour the moment, she ho=
lds back as long as possible, not wanting to let her liquid free just yet. =
Suddenly, trickles of urine escape her knickers and meander down her legs l=
ike the beginnings of a river finding its way down the face of a mountain. =
In her head, images of the sea crash against rocks of a coastal shore, a wa=
terfall gushing, cascading into a large river.

As far as Sarah is concerned there is no one else in the room and the Lab w=
ith all its contents, table and chairs have disappeared. Windows and walls =
do not exist now, only Sarah with her eyes closed in a momentary state of c=
ataleptic, inner frenzy. In her mind her body is dissolving, disappearing a=
nd becoming water. Everybody else in the room watches the private spectacle=
as Sarah's piss splashes onto the concrete, grey painted floor. After a fe=
w minutes Sarah opens her eyes and reenters, slowly rubbing her urinated, w=
et thighs up and down. She then kneels down into the puddle of piss and loo=
ks at her reflection. Her knee suddenly jerks and disperses her reflection =
and her face then disappears. She curls up into a ball on the floor in a fo=
etus position, immersed in her own urine.

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<DIV><FONT face="Courier New">Sarah's Reflection…</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face="Courier New"></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face="Courier New">"Think of this incident, us meeting here wi=
th you
as a call of nature. All of us from the MI5 collective are servers of natur=
e; we
all play a major role concerning this earth's cyclical, historical and
inter-genetic process of natural selection." She drinks up the last of the=

water, "hmm, that's better." She places the empty container on the table. "=
natural selection," she sensually licks at her red lips. The male agent not=
and smiles. Sarah begins to hug herself to keep warm, feeling a
chill.<BR><BR>"We are nature's pruners, doing our best to keep a sense of o=
on this ever pulsating, changing world. It is not easy, but someone's got t=
stop humanity from destroying itself and you are a part of that big problem=
Imagine everyone as cells, blood cells, everyone in this room and the whole=

world." Says the female agent. David and Sarah are silent, listening, tryin=
g to
imagine how the hell they both got themselves into this nightmarish
<P><FONT face="Courier New"></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face="Courier New" color=#000000 size=2>"Think of all of us =
as blood
cells fighting for space and territory. Think of all the conflicts that hav=
taken place through history and time. In a sense, it is normative for cells=
fight each other, but if one cell becomes too dominant, too powerful and ca=
instability in the process. Then it is a threat to the global community or =
community as a whole, when this happens it has to be eliminated. Of course =
intensive overall policing of incidents such as this, prevents unfortunate=

events as I have described from growing out of control." The female agent s=
talking and sits on the chair.<BR><BR>David places his hand over his face,=

fingers pressing against his cheeks. "Excuse me for not bothering to clap, =
sure your policy with us so called perpetrators and labeling all of us as b=
cells gives you a feeling of guiltless justification. If you actually think=
I'm going to take your diatribe seriously, the world is in trouble and it's=
us who are the dangerous one's, it's people like you." David laughs. "As yo=
wish. You are in a traumatic state and it is usual for perpetrators not to =
able to comprehend the information given during the experience of the first=

discourse." Says the female agent. "First?" David yells. "The first of many=
Little." Says the man agent. "I presume that you have been briefed in regar=
d to
Robert, your friend and our demands?" She says. "Yes." David and Sarah both=

answer. "Well, we are awaiting your decision, be swift or we will have to m=
your minds up for you." Says the female agent.<BR><BR>David turns towards S=
and places his hand gently on her shoulder. Her head tilts and rests
affectionately on his forehand. "Not much choice is there Sarah?" She does =
answer; she merely sighs. To others watching her, the sigh could be interpr=
as an expression of helplessness. They would be right, yet part of the sigh=
a sense of relief, a secret feeling of letting go. At last the responsibili=
ty of
the project and its future course has now been handed over to someone else.=
mother and father of all institutions, the Secret Service has stepped into =
playground where the children have been playing and has confiscated the
ball.<BR><BR>"Sarah, what shall we do?" David asks in a rigid monotone voic=
"Can I have my piss now?" She asks. "What!" David bellows, confused. "Yes."=
the female agent. <BR><BR>Sarah stands in the middle of the room and then=

spreads her legs. Everyone watches and waits, "Sarah, what are you up to?" =
her be Mr Little." Says the male agent. Sarah begins to imagine that she is=

water. Her whole body begins to shudder, a warm feeling rushes all over her=
. She
shuts her eyes, blocking everyone out of her vision and then starts to feel=

herself drifting. An image appears in her mind's eye, it is an ocean. It is=

large, larger than the planet. She can see her hands reaching out, drifting=
front of her. They gradually vanish, become part of the other, part of the=

ocean. Her body relaxes and all the past and present tensions are now nothi=
but pressure pressing against her bladder. She can feel all the pressure bu=
up, like a dam, which is about to burst. Wanting to savour the moment, she =
back as long as possible, not wanting to let her liquid free just yet. Sudd=
trickles of urine escape her knickers and meander down her legs like the
beginnings of a river finding its way down the face of a mountain. In her h=
images of the sea crash against rocks of a coastal shore, a waterfall gushi=
cascading into a large river.<BR><BR>As far as Sarah is concerned there is =
one else in the room and the Lab with all its contents, table and chairs ha=
disappeared. Windows and walls do not exist now, only Sarah with her eyes c=
in a momentary state of cataleptic, inner frenzy. In her mind her body is=

dissolving, disappearing and becoming water. Everybody else in the room wat=
the private spectacle as Sarah's piss splashes onto the concrete, grey pain=
floor. After a few minutes Sarah opens her eyes and reenters, slowly rubbin=
g her
urinated, wet thighs up and down. She then kneels down into the puddle of p=
and looks at her reflection. Her knee suddenly jerks and disperses her
reflection and her face then disappears. She curls up into a ball on the fl=
in a foetus position, immersed in her own urine.</FONT></P>
