Spiral Jetty

dear List,

My sculptor pal, Stefanie Nagorka, and I are going out to find the
recently re-emergent Spiral Jetty on November 1st. If anyone has chanced
out there recently or in the not-too-distant past, and has some tips, we'd
appreciate any advice. Also: if anyone has any requests, I'm taking them
now. We'll be armed with various kinds of cameras, including digi-video.

We'll be making something or other out of this… transient sculpture,
video, documentation, etc…

til soon,


, joy garnett

actually: does anyone know anything about the Thiokol Space Propulsion
production (missile) facility in nearby Promontory, Utah?


, joy garnett

Happy New Year All,

I've been working on Spiral Jetty material since I got back from my trip
in early November. What can I say? I'm working on an essay; I've
just finished editing/burning an 11 minute DVD and have put together a web
page with images and links:


It's a cumulative thing.
Best wishes,