The War Against Imagination

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BlankThe War Against Imagination

A New 'Ouch Those Monkeys' Anthem for all to sing along to. Asking us

to try and reclaim back our imaginations, our minds, our souls, our

spirits, our own intentions and dreams. Kicking against the seemingly

never-ending cycle of state imposed infotainment and psychological

mutation of the self. We must fight this War against our Imaginations.

1. New Track by 'Ouch Those Monkeys' - The War Against Imagination

2.'Ouch Those Monkeys' - site

3. tracks from the 'Ouch Those Monkeys' first album 'Clammy & Deluded'

An Electro Punk-Darkwave experience offering a dynamic mixture of noise
& experimental music that incorporates an eclectic mix of electro pop,
punk angst, futurist dysfunction.

4. 'Ouch Those Monkeys' Here's Yer Money! A protest against the rulerz
of the world valuing profit (oil) over civilian lives…

An Internet based band who are exploring contemporary ideas, politics,

genetics, eugenics, false wars, separatism, isolation, institutional

control, mediation, infotainment, film culture, dysfunction, mutation,

post-humanism, cyber thought, plastic surgery, extropian dreams and the

wrath of insecure masculinity causing global carnage and its affect on

humanities' psyche.

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<DIV><STRONG>The War Against Imagination</STRONG></DIV>
<DIV>A New 'Ouch Those Monkeys' Anthem for all to sing along to. Asking us=

<DIV>to try and reclaim back our imaginations, our minds, our souls, our </=
<DIV>spirits, our own intentions and dreams. Kicking against the seemingly=

<DIV>never-ending cycle of state imposed infotainment and psychological </D=
<DIV>mutation of the self. We must fight this War against our
<DIV>1. New Track by 'Ouch Those Monkeys' - The War Against Imagination<BR>=
<DIV>2.'Ouch Those Monkeys' - site<BR><A
<DIV>3. tracks from the 'Ouch Those Monkeys' first album 'Clammy &amp;
<DIV>An Electro Punk-Darkwave experience offering a dynamic mixture of nois=
<BR>&amp; experimental music that incorporates an eclectic mix of electro p=
<BR>punk angst, futurist dysfunction.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>4. 'Ouch Those Monkeys' Here's Yer Money! A protest against the rulerz=

<BR>of the world valuing profit (oil) over civilian lives…<BR><A
<DIV>An Internet based band who are exploring contemporary ideas, politics,=

<DIV>genetics, eugenics, false wars, separatism, isolation, institutional <=
<DIV>control, mediation, infotainment, film culture, dysfunction, mutation,=

<DIV>post-humanism, cyber thought, plastic surgery, extropian dreams and th=
<DIV>wrath of insecure masculinity causing global carnage and its affect on=

<DIV>humanities' psyche. </DIV>



, D42 Kandinskij

On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, furtherfield wrote:

> An Electro Punk-Darkwave experience

Fake + drivel. The real electro-punk is out there not peddling for
art grants.

> offering a dynamic mixture of noise & experimental music
> that incorporates an eclectic mix of electro pop,
> punk angst, futurist dysfunction.

That stuff that plays in thousands of clubs on weekends.
Hey look–this monkey's going to make a career out of other
humans sincere efforts.

> 4. 'Ouch Those Monkeys' Here's Yer Money! A protest against the rulerz
> of the world valuing profit (oil) over civilian lives…

Yah–maybe start the war on your deluded imagination about
'rulerz of the world valuing profit over civilian lives'.

> An Internet based band who are exploring contemporary ideas, politics,
> genetics, eugenics, false wars, separatism, isolation, institutional
> control, mediation, infotainment, film culture, dysfunction, mutation,
> post-humanism, cyber thought, plastic surgery, extropian dreams and the
> wrath of insecure masculinity causing global carnage and its affect on
> humanities' psyche.

Yet another TG rip-off 'subversives'. The likes of your 'enlightened
kind' can be found by the thousands since the 1980s.

Lastly the 'wrath of masculinity' doesn't come at all from insecurity.