Reclaim the Mind, Friction Research Issue #4 Essay: Bergson's "S P I R I T": Henri Bergson's understanding of time, memory, matter, and the mind

Reclaim the Mind, Friction Research Issue #4:

Bergson's "S P I R I T" by Curt Cloninger

Henri Bergson's understanding of time, memory, matter, and
the mind
have gone in and out of academic favor, largely depending on the latest
discoveries in neuroscience. But to read Bergson as a kind of amateur
Victorian neuroscientist, crippled by the science and technology of his
time, is to miss the potential revolutionary thought of Bergson's

Curt Cloninger is an artist, writer, and Assistant Professor of New
Media at the University of North Carolina Asheville (US). His art
undermines language as a system of meaning in order to reveal it as
an embodied force in the world. His artwork has been featured in the
New York Times and at festivals and galleries from Korea to Brazil.
He is the author of seven books and numerous articles which have been  published in over ten languages. His writing has appeared in
Intelligent Agent, Mute, Paste, Tekka, Rhizome Digest, A List Apart,
and on ABC World News. Cloninger maintains,,, and in order to
facilitate a more lively remote dialogue with the Sundry Contagions
of Wonder.

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