Final Tovarisch Residency at The Unstitute/CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS

Clear As Mud/Lustig Weil


7th March - 7th June 2013

The final residency in the Tovarisch series (2011-2013) was due to go online today, but unfortunately CAM (Clear As Mud) - the artists' collective once nominated for the prestidgous Beck's Futures art prize - have become insolvent and are now in receivership due to underproduction. That's a sign of the times, as they say.

The administrators Lustig Weil, (sole asset holders,) have very kindly and not at all in the fashion of a predatory finance group agreed to host the residency in order to help the artists reach their creative aspirations and to recover some debt.


Everyone and anyone is invited to submit an application and help restore Clear As Mud to the industry standard. Successful applicants will have their proposals hosted at The Unstitute at a very reasonable rate of interest and at no personal liability.

For more information, please email Gabba Griswold at [email protected]