Re: [thingist] Bush, Oil, "Born Again"-ism

Fukuyama: End of History, End of Humanity (Start of post-humanity)
Fact: Depletion of earth's natural resources
Fact: Empire
Fact: Collision crushdown of humanity with technology
Falwell: "There will never be peace in the middle east until the messiah
sits on David's throne." Bush is a dry drunk
Fact: BH's multiverse link (tres g2k)
Fact: BH has his head up his ass about g2k
Indian Greeting: "The place God resides in me honors the place God resides
in you."
Fact: has not taken responsibility for its petty derision of Max
Fact: Paul Wellstone is dead
Fact: If Republicans win the Senate next week Bush owns every branch of

Also to BH: Being the headmaster here, please describe in detail your
objections to the "packaging" of Genius 2000 that make it so unacceptable to
you. Any of you other big Thing honchos can take the option also. Of
course you don't have to. No one can force you to speak. I cannot, and it
is not my responsibility to try. It is my responsibility to ask.

Yet all your bullshit, all the GH crap, your sleazy coterie bullshit, thy
primping and preening, it's all on you.

Just so ya know.

Max Herman


ps–Let's suppose that this administration is, as a friend of mine from UK
who won't say openly because he only has a green card, the most corrupt and
criminal in history. Is fear of it ANY reason not to give it the merciless
finger, the wind up, and the lie e'en unto the throat? No.

>From: "Osney Mead" <osney\[email protected]>
>Reply-To: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: Re: [thingist] Bush, Oil, "Born Again"-ism
>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 23:40:03 +0000
>What the hell, I'll bite.
>Christians have been waiting for the end of the world since Jesus was
>walking on water. The apostles were a bit taken back when the man was
>executed; they figured he was going to set up something nice. Later, the
>same century, St. Paul mention's the end of world a number of times (not to
>beat a dead horse but St. John had a thing or two to say as well). There
>was even an early argument for perpetual virginity in vain hope that
>humanity would simply fade to black due to lack of interest in the
>pleasures of the flesh. But one shouldn't mistake passive desire with
>active pursuit. Traditionally, in conservative theology, finishing off the
>world is God's problem not ours (remember Noah?). GW may look forward to
>crossing the river Jordan but he'd be on shakey ground


, Max Herman

>From: "Max Herman" <[email protected]>
>Reply-To: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: Re: [thingist] Bush, Oil, "Born Again"-ism
>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 18:05:58 -0600
>I'm off to treatment but I'll take a crack at 'er when I get back.
>>From: Eryk Salvaggio <[email protected]>
>>Reply-To: [email protected]
>>To: [email protected]
>>Subject: [thingist] Bush, Oil, "Born Again"-ism
>>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 14:07:49 -0500
>>From Reuters, in a story concerning the gas mileage of new SUV's:
>>In a departure from past Bush administration concerns raised over the
>>safety of smaller vehicles that get better gasoline mileage, the report
>>said buying the most fuel-efficient vehicles would "help strengthen (U.S.)
>>national energy security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil."
>>The report also warns that buying the biggest gas-guzzling vehicles will
>>produce more greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, that trap heat in
>>the Earth's atmosphere.
>>"You can reduce your contribution to global warming by choosing a vehicle
>>with higher fuel economy," the report said.
>>The report's warning to fight global warming was a sharp contrast to
>>President Bush's prior statements that more study is needed on the causes
>>of global warming.
>>What's it mean? Anything?
>>Also heard on the radio last night, the author of the "Left Behind" series
>>[ a best seller- and he's also a head of that horrible xtian right
>>cultural council thing, George Bush has been to fund raisers for the guy
>>and all that shit, he's a big wig for Jesus's Secret Militia] talking
>>about how the apocalypse was going to come in our lifetime because Israel
>>had been re-established as a state, the UN was a "one world government",

That guy, the "Left Behind" dude, can go to hell. He's an idiot. It shows
what cracked pots fill the booth for Bush–the bottom of the barrel, the
worst people in this nation.

He cited the worlds lust for oil
>>as proof of the apocalypse but didn't [or couldn't] back it up with
>>anything biblically, but I guess it's a pretty well established idea for
>>these people. So there's another benefit to researching solar power; is
>>the Christian Right will be annoyed about how the apocalypse isn't coming.
>>After hearing this interview I realized why it's a dangerous thing to have
>>Bush, a born again christian, in office- born again Christians, by
>>definition, long for the end of the world.

James Watt, Reagan's Interior Minister (the guy who manages the land and
resources) said in a speech "Jesus is going to be angry if when he comes
back we haven't used up all the resources." So, start the real countdown to
hell in 1980, when Reagan's plan to sell arms to Iran if they helped him
steal the election from Carter (big fat fuckin illegal) succeeded. Who
would have believed that Iran-Contra could be true? An illegal war paid for
with illegal arms sales and illegal drug traffic, run by the highest levels
of government. Nobody busted, not even North. No one could have believed
it, but it did happen.

Compared to that, fake hijackings are one moist piece of cake.

For example, there's an organization trying to breed red
>>bulls in Israel so that they can slaughter it on some temple, fulfilling
>>another sign of the apocalypse. The next sign we'd see, this guy said,
>>would be for all the dead Christians to be resurrected and all the living
>>Christians would rise up in the air with Jesus and go to heaven [which is
>>up in the sky apparently] and all the rest of us would be left to contend
>>with the horrors of Armageddon.

The huge majority of people who do not believe this are incapable of winning
elections against those who do. Because BH don't dig the packaging, and
other shite reasons. Excuses and denial of Genius 2000 across the board.

He said this would be true of anyone who didn't accept
>>Christ as their savior. Anyway; while I'm not a big supporter of these
>>kinds of things, I wonder if there's any way of knowing whether having
>>elected a Born Again Christian to office means that we elected a guy who
>>wants to use his power to play his role as a good Christian and bring
>>about the end of the world [and 1000 years of peace for all Christians
>>after 7 years of tribulation] by helping with some wars that might help
>>out the old biblical prophecies.

My feeling is that Bush is a puppet, doesn't write any of his own speeches,
doesn't have anything that qualifies as a belief–just habits and obedience.
He was given the presidency–he didn't win it. The people who gave it to
him are, among others, the NRA and William Rehnquist. Lee Atwater, who
apologized on his deathbed for helping elect Bush Sr., had a role. What
those people did and do, is bring about the realization of their own
beliefs. Given power, they act in such a way that makes certain outcomes
real. What comes around goes around. They lack faith in human genius, fear
it, deride it, pursue and kill it, and look what happens–armageddon. Jesus
said: "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will
save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not
bring forth will destroy you."

Bush may not even know what he believes. He may just have some habits that
he likes. He may like to execute people, and be rich. But we must not
ignore the fact of birth, like in Tarkovsky's Solaris, of our thoughts into
reality. By denying the kingdom of human genius, slobbering in his palaces
and driving his slaves, Bush creates disaster, but thinks it is inevitable
fate. Because we do not counter him, he is our fate–his ignorance creates
our nightmare.

[Useless wars in the middle east help fulfill some
>>degree of prophecy I'd suppose?]

The US wants the oil, and to fuck up any chances of a big Islamic Federation
by any means necessary. There is no script from God, but his faction's
belief in such a script leads inevitably to the fruition in real human
history of that belief. Or else someone like the CIA or forces therein
planned 9-11 and IraqAttack for fun and fear-value. Either way. Same
difference. Genius 2000 has busted the twist, if that makes sense–cracked
the monolith. Now we only have to choose how long we wait to admit it, how
long we tribulate. "Choose the manner of your execution."

>>Pretty common for those with addictive personality types [we know Bush was
>>an alcoholic and probably drug user, and we know it runs in the family] to
>>embrace Christian Fundamentalism ["Jesus Christ is my favorite
>>philosopher"] and also to more susceptible to the blood rush that war
>>brings out in people.

If you thought this before reading the article,
congratulag2kations. You ain't no dipshit despite what Bosma loves to say.
I loved her picture in that one thing they posted recently. Funny how many
panelists cited nonsense-sites as their favorite.

It may seem kind of
>>likely that some recovering addicts can get hooked on self righteousness
>>or "the glory of god" to replace hard liquor or crack?

Dry drunks are self-righteous pricks who despise recovery and hide in rage
attacks, do not follow the twelve steps, and do not admit they are
alcoholics. They are white-knucklers who do as much psychic damage sober as
drunk. Their brains and cognition remain alcoholic. They relapse at the
drop of a hat. They might even be the antichrist, if you want my opinion.

Such pigs are an insult to God, as they recognize no Higher Power. I think
Bush is in fact indeed one such pig. His girls are both alkies. Something
in the genes, with enough money and favor not to pay the piper. A racist
component pertains here also–Noelle Bush should be a three-strikes-and-out
lifer, not in treatment, according to her own fucking dad's verbal vomitus.
Yes there is something very rotten in the States United, very very rotten.
Fatally septic.

Combined with the basically intertwined
>>destructive/self-destructive tendencies inherent in any addiction, and the
>>definite addictive connections that waging war has with adrenaline, it
>>seems likely that the psychological profile of GW Bush would have us on a
>>collision course with everyone's favorite biblical myth of Revelations, by

If God has cursed us with a president of this nature, it is not Bush Jr.'s
design but God's. Dick Cheney does not believe in G2K, know of it, or
realize that it can work. For Dick, Lulu is a big pain in the ass, a
threat, an enemy. For g2k he is not. Cheney is the really sick fucker;
he's probably only dry (if he is) because his heart is dying.

Factually the USA medicated itself from WW2 with huge quantities of alcohol.
Our 20th century is extremely alcoholic. Alcohol was the Paxil
(anti-anxiety medication) prior to Paxil. Alcohol had an enormous role in
slavery and the Civil War. The Indian Wars used much alcohol in many ways.
Booze informed the Great Depression, the Roaring 20's, and McCarthyism. KKK
= hella shine. The USA is a dry drunk. Now we use weed, ecstasy, crystal
meth, coke, absolut, and Prozac. We look dryer than we are.

>>Any takers on this one? Supporting evidence? Contradicting evidence?
>>Completely unlikely, or what?

No, I think you have hit a nice one into the gap, as is your wont with
frequency. You fucking bastard. Problem is, the only ones keeping score
(or thinking they're keeping score) are the dipshits at Thingist and the
Near-shits on Rhizome. And the election is one week away. And Paul
Wellstone is dead.


Max Herman
(ink on paper, summer 1983, Max Herman)

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