Go ahead, Judge for yourself Max

From: "Max Herman" <[email protected]>
> They saved 750. 90 dead. I had the idea of gas even before they did.

Almost all the 117 hostages who were killed when Russian troops stormed a
Moscow theatre on Saturday died from gas poisoning, it has been admitted.
Only one of those held for three days by Chechen rebels died of gunshot
wounds, said Andrei Seltsovsky, chairman of the health committee of the city
of Moscow. Nearly 650 of the rescued hostages are still being treated for
gas poisoning in hospital. Dr Seltsovsky told a news conference that 150
were in intensive care, and 45 remained in a critical condition. Human
rights group Amnesty International is pressing for an independent inquiry to
reveal details of the gas used during the Russian military operation to end
the Moscow theatre siege. (BBC)

> What you said before–who knows. Judge for yourself.

Go ahead. Judge for yourself.