Meet Discotrope: The Secret Nightlife of Solar Cells - live audiovisual performance.

Meet Discotrope: The Secret Nightlife of Solar Cells - live audiovisual performance.
For shorter excerpts, please visit our video page:
Ever wondered what solar cells do at night?
Introducing Discotrope: The Secret Nightlife of Solar Cells - an audiovisual performance by Amy Alexander and Annina Rüst, with algorithmic sound design by Cristyn Magnus. Discotrope performances invoke both alternative energy and the curious history of dance in cinema – from backlots to backyards – from Thomas Edison to YouTube.

So what does that mean? We project films and videos of people"dancing at cameras" onto a disco ball where we have replaced some of the mirrors with solar cells. The solar cells reflect the videos back onto walls and surfaces. The light from the projection causes the solar cells to produce current and consequently, they power the motor that rotates the ball.

Know someplace that might enjoy some nocturnally solar-powered semi-zoetropically live audiovisual performance? Discotrope events can range from seated concerts and gallery performances to public space dance parties. You can contact us at:

Can a crazy, lo-tech gadget be a serious visual performance instrument - and possibly represent the future of the future? We’re just about daft enough to think so. We wrote a little essay about that and some other things. It's called, "The Future is Dead. Long Live the Future." You can find it at: