a very nice invitation from G2K

'It is OK to make Bush look BAD. Go do it, peeps. I'll clean up after

Consideration: In order to make Bush look bad, at least two things
must be done: an attempt to manipulate his 'image' and intention to make
him look BAD.

The 'image' is something produced by the human (ideally) under the
direction of its intent (core). It is indeed true that most humans
are way off balance and their images are dictated by outside sources,
however to attempt to manipulate another's image is to go against
the other's intent. In order to do that, one must step away from
one's OWN intent, as seeing that all manifestations were created
to co-exist harmoniously, the intent would never dictate to its
'subject' to manipulate or control another in any way. When one dances
to its intent, one is safe + protected + healthy. Stepping away from
intent is to cause damage to self.

To add even more damage, to wish to make someone look BAD requires
additional stepping away from intent (or individual Way) as well
as resonating harm. Seeing as how the 'universe' operates on principles
of sympathetic resonance, this all amounts to

Please step away from your intent.
Please wish for your own destruction.

And the real Nice Max G2K will helpfully–and with a smile
sweep the dust. Cause you know–what does he care? He knows that
Bush & the war is a sore topic and it's easy to get people riled up,
and that most are weak enough to succumb to Bush hate, so you will
serve the agenda of doing the dirty job for him, self-destruct,
and make 'him' look like a smart, leader-type guy.

Similary as he attempted to make 'me' force Blackhawk to comment on
G2K (forcing another human is stepping away from intent + debasing
onself to acting like an idiot, hence putting oneself to sleep instead of
staying conscious + additional stuff in this case because of my position).
When this was pointed out, he tried to attack. When given a chance not to
act like an asshole, and was treated in a civilized manner,he tried it
again, and when that failed, again he went back to attacking.

Similarly he attempts to exploit any other opportunity that arises,
typically tossing about programmatic abstract meaningless concepts such as
'saving the world' 'saving the human story' etc (as if the world=the

So what I want to know is why is max G2K attempting to abuse this
situation and instead of accounting for what he does pretend to play the
'misunderstood savior' shite? Also what does abuse of concepts of which
most humans (due to being in a state of asleep not anything else) have no
way of knowing has to do with 'saving the world'? Why does max G2K expect
expect asleep people to have capabilities of non-asleep people,
and if they don't attempts to make them out to be somehow inferior, bad,
stupid 'dunces' etc? Doesn't Max G2K the walking light savior of this
world know that most humans are not born awoken and that a state of sleep
is not an invitation for abuse? Why does Max G2k abuse heavy symbology
from poetry and words to misuse an asleep human's inability to understand
to lead him/her into traps? And while indeed he's not entirely insincere
as he believes his own propaganda, why does this person, who hasn't found
his OWN way fancy that it is qualified to lead others?!

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42