DIDO: Day In Day Out...

BlankDIDO - A shared Collective Consciousness with a difference.

All over the world people are invited to contribute to a collective global
You are invited to collaborate with us on building a chaotic and varied
picture of our collective lives. Your diary entries are archived here on the
DIDO website and then used as raw material for exhibitions, projections and
pasteup events, in the streets, various venues by furtherfield.org an
experimental net-art collective. Your diary entries may be passionate and
emotional, casual or purely factual. There are no rules!

Day In Day Out is a perpetual project… http://www.dido.uk.net/

Click anywhere below to view immediately various entries…

Felt quite proud today when a nurse came up and showed me the stone I'd
passed in my urine in the afternoon. The consultant when asked had gone into
raptures; you see Mrs Richards saw the scan. I have an outburst of strong,
positive energy then I fall asleep and dream I'm far away on a wooden
sailboat, lovely summer-day. Am I alone? Its getting harder to tell. Then I
remember pigeons and a metal Phoenix gathering around the signs on the bus
station going east (I wonder if Jasper Johns did a lot of flying too?) All
these exhausted people cannot arouse a sea of rage, they stumble, reading
and crying, the books are so heavy. I asked everyone if they knew where
Billy was today?

Selected venues/ one Net/One gallery space…

December 2000 - 01
Exhibition at Watermans Arts Centre, Brentford, London. This exhibition of
work by 5 artists featured on the furtherfield.org website, celebrated and
documented the first year of 'Day In Day Out', in which people from all over
the world contributed their personal histories to the DIDO collective diary.

August 2001
Featured Website - FILE 2001- Festival of Multimedia and Interactive works,
Sao Paulo, Brazil http://www.file.org.br/

Furtherfield.org is a non-profit organisation dedicated to exploring
alternative vistas of creativity in previously restricted territories,
liberating the hidden genius within us all to freely create in whatever
medium we choose for our own reasons, on our own terms. We declare our
intentions using the Internet, the streets, public events & public spaces.

We Can Make Our Own World