Time to Put an End to Saddamy!

Oh I believe Saddam murders by the grossest means his own people by the ten=
s of thousands. He has murdered people in neighbouring countries in the hun=
dreds of thousands. He does not just allow his people to starve – it is a =
deliberate method of governing. His Baathist organ is predominately Sunni M=
uslim which consists at its maximum, 25% of Iraq's population; thereby he t=
errorizes the other 75% consisting of Kurds and the majority Shi'ite Muslim=
s. His sons have carte blanche to rape any woman in the country. They have =
a particular enjoyment for snuff films.

For my part, I support regime change for Iraq. I do not support the status =

It is a certainty that Saddam would never have permitted UN Inspectors back=
to Iraq because it was the right thing to do. The credible threat to Sadda=
m's life and ambition was the inspiration for his "compliance."

No it is not okay to execute 100% of the people as enemies of the USA, It i=
s not okay to execute 50% of the people as enemies of the USA, nor 10%. The=
Iraqi people are not the enemy of the USA, nor does the USA regard them as=
the enemy. The enemy consists of several thousand Saddamites and I have no=
problem with 100% extermination of them, matter of fact I openly encourage=
their extermination (just so that it is not ambiguous – I mean kill them)=
. It would liberate the Iraqi people from an extraordinarily lethal oppress=
or. I am not prepared to permit Saddam and his Saddamites to continue to mu=
rder ten of thousands of more people. Are you?

I stand by the Iraqi dissidents who call for the elimination of the Saddami=
tes. I stand by the countless victims of the Saddamites who cry out for jus=

It is time to put an end to Saddamy!


From: Eryk Salvaggio
Oh, and I meant to ask; if Hussein had 100% approval in Iraq without coer=
sion, what does that prove? Like what does that mean, in your opinion? If i=
t's the truth, then it tells me that people aren't suffering as badly as yo=
u have said they were, and that the Iraqi people are living comfortably and=
safely, and that we should think twice about going into Iraq and replacing=
such a popular elected leader of a democracy.

I just don't trust it Wally; this is a really strange stance it seems lik=
e- that Hussein is a liar who murders his own people and allows them to sta=
rve, but that he has a 100% approval rating and that people are overjoyed w=
ith the opportunity to vote for him and tell it to all the television camer=
as. That's why I have to ask what you think it means. Do you think that if =
there is 100% support for Hussein in Iraq without the rigging of elections,=
then how is he a dictator? He's an elected official, I would think. If he =
has 100% support and is an enemy of the USA, is it okay to execute 100% of =
the people as enemies of the USA?

Wally Keeler wrote:

I saw the news. Western journalists were in Iraq providing "independent=
" observer status and reported no irregularities in the electoral stations.=
All of the voters eagerly stated to the news media that they voted YES for=
Saddam. No one was shot at. What evidence do you have to assert that there=
was not 100% turnout with 100% YES vote?
—– Original Message —–
From:Eryk Salvaggio
To: Wally Keeler
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 12:59 AM
Subject: Re: RHIZOME_RAW: Re: State Vigilantism: American Adventure P=

Just clarifying something here Wally- are you suggesting that the rea=
son Hussein got 100% of the vote is because there is 100% support for him i=
n Iraq, and not because he simply lied about the results? And secondly, do =
you think that anyone on the list is "in favor" of Saddam Hussein?

Wally Keeler wrote:

—– Original Message —–From: "Lewis LaCook" <[email protected]>
I'd hereby like to apologize to the citizens of the world for our
president here in America…he's not very bright, and most of us didn'telec=
t him…
It's unfortunate that you are not an Iraqi citizen because you wouldn't hav=
eto apologize for the brilliant Saddam Hussein who achieved a 100% votertur=
nout as well as a 100% approval rating. It is a reflection of the unityof p=
urpose of the Iraqi people, unlike the USAmerican people and theirinability=
to achieve amongst themselves such unity.+ perplex propaganda subtile inva=
sion ???-> post: [email protected]> questions: [email protected]> subscribe=
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