testing: Anningan



Flash 6

Speakers On

Anningan is a hypertext chat-bot, still in progress, still evolving; it explores the economies of presence and absence, obsession and affection, relation and distance, voyeurism and hatred, sex and death and love and madness…

This is a test version, still progressing…there are approcimately fifty small paragraphs of text to be read, and over twenty pages of code controlling the piece…each visit to Anningan is different; what you read depends on how you respond…

Please tell me how this is received…I've been working very hard on this piece for the last two months, and though it's incomplete it's in a state in which it can be shared and hopefully discussed. I need input to determine how the piece is working for others.



meditation, net art, poeisis: blog http://lewislacook.blogspot.com/

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