Joseph the Mountaian Sensei-Master

Atheletes develop strong bodies (practicioners of heiho), and if the
techniques and exercises of budo are practiced rigorously, a strong body
will develop just as does an athlethe's.

(Takes a look at joseph's body-right).

But budo is not heiho / athletics. Physical strength must never be used
in budo. Only ki is used. The strength of the human body is limited, the
power of ki is limitless. The use of ki cannot be taught, but it can be
learned by those who fight the battle within.

'Mountain' state is 'symbolic' of a zen-master state, that is one who has
conquered himself, all of his weaknesses and self-delusions, and has
overcome his human-ness.

Dogen you are not.

In fact Joseph's life-force is very small. He's rigid, inflexible, and
brutish. Secondly, Joseph lacks proper capability to orgasm which is
standard of asleep sexual force, and without such awakening there is no
development to a state of fluid, conscious and vital ki.

His idiotic and psychotic wishful thinking about my 'fear and hatred' of
him is little but the tactic of a cowardly dog who lacks power, and who
thinks that mental tricks would psyche-out his opponent, paired with
spasmodic twitching, and attempts to salvage his self-importance in
public. Nevermind that he fancies himself a percieved 'enemy'–even though
it has been made abundantly clear that nobody is attacking him.

The depiction of his state is simply a 'portrait'–and I paint it as is.

I neither like nor dislike Joseph, yet he's a useful example of the kind
of idiot who damages others, and who is unfortunately become the udulated
'hero' in the face of disappearance of proper spiritual traditions.

The other point of the portrait is this: that this kind of behavior is not
powerful, not knowledgeable, and not life. It is the behavior of a man who
is impotent to PERCEIVE so he must claw at the 'masks' of others. The
realization that one wears a mask is certainly one of the first steps
to conscious evolution. The next step is not 'dropping the mask and baring
your soul' however, and this psychotic trend is completely stupid.

The world proper (not human) is not short in Beings who'd love to feed
on human essense-energy (as it is one of the: purest energies), and one
is not given this essence so one may piss it away. The 'mask' is a
necessity–and the proper form of evolution is to SEE behind the mask
(which is quite feasible), for those for whom this is possible.

For the REST the soul which each human carries is to remain HIDDEN.
Nobody owes anybody to reveal, show and otherwise make available its
soul or any part of itself. It is a personal and private business. For
that matter, nobody owes not anybody ELSE not a whit of their privacy at
all. AT ALL.

When a human chooses to appear in public, in a responsible manner, it is
up to the individual human to determine how, to what extent, in what
manner, and how much of itself it is to reveal. In a situation of
responsible adults, anyone else would naturally simply feel honored
and blessed at another's presence–in whatever 'minimal' form it may be.

Critique is idiotic nonsense. One can either assist or not assist.
Those who can assist are very few–and while I'm not indicating
discouragement of seeking assistance, advice, help or conversations,
this posing of *I'm a shaman' *I'm influenced by Sufism* etc etc.
is drivel. One is neither a shaman, nor a sufi, nor a gnostic christian,
nor any of this stuff being thrown around if one is a. not awakened b.
not in direct contact with a 'school' or 'teacher' who is transmitting
energetic material (and Im not implying human teachers necessarily).

All else is kaput. Wishes, fantasies. 'Dreams'. While i am also not
discouraging anyone to pursue such interests, the achievement of such
'titles' are not trivial. They area pplicable to beings who HAVE done
work, who ARE awake / evolved, not just to any idiot who is 'fascinated
by' for whatever reasons-career, he saw another monkey do it,
self-aggrandizement, etc.

On the subjects of 'power' and 'knowledge' and Truth–they certainly
exist in an absolute sense, in fact your average human's 'existence'
is far more emphimeral than those. The reactionary knee-jerkisms
to the former two are thproughly revealing of many of the posters
egotistical, diseases, jealous, self-important natures, as well as of your
pathetic ignorance on such matters and their true nature.

Neither power nor knowledge are made available to egotistical
self-important twits who 'cling' to them as if they're property.
Power in particular would destroy any such imbecile.

Secondly, vital energy, vital strength and self-discipline are
a life-necessity for all humans. This is not brute force. This is not
aggression. Refusal to tolerate crap is not a 'clenched fist'–
never has been, nor will it be. The cultivation of ki in whatever form (I
am not advocating all run out and become japanese / chinese) is VITAL.

On THESE lists what the majority of posters do is debase others,
attempt to constrict and cut off ki circulation, and cripple any
human unfortunate enough to has started any sort of development.
This is all passed on under the guise of 'dialogue' 'discourse'
'critique' and hell–'performance art'.

A very large section of posters 'stay quiet' or form little 'elite groups'
where they stick together and defend each other, huddled in their sleep.
Rather the opposite of david blah's post, my presence can only be
threatening to idiots who want to pretend that they are 'important'
things they are not. And by the way his plea for anycopyright because he
wants to deface corporate logos, is driven by the same impulse that
causes one to 'claw' at masks–he wants appropriation of power that is not
his. Logos are in many aspects derived from 'shields' 'crests' and various
other similar 'masking' devices, and the REAL IMPULSE is to shatter the
shield. This is all good and fine if it were directed towards 'the
narcissistic mirror of self-reflection,' but in ever is. Cause the problem
is never with ONE, it's always somebody else's fault. Nevermind that this
gets transferred to the reproductive / fucking impulses and women are
forthe most part 'shields' or mirrors, so this murderous impulse gets
transferred to them.

Sanity is not expected however.

The kind of 'honesty' that you attempt to preach does not exist.
It's merely an attempt to SLOT humans and tag them with an easy label.
The pathetic weakness of an ape who cannot deal with reality, and seeks
security, which in turn manifests as psychotic control mechanisms.

What you want is not HONESTY. You want a flat, simple, predictable,
familiar IDENTITY with which the human is to IDENTIFY WITH. *Oh him
/ her*. The figured out human. The one with the 'personal quirks and
weaknesses' that somehow make him / her appear less threatening.
Certainly NOT one who doesn't HAVE any because that'll be a reminder
of your own state, and that one must work to overcome these things,
not pretend that they're ornamental jewelry. A weak and 'quirky'
human is controllable. Safe. Asleep. A strong, aware nd conscious
Being is not 'predictable'. Not 'controllable'. Never twice the same.
Never familiar. Connected to the source of knowledge, and to degrees
available to its being omniscient. Autonomous. And among other things
free. But that is not 'interesting'. A human victim twitching in its
trap–be it anger, or making a mistake due to sleep-state, attachment
and preferably DYING etc. is FAR MORE INTERESTING. Far from artistic
sensibility, intelligence, and talent, this kind of behavior is informed
by idiotic stupor and a morbid sado-masochistic pornographic murder
impulse. This does not come from one capable of genuinely enjoying Self,
Life, and others, and capable of creation.

The reality of the matter is that in FACT I am not wearing a mask in this
situation because I am capable of doing so in public for some periods of
time and protecting myself. What you are SCREAMINg about is that I AM NOT
A MASK. Because were I A MASK, and IDENTITY, you would know how to relate.
You'd know which holes to look for, and which buttons to push. What makes
'me' tick. The truly sad thing is that your so-elated 'human' contacts
are rarely joyous. You always seek to relate to another through its
'weakness' or 'pain'–and when you don't find any you're BENT on hurting
the other human in order to 'teach life'. Some of you even have the gal to
claim that they engage in this sadism 'out of compassion (Max Herman,
Peter von Brandenburg).' Compassion is the ability to transform another's
pain into 'love'–that is to heal. This is available to awakened
individuals mostly as well, although I've had the pleasure of encoyntering
some who doit unconsciously due to 'special' forces working through them.
Slapping people around like a butcher with flat stereotypical projections
is not 'compassionate'. Not only that but it strengthens the 'human'
masochistic impulse (hit me, I deserve it).

As is, when writing to 'me', you're screaming at a void, and projecting
all sort of imnecilities. You are not trying to UNMASK me. You are trying

And this my dearest 'all' is driven by ego. Nothing else.

So take a good look at yourselves.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42


, joseph mcelroy

My dad used to sing the "Tennessee Waltz" and "Rocky Top" until about the age
of 45, then he stopped. I was happy, I never liked his singing. Now I sort of
miss it.

Anybody up for a beer?


Quoting "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>:

> Atheletes develop strong bodies (practicioners of heiho), and if the
> techniques and exercises of budo are practiced rigorously, a strong body
> will develop just as does an athlethe's.
> (Takes a look at joseph's body-right).
> But budo is not heiho / athletics. Physical strength must never be used
> in budo. Only ki is used. The strength of the human body is limited, the
> power of ki is limitless. The use of ki cannot be taught, but it can be
> learned by those who fight the battle within.
> 'Mountain' state is 'symbolic' of a zen-master state, that is one who has
> conquered himself, all of his weaknesses and self-delusions, and has
> overcome his human-ness.
> Dogen you are not.
> In fact Joseph's life-force is very small. He's rigid, inflexible, and
> brutish. Secondly, Joseph lacks proper capability to orgasm which is
> standard of asleep sexual force, and without such awakening there is no
> development to a state of fluid, conscious and vital ki.
> His idiotic and psychotic wishful thinking about my 'fear and hatred' of
> him is little but the tactic of a cowardly dog who lacks power, and who
> thinks that mental tricks would psyche-out his opponent, paired with
> spasmodic twitching, and attempts to salvage his self-importance in
> public. Nevermind that he fancies himself a percieved 'enemy'–even though
> it has been made abundantly clear that nobody is attacking him.
> The depiction of his state is simply a 'portrait'–and I paint it as is.
> I neither like nor dislike Joseph, yet he's a useful example of the kind
> of idiot who damages others, and who is unfortunately become the udulated
> 'hero' in the face of disappearance of proper spiritual traditions.
> The other point of the portrait is this: that this kind of behavior is not
> powerful, not knowledgeable, and not life. It is the behavior of a man who
> is impotent to PERCEIVE so he must claw at the 'masks' of others. The
> realization that one wears a mask is certainly one of the first steps
> to conscious evolution. The next step is not 'dropping the mask and baring
> your soul' however, and this psychotic trend is completely stupid.
> The world proper (not human) is not short in Beings who'd love to feed
> on human essense-energy (as it is one of the: purest energies), and one
> is not given this essence so one may piss it away. The 'mask' is a
> necessity–and the proper form of evolution is to SEE behind the mask
> (which is quite feasible), for those for whom this is possible.
> For the REST the soul which each human carries is to remain HIDDEN.
> Nobody owes anybody to reveal, show and otherwise make available its
> soul or any part of itself. It is a personal and private business. For
> that matter, nobody owes not anybody ELSE not a whit of their privacy at
> all. AT ALL.
> When a human chooses to appear in public, in a responsible manner, it is
> up to the individual human to determine how, to what extent, in what
> manner, and how much of itself it is to reveal. In a situation of
> responsible adults, anyone else would naturally simply feel honored
> and blessed at another's presence–in whatever 'minimal' form it may be.
> Critique is idiotic nonsense. One can either assist or not assist.
> Those who can assist are very few–and while I'm not indicating
> discouragement of seeking assistance, advice, help or conversations,
> this posing of *I'm a shaman' *I'm influenced by Sufism* etc etc.
> is drivel. One is neither a shaman, nor a sufi, nor a gnostic christian,
> nor any of this stuff being thrown around if one is a. not awakened b.
> not in direct contact with a 'school' or 'teacher' who is transmitting
> energetic material (and Im not implying human teachers necessarily).
> All else is kaput. Wishes, fantasies. 'Dreams'. While i am also not
> discouraging anyone to pursue such interests, the achievement of such
> 'titles' are not trivial. They area pplicable to beings who HAVE done
> work, who ARE awake / evolved, not just to any idiot who is 'fascinated
> by' for whatever reasons-career, he saw another monkey do it,
> self-aggrandizement, etc.
> On the subjects of 'power' and 'knowledge' and Truth–they certainly
> exist in an absolute sense, in fact your average human's 'existence'
> is far more emphimeral than those. The reactionary knee-jerkisms
> to the former two are thproughly revealing of many of the posters
> egotistical, diseases, jealous, self-important natures, as well as of your
> pathetic ignorance on such matters and their true nature.
> Neither power nor knowledge are made available to egotistical
> self-important twits who 'cling' to them as if they're property.
> Power in particular would destroy any such imbecile.
> Secondly, vital energy, vital strength and self-discipline are
> a life-necessity for all humans. This is not brute force. This is not
> aggression. Refusal to tolerate crap is not a 'clenched fist'–
> never has been, nor will it be. The cultivation of ki in whatever form (I
> am not advocating all run out and become japanese / chinese) is VITAL.
> On THESE lists what the majority of posters do is debase others,
> attempt to constrict and cut off ki circulation, and cripple any
> human unfortunate enough to has started any sort of development.
> This is all passed on under the guise of 'dialogue' 'discourse'
> 'critique' and hell–'performance art'.
> A very large section of posters 'stay quiet' or form little 'elite groups'
> where they stick together and defend each other, huddled in their sleep.
> Rather the opposite of david blah's post, my presence can only be
> threatening to idiots who want to pretend that they are 'important'
> things they are not. And by the way his plea for anycopyright because he
> wants to deface corporate logos, is driven by the same impulse that
> causes one to 'claw' at masks–he wants appropriation of power that is not
> his. Logos are in many aspects derived from 'shields' 'crests' and various
> other similar 'masking' devices, and the REAL IMPULSE is to shatter the
> shield. This is all good and fine if it were directed towards 'the
> narcissistic mirror of self-reflection,' but in ever is. Cause the problem
> is never with ONE, it's always somebody else's fault. Nevermind that this
> gets transferred to the reproductive / fucking impulses and women are
> forthe most part 'shields' or mirrors, so this murderous impulse gets
> transferred to them.
> Sanity is not expected however.
> The kind of 'honesty' that you attempt to preach does not exist.
> It's merely an attempt to SLOT humans and tag them with an easy label.
> The pathetic weakness of an ape who cannot deal with reality, and seeks
> security, which in turn manifests as psychotic control mechanisms.
> What you want is not HONESTY. You want a flat, simple, predictable,
> familiar IDENTITY with which the human is to IDENTIFY WITH. *Oh him
> / her*. The figured out human. The one with the 'personal quirks and
> weaknesses' that somehow make him / her appear less threatening.
> Certainly NOT one who doesn't HAVE any because that'll be a reminder
> of your own state, and that one must work to overcome these things,
> not pretend that they're ornamental jewelry. A weak and 'quirky'
> human is controllable. Safe. Asleep. A strong, aware nd conscious
> Being is not 'predictable'. Not 'controllable'. Never twice the same.
> Never familiar. Connected to the source of knowledge, and to degrees
> available to its being omniscient. Autonomous. And among other things
> free. But that is not 'interesting'. A human victim twitching in its
> trap–be it anger, or making a mistake due to sleep-state, attachment
> and preferably DYING etc. is FAR MORE INTERESTING. Far from artistic
> sensibility, intelligence, and talent, this kind of behavior is informed
> by idiotic stupor and a morbid sado-masochistic pornographic murder
> impulse. This does not come from one capable of genuinely enjoying Self,
> Life, and others, and capable of creation.
> The reality of the matter is that in FACT I am not wearing a mask in this
> situation because I am capable of doing so in public for some periods of
> time and protecting myself. What you are SCREAMINg about is that I AM NOT
> A MASK. Because were I A MASK, and IDENTITY, you would know how to relate.
> You'd know which holes to look for, and which buttons to push. What makes
> 'me' tick. The truly sad thing is that your so-elated 'human' contacts
> are rarely joyous. You always seek to relate to another through its
> 'weakness' or 'pain'–and when you don't find any you're BENT on hurting
> the other human in order to 'teach life'. Some of you even have the gal to
> claim that they engage in this sadism 'out of compassion (Max Herman,
> Peter von Brandenburg).' Compassion is the ability to transform another's
> pain into 'love'–that is to heal. This is available to awakened
> individuals mostly as well, although I've had the pleasure of encoyntering
> some who doit unconsciously due to 'special' forces working through them.
> Slapping people around like a butcher with flat stereotypical projections
> is not 'compassionate'. Not only that but it strengthens the 'human'
> masochistic impulse (hit me, I deserve it).
> As is, when writing to 'me', you're screaming at a void, and projecting
> all sort of imnecilities. You are not trying to UNMASK me. You are trying
> to DICTATE A MASK TO ME. This is what you WANT. AN IDENTITY.
> And this my dearest 'all' is driven by ego. Nothing else.
> So take a good look at yourselves.
> `, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42
> ——————————————————————–
> t h i n g i s t
> message by "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>
> archive at
> info: send email to [email protected]
> and write "info thingist" in the message body
> ——————————————————————–

, Pall Thayer

Now you too can reach the same heights of existence as IID42 for the low low
price of $19.95… It only takes 8
minutes and it's fully guaranteed!

Get QUALIFIED today!

—– Original Message —–
From: "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 7:38 PM
Subject: RHIZOME_RAW: Joseph the Mountaian Sensei-Master

> Atheletes develop strong bodies (practicioners of heiho), and if the
> techniques and exercises of budo are practiced rigorously, a strong body
> will develop just as does an athlethe's.
> (Takes a look at joseph's body-right).
> But budo is not heiho / athletics. Physical strength must never be used
> in budo. Only ki is used. The strength of the human body is limited, the
> power of ki is limitless. The use of ki cannot be taught, but it can be
> learned by those who fight the battle within.
> 'Mountain' state is 'symbolic' of a zen-master state, that is one who has
> conquered himself, all of his weaknesses and self-delusions, and has
> overcome his human-ness.
> Dogen you are not.
> In fact Joseph's life-force is very small. He's rigid, inflexible, and
> brutish. Secondly, Joseph lacks proper capability to orgasm which is
> standard of asleep sexual force, and without such awakening there is no
> development to a state of fluid, conscious and vital ki.
> His idiotic and psychotic wishful thinking about my 'fear and hatred' of
> him is little but the tactic of a cowardly dog who lacks power, and who
> thinks that mental tricks would psyche-out his opponent, paired with
> spasmodic twitching, and attempts to salvage his self-importance in
> public. Nevermind that he fancies himself a percieved 'enemy'–even though
> it has been made abundantly clear that nobody is attacking him.
> The depiction of his state is simply a 'portrait'–and I paint it as is.
> I neither like nor dislike Joseph, yet he's a useful example of the kind
> of idiot who damages others, and who is unfortunately become the udulated
> 'hero' in the face of disappearance of proper spiritual traditions.
> The other point of the portrait is this: that this kind of behavior is not
> powerful, not knowledgeable, and not life. It is the behavior of a man who
> is impotent to PERCEIVE so he must claw at the 'masks' of others. The
> realization that one wears a mask is certainly one of the first steps
> to conscious evolution. The next step is not 'dropping the mask and baring
> your soul' however, and this psychotic trend is completely stupid.
> The world proper (not human) is not short in Beings who'd love to feed
> on human essense-energy (as it is one of the: purest energies), and one
> is not given this essence so one may piss it away. The 'mask' is a
> necessity–and the proper form of evolution is to SEE behind the mask
> (which is quite feasible), for those for whom this is possible.
> For the REST the soul which each human carries is to remain HIDDEN.
> Nobody owes anybody to reveal, show and otherwise make available its
> soul or any part of itself. It is a personal and private business. For
> that matter, nobody owes not anybody ELSE not a whit of their privacy at
> all. AT ALL.
> When a human chooses to appear in public, in a responsible manner, it is
> up to the individual human to determine how, to what extent, in what
> manner, and how much of itself it is to reveal. In a situation of
> responsible adults, anyone else would naturally simply feel honored
> and blessed at another's presence–in whatever 'minimal' form it may be.
> Critique is idiotic nonsense. One can either assist or not assist.
> Those who can assist are very few–and while I'm not indicating
> discouragement of seeking assistance, advice, help or conversations,
> this posing of *I'm a shaman' *I'm influenced by Sufism* etc etc.
> is drivel. One is neither a shaman, nor a sufi, nor a gnostic christian,
> nor any of this stuff being thrown around if one is a. not awakened b.
> not in direct contact with a 'school' or 'teacher' who is transmitting
> energetic material (and Im not implying human teachers necessarily).
> All else is kaput. Wishes, fantasies. 'Dreams'. While i am also not
> discouraging anyone to pursue such interests, the achievement of such
> 'titles' are not trivial. They area pplicable to beings who HAVE done
> work, who ARE awake / evolved, not just to any idiot who is 'fascinated
> by' for whatever reasons-career, he saw another monkey do it,
> self-aggrandizement, etc.
> On the subjects of 'power' and 'knowledge' and Truth–they certainly
> exist in an absolute sense, in fact your average human's 'existence'
> is far more emphimeral than those. The reactionary knee-jerkisms
> to the former two are thproughly revealing of many of the posters
> egotistical, diseases, jealous, self-important natures, as well as of your
> pathetic ignorance on such matters and their true nature.
> Neither power nor knowledge are made available to egotistical
> self-important twits who 'cling' to them as if they're property.
> Power in particular would destroy any such imbecile.
> Secondly, vital energy, vital strength and self-discipline are
> a life-necessity for all humans. This is not brute force. This is not
> aggression. Refusal to tolerate crap is not a 'clenched fist'–
> never has been, nor will it be. The cultivation of ki in whatever form (I
> am not advocating all run out and become japanese / chinese) is VITAL.
> On THESE lists what the majority of posters do is debase others,
> attempt to constrict and cut off ki circulation, and cripple any
> human unfortunate enough to has started any sort of development.
> This is all passed on under the guise of 'dialogue' 'discourse'
> 'critique' and hell–'performance art'.
> A very large section of posters 'stay quiet' or form little 'elite groups'
> where they stick together and defend each other, huddled in their sleep.
> Rather the opposite of david blah's post, my presence can only be
> threatening to idiots who want to pretend that they are 'important'
> things they are not. And by the way his plea for anycopyright because he
> wants to deface corporate logos, is driven by the same impulse that
> causes one to 'claw' at masks–he wants appropriation of power that is not
> his. Logos are in many aspects derived from 'shields' 'crests' and various
> other similar 'masking' devices, and the REAL IMPULSE is to shatter the
> shield. This is all good and fine if it were directed towards 'the
> narcissistic mirror of self-reflection,' but in ever is. Cause the problem
> is never with ONE, it's always somebody else's fault. Nevermind that this
> gets transferred to the reproductive / fucking impulses and women are
> forthe most part 'shields' or mirrors, so this murderous impulse gets
> transferred to them.
> Sanity is not expected however.
> The kind of 'honesty' that you attempt to preach does not exist.
> It's merely an attempt to SLOT humans and tag them with an easy label.
> The pathetic weakness of an ape who cannot deal with reality, and seeks
> security, which in turn manifests as psychotic control mechanisms.
> What you want is not HONESTY. You want a flat, simple, predictable,
> familiar IDENTITY with which the human is to IDENTIFY WITH. *Oh him
> / her*. The figured out human. The one with the 'personal quirks and
> weaknesses' that somehow make him / her appear less threatening.
> Certainly NOT one who doesn't HAVE any because that'll be a reminder
> of your own state, and that one must work to overcome these things,
> not pretend that they're ornamental jewelry. A weak and 'quirky'
> human is controllable. Safe. Asleep. A strong, aware nd conscious
> Being is not 'predictable'. Not 'controllable'. Never twice the same.
> Never familiar. Connected to the source of knowledge, and to degrees
> available to its being omniscient. Autonomous. And among other things
> free. But that is not 'interesting'. A human victim twitching in its
> trap–be it anger, or making a mistake due to sleep-state, attachment
> and preferably DYING etc. is FAR MORE INTERESTING. Far from artistic
> sensibility, intelligence, and talent, this kind of behavior is informed
> by idiotic stupor and a morbid sado-masochistic pornographic murder
> impulse. This does not come from one capable of genuinely enjoying Self,
> Life, and others, and capable of creation.
> The reality of the matter is that in FACT I am not wearing a mask in this
> situation because I am capable of doing so in public for some periods of
> time and protecting myself. What you are SCREAMINg about is that I AM NOT
> A MASK. Because were I A MASK, and IDENTITY, you would know how to relate.
> You'd know which holes to look for, and which buttons to push. What makes
> 'me' tick. The truly sad thing is that your so-elated 'human' contacts
> are rarely joyous. You always seek to relate to another through its
> 'weakness' or 'pain'–and when you don't find any you're BENT on hurting
> the other human in order to 'teach life'. Some of you even have the gal to
> claim that they engage in this sadism 'out of compassion (Max Herman,
> Peter von Brandenburg).' Compassion is the ability to transform another's
> pain into 'love'–that is to heal. This is available to awakened
> individuals mostly as well, although I've had the pleasure of encoyntering
> some who doit unconsciously due to 'special' forces working through them.
> Slapping people around like a butcher with flat stereotypical projections
> is not 'compassionate'. Not only that but it strengthens the 'human'
> masochistic impulse (hit me, I deserve it).
> As is, when writing to 'me', you're screaming at a void, and projecting
> all sort of imnecilities. You are not trying to UNMASK me. You are trying
> to DICTATE A MASK TO ME. This is what you WANT. AN IDENTITY.
> And this my dearest 'all' is driven by ego. Nothing else.
> So take a good look at yourselves.
> `, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42
> + don't be cool
> -> post: [email protected]
> -> questions: [email protected]
> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
> -> give:
> +
> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the
> Membership Agreement available online at

, D42 Kandinskij

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 [email protected] wrote:

> My dad used to sing the "Tennessee Waltz" and "Rocky Top" until about the age
> of 45, then he stopped. I was happy, I never liked his singing. Now I sort of
> miss it.
> Anybody up for a beer?

Any more meaningless drivel?

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, D42 Kandinskij

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Pall Thayer wrote:

> Now you too can reach the same heights of existence as IID42 for the low low
> price of $19.95… It only takes 8
> minutes and it's fully guaranteed!

No really Palle. This hasn't got anything to do with what I am doing.
Your murderous idiotic debasing impulses are not reflective of anything
besides your pathetic state.

> Get QUALIFIED today!

Yes, one has to be qualified before fucking around with humans.
Yes, there are quite objective laws by which the value of humans
can be judged.

Yes, one needs to have the inner and outer achievement
before one can claim grandiose titles like Shaman, Zen monk,
Sufi-influenced, etc. for oneself.

This 'fashionable' pathetic posing in order to pad one's ego
and the priorly mentioned attempts of every joe-schmoe to fill
in the 'empty' shoes of what was pastly-relevant as spiritual
tradition is not amusing, nor is it harmless.

I am not here to 'elevate' anyone to my state.
This is everyone's own responsibility.

As for your childish idiocy, shove it up your arse.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, D42 Kandinskij

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Pall Thayer wrote:

> Well Mr. Sofa-influenced, Zen monkey Shame-man,

You're talking about yourself, idiot.

> When I need elevating I'll wear platform shoes.

Nobody is talking about elevation here besides you.

> Do you seriously think that people want to be like you?

I don't think. And I certainly have no desires to see
anyone 'be like me'. Your myopic vhildish knee-jerks
are inapplicable.

> And you claim not to have an ego, hehe.

I don't claim it baby. I don't have it.
How does it work that you attempt your ego-driven impulses
and then it's a proof of my ego, luv?

> What in the world is wrong with having an ego?

Lots, but that's not a conversation YOU are suited for.

> Sorry but I think you let the wrong people screw around with your brain.

Sorry but nobody has 'screwed with my brain'.
The only one with the 'screwed up brain'
and murderous idiotic impulses to boot here is you.

, David Goldschmidt

> The reality of the matter is that in FACT I am not wearing a mask in this
> situation because I am capable of doing so in public for some periods of
> time and protecting myself.

how sad that you must wear a mask in public … you are a coward and you
live in fear.

david goldschmidt

—– Original Message —–
From: "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 10:38 PM
Subject: RHIZOME_RAW: Joseph the Mountaian Sensei-Master

> Atheletes develop strong bodies (practicioners of heiho), and if the
> techniques and exercises of budo are practiced rigorously, a strong body
> will develop just as does an athlethe's.
> (Takes a look at joseph's body-right).
> But budo is not heiho / athletics. Physical strength must never be used
> in budo. Only ki is used. The strength of the human body is limited, the
> power of ki is limitless. The use of ki cannot be taught, but it can be
> learned by those who fight the battle within.
> 'Mountain' state is 'symbolic' of a zen-master state, that is one who has
> conquered himself, all of his weaknesses and self-delusions, and has
> overcome his human-ness.
> Dogen you are not.
> In fact Joseph's life-force is very small. He's rigid, inflexible, and
> brutish. Secondly, Joseph lacks proper capability to orgasm which is
> standard of asleep sexual force, and without such awakening there is no
> development to a state of fluid, conscious and vital ki.
> His idiotic and psychotic wishful thinking about my 'fear and hatred' of
> him is little but the tactic of a cowardly dog who lacks power, and who
> thinks that mental tricks would psyche-out his opponent, paired with
> spasmodic twitching, and attempts to salvage his self-importance in
> public. Nevermind that he fancies himself a percieved 'enemy'–even though
> it has been made abundantly clear that nobody is attacking him.
> The depiction of his state is simply a 'portrait'–and I paint it as is.
> I neither like nor dislike Joseph, yet he's a useful example of the kind
> of idiot who damages others, and who is unfortunately become the udulated
> 'hero' in the face of disappearance of proper spiritual traditions.
> The other point of the portrait is this: that this kind of behavior is not
> powerful, not knowledgeable, and not life. It is the behavior of a man who
> is impotent to PERCEIVE so he must claw at the 'masks' of others. The
> realization that one wears a mask is certainly one of the first steps
> to conscious evolution. The next step is not 'dropping the mask and baring
> your soul' however, and this psychotic trend is completely stupid.
> The world proper (not human) is not short in Beings who'd love to feed
> on human essense-energy (as it is one of the: purest energies), and one
> is not given this essence so one may piss it away. The 'mask' is a
> necessity–and the proper form of evolution is to SEE behind the mask
> (which is quite feasible), for those for whom this is possible.
> For the REST the soul which each human carries is to remain HIDDEN.
> Nobody owes anybody to reveal, show and otherwise make available its
> soul or any part of itself. It is a personal and private business. For
> that matter, nobody owes not anybody ELSE not a whit of their privacy at
> all. AT ALL.
> When a human chooses to appear in public, in a responsible manner, it is
> up to the individual human to determine how, to what extent, in what
> manner, and how much of itself it is to reveal. In a situation of
> responsible adults, anyone else would naturally simply feel honored
> and blessed at another's presence–in whatever 'minimal' form it may be.
> Critique is idiotic nonsense. One can either assist or not assist.
> Those who can assist are very few–and while I'm not indicating
> discouragement of seeking assistance, advice, help or conversations,
> this posing of *I'm a shaman' *I'm influenced by Sufism* etc etc.
> is drivel. One is neither a shaman, nor a sufi, nor a gnostic christian,
> nor any of this stuff being thrown around if one is a. not awakened b.
> not in direct contact with a 'school' or 'teacher' who is transmitting
> energetic material (and Im not implying human teachers necessarily).
> All else is kaput. Wishes, fantasies. 'Dreams'. While i am also not
> discouraging anyone to pursue such interests, the achievement of such
> 'titles' are not trivial. They area pplicable to beings who HAVE done
> work, who ARE awake / evolved, not just to any idiot who is 'fascinated
> by' for whatever reasons-career, he saw another monkey do it,
> self-aggrandizement, etc.
> On the subjects of 'power' and 'knowledge' and Truth–they certainly
> exist in an absolute sense, in fact your average human's 'existence'
> is far more emphimeral than those. The reactionary knee-jerkisms
> to the former two are thproughly revealing of many of the posters
> egotistical, diseases, jealous, self-important natures, as well as of your
> pathetic ignorance on such matters and their true nature.
> Neither power nor knowledge are made available to egotistical
> self-important twits who 'cling' to them as if they're property.
> Power in particular would destroy any such imbecile.
> Secondly, vital energy, vital strength and self-discipline are
> a life-necessity for all humans. This is not brute force. This is not
> aggression. Refusal to tolerate crap is not a 'clenched fist'–
> never has been, nor will it be. The cultivation of ki in whatever form (I
> am not advocating all run out and become japanese / chinese) is VITAL.
> On THESE lists what the majority of posters do is debase others,
> attempt to constrict and cut off ki circulation, and cripple any
> human unfortunate enough to has started any sort of development.
> This is all passed on under the guise of 'dialogue' 'discourse'
> 'critique' and hell–'performance art'.
> A very large section of posters 'stay quiet' or form little 'elite groups'
> where they stick together and defend each other, huddled in their sleep.
> Rather the opposite of david blah's post, my presence can only be
> threatening to idiots who want to pretend that they are 'important'
> things they are not. And by the way his plea for anycopyright because he
> wants to deface corporate logos, is driven by the same impulse that
> causes one to 'claw' at masks–he wants appropriation of power that is not
> his. Logos are in many aspects derived from 'shields' 'crests' and various
> other similar 'masking' devices, and the REAL IMPULSE is to shatter the
> shield. This is all good and fine if it were directed towards 'the
> narcissistic mirror of self-reflection,' but in ever is. Cause the problem
> is never with ONE, it's always somebody else's fault. Nevermind that this
> gets transferred to the reproductive / fucking impulses and women are
> forthe most part 'shields' or mirrors, so this murderous impulse gets
> transferred to them.
> Sanity is not expected however.
> The kind of 'honesty' that you attempt to preach does not exist.
> It's merely an attempt to SLOT humans and tag them with an easy label.
> The pathetic weakness of an ape who cannot deal with reality, and seeks
> security, which in turn manifests as psychotic control mechanisms.
> What you want is not HONESTY. You want a flat, simple, predictable,
> familiar IDENTITY with which the human is to IDENTIFY WITH. *Oh him
> / her*. The figured out human. The one with the 'personal quirks and
> weaknesses' that somehow make him / her appear less threatening.
> Certainly NOT one who doesn't HAVE any because that'll be a reminder
> of your own state, and that one must work to overcome these things,
> not pretend that they're ornamental jewelry. A weak and 'quirky'
> human is controllable. Safe. Asleep. A strong, aware nd conscious
> Being is not 'predictable'. Not 'controllable'. Never twice the same.
> Never familiar. Connected to the source of knowledge, and to degrees
> available to its being omniscient. Autonomous. And among other things
> free. But that is not 'interesting'. A human victim twitching in its
> trap–be it anger, or making a mistake due to sleep-state, attachment
> and preferably DYING etc. is FAR MORE INTERESTING. Far from artistic
> sensibility, intelligence, and talent, this kind of behavior is informed
> by idiotic stupor and a morbid sado-masochistic pornographic murder
> impulse. This does not come from one capable of genuinely enjoying Self,
> Life, and others, and capable of creation.
> The reality of the matter is that in FACT I am not wearing a mask in this
> situation because I am capable of doing so in public for some periods of
> time and protecting myself. What you are SCREAMINg about is that I AM NOT
> A MASK. Because were I A MASK, and IDENTITY, you would know how to relate.
> You'd know which holes to look for, and which buttons to push. What makes
> 'me' tick. The truly sad thing is that your so-elated 'human' contacts
> are rarely joyous. You always seek to relate to another through its
> 'weakness' or 'pain'–and when you don't find any you're BENT on hurting
> the other human in order to 'teach life'. Some of you even have the gal to
> claim that they engage in this sadism 'out of compassion (Max Herman,
> Peter von Brandenburg).' Compassion is the ability to transform another's
> pain into 'love'–that is to heal. This is available to awakened
> individuals mostly as well, although I've had the pleasure of encoyntering
> some who doit unconsciously due to 'special' forces working through them.
> Slapping people around like a butcher with flat stereotypical projections
> is not 'compassionate'. Not only that but it strengthens the 'human'
> masochistic impulse (hit me, I deserve it).
> As is, when writing to 'me', you're screaming at a void, and projecting
> all sort of imnecilities. You are not trying to UNMASK me. You are trying
> to DICTATE A MASK TO ME. This is what you WANT. AN IDENTITY.
> And this my dearest 'all' is driven by ego. Nothing else.
> So take a good look at yourselves.
> `, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42
> + don't be cool
> -> post: [email protected]
> -> questions: [email protected]
> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
> -> give:
> +
> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the
> Membership Agreement available online at

, D42 Kandinskij

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, David Goldschmidt wrote:
> how sad that you must wear a mask in public … you are a coward and you
> live in fear.

There is nothing 'sad' or 'cowardly' about wearing masks.
Masks are a proper funmction of the human being.
You are in fact wearing one as you speak.
Your obliviousness of it–now that cold be considered 'sad'.

, D42 Kandinskij

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, David Goldschmidt wrote:

> how sad that you must wear a mask in public … you are a coward and you
> live in fear.

addendum: crests of all forms (and hence brandmarks and logos)
are such 'expressions' of the mask
rather than expressive of cowardice and fear they are in fact
protective, and symbols of female (don't get bent out of shape
with idiotic misinterpretations about biological gender now)
male-female power

as for your myopic wishful knee-jerk apropos fear,
I lack the capacity to experience that sensation

I couldn't 'live in fear' if I tried.
Try passing judgement when you have a clue about anything.

, joseph mcelroy

> "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>

> My dad used to sing the "Tennessee Waltz" and "Rocky Top" until about the age > of 45, then he stopped. I was happy, I never liked his singing. Now I sort of > miss it.

> Anybody up for a beer?

>Any more meaningless drivel?

Life is suffering and we must accept that.


, Henrique Antoun

Well, now we know that there are human being and that they had
proper functions. Not bad at all to a fake Kandinskij.

On 16 Oct 2002 at 19:27, -IID42 Kandinskij @27+ wrote:

> Masks are a proper funmction of the human being.

- - ///
( @ @ )
+The Fourth World———oOOo-(_)-oOOo—–War Has Beginned+
|Make Love! Fuck Motion Pictures Association of America! |
|Internet: a war machine escaped from the army's control |
+[email protected]+
oooO ( )
( ) ) /
( (_/

, D42 Kandinskij

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, joseph mcelroy wrote:

> Life is suffering and we must accept that.

That would truly be drivel indeed.

However your 'logical' conclusion
that all is peachy, that you are not suffering,
and that you're a born Buddha and don't have to work is

All you are is numb to your suffering.

, D42 Kandinskij

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Litlehan$ wrote:

> Well, now we know that there are human being and that they had
> proper functions. Not bad at all to a fake Kandinskij.

Hardly. Nothing fake about me, love.

Your tight-assed comment is simply drivel.

, David Goldschmidt

i am myself
online and offline

you fear revealing your [true] self in public (and YOU should). i strongly
advise you to keep your mask ON becasue if anyone ever met your [true] self
… they'd beat the fuck out of you.

you are a coward

david goldchmidt

—– Original Message —–
From: "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>
To: "David Goldschmidt" <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: RHIZOME_RAW: Joseph the Mountaian Sensei-Master

> On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, David Goldschmidt wrote:
> > how sad that you must wear a mask in public … you are a coward and you
> > live in fear.
> There is nothing 'sad' or 'cowardly' about wearing masks.
> Masks are a proper funmction of the human being.
> You are in fact wearing one as you speak.
> Your obliviousness of it–now that cold be considered 'sad'.

, David Goldschmidt

> On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, David Goldschmidt wrote:
> > how sad that you must wear a mask in public … you are a coward and you
> > live in fear.
Karei wrote
> addendum:

you are not capable of having a second thought

david goldschmidt

, David Goldschmidt

karei wrote

> 'Mountain' state is 'symbolic' of a zen-master state, that is one who has
> conquered himself, all of his weaknesses and self-delusions, and has
> overcome his human-ness.

being human is not a flaw. humans are perfectly human.

the goal is enlightenment.

the goal is NOT a state of inhumaness, un-human, post human (or whatever it
is you think you are)

stop appropriating eastern philosophy. you are not qualified to interpret
or teach anything you may have [mis]read.

david goldschmidt

> Dogen you are not.
> In fact Joseph's life-force is very small. He's rigid, inflexible, and
> brutish. Secondly, Joseph lacks proper capability to orgasm which is
> standard of asleep sexual force, and without such awakening there is no
> development to a state of fluid, conscious and vital ki.
> His idiotic and psychotic wishful thinking about my 'fear and hatred' of
> him is little but the tactic of a cowardly dog who lacks power, and who
> thinks that mental tricks would psyche-out his opponent, paired with
> spasmodic twitching, and attempts to salvage his self-importance in
> public. Nevermind that he fancies himself a percieved 'enemy'–even though
> it has been made abundantly clear that nobody is attacking him.
> The depiction of his state is simply a 'portrait'–and I paint it as is.
> I neither like nor dislike Joseph, yet he's a useful example of the kind
> of idiot who damages others, and who is unfortunately become the udulated
> 'hero' in the face of disappearance of proper spiritual traditions.
> The other point of the portrait is this: that this kind of behavior is not
> powerful, not knowledgeable, and not life. It is the behavior of a man who
> is impotent to PERCEIVE so he must claw at the 'masks' of others. The
> realization that one wears a mask is certainly one of the first steps
> to conscious evolution. The next step is not 'dropping the mask and baring
> your soul' however, and this psychotic trend is completely stupid.
> The world proper (not human) is not short in Beings who'd love to feed
> on human essense-energy (as it is one of the: purest energies), and one
> is not given this essence so one may piss it away. The 'mask' is a
> necessity–and the proper form of evolution is to SEE behind the mask
> (which is quite feasible), for those for whom this is possible.
> For the REST the soul which each human carries is to remain HIDDEN.
> Nobody owes anybody to reveal, show and otherwise make available its
> soul or any part of itself. It is a personal and private business. For
> that matter, nobody owes not anybody ELSE not a whit of their privacy at
> all. AT ALL.
> When a human chooses to appear in public, in a responsible manner, it is
> up to the individual human to determine how, to what extent, in what
> manner, and how much of itself it is to reveal. In a situation of
> responsible adults, anyone else would naturally simply feel honored
> and blessed at another's presence–in whatever 'minimal' form it may be.
> Critique is idiotic nonsense. One can either assist or not assist.
> Those who can assist are very few–and while I'm not indicating
> discouragement of seeking assistance, advice, help or conversations,
> this posing of *I'm a shaman' *I'm influenced by Sufism* etc etc.
> is drivel. One is neither a shaman, nor a sufi, nor a gnostic christian,
> nor any of this stuff being thrown around if one is a. not awakened b.
> not in direct contact with a 'school' or 'teacher' who is transmitting
> energetic material (and Im not implying human teachers necessarily).
> All else is kaput. Wishes, fantasies. 'Dreams'. While i am also not
> discouraging anyone to pursue such interests, the achievement of such
> 'titles' are not trivial. They area pplicable to beings who HAVE done
> work, who ARE awake / evolved, not just to any idiot who is 'fascinated
> by' for whatever reasons-career, he saw another monkey do it,
> self-aggrandizement, etc.
> On the subjects of 'power' and 'knowledge' and Truth–they certainly
> exist in an absolute sense, in fact your average human's 'existence'
> is far more emphimeral than those. The reactionary knee-jerkisms
> to the former two are thproughly revealing of many of the posters
> egotistical, diseases, jealous, self-important natures, as well as of your
> pathetic ignorance on such matters and their true nature.
> Neither power nor knowledge are made available to egotistical
> self-important twits who 'cling' to them as if they're property.
> Power in particular would destroy any such imbecile.
> Secondly, vital energy, vital strength and self-discipline are
> a life-necessity for all humans. This is not brute force. This is not
> aggression. Refusal to tolerate crap is not a 'clenched fist'–
> never has been, nor will it be. The cultivation of ki in whatever form (I
> am not advocating all run out and become japanese / chinese) is VITAL.
> On THESE lists what the majority of posters do is debase others,
> attempt to constrict and cut off ki circulation, and cripple any
> human unfortunate enough to has started any sort of development.
> This is all passed on under the guise of 'dialogue' 'discourse'
> 'critique' and hell–'performance art'.
> A very large section of posters 'stay quiet' or form little 'elite groups'
> where they stick together and defend each other, huddled in their sleep.
> Rather the opposite of david blah's post, my presence can only be
> threatening to idiots who want to pretend that they are 'important'
> things they are not. And by the way his plea for anycopyright because he
> wants to deface corporate logos, is driven by the same impulse that
> causes one to 'claw' at masks–he wants appropriation of power that is not
> his. Logos are in many aspects derived from 'shields' 'crests' and various
> other similar 'masking' devices, and the REAL IMPULSE is to shatter the
> shield. This is all good and fine if it were directed towards 'the
> narcissistic mirror of self-reflection,' but in ever is. Cause the problem
> is never with ONE, it's always somebody else's fault. Nevermind that this
> gets transferred to the reproductive / fucking impulses and women are
> forthe most part 'shields' or mirrors, so this murderous impulse gets
> transferred to them.
> Sanity is not expected however.
> The kind of 'honesty' that you attempt to preach does not exist.
> It's merely an attempt to SLOT humans and tag them with an easy label.
> The pathetic weakness of an ape who cannot deal with reality, and seeks
> security, which in turn manifests as psychotic control mechanisms.
> What you want is not HONESTY. You want a flat, simple, predictable,
> familiar IDENTITY with which the human is to IDENTIFY WITH. *Oh him
> / her*. The figured out human. The one with the 'personal quirks and
> weaknesses' that somehow make him / her appear less threatening.
> Certainly NOT one who doesn't HAVE any because that'll be a reminder
> of your own state, and that one must work to overcome these things,
> not pretend that they're ornamental jewelry. A weak and 'quirky'
> human is controllable. Safe. Asleep. A strong, aware nd conscious
> Being is not 'predictable'. Not 'controllable'. Never twice the same.
> Never familiar. Connected to the source of knowledge, and to degrees
> available to its being omniscient. Autonomous. And among other things
> free. But that is not 'interesting'. A human victim twitching in its
> trap–be it anger, or making a mistake due to sleep-state, attachment
> and preferably DYING etc. is FAR MORE INTERESTING. Far from artistic
> sensibility, intelligence, and talent, this kind of behavior is informed
> by idiotic stupor and a morbid sado-masochistic pornographic murder
> impulse. This does not come from one capable of genuinely enjoying Self,
> Life, and others, and capable of creation.
> The reality of the matter is that in FACT I am not wearing a mask in this
> situation because I am capable of doing so in public for some periods of
> time and protecting myself. What you are SCREAMINg about is that I AM NOT
> A MASK. Because were I A MASK, and IDENTITY, you would know how to relate.
> You'd know which holes to look for, and which buttons to push. What makes
> 'me' tick. The truly sad thing is that your so-elated 'human' contacts
> are rarely joyous. You always seek to relate to another through its
> 'weakness' or 'pain'–and when you don't find any you're BENT on hurting
> the other human in order to 'teach life'. Some of you even have the gal to
> claim that they engage in this sadism 'out of compassion (Max Herman,
> Peter von Brandenburg).' Compassion is the ability to transform another's
> pain into 'love'–that is to heal. This is available to awakened
> individuals mostly as well, although I've had the pleasure of encoyntering
> some who doit unconsciously due to 'special' forces working through them.
> Slapping people around like a butcher with flat stereotypical projections
> is not 'compassionate'. Not only that but it strengthens the 'human'
> masochistic impulse (hit me, I deserve it).
> As is, when writing to 'me', you're screaming at a void, and projecting
> all sort of imnecilities. You are not trying to UNMASK me. You are trying
> to DICTATE A MASK TO ME. This is what you WANT. AN IDENTITY.
> And this my dearest 'all' is driven by ego. Nothing else.
> So take a good look at yourselves.
> `, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42
> + don't be cool
> -> post: [email protected]
> -> questions: [email protected]
> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
> -> give:
> +
> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the
> Membership Agreement available online at

, D42 Kandinskij

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, David Goldschmidt wrote:

> i am myself
> online and offline

Sure you are. Yourself. Which self? What self?
Do you even have a self? I suspect you're firmly entrenched
in your ego and fancy that admirable, though. Bravo!

> you fear revealing your

I lack the capacity to experience fear, dear.
You can scream and stomp your foot, and repeat until you're out of
breath, but I will not be experiencing any fear.

Nor do you have the ability to know what another is feeling.

> [true] self in public (and YOU should).

The TRUE Self dearest cannot be 'revealed' in public. Nor should it be.
Only impotent morons like yourself fear masks–and this is really what
is going on, paired with a grappling brain-driven control-freak
obsession. Reality, dear is veiled, and uncontrollable.
Humans are one of the greatest mysteries of manifest living life.
Humans are veiled, masked, and uncontrollable.
A fantastic mystery, which is only made available as knowledge to few.

There is no 'simple true self' that you can put on.

This my dearest is being flat and lifeless.

You're incapable of facing manifest and unmanifest reality, which are
both veiled–and this is so for the human spirit and soul as well with
very good reason. If you can't cope, I suggest you do something,
instead of attempt juvenile threats.

Secondly, you're not authorized to order anyone around what they should
or shouldn't. Dictatorial ape.

Lastly, no human owes anybody else no part of its privacy.
No human at all. If someone doesn't wish to appear in public–that is
his or her wish. Nobody owes anybody such appearances.
And if one chooses to appear in public, one has full right to do
it to the extent that he or she wishes.

They are not obligated to do anything. Humans aren't your
'bitches on a leash'. Your pathology is sickening.

> i strongly advise you

Shove your advice up your arse. You're not capable or qualified
to give advice to anyone.

> to keep your mask ON becasue if anyone ever met your [true] self
> … they'd beat the fuck out of you.

How sweet. Thank you for that enlightening threat.
However, I sincerely doubt anyone 'could beat the fuck out of me'.
In person–which is what you mean. Identification with the body
is not 'true self' by any stretch of the imagination.

Your idiotic ignorance, paired with obsessive threats
are driven by fear and control-freak . You are the one who is

> you are a coward

You are talking about yourself.

> david goldchmidt

, D42 Kandinskij

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, David Goldschmidt wrote:

> you are not capable of having a second thought

I am not having a 'second thought'.
On the other hand dearest, you're an idiotic and murderous slug.
Not more. As such, you're incapable of judging what others are capable
and not capable of.

take your bully pose elsewhere. It's laughable.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, D42 Kandinskij

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, David Goldschmidt wrote:

> being human is not a flaw. humans are perfectly human.

I'm not sure where you get the impression that 'being human is a flaw'.
Humans are hardly 'perfectly human'. Besides this beating in the chest
'humanity' game is about as meaningful as calling everyone a fascist.
The word has been so whored out that nobody knows what they're talking
about–or hardly nay more.

As for humans, they need to overcome their 'humanness' if they want
to evolve. And evolve they must, at this point. Otherwise, the least
that would happen is that their capability for spirituality and
freedom will be 'permanently cut off'–and they will become worse
than the lowest life-forms in terms of fate.

> the goal is enlightenment.
> the goal is NOT a state of inhumaness, un-human, post human (or whatever it
> is you think you are)

I don't think dearest. I know what I am. Nor do you have any contact
at all and whatsoever with 'the goal'. And yes, part of the goal is
inhumanness. This is what awaits you after death. Beating yourself
in the chest about your 'humanity' is not going to have much of an

> stop appropriating eastern philosophy.

I am not appropriating anything, love. Monkey mimickry of my words
isn't going to give you any insight. Secondly this is not 'philosophy'.

Secondly, avoid ordering me around with regards to my practices–
of which you know nothing. Dictatorial ape.

> you are not qualified to interpret

I am qualified certainly. And I am not interpreting.
What I am writing is precise and correct.

> or teach anything you may have [mis]read.

I am not interested in teaching.
Nor have I 'read' anything.
My knowledge is direct experience of such matters.
You lack insight to judge where my knowledge comes from,
or any capability to perceive my being.

You're about as qualified a judge about these matters
as a dead monkey.

All you are doing is reciting things I've said without understanding
them, and attempting to pass that as insight.

Your character assassination attempts are trivial and uninteresting.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, David Goldschmidt

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, David Goldschmidt wrote:
> > i am myself
> > online and offline
> Sure you are. Yourself. Which self? What self?

i know its a big word … maybe you should look it up in the dictionary.
"myself" … to be me … at any given moment in time … to the extent that
i am not some other person.

> Do you even have a self?


>I suspect you're firmly entrenched
> in your ego

wrong again

and fancy that admirable, though. Bravo!
> > you fear revealing your
> I lack the capacity to experience fear, dear.

you are human. you have the capacity to fear. and you are afraid every
time you go out in public. that is why you wear your mask. its not really
all that difficult to understand. why must i repeat MYSELF

your words mean less every time you speak. you are an actor [and you know
it]. you are afraid of revealing yourself to others in public.

> You can scream and stomp your foot,

i'm doing neither … you cannot affect me in any way

and repeat until you're out of
> breath, but I will not be experiencing any fear.
> Nor do you have the ability to know what another is feeling.

yes i do. i can empathize

> > [true] self in public (and YOU should).
> The TRUE Self dearest cannot be 'revealed' in public. Nor should it be.
> Only impotent morons

i know you are but what am i

>like yourself fear masks–

i don't fear masks … i see through them

>and this is really what
> is going on, paired with a grappling brain-driven control-freak
> obsession.
>Reality, dear is veiled, and uncontrollable.

one reality? i doubt it. keep your newage propaganda to yourself

> Humans are one of the greatest mysteries of manifest living life.
> Humans are veiled, masked, and uncontrollable.
> A fantastic mystery, which is only made available as knowledge to few.

uncontrollable? that is irrelevant. humans are predictable because there
are so few options in any given circumstance. consider george w. bush …
the U.S. gets sucker-punched by osama bin laden … and how does he respond
… with more violence.

humans don't have to be controlled when we are so damn predictable.

> There is no 'simple true self' that you can put on.
> This my dearest is being flat and lifeless.
> You're incapable of facing manifest and unmanifest reality, which are
> both veiled–and this is so for the human spirit and soul as well with
> very good reason.

keep your newage propaganda to yourself (and yes, i can tell you what to do,
ya bitch)

>If you can't cope, I suggest you do something,
> instead of attempt juvenile threats.

i am not trying to cope. try opening you eyes, dumbass

> Secondly, you're not authorized to order anyone around what they should
> or shouldn't.

yes i am

>Dictatorial ape.

i know you are but what am i

> Lastly, no human owes anybody else no part of its privacy.
> No human at all. If someone doesn't wish to appear in public–that is
> his or her wish. Nobody owes anybody such appearances.

i'll say it again just in case you forgot … you're a coward

> And if one chooses to appear in public, one has full right to do
> it to the extent that he or she wishes.
> They are not obligated to do anything. Humans aren't your
> 'bitches on a leash'.

whats with the quotes? i know you're prone to misinterpretation but now
your just lying

>Your pathology is sickening.

you're delusional

> > i strongly advise you
> Shove your advice up your arse. You're not capable or qualified
> to give advice to anyone.

yes i am

> > to keep your mask ON becasue if anyone ever met your [true] self
> > … they'd beat the fuck out of you.
> How sweet. Thank you for that enlightening threat.
> However, I sincerely doubt anyone 'could beat the fuck out of me'.

yes anyone could. remember, you're a coward.

> In person–which is what you mean.

don't fool yourself. you are not capable of comprehending what i write

Identification with the body
> is not 'true self' by any stretch of the imagination.

no shit sherlock

> Your idiotic ignorance, paired with obsessive threats

do you even know what obsessive means?

> are driven by fear and control-freak .

i control nothing

>You are the one who is
> afraid.

i am capable of fear but you are the coward

> > you are a coward
> You are talking about yourself.

no, i'm talking about YOU

> > david goldchmidt

, David Goldschmidt

> you are not capable of having a second thought
> I am not having a 'second thought'.

because you are never wrong, right?

> On the other hand dearest, you're an idiotic and murderous slug.

i know you are but what am i?

> Not more. As such, you're incapable of judging what others are capable
> and not capable of.

wrong again, ya bitch

> take your bully pose elsewhere. It's laughable.

i am laughing

> `, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, David Goldschmidt

> On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, David Goldschmidt wrote:
> > being human is not a flaw. humans are perfectly human.
> I'm not sure where you get the impression that 'being human is a flaw'.
> Humans are hardly 'perfectly human'.


Besides this beating in the chest
> 'humanity' game is about as meaningful as calling everyone a fascist.

boring and uninsightful

> The word has been so whored out that nobody knows what they're talking
> about–or hardly nay more.

then shut-up (and yes, i can tell you what to do)

> As for humans, they need to overcome their 'humanness'


>if they want
> to evolve.

into a machine

And evolve they must, at this point. Otherwise, the least
> that would happen is that their capability for spirituality and
> freedom will be 'permanently cut off'–and they will become worse
> than the lowest life-forms in terms of fate.

keep your newage propaganda to yourself

> > the goal is enlightenment.
> >
> > the goal is NOT a state of inhumaness, un-human, post human (or whatever
> > is you think you are)
> I don't think dearest.

that is very obvious

>I know what I am.

no you don't

Nor do you have any contact
> at all and whatsoever with 'the goal'.

yes i do

And yes, part of the goal is
> inhumanness.

no it is not

>This is what awaits you after death.

then you are already dead

Beating yourself
> in the chest about your 'humanity' is not going to have much of an
> effect.

no shit sherlock

> > stop appropriating eastern philosophy.
> I am not appropriating anything,

yes you are


i love you too

Monkey mimickry of my words
> isn't going to give you any insight.

you're right. your words lack insight. that's the point, dumbass

Secondly this is not 'philosophy'.
> Twit.

i know you are but what am i?

> Secondly, avoid ordering me around with regards to my practices–
> of which you know nothing.

yes i do

>Dictatorial ape.

i know you are but what am i?

> > you are not qualified to interpret
> I am qualified certainly. And I am not interpreting.
> What I am writing is precise and correct.

of course it is, you live in your own world, with your own rules and your
own logic … except, of course, when you're out in public then you are a
coward behind a mask

> > or teach anything you may have [mis]read.
> I am not interested in teaching.


> Nor have I 'read' anything.


> My knowledge is direct experience of such matters.


> You lack insight to judge where my knowledge comes from,
> or any capability to perceive my being.

wrong again

> You're about as qualified a judge about these matters
> as a dead monkey.

better qualified than you

> All you are doing is reciting things I've said without understanding
> them, and attempting to pass that as insight.

again, your words lack insight. my repeating them shows this to YOU. my
repeating them reveals this to YOU … you see your words and you see the
moron that you are

> Your character assassination attempts are trivial and uninteresting.

you assassinate yourself … you don't need my help

> `, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, D42 Kandinskij

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, David Goldschmidt wrote:

> i know its a big word … maybe you should look it up in the dictionary.
> "myself" … to be me … at any given moment in time … to the extent that
> i am not some other person.

Imbecile. Ignorant, arrogant, ego-bloated and 'condescending' to boot.

> > Do you even have a self?
> yes

That was a rhetorical question. You don't have one.
All of this 'I am myself' shit is complete delusion.

> >I suspect you're firmly entrenched
> > in your ego
> wrong again

Not at all. Completely correct.

> and fancy that admirable, though. Bravo!
> >
> > > you fear revealing your
> >
> > I lack the capacity to experience fear, dear.
> you are human.

I am not human. You may froth at the mouth if you like, but I've
overcome that a long time ago.

> you have the capacity to fear.

No, dear. I have no capacity to fear at all.
That impulse can be overcome, like the rest of them.

> and you are afraid every time you go out in public.

hardly anything to do with Reality.

> that is why you wear your mask.

Drivel. Everyone wears a mask, and 'fear' hasn't got anything to do with

> its not really
> all that difficult to understand. why must i repeat MYSELF

Because what you are saying is meaningless idiotic and incorrect drivel.
You can repeat it all that you want, but you'll remain a laughable

> your words mean less every time you speak.

Hardly. Yours haven't begun to mean anything.

> you are an actor [and you know it].

I certainly am. Reality is an actor.

> you are afraid of revealing yourself to others in public.

This is not at all what is going on.
And I lack the capacity to experience fear.
Take your idiotic push-button projections elsewhere.

> coward.

You are, indeed. So afraid to look at yourself,
and take a real good look at reality as is.

> > You can scream and stomp your foot,
> i'm doing neither … you cannot affect me in any way

I certainly am affecting you.
Brash, but untruthful pose.

> and repeat until you're out of
> > breath, but I will not be experiencing any fear.
> >
> > Nor do you have the ability to know what another is feeling.
> yes i do. i can empathize

No dearest, you can. Empathy is a quality which belongs to those
'inhuman'. That is, overcome human nature, and having gone quite a bit
along the path of spiritual development.

You are immature, sexually inept, and asleep.

All you can do is project, and throw meaningless 'accusations'.

If you had been anywhere NEAR empathy, you'd not be running around
beating your chest about 'humanity'–nor post this idiotic drivel,
which is motivated by spasmodic fear impotent masturbatory impulses.

Nor would you have a problem with masks.

> i know you are but what am i

Drivel. The impotent moron is you, love.

> >like yourself fear masks–
> i don't fear masks … i see through them

No, you don't. This my dearest is a quality of evolved
beings. You are blind as a bat.
And not one being who can 'empathize' or 'see through' masks
is ignorant to the extent that you're exhibiting.

You can neither 'empathize' or 'see'.

> one reality? i doubt it. keep your newage propaganda to yourself

There is nothing 'New Age' about One Reality.
Nor is this propaganda. Your idiocy is astounding.
Nor am I involved in any New Age activities.

> uncontrollable? that is irrelevant.

It's totally relevant. This is what you are afraid of.
This is why you want a flat 'real' persona that doesn't wear masks.

> humans are predictable because there
> are so few options in any given circumstance.

Humans are not predictable. Only to the asleep do they appear as such.
Yes, most of them are trapped in mechanistic patterns behavior, and
so are you. that is due to being asleep. And human.

consider george w. bush …
> the U.S. gets sucker-punched by osama bin laden … and how does he respond
> … with more violence.


> humans don't have to be controlled when we are so damn predictable.

Humans are not predictable, nor do you know anything about humans at

> keep your newage propaganda to yourself (and yes, i can tell you what to do,
> ya bitch)

The New Age propaganda is only a brain cut out knee-jerk on your part.
This is no more New Age or propaganda, than I am marc garret's daddy.

You're truly a dense idiot.

> >If you can't cope, I suggest you do something,
> > instead of attempt juvenile threats.
> i am not trying to cope. try opening you eyes, dumbass

The only dumbass here is you love.
And that's true, you're not trying to cope.
You're utterly incapable of handling reality,
so you knee-jerk, and the only way you can handle
anything is by being an arrogant, dimwitted,
asleep, murderous ape.

> >
> > Secondly, you're not authorized to order anyone around what they should
> > or shouldn't.
> yes i am

No dearest. You are not. You're a pathetic egotist.

> >Dictatorial ape.
> i know you are but what am i

Yes juvenile retorts. So 'insightful'.
Unfortunately dearest, the dictatorial ape here is you.

And_ you are wearing a mask. More than one even.

And you are completely oblivious of it.

> i'll say it again just in case you forgot … you're a coward

You can say it again and again and again, but the only coward here is

> whats with the quotes? i know you're prone to misinterpretation but now
> your just lying

I am not prone to misinterpretation dearest.
What I am writing is extremely precise and correct.
You confirmed it above. 'Humans are so predictable'.
THAT is what you want. Predictable, safe, comfy reality.

> >Your pathology is sickening.
> you're delusional

The only one delusional (and pathological) here is you.
Not only that, but you're running around pointing fingers
as if calling someone a 'delusional' is a power-trip.

Impotent ape.

> yes i am

No dearest. You are an idiotic, egotistical, asleep immature moron.
Your advice is worth nothing, and does little but carry intended damage.
So shut your trap.

> > How sweet. Thank you for that enlightening threat.
> > However, I sincerely doubt anyone 'could beat the fuck out of me'.
> yes anyone could. remember, you're a coward.

No dearest, Not anyone could. Your debasing masturbatory projections
are entirely delusional and drivern by murderous impulses.
There is nothing to 'remember' dearest.
The only coward here is you.

> > In person–which is what you mean.
> don't fool yourself. you are not capable of comprehending what i write

Oh yeas. It's so deep and hidden.
The only one here 'fooling' yourself is here, and what you write
is impotent, meaningless empty drivel. You can't even write, dearest.

> Identification with the body
> > is not 'true self' by any stretch of the imagination.
> no shit sherlock

Not something you know.

> do you even know what obsessive means?

Yes. And it applies to you.

> > are driven by fear and control-freak .
> i control nothing

That is correct. But that doesn't stop you from attempting.

> >You are the one who is
> > afraid.
> i am capable of fear but you are the coward

No dear. The only one a coward here is you :)
have you recognized that you wear a mask yet?

> >
> > You are talking about yourself.
> no, i'm talking about YOU

No dear, you are talking about yourself.
And until you deal with your ego, ALL you can talk about
(and perceive) is yourself.

And this isn't going to become any less true, no matter how much
you delude yourself otherwise.


`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, D42 Kandinskij

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, David Goldschmidt wrote:

> because you are never wrong, right?

Absolutely never. Swallow that :)

> > On the other hand dearest, you're an idiotic and murderous slug.
> i know you are but what am i?

Juvenile meaningless retort. The idiotic murderous slug here is you.
You know nothing, nor are you capable of knowing.

> > Not more. As such, you're incapable of judging what others are capable
> > and not capable of.
> wrong again, ya bitch

Not at all. Precise and exact.
The only 'bitch' here is you, dearest.

> >
> > take your bully pose elsewhere. It's laughable.
> i am laughing

Sure are. The defensive response of an impotent ape.
Bare your teeth and cackle, baby.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, D42 Kandinskij

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, David Goldschmidt wrote:

> > I'm not sure where you get the impression that 'being human is a flaw'.
> > Humans are hardly 'perfectly human'.
> moron

The only moron here is you, baby.

> Besides this beating in the chest
> > 'humanity' game is about as meaningful as calling everyone a fascist.
> boring and uninsightful

Neither boring, nor uninsightful.

> > The word has been so whored out that nobody knows what they're talking
> > about–or hardly nay more.
> then shut-up (and yes, i can tell you what to do)

No dearest, you can't. You can debase yourself, and act
behave like a dictatorial ape–that is all.
Idiotic and masochistic to boot.

> > As for humans, they need to overcome their 'humanness'
> impossible

Tell that to the Buddha. You are talking to someone inhuman.

> >if they want
> > to evolve.
> into a machine

You are already a machine baby. Not only that, but your emotions are
mechanical. Your thinking is mechanical. Your breathing is mechanical.
Your gender / reproductive drive is mechanical. The mask you are wearing
is mechanical.

Much like many ignorant idiots you fancy being emotional
'non-machinistic'–wake up baby.

The spirit is not a machine, and neither is soul, nor consciousness.
The Universe dearest is not a machine.

Your early 21c Cultural programming is little but that–
false ideas stuffed in your brain. Your behavior is mechanical
and programmatic.

Not only that, but you are a machine. An asleep machine.
Wearing a mask.

> And evolve they must, at this point. Otherwise, the least
> > that would happen is that their capability for spirituality and
> > freedom will be 'permanently cut off'–and they will become worse
> > than the lowest life-forms in terms of fate.
> keep your newage propaganda to yourself

This isn't newage propaganda luv.
Your brain-cut knee-jerk projections haven't got anything
to do with what I write.

But feel free to pretend that it's 'new age propaganda'
It's safer that way.

> it
> > > is you think you are)
> >
> > I don't think dearest.
> that is very obvious

The brain is a critch dearest, with a vetu limited purpose.
It hasn't got anything with intelligence.

> >I know what I am.
> no you don't

I do dearest. And you are not capable of judging that.
Keep your worthless debasory projections to yourself.

> Nor do you have any contact
> > at all and whatsoever with 'the goal'.
> yes i do

No dearest you don't. And it's obvious.

> And yes, part of the goal is
> > inhumanness.
> no it is not

Yes dearest it is.

> >This is what awaits you after death.
> then you are already dead

Yes I am. I've stated this before.
Yet death is not what you're programmed to think it is.

> Beating yourself
> > in the chest about your 'humanity' is not going to have much of an
> > effect.
> no shit sherlock

Meaningless knee-jerk.

> >
> > > stop appropriating eastern philosophy.
> >
> > I am not appropriating anything,
> yes you are

No dearest. Stomp your foot and insist all you wish,
but you're not going to affect reality one bit.

> >love.
> i love you too

You're incapable of love, dearest.

> Monkey mimickry of my words
> > isn't going to give you any insight.
> you're right. your words lack insight. that's the point, dumbass

My words don't lack any insight at all. YOURS do.
And you are repeating words you don't understand
in hopes of appearing intelligent.

> Secondly this is not 'philosophy'.
> > Twit.
> i know you are but what am i?

No dearest.The twit is you.

> >
> > Secondly, avoid ordering me around with regards to my practices–
> > of which you know nothing.
> yes i do

No dearest, you don't. Not only that, but you are incapable of

> >Dictatorial ape.
> i know you are but what am i?

Again with the meaningless knee-jerk.
The dictatorial ape is you.

> of course it is, you live in your own world,

No dearest. that is you. And until you deal with your ego,
and your slumber you'll remain forever in your prison.

> with your own rules and your
> own logic …

You are talking about yourself.

> except, of course, when you're out in public then you are a
> coward behind a mask

I am not a coward, twit. masks haven't got anything to do with

> >
> > > or teach anything you may have [mis]read.
> >
> > I am not interested in teaching.
> burp!


> > Nor have I 'read' anything.
> liar

Not at all.

> > My knowledge is direct experience of such matters.
> laughing

Impotent response.

> > You lack insight to judge where my knowledge comes from,
> > or any capability to perceive my being.
> wrong again

Not at all. Precise and correct.

> >
> > You're about as qualified a judge about these matters
> > as a dead monkey.
> better qualified than you

Oh yes, very qualified. qualification is a matter of 'comparison' isn't

> again, your words lack insight.

My words lack no insight. You're simply delusional.
maybe you should try and take a look at that mask that you're so
fervently defending :)

> my repeating them shows this to YOU.

> my repeating them reveals this to YOU …

Your repeating my words is simply MIMICRy.
It shows nothing.

> you see your words and you see the
> moron that you are

No dearest. When I_ write words, it isnt the same as YOU mimicrying
them. your MIMICRY is worthless. Your monkeying about is worthless.
Secondly, these are words applicable to you.
Turning them around and saying they apply to me, will not make
them insightful.

You're just so clever, arent you?

Too bad that 'trick' is an idiotic mindfuck you play with your head
and demonstrative of incredible childish imbecility.

> you assassinate yourself … you don't need my help

I am doing nothing of the sort, delusional ape.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, joseph mcelroy

Quoting "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>:

> On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, joseph mcelroy wrote:
> > Life is suffering and we must accept that.
> That would truly be drivel indeed.
> However your 'logical' conclusion
> that all is peachy, that you are not suffering,
> and that you're a born Buddha and don't have to work is
> nonsense.
> All you are is numb to your suffering.

Suffering is how we progress our life. Numbness would lead to stagnation or
regression. I would "die" if not body, then 'soul' - accepting suffering is not
becoming numb to it. Avoiding suffering would be the casualty of fear.
