November on -empyre-

-empyre- takes pleasure in introducing our next guests and theme–

November 2002 - Virtual Construction

Please join us for a wide ranging discussion on the possibilities of virtual
construction as viral and pandemic with Joseph Nechvatal, electronic media
animator/painter/philosopher; and, later in the month, as identity and
network with Gregory Little, an electronic media artist whose art engages
issues of avatar and immersion.

Transmedia artist and philospher Joseph Nechvatal engages "viractuality"
(occasions where the virtual and the actual merge), and tests the grounds
for a technological and erotic aesthetic of virtuality. Electronic media
artist, writer and editor Gregory Little explores constructions of identity
in networked virtual environments as an artistic medium, while focusing on
issues related to consensual identity, avatars (avatara), being inside-out,
abjection, hierarchies and the "Body w/o Organs", and the post-human.

Viractualism with Joseph Nechvatal November 1-15 & Avatar Manifesos with
Gregory Little November 15 -30

join us at –empyre forum– <>

—> Dr. Joseph Nechvatal has worked with ubiquitous electronic visual
information and computer-robotics since 1986. Dr. Nechvatal earned his Ph.D.
in the philosophy of art and new technology with The Centre for Advanced
Inquiry in the Interactive Arts (CAiiA) . He served as Parisian editor for
rhizome between 1996-2001 and now writes regularly for The THING , NY ARTS
and Zing. He presently teaches Theories of Virtual Reality at the School of
Visual Arts in New York City. His computer-robotic assisted paintings and
computer animations are shown regularly in galleries and museums throughout
the world. From 1991-3 he worked as artist-in-resident at the Louis Pasteur
Atelier and the Saline Royale / Ledoux Foundation's computer
lab in Arbois, France on 'The Computer Virus Project': an experiment with
computer viruses as a creative stratagem. Dr. Nechvatal has exhibited his
work widely in Europe and the United States, both in private and public
venues. He is collected by the Los Angeles County Museum, the Moderna
Musset in Stockholm, Sweden and the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Dr.
Nechvatal's work was included in Documenta 8>. He is a founder of the Tellus
Audio Art Project ( and
served as conference coordinator for the 1st International CAiiA Research
Conference entitled "CONSCIOUSNESS REFRAMED: Art and Consciousness in the
Post-Biological Era" (5 & 6 July 1997); an international conference which
looked at new developments in art, science, technology and consciousness
which was held at the Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts,
University of Wales College, Newport, UK. (


—> Gregory Little is an electronic media artist working with philosophical
and theoretical issues related to the technologies of immersive virtual
reality, netart, and avatars; specifically with respect to issues of
identity, embodiment, and human sentience. He is currently Visiting
Assistant Professor of Digital Art at Bowling Green State University, USA;
and an associate editor for Intelligent Agent.

–watch for more on Greg Little at mid-November—-

Avatar Manifesto:
Presence and the AE:

Christina McPhee