Re: [thingist] State of the List

On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, voyd wrote:

> Filter.

Filters = buffers, yet I am not indicating that everyone
should read what I write. There is something called
self-restraint. Everyone receives many e-mails they have
no interest in: there is a delete button. 'Slamming the door'
and announcing it to all: especially accompanied with some
pose of self-importance is nonsense.

So is attempting censorship by indicating that someone 'causes'
intellectual fascism. Filtering is in fact running way.
Nobody 'provokes' intellectual fascism. That's really the grit.
There is no power in intellectual fascism, in exercising it,
or deluding oneself that there is power in it, or that one
may control others. It's an automatic (mechanical) (programmatic)
response to stimuli. What it can_ do is break humans to the point
where they cannot repair themselves however. Secondly, 'intellectual
fascism' while a phrase touching on what is going on is in reality
a mere gloss barely touching on the actual events as a lot more than
that goes on.

This is precisely what I address with pointing out that one needs
to deal with onesef first before 'attacking' others. Noncoincidentally
this is said over and over by many acknowledged masters, including sifi,
zen, and buddhism ones, but nobody pays heed, especially not among those
of 'young disposition' determined to 'make it'.

Among other things, those who don't knee-jerk and run away may hear
some 'reasonable' explanations–which far from being _teaching, are
designed to provide minor, yet sometimes essential assistance if one
hears them.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42


, D42 Kandinskij

On Tue, 22 Oct 2002, Max Herman wrote:

> Plus I think it would be nuts to say GH acted alone. That was in like March
> 2000. They let me come back on in 2001.

Just like Osama bin Laden didn't act alone. Which comes back to the
original point Max–that people need to be responsible for their own
psycho-sexual development. Consciousness is not beating up, destroying,
or manipulating asleep humans. Never has been, nor will it be.

And unfortunately your G2K is so far exactly that.
One big ape wanting to outbig the other apes.
Viva la revolucion. Max Herman is fighting the good fight.
There is no 'good fight' except for the 'fight' for consciousness.
You've tossed that chicken out of the window a long time ago:
and if that doesn't translate well for you,I'll spell it out:
you're hollow.

Maybe you could tell me what's WRONG about attempting to 'rally'
people or to control their psycho-sexual (belief) mechanisms?!

> But of course all nuts have hard shells and it's water under the Brooklyn
> Bridge.

You dearest, have one of the HARDEST shells I've ever run across.
This is what I was interested in originally–that you have a shell
thicker than most others–and all of your responses to me were
'sparring' in order to build up that shell.

You're nuttier than a whole army of nuts, and you're losing
your screws as you keep running about.

Not only that but you fancy that shell to be something worthy of
being 'proud of'.

Go wave that martyr-savior flag elsewhere.

Deal with yourself first before 'leading' others.

And don't you even think about attempting to ride what I'm
doing on thingist for your own ego agenda, lest your salad be
tossed from here to Mars.

I do not do what I do so that some happles jerk can peddle his
ego-driven propaganda.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, D42 Kandinskij

Bethany Bristow wrote:

> > I wonder if these types of disasters create a kind of local
> > self-absorption.

Certainly they do. So does 'social pressure'.
Each of those activities does nothing but cripple humans
and cause them to close up. Your advocation re: 'the scum
of this list' is similar to 'the scum of Americans' or
'the scum of Israelians' or pick any other 'scum' you please.
Social pressure is certainly the attempt by brute force
to overcome and crush the more sensitive + fragile areas
of consciousness–and that this is done to 'young-ones'
by 'veterans' like von Messiah here is absolutely criminal.

I been crippled when young. Now let me TEACH YOU.

The same applies to the throng of idiots who fancy themselves
'secretly' conscious, and this idiotic pervasive idea that
a human must be imprinted with very LOUD and FLATTENING external
impulses typically passed on as 'manners' and pseudo-peddling of
consciousness or 'idilogical' wars or else they are not conscious.

Nevermind the psychotic idiocy about the 'humanness of it all'.
There is a whole living, breathing, CONSCIOUS universe out there
and this is where your_ consciousness comes from and goes back to.
It is a voice that belongs to MANY not just of the human variety,
and it's absolutely psychotic to see you distort this to such
an astonishingly ignorant and egotistically selfish self-important
degree. Nevermind the idiocy that 'reality' can be manipulated.
Really? Well then, let me see you 'manipulate' wars out of existence
or the movement of the stars with the 'powers of your brains'.

All you can, and do do, is create idiotic verbal noise of a
pseudo-reality which you impose on your surroundings and attempt
to force it to conform to this agenda and when the human on the other
side has been beaten to death and has no more ability to maintain
conscious grasp on reality, you proceed to 'manipulate' their 'reality,'
that is after having broken the human you proceed to dictate to
the brain which drags out a lifeless corpse to its sad and pathetic
physical existence.

Amazing. And very artistic.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42