United States Armed Forces Against Iraq

BlankJoint Resolution to Authorize the use of United States Armed Forces
Against Iraq

Whereas the nation of Iraq has substantial oil and gas reserves,

Whereas over the past decade certain executives in the oil and gas industry
have donated generously to various political campaigns of President George
W. Bush, and many were in fact "Bush Pioneers" in the 2000 presidential

Whereas the return of weapons inspectors and the subsequent destruction of
any weapons programs would allow Saddam Hussein to remain in power, where
Saddam Hussein would be able to complete various agreements with nations
such as France and Russia designed to exploit Iraq's oil and gas resources
without the participation of Bush Pioneers,

Whereas Bush Pioneers would be therefore by financially harmed if Saddam
Hussein were allowed to remain in power, even if Saddam were completely
disarmed, as a result of these agreements,

Therefore, the United States Congress hereby authorizes the President to use
of United States Armed Forces to commence an unprovoked attack against Iraq,
regardless of whether Iraq agrees to allow weapons inspectors to return or
to otherwise disarm, with or without the participation of the UN or any
other nation, and in direct violation of all established conventions of
international law, for the express purpose of removing Saddam Hussein from
power, thereby advancing the interests of Bush Pioneers.

In making this authorization, the Congress hereby further recognizes that
the following observations shall be considered unpatriotic:

Throughout the nineteen eighties, the United States government provided
substantial military assistance to Saddam Hussein,

As a result of that assistance, the government of Iraq was able to establish
a substantial chemical weapons program that was subsequently used first
against Iran, with the United State's passive acquiescence, and then against
Iraq's own Kurdish minority, after the United States had overtly encouraged
them to rebel against Hussein, and then abandoned them when they did,

Substantially all of Iraq's chemical, biological and nuclear weapons and
weapons programs, Iraq's oil and gas industry which financed these programs,
and Iraq's economy, were destroyed by the Gulf War of 1991, by UN weapons
inspectors in the aftermath of the conflict, and by economic sanctions
imposed at the conclusion of the Gulf War,

It was only as a result of then chief executive officer and current vice
president Dick Cheney, that the Brown and Root subsidiary of the Halliburton
Corporation rebuilt much of the oil and gas extraction infrastructure that
had been destroyed in Iraq during the Gulf war, thereby providing Iraq with
the financial means to again rebuild its chemical, biological and nuclear
weapons programs.

© October 12, 2002
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