PussyFoots of Peace

For those peace activists who advocated Big Bush refrain from marching on to
Baghdad as part of Desert Storm, bear responsibility for the miserable
deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. For those peace activists who
oppose regime change in Baghdad, please take responsibilty for the tens of
thousands of deaths yet to come at the hands of the Saddam Baathist
dictatorshit. More lives would be saved if the pressure was placed on the
establishment of democracy in Iraq – established first by annihilating the
Baathist regime. The pressure should be properly placed on the long-term
aftermath of the destruction of the Baathists.


Thursday, October 10, 2002 Cheshvan 4, 5763 Israel Time: 01:32

Interview / Vicious circles closing in

By Micha Odenheimer

Thomas von der Osten-Sacken: "The most regressive and dangerous
elements in the Arab and Islamic world depend on Saddam Hussein."

A journalist, human rights activist and intellectual, Thomas von der
Osten-Sacken is considered one of Germany's leading authorities on human
rights in Iraq. He began traveling to Iraq in 1991, when he spent eight
months doing humanitarian work in the southern part of the country just
after Saddam Hussein crushed the Shi'ite uprising there. In 1992, Von der
Osten-Sacken co-founded an aid and advocacy organization called Wadi,
operating in Iraqi Kurdistan - the semi-autonomous safe haven carved out for
Kurdish refugees after the Gulf War - and on behalf of Iraqi refugees in
Germany. He spends part of each year in Kurdistan where Wadi has founded the
first shelter there for women in distress and is also involved in helping
the local government reform the prison system that has been left over from
Iraqi rule. In Germany, Wadi advises Iraqi opposition groups and works
closely with the Coalition for a Democratic Iraq.

Von der Osten-Sacken, 34, publishes articles in German magazines such
as Jungle World and Konkret, and has co-edited a book on Iraq called
"Saddam's Last Battle?", which is due to be published next month. He is one
of the relatively few contemporary German writers and thinkers on the left
who consider themselves pro-Israel and have developed a left-wing critique
of the anti-globalization left in today's Europe. Along with his other
activities, he is conducting research for his doctoral thesis on
German-language Zionist newspapers in the 1930s for the German literature
department at the University of Frankfurt.

This interview was conducted with him earlier this week.

When did you first realize that the Iraqi regime was not just another
Middle East dictatorship?

Von der Osten-Sacken: "When I first came to Iraq, I very quickly
realized that I could not compare the situation there to other Middle
Eastern countries I had been in, like Syria, Jordan or Egypt. This country
was hell. We were the only Europeans in a city called Amara in the Shi'ite
area of southern Iraq near Basra, and we arrived just a few weeks after the
uprising had been crushed. There was a belt of tanks around the city. The
majority of buildings were burned out. There was no food in the market.
There was also a terrible degree of malnourishment there.

"People in Iraq won't talk freely, because they are terrified that
their friends are working for one of Saddam's nine horrible security
services. Because of this atmosphere, it took us three or four months to
learn some details about the uprising. The Iraqis made people lie down in
the streets and then buried them alive under asphalt. They killed everyone
who looked a little religious, because this was a Shi'ite area. It was
forbidden to take the corpses from the street. All in all, 60,000 or 70,000
people were killed in this area in 1991.

"The first thing that was done after the uprising was crushed was to
repaint the pictures of Saddam Hussein. People had riddled them with
bullets. Not one had been left. We were shocked at how neglected the south
was, with open sewage systems, even though it is rich in oil. Saddam said
before smashing the uprising that these Shi'ites were dirty people, not
really Iraqis. We left there in October '91 when we felt we could not
continue our work without unintentionally helping the government."

What was the atmosphere like in Baghdad then?

"Baghdad was 300 kilometers away, and we went quite often - for a good
dinner, to have a meeting with another organization or even to make a phone
call to Germany. The fear in Iraq, a BBC reporter said recently, is so
palpable you can eat it. It's really indescribable. Syria is a dictatorship,
but the fear and control in Iraq reaches into your living room. If there is
no picture of Saddam Hussein in your living room, you might be arrested.
There is no privacy. The Iraqi government considers everything political. In
Syria, as long as you are not a member of the opposition, you can relax. You
know you will not be harmed. But in Iraq, if you are in the wrong place at
the wrong time, you may be arrested, tortured, killed."

"When I was in southern Iraq in '91, we had a lot of conversations
with a very nice, very sophisticated doctor. One day, he was watching
television and the Iraqi army was being praised for having won the second
part of the Gulf War [after the initial U.S. attack aimed at driving Iraq
out of Kuwait]. The doctor just said, `Well, it is a strange victory if
daily children are dying of hunger.' That was enough. Someone heard him. He
was taken, tortured for three weeks and brought back a broken person.
Letting one sentence slip is cause enough for a person to vanish into an
Iraqi prison or even to be killed."

You have said that estimates are that Saddam has killed approximately
one million of his own citizens since 1979.

"Yes, that would include Kurds, Shi'ites, Christians and Sunnis. There
were two huge massacres. There was the so-called Anfal campaign against the
Kurds at the end of the 1980s when 4,000 villages were destroyed, and about
100,000 to 150,000 persons were killed, some with poison gas. Up to a
million people were sent into internal exile. The other big massacre was in
the south in the 1990s, where the regime has killed about 300,000 Shi'ites
in the last 10 years. In addition, there have been enormous massacres
against communists over the past two decades.

"The estimate of one million killed only includes civilians. A million
Iraqi soldiers were killed in the Iran-Iraq war. A half-million Iraqis died
of hunger or disease because of sanctions on Iraq, and more were killed in
the Gulf War. Some 1.5 to two million people have been internally displaced,
and 4.5 million Iraqi refugees are scattered across the globe. Ten percent
of the Iraqi population has been killed or deported during the rule of
Saddam Hussein. That is the essence of his regime. It is not an accident. It
is systematic."

What is the ideology behind Saddam Hussein's regime?

"The Ba'ath ideology mixes pan-Arabism with admiration of Mussolini
and Hitler, some ideas of state socialism and the notion of an Arab
supremacy which will be realized after the Arabs have liberated themselves
from foreign - that means mainly Jewish - influence and British and American
imperialism. Ba'athism is strongly anti-communist and anti-imperialist, and
it is anti- Semitic from its beginning. Everything in Iraq is explained
through this huge conspiracy theory against the Arabs, in general, and Iraq,
in particular. Iraq is thought to be the greatest Arab nation and the
natural leader of Arab unity."

So Iraq sees itself as the center of the Arab world?

"Yes, the leader of Arab unity. Saddam Hussein dreams of ruling a
united Arab nation that would become a superpower confronting East and West.
Iraqi children are taught in kindergarten that they have to be strong Arab

Is Iraqi Ba'athism Islamist?

"Pan-Arabism has always said that Mohammed is the forefather of
pan-Arabism and that Islam was spoiled when it crossed the borders of the
Arab world to Iran and Turkey. The task now is to `re-animate' the real
Islam that was taught by Mohammed as an Arab ideology. Especially during the
Iran-Iraq war, when Iraq had to face the Iranian revolution, they loaded
their own ideology with Islamic content. The Iranians and the Zionists, they
said, are part of a 2,000-year-old plot to smash Iraq and divide the Arabs.
`We are fighting for the real Islam' the regime said, not the kind of
spoiled Islam that Iran represents. I think it was a mistake for the
Americans to believe, as they did, that Iraq was a stronghold against

Is it conceivable that Al Qaeda and Iraq have cooperated?

"Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden share the same enemies, the same
conspiracy theories. They share the claim that they are fighting in the name
of the Arab masses. Both these men grew up in the same poisoned climate of
Arab dictatorships. Their ideologies are quite close, even if Saddam is not
an Islamist. And since he has been supporting many terror organizations, I
would not be surprised if there are close ties on the ground between Iraq
and Al Qaeda.

"I think that Osama bin Laden is trying to walk in the footsteps of
Saddam Hussein. At the same time, Saddam Hussein in the 1990s was trying to
strengthen the ties between Iraq and the Islamic movements. He put `Allah
Akhbar' [`God is great'] into the flag of Iraq and also financed different
Islamic groups in Palestine and other places in the Arab world. There is a
terrorist education center in Baghdad called Salmanpak and according to the
Iraqi opposition, in the mid-'90s, terrorists from other countries were
being trained there in such skills as how to hijack planes and use chemical
weapons. They may be cooperating and even if they are not, these are two
trees growing in the same soil."

So you would not agree with the idea that the war on Iraq is a
distraction from the war against terror that President George Bush has

"American policy in Iraq is a series of huge mistakes. Firstly, it was
a mistake to support that horrible regime in the 1980s knowing, for example,
about the massacres against the Kurds. Secondly, it was a huge mistake not
to let the Iraqi people topple Saddam in '91. The Americans feared democracy
in the Middle East, they feared the breakup of Iraq because it would
strengthen Iran, so they allowed Saddam to crush the uprising.

"With regimes like the Iraqi one, there will be no peace in the Middle
East. You cannot contain a regime like Saddam Hussein's. That was a mistake
of the West. So the question is: Is America ready to face up to the mistakes
it made in '91 and in the '80s? Are the Americans ready to support
democracy? Because people like Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden grew out
of the Middle East. They are not products of Afghanistan."

What kind of influence does Saddam have in the Arab street, and what
kind of affect could it have to topple him?

"The most regressive and dangerous elements in the Arab and Islamic
world depend on Saddam Hussein. Really toppling Saddam Hussein means
uprooting the Ba'ath regime, with the help of the Iraqi people. This would
give the final blow to pan-Arabism in the Middle East. Syria and a lot of
very radical factions in Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt and the Gulf states would
be affected. These factions look up to Saddam Hussein as a pan-Arabist,
anti-imperialist hero - although he is anti-imperialist in the tradition of
the Nazis, not the left. Also, Saddam is financing organizations like the
Arab Liberation Front in Palestine, which is a Ba'ath organization. He is
paying the families of suicide attackers. He is directly and indirectly
responsible for a lot of terrorism in the Middle East."

What is his relationship with Yasser Arafat and the PLO?

"Part of the Palestinian establishment has very close ties to Iraq
since 1991 when the Palestinians decided to support Saddam, which was a huge
mistake. This includes some quite influential figures within the security
apparatus of Yasser Arafat and the PLO. There is a struggle within the
Palestinian establishment right now over whether these elements should be
isolated. I think that certain people like Abu Mazen and some of the
security forces who were trained by the CIA are struggling against others
who have very close ties to Baghdad, and who still want to join Iraq in the
next battle with terrorist attacks, or worse - with chemical or biological
attacks on Israel or somewhere else in the world. That, I think, would be
another terrible mistake for the Palestinians to make."

What will have to be done, the day after Saddam is gone, to make the
distinction between merely switching Iraqi regimes and starting something
completely new and democratic?

"In 1991, the Americans feared the results of a public uprising. They
hoped to find someone within the military who could topple Saddam Hussein
and rule Iraq with some cosmetic changes, but with the same security
apparatus. This hope proved a failure because for 25 years, Saddam has been
trying to get rid of anyone that might pose a threat to him. Every
influential general has been killed. Yearly cleansing campaigns are carried
out against high-ranking members of the Ba'ath Party so that no one can
threaten the position of his family, which is more or less ruling Iraq. The
hawks in the U.S., people like Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney or Richard
Perle, analyzed the situation and realized that they cannot just change
someone at the top. It is not like a South American dictatorship. If they
really want change, they have to create a new Iraq.

"Iraq is so ruthless and cruel against any opposition that people
cannot rise up without an outside trigger. But the moment a possibility is
created, the vast majority of the Iraqi people will rise up. They will
uproot the Ba'ath Party and even take personal revenge on the ruling regime;
you won't have any Ba'ath Party anymore. So you really have to think about
what to do afterward. The only alternative is creating a democracy, which is
a real experiment because nothing like this exists in the region. Iraq
considers itself an Arab country, but actually contains nearly all the
different minority and ethnic groups of the Middle East.

"So, if it is really done with heart, it is the first step to creating
a new Middle East. A democracy in the region will very much affect other
countries. It is a huge challenge and experiment. The question is: Do the
Americans know what they are going to do there? Because Turkey, Iran and
Europe will all try to impose their own policy. Iraq is an oil-rich country
and you don't know if this great game will not lead to catastrophe."

Does Iraq have a national identity that could come together as a
democracy? Or are these fears that the Shi'ites and Kurds will split off

"Iraq is very unique in the Arab world. First of all, you already have
a very long tradition of opposition to the central regime. And you have a
tradition of a national identity. Even the Kurds in Iraq never wanted to
split off, unlike their brethren in Turkey. They want a federal Iraq with
strong Kurdish autonomy. I don't think the Shi'ites want to split off.
Usually the minority is the one that wants to split off. The Shi'ite are the
majority in Iraq. What they want is more influence in Baghdad. From my
experience from living there, I don't think the Shi'ites are attracted by
the mullah regime of Iran. You also have a strong leftist tradition, mainly
in places like Basra and Amara, and Iraq has one of the oldest and strongest
communist parties in the Middle East. This tradition has been strongly
repressed by the Ba'ath Party, but it still exists.

"I think the Kurdish autonomy is a positive example for Iraq.
Kurdistan has horrible conditions. It's not recognized internationally. It
is more or less under double embargo: the international sanctions against
Iraq and some internal sanctions from the central government. Turkey, Iran
and Syria are all trying to destabilize the Kurds. But even under these dire
circumstances, the Kurds have been able to build up what is not really a
democracy, but a place which is, except for Israel, the most liberal and
free in the Middle East. There are a lot of newspapers, freedom of speech,
up to a limit - you are not allowed to insult the Kurdish political
leaders - but in comparison with central Iraq, you can really call it
paradise. And there is to a certain extent democracy. If the Kurds are able
to do it, why shouldn't the Iraqis, with assistance from abroad?"

Are you in favor of waging war against Iraq?

"Let me say first that I am not in favor of war, especially until we
know how the Americans want to conduct the war. But one also has to consider
that what the Lebanese intellectual Fouad Ajami has said: that for 30 years,
Iraq has been conducting a war against its own society. Saddam Hussein is
conducting a war against his own people and it must be stopped. It is hard
to think of another people who have suffered in the last 20 years like the
Iraqi people have suffered at the hands of Saddam Hussein and because of
international policy aimed at containing him. If Americans are really ready
to topple him, it might be very good for the Iraqi people and very good for
the region. If the Americans start just another stupid war like the one in
1991, then I am against it, too.

"At this very moment there is a huge Arabization campaign against
Kurds living in Karkuk. People are systematically deported because the
regime wants to change a Kurdish city into an Arab one. Just now there are
tremendous prison cleansing campaigns. Every Wednesday, the security forces
come into the largest prison in Baghdad and say: You, you, you and you. Five
hundred people are taken out to be killed just because the prisons are
overcrowded. The Iraqi National Congress says that there are 600,000 to
700,000 political prisoners in Iraqi detention camps at present.

"So the question is: Are they really ready to support democracy in the
Middle East? In that case, I think the war is necessary and good. Or do they
just want to put some horrible general in instead of Saddam? Then I oppose
this war very much."

During the Gulf War in 1991, Israel refrained from retaliating after
the Scud missile attacks. How should Israel respond if it is attacked this

"Seventy percent of the Iraqi people are allies of the Americans. If
the war is waged correctly, it will focus on the regime, on the leaders, on
the security apparatus and on this horrible Ba'ath Party, but not on the
Iraqi people. So if Israel is attacked, it should consider this point: This
is a war against the regime, and the Iraqi people are allies in fighting
Saddam Hussein. So it is very important to refrain from attacking civilians.
There has been a debate about Israel nuking Iraq if attacked with weapons of
mass destruction. That would be a disaster - the end of the democratization
of the Middle East. Everyone would be against the Iraqi opposition and
against Israel. If there is a need for Israel to strike back, it should only
be against military targets. Israel should openly declare that it is not
conducting a war against the Iraqi people, and that it is ready to support a
multi-ethnic democracy in Iraq, friendly to the Iraqi people and only
hostile to this government."

What is the attitude toward Israel and the United States in liberated

"The United States created the safe haven in 1991 not for the Kurds,
but to protect Iran and Turkey from the influx of refugees. Still, people
know that they are protected by the U.S. and they have a positive attitude
toward it. I spent September 11, 2001 in Kurdistan in front of the
television and the next day, I crossed through Syria to Jordan. In Syria,
people told me that it was a conspiracy against the Arabs, but in Kurdistan,
people were deeply shocked and sorry for the victims of the World Trade
Center attack.

"In regard to Israel, it's astonishing: The Kurds were all taught in
Iraqi schools that the Jews and Israel are the main enemy, blood-suckers,
part of a huge conspiracy, but I did not find any real anti-Israel
sentiments. Critics of the occupation, of the settlements, yes, there are
some, and I think that is legitimate, but no anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.
In fact, people in Kurdistan are now starting to reflect on the mass
immigration of Kurdish Jews in the 1950s when 99 percent of the Jewish
community left mostly to Israel. Many times, I heard Kurds saying that it
was sad that this living together with Jews had stopped, and that the Jewish
heritage of Kurdistan should be kept alive.

"Also, you have to understand the dynamic. Nearly every week, Saddam
Hussein or a leading Ba'ath member declares that Iraqi Kurdistan is the
Israel of Iraq, or accuses the Kurds of being Zionists agents. The same
thing is said about every opposition party - be they Islamists,
nationalists, communists or Christians. People who are anti-Zionist
themselves, such as Iraqi communists, are put into prison, tortured and
killed as Zionist spies. That forces people to have a different attitude
toward the whole Middle East conspiracy theory. I think this is why
intellectual Iraqis abroad are much less likely to be anti-Israel than other
Arab intellectuals. Iraqis oppose pan-Arabism and Ba'athism much more than
they oppose Israel. So, it may be more possible to find a way to work with a
future Iraqi government than with any other government in the region. If the
Kurds are strong in Baghdad, the Jews will not face this irrational
anti-Jewish sentiment."

What do you think drives German policy against U.S. intervention in

"Germany gains very good material benefit from Iraq. One should not
forget that German technology enabled Iraq to enlarge the range of the Scud
missiles so that they could reach Israel, that without German assistance,
Iraq would not have been able to gas Iranian soldiers or its own people in
Kurdistan or to threaten Israel. So there are deep relations. Iran, Libya
and Syria, but especially Iraq, have this relationship with Germany. German
policy has always put its eggs in Saddam's basket and gained from trade with
Iraq, especially after '91 when America and England were out of Iraq.

"Also, ideology is important, especially at such times as during the
last election campaign when the Social Democrats start to play on the
anti-American piano. There are very close ties between a certain German
ideology dating back to the 19th century, running through World War I and
escalating in World War II with the Nazis and continuing afterward, which
has close ties to pan-Arabism. One that shares the same enemies: America,
the Jews, Israel. Anti-American and anti-Israel resentments are very strong
in Germany and they have become stronger since 1989.

"Saddam Hussein is not usually seen in Germany as a horrible dictator
murdering his own people. People blame the sanctions and not him, and people
blame the Israeli occupation for the whole situation in the Middle East, not
Palestinian terrorists or Saddam for continually destabilizing the region.
Also, since 1945, many Germans have very strong anti-war feelings,
especially if these wars are conducted by the United States. The majority of
people opposed the second part of the Gulf War; there were tremendous
demonstrations against it. Now this opposition is stronger, because Germany
is stronger.

"Germany is now conducting its own independent foreign policy, which
in the last two to four years, has become simply to contrast itself to the
U.S. If the U.S. is supporting a government, we should support the
opposition to this government. In the Middle East, there is an attempt to
tighten relations with Syria, Lebanon, the Palestinians and Iraq. Also, the
Germans are quite afraid of the archives in Baghdad and what they tell about
the poison gas and other weapons deals that were made between Iraq and a lot
of German enterprises."

So both the left and the right in Germany have strong anti-American

"Anti-American and anti-Israeli-anti-Semitic. At the moment, you can
hardly distinguish between the very far right wing and the very far left
wing. The far right openly supports Saddam Hussein, saying that he is
fighting the Jews and the Americans and thus supporting the German battle.
And certain left-wingers from an orthodox left-wing tradition think that
Saddam Hussein is anti-imperialist, anti-globalization, that he is fighting
for the rights of the Arabs to self-determination. Others on the left say
that Saddam may be horrible, but another American war will not solve any
problems. The war will just help Israel's interest, so we should oppose it.
This is also the governmental policy at the moment."

The European and Third World left have developed an ideology that
unites anti-globalization, anti-Americanism, anti-Israel feeling and, to a
certain extent, anti-Semitism. What is the internal logic behind this

"This is not a very new phenomenon. In the German left, these
attitudes existed during the 1920s with the idea of `a shortened
anti-capitalism' that distinguished very sharply between financial capital
and productive capital, and demonized financial capital. This idea was later
adapted by the Nazis, and is in itself anti-Semitic because Jews are
identified with the circulation sphere - with banks. Whoever does not
criticize capitalism in a Marxist way, but criticizes only the surface
[aspects] of capitalism - the huge banks or the monopoly capitalists - is
automatically using an anti-Semitic phraseology, even if he is not speaking
about Jews or Israel. This is what some of the anti-globalization rhetoric
is about.

"These associations are so deeply written inside European and
especially German history, that you can be anti-Semitic without even
mentioning Jews. This way of thinking was kept alive in certain Leninist
groups and in the far right wing in the '60s and '70s, and now it is more or
less unfolding in the mainstream movements. It is always a question of
whether these resentments, which are quite common, are taboo or whether the
government is signaling that they can be voiced. Until 1989, anti-Semitism
and anti-Americanism were taboo in Germany. These views found space on the
left and on the far right. In the middle of society, they were hidden in the
signals and phrases communicated in the subtext. Now, due to the new
international constellation, the taboo has broken down and these ideas can
be found in the mainstream.

"So you have more or less the same idea that you had since the '20s:
There is a global struggle pitting the `good' people who are fighting
against colonialization against a conspiracy between the huge American
trusts, banks and the Jews, which wants to force the world to adapt a
universal capitalism. The Jews were also accused then of being the purveyors
of the global communist principle, but since 1989, that has been forgotten.
These old ideas were re-animated now due to the ethnic conflicts in the
Balkans and the conflict in the Middle East, and especially since September
11, when the focus has been on the conflict between the Palestinians and
Israel, and the conflict between Iraq on one side and the U.S. and Britain
on the other."

Leaving aside the overt anti-Semitism, what do you, as a Marxist, see
as the primary mistake of this ideology that is attacking the U.S. as the
purveyor of global capitalism?

"The moment this anti-globalization ideology brings together Hamas,
Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, nationalistic movements in the Balkans, the
Zapatists in Mexico, and the neo-Nazi right wing, which is very active in
the anti-globalization movement, it means they are not fighting for
universal freedom, liberation and emancipation, but are reproducing
anti-universalist, anti-Semitic stereotypes that are only leading to
barbarism. Rosa Luxemburg once said that the question is socialism or
barbarism, and that question is still valid. But at the moment, I think the
fight is to defend the Western world against those who would like to be its
successors. These people are also, dialectically, the products of the
Western, capitalistic world. Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden grew out of
the bad politics of the U.S. and Europe in the Middle East. They didn't fall
from the moon.

"But at the moment, I think one has to support the West, which means
in this case America, Britain and Israel, in its battle against its own
creations. Then you can think again of how to create a much better world.
The questions the anti-globalization movement raises are very important -
issues like the environment, world hunger and the enrichment of a very small
minority of people while the vast majority become poorer. But with the
Ba'ath Party and Hamas as your actors, you will not change anything. They
are not the historical subjects who are carrying the idea of emancipation.

"In extremis, you have a constellation that reminds one of the '30s.
On the one hand, you have Britain, the U.S. and Israel - the Jews are always
in the metaphysical center of these conflicts. This side is fighting for a
capitalistic Western ideology. Then you have these National Socialist,
self-determination ideas, which are always led by the Germans. In 1939, the
Germans said that they were fighting universal capitalism and for
self-determination in the Third World. They had a very anti-colonialist
phraseology. You can find the same words and the same phrases as are being
used today in the '40s when the Germans were supporting India's and the
Arabs' revolt against the British. Even France is again in the same
position - supporting Britain and the U.S. half-heartedly.

"Ten years ago, everyone thought Germany was a close ally of the U.S.,
supporting its policy. But no. In this conflict, Germany is signaling that
it is standing on the other side. Everywhere in the Middle East, in the
Syrian press, in the Hezbollah press, in the Baghdadi press, Germany is
being praised for taking the same side they did 50 years ago. So people
understand what the Germans are doing. And I think that that is quite
interesting - and quite horrifying."


, D42 Kandinskij

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, furtherfield wrote:

> I didn't know discourse was allowed any more in the states

Flat + idiotic + incorrect States bashing.

> - but I am reassured by your need for it.

One of the control mechanisms of democraciez world-wide
is discourse. Rattling off your tongues, banking on the
two major facotors:

-your words have no impact on Reality, but they waste your
energy and tire you out
-average confusion of words as actions, the Church of Literacy,
and the peculiar satisfaction that mouthing off tends to give one
a bit like masturbation, you know

> marc

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, Wally Keeler

> > Obviously, you are unable to see that hand-wringing tut-tut is a cause
> > much death. Read the article and tell me that the deaths in Iraq did not
> > happen. Tell me that those deaths could not have been preventable. Or
> > perhaps you are a Saddam sucker, and you haven't a single clue about how
> > to make Iraq safe for the Iraqi people or perhaps you couldn;t care less
> > about THOSE people.

Very typical of people like you to have no answers to the above.

—– Original Message —–
From: "furtherfield" <[email protected]>
> I didn't know discourse was allowed any more in the states - but I am
> reassured by your need for it.
> marc
> > —– Original Message —–
> > From: "furtherfield" <[email protected]>
> > > Scary!
> > >
> > > Wally - er, are you an artist or an FBI fag,
> >
> > What an incredibly stupid remark. Is that what you call discourse,
> > arguement, dialogue? I've published and exhibited, so what does that
> > me?
> >
> > > I cannot believe what you are
> > > saying.
> >
> > Perhaps that is because you have your head stuck somewhere and are
> incapable
> > of reading AND comprehending. I happen to regard Thomas von der
> > Osten-Sacken"s caveats seriously. He has been there. He is a
> > Similar to George Orwell, he is a leftist critical of leftists.
> >
> > > It's like the age of enlightenment never happened. Not in your neck
> > > of the woods, anyway…
> >
> > Obviously, you are unable to see that hand-wringing tut-tut is a cause
> > much death. Read the article and tell me that the deaths in Iraq did not
> > happen. Tell me that those deaths could not have been preventable. Or
> > perhaps you are a Saddam sucker, and you haven't a single clue about how
> to
> > make Iraq safe for the Iraqi people or perhaps you couldn;t care less
> about
> > THOSE people.
> >
> > > > For those peace activists who advocated Big Bush refrain from
> > on
> > > to
> > > > Baghdad as part of Desert Storm, bear responsibility for the
> > > > deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. For those peace activists
> who
> > > > oppose regime change in Baghdad, please take responsibilty for the
> tens
> > of
> > > > thousands of deaths yet to come at the hands of the Saddam Baathist
> > > > dictatorshit. More lives would be saved if the pressure was placed
> > the
> > > > establishment of democracy in Iraq – established first by
> annihilating
> > > the
> > > > Baathist regime. The pressure should be properly placed on the
> long-term
> > > > aftermath of the destruction of the Baathists.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ========================================
> > > >
> > > > Thursday, October 10, 2002 Cheshvan 4, 5763 Israel Time:
> > > > (GMT+3)
> > > >
> > > > Interview / Vicious circles closing in
> > > > By Micha Odenheimer
> > > >
> > > > Thomas von der Osten-Sacken: "The most regressive and
> > dangerous
> > > > elements in the Arab and Islamic world depend on Saddam Hussein."
> > > >
> > > > A journalist, human rights activist and intellectual, Thomas
> > der
> > > > Osten-Sacken is considered one of Germany's leading authorities on
> human
> > > > rights in Iraq. He began traveling to Iraq in 1991, when he spent
> eight
> > > > months doing humanitarian work in the southern part of the country
> just
> > > > after Saddam Hussein crushed the Shi'ite uprising there. In 1992,
> > der
> > > > Osten-Sacken co-founded an aid and advocacy organization called
> > > > operating in Iraqi Kurdistan - the semi-autonomous safe haven carved
> out
> > > for
> > > > Kurdish refugees after the Gulf War - and on behalf of Iraqi
> in
> > > > Germany. He spends part of each year in Kurdistan where Wadi has
> founded
> > > the
> > > > first shelter there for women in distress and is also involved in
> > helping
> > > > the local government reform the prison system that has been left
> > from
> > > > Iraqi rule. In Germany, Wadi advises Iraqi opposition groups and
> > > > closely with the Coalition for a Democratic Iraq.
> > > >
> > > > Von der Osten-Sacken, 34, publishes articles in German
> > > such
> > > > as Jungle World and Konkret, and has co-edited a book on Iraq called
> > > > "Saddam's Last Battle?", which is due to be published next month. He
> is
> > > one
> > > > of the relatively few contemporary German writers and thinkers on
> > left
> > > > who consider themselves pro-Israel and have developed a left-wing
> > critique
> > > > of the anti-globalization left in today's Europe. Along with his
> > > > activities, he is conducting research for his doctoral thesis on
> > > > German-language Zionist newspapers in the 1930s for the German
> > literature
> > > > department at the University of Frankfurt.
> > > >
> > > > This interview was conducted with him earlier this week.
> > > > ======================================================
> > > >
> > > > When did you first realize that the Iraqi regime was not just
> > > another
> > > > Middle East dictatorship?
> > > >
> > > > Von der Osten-Sacken: "When I first came to Iraq, I very
> > > > realized that I could not compare the situation there to other
> > > > Eastern countries I had been in, like Syria, Jordan or Egypt. This
> > country
> > > > was hell. We were the only Europeans in a city called Amara in the
> > Shi'ite
> > > > area of southern Iraq near Basra, and we arrived just a few weeks
> after
> > > the
> > > > uprising had been crushed. There was a belt of tanks around the
> > The
> > > > majority of buildings were burned out. There was no food in the
> market.
> > > > There was also a terrible degree of malnourishment there.
> > > >
> > > > "People in Iraq won't talk freely, because they are terrified
> that
> > > > their friends are working for one of Saddam's nine horrible security
> > > > services. Because of this atmosphere, it took us three or four
> to
> > > > learn some details about the uprising. The Iraqis made people lie
> > in
> > > > the streets and then buried them alive under asphalt. They killed
> > everyone
> > > > who looked a little religious, because this was a Shi'ite area. It
> > > > forbidden to take the corpses from the street. All in all, 60,000 or
> > > 70,000
> > > > people were killed in this area in 1991.
> > > >
> > > > "The first thing that was done after the uprising was crushed
> was
> > to
> > > > repaint the pictures of Saddam Hussein. People had riddled them with
> > > > bullets. Not one had been left. We were shocked at how neglected the
> > south
> > > > was, with open sewage systems, even though it is rich in oil. Saddam
> > said
> > > > before smashing the uprising that these Shi'ites were dirty people,
> not
> > > > really Iraqis. We left there in October '91 when we felt we could
> > > > continue our work without unintentionally helping the government."
> > > >
> > > > What was the atmosphere like in Baghdad then?
> > > >
> > > > "Baghdad was 300 kilometers away, and we went quite often -
> a
> > > good
> > > > dinner, to have a meeting with another organization or even to make
> > > phone
> > > > call to Germany. The fear in Iraq, a BBC reporter said recently, is
> > > > palpable you can eat it. It's really indescribable. Syria is a
> > > dictatorship,
> > > > but the fear and control in Iraq reaches into your living room. If
> there
> > > is
> > > > no picture of Saddam Hussein in your living room, you might be
> arrested.
> > > > There is no privacy. The Iraqi government considers everything
> > political.
> > > In
> > > > Syria, as long as you are not a member of the opposition, you can
> relax.
> > > You
> > > > know you will not be harmed. But in Iraq, if you are in the wrong
> place
> > at
> > > > the wrong time, you may be arrested, tortured, killed."
> > > >
> > > > "When I was in southern Iraq in '91, we had a lot of
> conversations
> > > > with a very nice, very sophisticated doctor. One day, he was
> > > > television and the Iraqi army was being praised for having won the
> > second
> > > > part of the Gulf War [after the initial U.S. attack aimed at driving
> > Iraq
> > > > out of Kuwait]. The doctor just said, `Well, it is a strange victory
> if
> > > > daily children are dying of hunger.' That was enough. Someone heard
> him.
> > > He
> > > > was taken, tortured for three weeks and brought back a broken
> > > > Letting one sentence slip is cause enough for a person to vanish
> an
> > > > Iraqi prison or even to be killed."
> > > >
> > > > You have said that estimates are that Saddam has killed
> > > approximately
> > > > one million of his own citizens since 1979.
> > > >
> > > > "Yes, that would include Kurds, Shi'ites, Christians and
> > > There
> > > > were two huge massacres. There was the so-called Anfal campaign
> against
> > > the
> > > > Kurds at the end of the 1980s when 4,000 villages were destroyed,
> > > about
> > > > 100,000 to 150,000 persons were killed, some with poison gas. Up to
> > > > million people were sent into internal exile. The other big massacre
> was
> > > in
> > > > the south in the 1990s, where the regime has killed about 300,000
> > Shi'ites
> > > > in the last 10 years. In addition, there have been enormous
> > > > against communists over the past two decades.
> > > >
> > > > "The estimate of one million killed only includes civilians. A
> > > million
> > > > Iraqi soldiers were killed in the Iran-Iraq war. A half-million
> > > died
> > > > of hunger or disease because of sanctions on Iraq, and more were
> killed
> > in
> > > > the Gulf War. Some 1.5 to two million people have been internally
> > > displaced,
> > > > and 4.5 million Iraqi refugees are scattered across the globe. Ten
> > percent
> > > > of the Iraqi population has been killed or deported during the rule
> > > > Saddam Hussein. That is the essence of his regime. It is not an
> > accident.
> > > It
> > > > is systematic."
> > > >
> > > > What is the ideology behind Saddam Hussein's regime?
> > > >
> > > > "The Ba'ath ideology mixes pan-Arabism with admiration of
> > Mussolini
> > > > and Hitler, some ideas of state socialism and the notion of an Arab
> > > > supremacy which will be realized after the Arabs have liberated
> > themselves
> > > > from foreign - that means mainly Jewish - influence and British and
> > > American
> > > > imperialism. Ba'athism is strongly anti-communist and
> anti-imperialist,
> > > and
> > > > it is anti- Semitic from its beginning. Everything in Iraq is
> explained
> > > > through this huge conspiracy theory against the Arabs, in general,
> > > Iraq,
> > > > in particular. Iraq is thought to be the greatest Arab nation and
> > > > natural leader of Arab unity."
> > > >
> > > > So Iraq sees itself as the center of the Arab world?
> > > >
> > > > "Yes, the leader of Arab unity. Saddam Hussein dreams of
> a
> > > > united Arab nation that would become a superpower confronting East
> > > West.
> > > > Iraqi children are taught in kindergarten that they have to be
> > Arab
> > > > fighters."
> > > >
> > > > Is Iraqi Ba'athism Islamist?
> > > >
> > > > "Pan-Arabism has always said that Mohammed is the forefather
> > > > pan-Arabism and that Islam was spoiled when it crossed the borders
> > the
> > > > Arab world to Iran and Turkey. The task now is to `re-animate' the
> real
> > > > Islam that was taught by Mohammed as an Arab ideology. Especially
> during
> > > the
> > > > Iran-Iraq war, when Iraq had to face the Iranian revolution, they
> loaded
> > > > their own ideology with Islamic content. The Iranians and the
> Zionists,
> > > they
> > > > said, are part of a 2,000-year-old plot to smash Iraq and divide the
> > > Arabs.
> > > > `We are fighting for the real Islam' the regime said, not the kind
> > > > spoiled Islam that Iran represents. I think it was a mistake for the
> > > > Americans to believe, as they did, that Iraq was a stronghold
> > > > Islam."
> > > >
> > > > Is it conceivable that Al Qaeda and Iraq have cooperated?
> > > >
> > > > "Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden share the same enemies,
> > same
> > > > conspiracy theories. They share the claim that they are fighting in
> the
> > > name
> > > > of the Arab masses. Both these men grew up in the same poisoned
> climate
> > of
> > > > Arab dictatorships. Their ideologies are quite close, even if Saddam
> is
> > > not
> > > > an Islamist. And since he has been supporting many terror
> organizations,
> > I
> > > > would not be surprised if there are close ties on the ground between
> > Iraq
> > > > and Al Qaeda.
> > > >
> > > > "I think that Osama bin Laden is trying to walk in the
> > of
> > > > Saddam Hussein. At the same time, Saddam Hussein in the 1990s was
> trying
> > > to
> > > > strengthen the ties between Iraq and the Islamic movements. He put
> > `Allah
> > > > Akhbar' [`God is great'] into the flag of Iraq and also financed
> > different
> > > > Islamic groups in Palestine and other places in the Arab world.
> is
> > a
> > > > terrorist education center in Baghdad called Salmanpak and according
> to
> > > the
> > > > Iraqi opposition, in the mid-'90s, terrorists from other countries
> were
> > > > being trained there in such skills as how to hijack planes and use
> > > chemical
> > > > weapons. They may be cooperating and even if they are not, these are
> two
> > > > trees growing in the same soil."
> > > >
> > > > So you would not agree with the idea that the war on Iraq is a
> > > > distraction from the war against terror that President George Bush
> > > > proclaimed.
> > > >
> > > > "American policy in Iraq is a series of huge mistakes.
> it
> > > was
> > > > a mistake to support that horrible regime in the 1980s knowing, for
> > > example,
> > > > about the massacres against the Kurds. Secondly, it was a huge
> > not
> > > > to let the Iraqi people topple Saddam in '91. The Americans feared
> > > democracy
> > > > in the Middle East, they feared the breakup of Iraq because it would
> > > > strengthen Iran, so they allowed Saddam to crush the uprising.
> > > >
> > > > "With regimes like the Iraqi one, there will be no peace in
> > > Middle
> > > > East. You cannot contain a regime like Saddam Hussein's. That was a
> > > mistake
> > > > of the West. So the question is: Is America ready to face up to the
> > > mistakes
> > > > it made in '91 and in the '80s? Are the Americans ready to support
> > > > democracy? Because people like Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden
> > out
> > > > of the Middle East. They are not products of Afghanistan."
> > > >
> > > > What kind of influence does Saddam have in the Arab street,
> > what
> > > > kind of affect could it have to topple him?
> > > >
> > > > "The most regressive and dangerous elements in the Arab and
> > Islamic
> > > > world depend on Saddam Hussein. Really toppling Saddam Hussein means
> > > > uprooting the Ba'ath regime, with the help of the Iraqi people. This
> > would
> > > > give the final blow to pan-Arabism in the Middle East. Syria and a
> > of
> > > > very radical factions in Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt and the Gulf
> > > would
> > > > be affected. These factions look up to Saddam Hussein as a
> pan-Arabist,
> > > > anti-imperialist hero - although he is anti-imperialist in the
> tradition
> > > of
> > > > the Nazis, not the left. Also, Saddam is financing organizations
> > the
> > > > Arab Liberation Front in Palestine, which is a Ba'ath organization.
> > is
> > > > paying the families of suicide attackers. He is directly and
> indirectly
> > > > responsible for a lot of terrorism in the Middle East."
> > > >
> > > > What is his relationship with Yasser Arafat and the PLO?
> > > >
> > > > "Part of the Palestinian establishment has very close ties to
> Iraq
> > > > since 1991 when the Palestinians decided to support Saddam, which
> a
> > > huge
> > > > mistake. This includes some quite influential figures within the
> > security
> > > > apparatus of Yasser Arafat and the PLO. There is a struggle within
> > > > Palestinian establishment right now over whether these elements
> > be
> > > > isolated. I think that certain people like Abu Mazen and some of the
> > > > security forces who were trained by the CIA are struggling against
> > others
> > > > who have very close ties to Baghdad, and who still want to join Iraq
> in
> > > the
> > > > next battle with terrorist attacks, or worse - with chemical or
> > biological
> > > > attacks on Israel or somewhere else in the world. That, I think,
> > be
> > > > another terrible mistake for the Palestinians to make."
> > > >
> > > > What will have to be done, the day after Saddam is gone, to
> > the
> > > > distinction between merely switching Iraqi regimes and starting
> > something
> > > > completely new and democratic?
> > > >
> > > > "In 1991, the Americans feared the results of a public
> > > They
> > > > hoped to find someone within the military who could topple Saddam
> > Hussein
> > > > and rule Iraq with some cosmetic changes, but with the same security
> > > > apparatus. This hope proved a failure because for 25 years, Saddam
> > > been
> > > > trying to get rid of anyone that might pose a threat to him. Every
> > > > influential general has been killed. Yearly cleansing campaigns are
> > > carried
> > > > out against high-ranking members of the Ba'ath Party so that no one
> can
> > > > threaten the position of his family, which is more or less ruling
> Iraq.
> > > The
> > > > hawks in the U.S., people like Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney or
> > > > Perle, analyzed the situation and realized that they cannot just
> change
> > > > someone at the top. It is not like a South American dictatorship. If
> > they
> > > > really want change, they have to create a new Iraq.
> > > >
> > > > "Iraq is so ruthless and cruel against any opposition that
> people
> > > > cannot rise up without an outside trigger. But the moment a
> possibility
> > is
> > > > created, the vast majority of the Iraqi people will rise up. They
> > > > uproot the Ba'ath Party and even take personal revenge on the ruling
> > > regime;
> > > > you won't have any Ba'ath Party anymore. So you really have to think
> > about
> > > > what to do afterward. The only alternative is creating a democracy,
> > which
> > > is
> > > > a real experiment because nothing like this exists in the region.
> > > > considers itself an Arab country, but actually contains nearly all
> > > > different minority and ethnic groups of the Middle East.
> > > >
> > > > "So, if it is really done with heart, it is the first step to
> > > creating
> > > > a new Middle East. A democracy in the region will very much affect
> other
> > > > countries. It is a huge challenge and experiment. The question is:
> > the
> > > > Americans know what they are going to do there? Because Turkey, Iran
> and
> > > > Europe will all try to impose their own policy. Iraq is an oil-rich
> > > country
> > > > and you don't know if this great game will not lead to catastrophe."
> > > >
> > > > Does Iraq have a national identity that could come together as
> > > > democracy? Or are these fears that the Shi'ites and Kurds will split
> off
> > > > legitimate?
> > > >
> > > > "Iraq is very unique in the Arab world. First of all, you
> already
> > > have
> > > > a very long tradition of opposition to the central regime. And you
> have
> > a
> > > > tradition of a national identity. Even the Kurds in Iraq never
> to
> > > > split off, unlike their brethren in Turkey. They want a federal Iraq
> > with
> > > > strong Kurdish autonomy. I don't think the Shi'ites want to split
> > > > Usually the minority is the one that wants to split off. The Shi'ite
> are
> > > the
> > > > majority in Iraq. What they want is more influence in Baghdad. From
> > > > experience from living there, I don't think the Shi'ites are
> > by
> > > > the mullah regime of Iran. You also have a strong leftist tradition,
> > > mainly
> > > > in places like Basra and Amara, and Iraq has one of the oldest and
> > > strongest
> > > > communist parties in the Middle East. This tradition has been
> > > > repressed by the Ba'ath Party, but it still exists.
> > > >
> > > > "I think the Kurdish autonomy is a positive example for Iraq.
> > > > Kurdistan has horrible conditions. It's not recognized
> internationally.
> > It
> > > > is more or less under double embargo: the international sanctions
> > against
> > > > Iraq and some internal sanctions from the central government.
> > Iran
> > > > and Syria are all trying to destabilize the Kurds. But even under
> these
> > > dire
> > > > circumstances, the Kurds have been able to build up what is not
> a
> > > > democracy, but a place which is, except for Israel, the most liberal
> and
> > > > free in the Middle East. There are a lot of newspapers, freedom of
> > speech,
> > > > up to a limit - you are not allowed to insult the Kurdish political
> > > > leaders - but in comparison with central Iraq, you can really call
> > > > paradise. And there is to a certain extent democracy. If the Kurds
> > > able
> > > > to do it, why shouldn't the Iraqis, with assistance from abroad?"
> > > >
> > > > Are you in favor of waging war against Iraq?
> > > >
> > > > "Let me say first that I am not in favor of war, especially
> until
> > we
> > > > know how the Americans want to conduct the war. But one also has to
> > > consider
> > > > that what the Lebanese intellectual Fouad Ajami has said: that for
> > > years,
> > > > Iraq has been conducting a war against its own society. Saddam
> > is
> > > > conducting a war against his own people and it must be stopped. It
> > hard
> > > > to think of another people who have suffered in the last 20 years
> > the
> > > > Iraqi people have suffered at the hands of Saddam Hussein and
> of
> > > > international policy aimed at containing him. If Americans are
> > > ready
> > > > to topple him, it might be very good for the Iraqi people and very
> good
> > > for
> > > > the region. If the Americans start just another stupid war like the
> one
> > in
> > > > 1991, then I am against it, too.
> > > >
> > > > "At this very moment there is a huge Arabization campaign
> against
> > > > Kurds living in Karkuk. People are systematically deported because
> > > > regime wants to change a Kurdish city into an Arab one. Just now
> > are
> > > > tremendous prison cleansing campaigns. Every Wednesday, the security
> > > forces
> > > > come into the largest prison in Baghdad and say: You, you, you and
> you.
> > > Five
> > > > hundred people are taken out to be killed just because the prisons
> > > > overcrowded. The Iraqi National Congress says that there are 600,000
> to
> > > > 700,000 political prisoners in Iraqi detention camps at present.
> > > >
> > > > "So the question is: Are they really ready to support
> in
> > > the
> > > > Middle East? In that case, I think the war is necessary and good. Or
> do
> > > they
> > > > just want to put some horrible general in instead of Saddam? Then I
> > oppose
> > > > this war very much."
> > > >
> > > > During the Gulf War in 1991, Israel refrained from retaliating
> > after
> > > > the Scud missile attacks. How should Israel respond if it is
> > this
> > > > time?
> > > >
> > > > "Seventy percent of the Iraqi people are allies of the
> Americans.
> > If
> > > > the war is waged correctly, it will focus on the regime, on the
> leaders,
> > > on
> > > > the security apparatus and on this horrible Ba'ath Party, but not on
> the
> > > > Iraqi people. So if Israel is attacked, it should consider this
> > > This
> > > > is a war against the regime, and the Iraqi people are allies in
> fighting
> > > > Saddam Hussein. So it is very important to refrain from attacking
> > > civilians.
> > > > There has been a debate about Israel nuking Iraq if attacked with
> > weapons
> > > of
> > > > mass destruction. That would be a disaster - the end of the
> > > democratization
> > > > of the Middle East. Everyone would be against the Iraqi opposition
> > > > against Israel. If there is a need for Israel to strike back, it
> should
> > > only
> > > > be against military targets. Israel should openly declare that it is
> not
> > > > conducting a war against the Iraqi people, and that it is ready to
> > support
> > > a
> > > > multi-ethnic democracy in Iraq, friendly to the Iraqi people and
> > > > hostile to this government."
> > > >
> > > > What is the attitude toward Israel and the United States in
> > > liberated
> > > > Kurdistan?
> > > >
> > > > "The United States created the safe haven in 1991 not for the
> > Kurds,
> > > > but to protect Iran and Turkey from the influx of refugees. Still,
> > people
> > > > know that they are protected by the U.S. and they have a positive
> > attitude
> > > > toward it. I spent September 11, 2001 in Kurdistan in front of the
> > > > television and the next day, I crossed through Syria to Jordan. In
> > Syria,
> > > > people told me that it was a conspiracy against the Arabs, but in
> > > Kurdistan,
> > > > people were deeply shocked and sorry for the victims of the World
> Trade
> > > > Center attack.
> > > >
> > > > "In regard to Israel, it's astonishing: The Kurds were all
> taught
> > in
> > > > Iraqi schools that the Jews and Israel are the main enemy,
> > blood-suckers,
> > > > part of a huge conspiracy, but I did not find any real anti-Israel
> > > > sentiments. Critics of the occupation, of the settlements, yes,
> > are
> > > > some, and I think that is legitimate, but no anti-Semitic conspiracy
> > > theory.
> > > > In fact, people in Kurdistan are now starting to reflect on the mass
> > > > immigration of Kurdish Jews in the 1950s when 99 percent of the
> > > > community left mostly to Israel. Many times, I heard Kurds saying
> > it
> > > > was sad that this living together with Jews had stopped, and that
> > > Jewish
> > > > heritage of Kurdistan should be kept alive.
> > > >
> > > > "Also, you have to understand the dynamic. Nearly every week,
> > Saddam
> > > > Hussein or a leading Ba'ath member declares that Iraqi Kurdistan is
> the
> > > > Israel of Iraq, or accuses the Kurds of being Zionists agents. The
> same
> > > > thing is said about every opposition party - be they Islamists,
> > > > nationalists, communists or Christians. People who are anti-Zionist
> > > > themselves, such as Iraqi communists, are put into prison, tortured
> and
> > > > killed as Zionist spies. That forces people to have a different
> attitude
> > > > toward the whole Middle East conspiracy theory. I think this is why
> > > > intellectual Iraqis abroad are much less likely to be anti-Israel
> > > other
> > > > Arab intellectuals. Iraqis oppose pan-Arabism and Ba'athism much
> > than
> > > > they oppose Israel. So, it may be more possible to find a way to
> > with
> > > a
> > > > future Iraqi government than with any other government in the
> If
> > > the
> > > > Kurds are strong in Baghdad, the Jews will not face this irrational
> > > > anti-Jewish sentiment."
> > > >
> > > > What do you think drives German policy against U.S.
> > in
> > > > Iraq?
> > > >
> > > > "Germany gains very good material benefit from Iraq. One
> > not
> > > > forget that German technology enabled Iraq to enlarge the range of
> > > Scud
> > > > missiles so that they could reach Israel, that without German
> > assistance,
> > > > Iraq would not have been able to gas Iranian soldiers or its own
> people
> > in
> > > > Kurdistan or to threaten Israel. So there are deep relations. Iran,
> > Libya
> > > > and Syria, but especially Iraq, have this relationship with Germany.
> > > German
> > > > policy has always put its eggs in Saddam's basket and gained from
> trade
> > > with
> > > > Iraq, especially after '91 when America and England were out of
> > > >
> > > > "Also, ideology is important, especially at such times as
> > the
> > > > last election campaign when the Social Democrats start to play on
> > > > anti-American piano. There are very close ties between a certain
> German
> > > > ideology dating back to the 19th century, running through World War
> > and
> > > > escalating in World War II with the Nazis and continuing afterward,
> > which
> > > > has close ties to pan-Arabism. One that shares the same enemies:
> > America,
> > > > the Jews, Israel. Anti-American and anti-Israel resentments are very
> > > strong
> > > > in Germany and they have become stronger since 1989.
> > > >
> > > > "Saddam Hussein is not usually seen in Germany as a horrible
> > > dictator
> > > > murdering his own people. People blame the sanctions and not him,
> > > people
> > > > blame the Israeli occupation for the whole situation in the Middle
> East,
> > > not
> > > > Palestinian terrorists or Saddam for continually destabilizing the
> > region.
> > > > Also, since 1945, many Germans have very strong anti-war feelings,
> > > > especially if these wars are conducted by the United States. The
> > majority
> > > of
> > > > people opposed the second part of the Gulf War; there were
> > > > demonstrations against it. Now this opposition is stronger, because
> > > Germany
> > > > is stronger.
> > > >
> > > > "Germany is now conducting its own independent foreign policy,
> > which
> > > > in the last two to four years, has become simply to contrast itself
> > the
> > > > U.S. If the U.S. is supporting a government, we should support the
> > > > opposition to this government. In the Middle East, there is an
> > to
> > > > tighten relations with Syria, Lebanon, the Palestinians and Iraq.
> Also,
> > > the
> > > > Germans are quite afraid of the archives in Baghdad and what they
> > > about
> > > > the poison gas and other weapons deals that were made between Iraq
> a
> > > lot
> > > > of German enterprises."
> > > >
> > > > So both the left and the right in Germany have strong
> > anti-American
> > > > feeling?
> > > >
> > > > "Anti-American and anti-Israeli-anti-Semitic. At the moment,
> > can
> > > > hardly distinguish between the very far right wing and the very far
> left
> > > > wing. The far right openly supports Saddam Hussein, saying that he
> > > > fighting the Jews and the Americans and thus supporting the German
> > battle.
> > > > And certain left-wingers from an orthodox left-wing tradition think
> that
> > > > Saddam Hussein is anti-imperialist, anti-globalization, that he is
> > > fighting
> > > > for the rights of the Arabs to self-determination. Others on the
> > say
> > > > that Saddam may be horrible, but another American war will not solve
> any
> > > > problems. The war will just help Israel's interest, so we should
> oppose
> > > it.
> > > > This is also the governmental policy at the moment."
> > > >
> > > > The European and Third World left have developed an ideology
> that
> > > > unites anti-globalization, anti-Americanism, anti-Israel feeling
> to
> > a
> > > > certain extent, anti-Semitism. What is the internal logic behind
> > > > combination?
> > > >
> > > > "This is not a very new phenomenon. In the German left, these
> > > > attitudes existed during the 1920s with the idea of `a shortened
> > > > anti-capitalism' that distinguished very sharply between financial
> > capital
> > > > and productive capital, and demonized financial capital. This idea
> > > later
> > > > adapted by the Nazis, and is in itself anti-Semitic because Jews are
> > > > identified with the circulation sphere - with banks. Whoever does
> > > > criticize capitalism in a Marxist way, but criticizes only the
> > > > [aspects] of capitalism - the huge banks or the monopoly
capitalists -
> > is
> > > > automatically using an anti-Semitic phraseology, even if he is not
> > > speaking
> > > > about Jews or Israel. This is what some of the anti-globalization
> > rhetoric
> > > > is about.
> > > >
> > > > "These associations are so deeply written inside European and
> > > > especially German history, that you can be anti-Semitic without even
> > > > mentioning Jews. This way of thinking was kept alive in certain
> Leninist
> > > > groups and in the far right wing in the '60s and '70s, and now it is
> > more
> > > or
> > > > less unfolding in the mainstream movements. It is always a question
> > > > whether these resentments, which are quite common, are taboo or
> whether
> > > the
> > > > government is signaling that they can be voiced. Until 1989,
> > anti-Semitism
> > > > and anti-Americanism were taboo in Germany. These views found space
> > the
> > > > left and on the far right. In the middle of society, they were
> in
> > > the
> > > > signals and phrases communicated in the subtext. Now, due to the new
> > > > international constellation, the taboo has broken down and these
> > can
> > > > be found in the mainstream.
> > > >
> > > > "So you have more or less the same idea that you had since the
> > '20s:
> > > > There is a global struggle pitting the `good' people who are
> > > > against colonialization against a conspiracy between the huge
> > > > trusts, banks and the Jews, which wants to force the world to adapt
> > > > universal capitalism. The Jews were also accused then of being the
> > > purveyors
> > > > of the global communist principle, but since 1989, that has been
> > > forgotten.
> > > > These old ideas were re-animated now due to the ethnic conflicts in
> the
> > > > Balkans and the conflict in the Middle East, and especially since
> > > September
> > > > 11, when the focus has been on the conflict between the Palestinians
> and
> > > > Israel, and the conflict between Iraq on one side and the U.S. and
> > Britain
> > > > on the other."
> > > >
> > > > Leaving aside the overt anti-Semitism, what do you, as a
> Marxist,
> > > see
> > > > as the primary mistake of this ideology that is attacking the U.S.
> > the
> > > > purveyor of global capitalism?
> > > >
> > > > "The moment this anti-globalization ideology brings together
> > Hamas,
> > > > Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, nationalistic movements in the
> Balkans,
> > > the
> > > > Zapatists in Mexico, and the neo-Nazi right wing, which is very
> > in
> > > > the anti-globalization movement, it means they are not fighting for
> > > > universal freedom, liberation and emancipation, but are reproducing
> > > > anti-universalist, anti-Semitic stereotypes that are only leading to
> > > > barbarism. Rosa Luxemburg once said that the question is socialism
> > > > barbarism, and that question is still valid. But at the moment, I
> think
> > > the
> > > > fight is to defend the Western world against those who would like to
> be
> > > its
> > > > successors. These people are also, dialectically, the products of
> > > > Western, capitalistic world. Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden grew
> out
> > > of
> > > > the bad politics of the U.S. and Europe in the Middle East. They
> didn't
> > > fall
> > > > from the moon.
> > > >
> > > > "But at the moment, I think one has to support the West, which
> > means
> > > > in this case America, Britain and Israel, in its battle against its
> own
> > > > creations. Then you can think again of how to create a much better
> > world.
> > > > The questions the anti-globalization movement raises are very
> > important -
> > > > issues like the environment, world hunger and the enrichment of a
> > > small
> > > > minority of people while the vast majority become poorer. But with
> > > > Ba'ath Party and Hamas as your actors, you will not change anything.
> > They
> > > > are not the historical subjects who are carrying the idea of
> > emancipation.
> > > >
> > > > "In extremis, you have a constellation that reminds one of the
> > '30s.
> > > > On the one hand, you have Britain, the U.S. and Israel - the Jews
> > > always
> > > > in the metaphysical center of these conflicts. This side is fighting
> for
> > a
> > > > capitalistic Western ideology. Then you have these National
> > > > self-determination ideas, which are always led by the Germans. In
> 1939,
> > > the
> > > > Germans said that they were fighting universal capitalism and for
> > > > self-determination in the Third World. They had a very
> anti-colonialist
> > > > phraseology. You can find the same words and the same phrases as are
> > being
> > > > used today in the '40s when the Germans were supporting India's and
> the
> > > > Arabs' revolt against the British. Even France is again in the same
> > > > position - supporting Britain and the U.S. half-heartedly.
> > > >
> > > > "Ten years ago, everyone thought Germany was a close ally of
> > > U.S.,
> > > > supporting its policy. But no. In this conflict, Germany is
> > that
> > > > it is standing on the other side. Everywhere in the Middle East, in
> the
> > > > Syrian press, in the Hezbollah press, in the Baghdadi press, Germany
> is
> > > > being praised for taking the same side they did 50 years ago. So
> people
> > > > understand what the Germans are doing. And I think that that is
> > > > interesting - and quite horrifying."
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
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, D42 Kandinskij

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, marc.garrett wrote:

> Does that mean that I am wanking in your face?

No it means you're masturbating in your pants while dying.
Typical victim pose.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, marc garrett


Wally - er, are you an artist or an FBI fag, I cannot believe what you are
saying. It's like the age of enlightenment never happened. Not in your neck
of the woods, anyway…


> For those peace activists who advocated Big Bush refrain from marching on
> Baghdad as part of Desert Storm, bear responsibility for the miserable
> deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. For those peace activists who
> oppose regime change in Baghdad, please take responsibilty for the tens of
> thousands of deaths yet to come at the hands of the Saddam Baathist
> dictatorshit. More lives would be saved if the pressure was placed on the
> establishment of democracy in Iraq – established first by annihilating
> Baathist regime. The pressure should be properly placed on the long-term
> aftermath of the destruction of the Baathists.
> ========================================
> Thursday, October 10, 2002 Cheshvan 4, 5763 Israel Time: 01:32
> (GMT+3)
> Interview / Vicious circles closing in
> By Micha Odenheimer
> Thomas von der Osten-Sacken: "The most regressive and dangerous
> elements in the Arab and Islamic world depend on Saddam Hussein."
> A journalist, human rights activist and intellectual, Thomas von der
> Osten-Sacken is considered one of Germany's leading authorities on human
> rights in Iraq. He began traveling to Iraq in 1991, when he spent eight
> months doing humanitarian work in the southern part of the country just
> after Saddam Hussein crushed the Shi'ite uprising there. In 1992, Von der
> Osten-Sacken co-founded an aid and advocacy organization called Wadi,
> operating in Iraqi Kurdistan - the semi-autonomous safe haven carved out
> Kurdish refugees after the Gulf War - and on behalf of Iraqi refugees in
> Germany. He spends part of each year in Kurdistan where Wadi has founded
> first shelter there for women in distress and is also involved in helping
> the local government reform the prison system that has been left over from
> Iraqi rule. In Germany, Wadi advises Iraqi opposition groups and works
> closely with the Coalition for a Democratic Iraq.
> Von der Osten-Sacken, 34, publishes articles in German magazines
> as Jungle World and Konkret, and has co-edited a book on Iraq called
> "Saddam's Last Battle?", which is due to be published next month. He is
> of the relatively few contemporary German writers and thinkers on the left
> who consider themselves pro-Israel and have developed a left-wing critique
> of the anti-globalization left in today's Europe. Along with his other
> activities, he is conducting research for his doctoral thesis on
> German-language Zionist newspapers in the 1930s for the German literature
> department at the University of Frankfurt.
> This interview was conducted with him earlier this week.
> ======================================================
> When did you first realize that the Iraqi regime was not just
> Middle East dictatorship?
> Von der Osten-Sacken: "When I first came to Iraq, I very quickly
> realized that I could not compare the situation there to other Middle
> Eastern countries I had been in, like Syria, Jordan or Egypt. This country
> was hell. We were the only Europeans in a city called Amara in the Shi'ite
> area of southern Iraq near Basra, and we arrived just a few weeks after
> uprising had been crushed. There was a belt of tanks around the city. The
> majority of buildings were burned out. There was no food in the market.
> There was also a terrible degree of malnourishment there.
> "People in Iraq won't talk freely, because they are terrified that
> their friends are working for one of Saddam's nine horrible security
> services. Because of this atmosphere, it took us three or four months to
> learn some details about the uprising. The Iraqis made people lie down in
> the streets and then buried them alive under asphalt. They killed everyone
> who looked a little religious, because this was a Shi'ite area. It was
> forbidden to take the corpses from the street. All in all, 60,000 or
> people were killed in this area in 1991.
> "The first thing that was done after the uprising was crushed was to
> repaint the pictures of Saddam Hussein. People had riddled them with
> bullets. Not one had been left. We were shocked at how neglected the south
> was, with open sewage systems, even though it is rich in oil. Saddam said
> before smashing the uprising that these Shi'ites were dirty people, not
> really Iraqis. We left there in October '91 when we felt we could not
> continue our work without unintentionally helping the government."
> What was the atmosphere like in Baghdad then?
> "Baghdad was 300 kilometers away, and we went quite often - for a
> dinner, to have a meeting with another organization or even to make a
> call to Germany. The fear in Iraq, a BBC reporter said recently, is so
> palpable you can eat it. It's really indescribable. Syria is a
> but the fear and control in Iraq reaches into your living room. If there
> no picture of Saddam Hussein in your living room, you might be arrested.
> There is no privacy. The Iraqi government considers everything political.
> Syria, as long as you are not a member of the opposition, you can relax.
> know you will not be harmed. But in Iraq, if you are in the wrong place at
> the wrong time, you may be arrested, tortured, killed."
> "When I was in southern Iraq in '91, we had a lot of conversations
> with a very nice, very sophisticated doctor. One day, he was watching
> television and the Iraqi army was being praised for having won the second
> part of the Gulf War [after the initial U.S. attack aimed at driving Iraq
> out of Kuwait]. The doctor just said, `Well, it is a strange victory if
> daily children are dying of hunger.' That was enough. Someone heard him.
> was taken, tortured for three weeks and brought back a broken person.
> Letting one sentence slip is cause enough for a person to vanish into an
> Iraqi prison or even to be killed."
> You have said that estimates are that Saddam has killed
> one million of his own citizens since 1979.
> "Yes, that would include Kurds, Shi'ites, Christians and Sunnis.
> were two huge massacres. There was the so-called Anfal campaign against
> Kurds at the end of the 1980s when 4,000 villages were destroyed, and
> 100,000 to 150,000 persons were killed, some with poison gas. Up to a
> million people were sent into internal exile. The other big massacre was
> the south in the 1990s, where the regime has killed about 300,000 Shi'ites
> in the last 10 years. In addition, there have been enormous massacres
> against communists over the past two decades.
> "The estimate of one million killed only includes civilians. A
> Iraqi soldiers were killed in the Iran-Iraq war. A half-million Iraqis
> of hunger or disease because of sanctions on Iraq, and more were killed in
> the Gulf War. Some 1.5 to two million people have been internally
> and 4.5 million Iraqi refugees are scattered across the globe. Ten percent
> of the Iraqi population has been killed or deported during the rule of
> Saddam Hussein. That is the essence of his regime. It is not an accident.
> is systematic."
> What is the ideology behind Saddam Hussein's regime?
> "The Ba'ath ideology mixes pan-Arabism with admiration of Mussolini
> and Hitler, some ideas of state socialism and the notion of an Arab
> supremacy which will be realized after the Arabs have liberated themselves
> from foreign - that means mainly Jewish - influence and British and
> imperialism. Ba'athism is strongly anti-communist and anti-imperialist,
> it is anti- Semitic from its beginning. Everything in Iraq is explained
> through this huge conspiracy theory against the Arabs, in general, and
> in particular. Iraq is thought to be the greatest Arab nation and the
> natural leader of Arab unity."
> So Iraq sees itself as the center of the Arab world?
> "Yes, the leader of Arab unity. Saddam Hussein dreams of ruling a
> united Arab nation that would become a superpower confronting East and
> Iraqi children are taught in kindergarten that they have to be strong Arab
> fighters."
> Is Iraqi Ba'athism Islamist?
> "Pan-Arabism has always said that Mohammed is the forefather of
> pan-Arabism and that Islam was spoiled when it crossed the borders of the
> Arab world to Iran and Turkey. The task now is to `re-animate' the real
> Islam that was taught by Mohammed as an Arab ideology. Especially during
> Iran-Iraq war, when Iraq had to face the Iranian revolution, they loaded
> their own ideology with Islamic content. The Iranians and the Zionists,
> said, are part of a 2,000-year-old plot to smash Iraq and divide the
> `We are fighting for the real Islam' the regime said, not the kind of
> spoiled Islam that Iran represents. I think it was a mistake for the
> Americans to believe, as they did, that Iraq was a stronghold against
> Islam."
> Is it conceivable that Al Qaeda and Iraq have cooperated?
> "Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden share the same enemies, the same
> conspiracy theories. They share the claim that they are fighting in the
> of the Arab masses. Both these men grew up in the same poisoned climate of
> Arab dictatorships. Their ideologies are quite close, even if Saddam is
> an Islamist. And since he has been supporting many terror organizations, I
> would not be surprised if there are close ties on the ground between Iraq
> and Al Qaeda.
> "I think that Osama bin Laden is trying to walk in the footsteps of
> Saddam Hussein. At the same time, Saddam Hussein in the 1990s was trying
> strengthen the ties between Iraq and the Islamic movements. He put `Allah
> Akhbar' [`God is great'] into the flag of Iraq and also financed different
> Islamic groups in Palestine and other places in the Arab world. There is a
> terrorist education center in Baghdad called Salmanpak and according to
> Iraqi opposition, in the mid-'90s, terrorists from other countries were
> being trained there in such skills as how to hijack planes and use
> weapons. They may be cooperating and even if they are not, these are two
> trees growing in the same soil."
> So you would not agree with the idea that the war on Iraq is a
> distraction from the war against terror that President George Bush has
> proclaimed.
> "American policy in Iraq is a series of huge mistakes. Firstly, it
> a mistake to support that horrible regime in the 1980s knowing, for
> about the massacres against the Kurds. Secondly, it was a huge mistake not
> to let the Iraqi people topple Saddam in '91. The Americans feared
> in the Middle East, they feared the breakup of Iraq because it would
> strengthen Iran, so they allowed Saddam to crush the uprising.
> "With regimes like the Iraqi one, there will be no peace in the
> East. You cannot contain a regime like Saddam Hussein's. That was a
> of the West. So the question is: Is America ready to face up to the
> it made in '91 and in the '80s? Are the Americans ready to support
> democracy? Because people like Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden grew out
> of the Middle East. They are not products of Afghanistan."
> What kind of influence does Saddam have in the Arab street, and what
> kind of affect could it have to topple him?
> "The most regressive and dangerous elements in the Arab and Islamic
> world depend on Saddam Hussein. Really toppling Saddam Hussein means
> uprooting the Ba'ath regime, with the help of the Iraqi people. This would
> give the final blow to pan-Arabism in the Middle East. Syria and a lot of
> very radical factions in Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt and the Gulf states
> be affected. These factions look up to Saddam Hussein as a pan-Arabist,
> anti-imperialist hero - although he is anti-imperialist in the tradition
> the Nazis, not the left. Also, Saddam is financing organizations like the
> Arab Liberation Front in Palestine, which is a Ba'ath organization. He is
> paying the families of suicide attackers. He is directly and indirectly
> responsible for a lot of terrorism in the Middle East."
> What is his relationship with Yasser Arafat and the PLO?
> "Part of the Palestinian establishment has very close ties to Iraq
> since 1991 when the Palestinians decided to support Saddam, which was a
> mistake. This includes some quite influential figures within the security
> apparatus of Yasser Arafat and the PLO. There is a struggle within the
> Palestinian establishment right now over whether these elements should be
> isolated. I think that certain people like Abu Mazen and some of the
> security forces who were trained by the CIA are struggling against others
> who have very close ties to Baghdad, and who still want to join Iraq in
> next battle with terrorist attacks, or worse - with chemical or biological
> attacks on Israel or somewhere else in the world. That, I think, would be
> another terrible mistake for the Palestinians to make."
> What will have to be done, the day after Saddam is gone, to make the
> distinction between merely switching Iraqi regimes and starting something
> completely new and democratic?
> "In 1991, the Americans feared the results of a public uprising.
> hoped to find someone within the military who could topple Saddam Hussein
> and rule Iraq with some cosmetic changes, but with the same security
> apparatus. This hope proved a failure because for 25 years, Saddam has
> trying to get rid of anyone that might pose a threat to him. Every
> influential general has been killed. Yearly cleansing campaigns are
> out against high-ranking members of the Ba'ath Party so that no one can
> threaten the position of his family, which is more or less ruling Iraq.
> hawks in the U.S., people like Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney or Richard
> Perle, analyzed the situation and realized that they cannot just change
> someone at the top. It is not like a South American dictatorship. If they
> really want change, they have to create a new Iraq.
> "Iraq is so ruthless and cruel against any opposition that people
> cannot rise up without an outside trigger. But the moment a possibility is
> created, the vast majority of the Iraqi people will rise up. They will
> uproot the Ba'ath Party and even take personal revenge on the ruling
> you won't have any Ba'ath Party anymore. So you really have to think about
> what to do afterward. The only alternative is creating a democracy, which
> a real experiment because nothing like this exists in the region. Iraq
> considers itself an Arab country, but actually contains nearly all the
> different minority and ethnic groups of the Middle East.
> "So, if it is really done with heart, it is the first step to
> a new Middle East. A democracy in the region will very much affect other
> countries. It is a huge challenge and experiment. The question is: Do the
> Americans know what they are going to do there? Because Turkey, Iran and
> Europe will all try to impose their own policy. Iraq is an oil-rich
> and you don't know if this great game will not lead to catastrophe."
> Does Iraq have a national identity that could come together as a
> democracy? Or are these fears that the Shi'ites and Kurds will split off
> legitimate?
> "Iraq is very unique in the Arab world. First of all, you already
> a very long tradition of opposition to the central regime. And you have a
> tradition of a national identity. Even the Kurds in Iraq never wanted to
> split off, unlike their brethren in Turkey. They want a federal Iraq with
> strong Kurdish autonomy. I don't think the Shi'ites want to split off.
> Usually the minority is the one that wants to split off. The Shi'ite are
> majority in Iraq. What they want is more influence in Baghdad. From my
> experience from living there, I don't think the Shi'ites are attracted by
> the mullah regime of Iran. You also have a strong leftist tradition,
> in places like Basra and Amara, and Iraq has one of the oldest and
> communist parties in the Middle East. This tradition has been strongly
> repressed by the Ba'ath Party, but it still exists.
> "I think the Kurdish autonomy is a positive example for Iraq.
> Kurdistan has horrible conditions. It's not recognized internationally. It
> is more or less under double embargo: the international sanctions against
> Iraq and some internal sanctions from the central government. Turkey, Iran
> and Syria are all trying to destabilize the Kurds. But even under these
> circumstances, the Kurds have been able to build up what is not really a
> democracy, but a place which is, except for Israel, the most liberal and
> free in the Middle East. There are a lot of newspapers, freedom of speech,
> up to a limit - you are not allowed to insult the Kurdish political
> leaders - but in comparison with central Iraq, you can really call it
> paradise. And there is to a certain extent democracy. If the Kurds are
> to do it, why shouldn't the Iraqis, with assistance from abroad?"
> Are you in favor of waging war against Iraq?
> "Let me say first that I am not in favor of war, especially until we
> know how the Americans want to conduct the war. But one also has to
> that what the Lebanese intellectual Fouad Ajami has said: that for 30
> Iraq has been conducting a war against its own society. Saddam Hussein is
> conducting a war against his own people and it must be stopped. It is hard
> to think of another people who have suffered in the last 20 years like the
> Iraqi people have suffered at the hands of Saddam Hussein and because of
> international policy aimed at containing him. If Americans are really
> to topple him, it might be very good for the Iraqi people and very good
> the region. If the Americans start just another stupid war like the one in
> 1991, then I am against it, too.
> "At this very moment there is a huge Arabization campaign against
> Kurds living in Karkuk. People are systematically deported because the
> regime wants to change a Kurdish city into an Arab one. Just now there are
> tremendous prison cleansing campaigns. Every Wednesday, the security
> come into the largest prison in Baghdad and say: You, you, you and you.
> hundred people are taken out to be killed just because the prisons are
> overcrowded. The Iraqi National Congress says that there are 600,000 to
> 700,000 political prisoners in Iraqi detention camps at present.
> "So the question is: Are they really ready to support democracy in
> Middle East? In that case, I think the war is necessary and good. Or do
> just want to put some horrible general in instead of Saddam? Then I oppose
> this war very much."
> During the Gulf War in 1991, Israel refrained from retaliating after
> the Scud missile attacks. How should Israel respond if it is attacked this
> time?
> "Seventy percent of the Iraqi people are allies of the Americans. If
> the war is waged correctly, it will focus on the regime, on the leaders,
> the security apparatus and on this horrible Ba'ath Party, but not on the
> Iraqi people. So if Israel is attacked, it should consider this point:
> is a war against the regime, and the Iraqi people are allies in fighting
> Saddam Hussein. So it is very important to refrain from attacking
> There has been a debate about Israel nuking Iraq if attacked with weapons
> mass destruction. That would be a disaster - the end of the
> of the Middle East. Everyone would be against the Iraqi opposition and
> against Israel. If there is a need for Israel to strike back, it should
> be against military targets. Israel should openly declare that it is not
> conducting a war against the Iraqi people, and that it is ready to support
> multi-ethnic democracy in Iraq, friendly to the Iraqi people and only
> hostile to this government."
> What is the attitude toward Israel and the United States in
> Kurdistan?
> "The United States created the safe haven in 1991 not for the Kurds,
> but to protect Iran and Turkey from the influx of refugees. Still, people
> know that they are protected by the U.S. and they have a positive attitude
> toward it. I spent September 11, 2001 in Kurdistan in front of the
> television and the next day, I crossed through Syria to Jordan. In Syria,
> people told me that it was a conspiracy against the Arabs, but in
> people were deeply shocked and sorry for the victims of the World Trade
> Center attack.
> "In regard to Israel, it's astonishing: The Kurds were all taught in
> Iraqi schools that the Jews and Israel are the main enemy, blood-suckers,
> part of a huge conspiracy, but I did not find any real anti-Israel
> sentiments. Critics of the occupation, of the settlements, yes, there are
> some, and I think that is legitimate, but no anti-Semitic conspiracy
> In fact, people in Kurdistan are now starting to reflect on the mass
> immigration of Kurdish Jews in the 1950s when 99 percent of the Jewish
> community left mostly to Israel. Many times, I heard Kurds saying that it
> was sad that this living together with Jews had stopped, and that the
> heritage of Kurdistan should be kept alive.
> "Also, you have to understand the dynamic. Nearly every week, Saddam
> Hussein or a leading Ba'ath member declares that Iraqi Kurdistan is the
> Israel of Iraq, or accuses the Kurds of being Zionists agents. The same
> thing is said about every opposition party - be they Islamists,
> nationalists, communists or Christians. People who are anti-Zionist
> themselves, such as Iraqi communists, are put into prison, tortured and
> killed as Zionist spies. That forces people to have a different attitude
> toward the whole Middle East conspiracy theory. I think this is why
> intellectual Iraqis abroad are much less likely to be anti-Israel than
> Arab intellectuals. Iraqis oppose pan-Arabism and Ba'athism much more than
> they oppose Israel. So, it may be more possible to find a way to work with
> future Iraqi government than with any other government in the region. If
> Kurds are strong in Baghdad, the Jews will not face this irrational
> anti-Jewish sentiment."
> What do you think drives German policy against U.S. intervention in
> Iraq?
> "Germany gains very good material benefit from Iraq. One should not
> forget that German technology enabled Iraq to enlarge the range of the
> missiles so that they could reach Israel, that without German assistance,
> Iraq would not have been able to gas Iranian soldiers or its own people in
> Kurdistan or to threaten Israel. So there are deep relations. Iran, Libya
> and Syria, but especially Iraq, have this relationship with Germany.
> policy has always put its eggs in Saddam's basket and gained from trade
> Iraq, especially after '91 when America and England were out of Iraq.
> "Also, ideology is important, especially at such times as during the
> last election campaign when the Social Democrats start to play on the
> anti-American piano. There are very close ties between a certain German
> ideology dating back to the 19th century, running through World War I and
> escalating in World War II with the Nazis and continuing afterward, which
> has close ties to pan-Arabism. One that shares the same enemies: America,
> the Jews, Israel. Anti-American and anti-Israel resentments are very
> in Germany and they have become stronger since 1989.
> "Saddam Hussein is not usually seen in Germany as a horrible
> murdering his own people. People blame the sanctions and not him, and
> blame the Israeli occupation for the whole situation in the Middle East,
> Palestinian terrorists or Saddam for continually destabilizing the region.
> Also, since 1945, many Germans have very strong anti-war feelings,
> especially if these wars are conducted by the United States. The majority
> people opposed the second part of the Gulf War; there were tremendous
> demonstrations against it. Now this opposition is stronger, because
> is stronger.
> "Germany is now conducting its own independent foreign policy, which
> in the last two to four years, has become simply to contrast itself to the
> U.S. If the U.S. is supporting a government, we should support the
> opposition to this government. In the Middle East, there is an attempt to
> tighten relations with Syria, Lebanon, the Palestinians and Iraq. Also,
> Germans are quite afraid of the archives in Baghdad and what they tell
> the poison gas and other weapons deals that were made between Iraq and a
> of German enterprises."
> So both the left and the right in Germany have strong anti-American
> feeling?
> "Anti-American and anti-Israeli-anti-Semitic. At the moment, you can
> hardly distinguish between the very far right wing and the very far left
> wing. The far right openly supports Saddam Hussein, saying that he is
> fighting the Jews and the Americans and thus supporting the German battle.
> And certain left-wingers from an orthodox left-wing tradition think that
> Saddam Hussein is anti-imperialist, anti-globalization, that he is
> for the rights of the Arabs to self-determination. Others on the left say
> that Saddam may be horrible, but another American war will not solve any
> problems. The war will just help Israel's interest, so we should oppose
> This is also the governmental policy at the moment."
> The European and Third World left have developed an ideology that
> unites anti-globalization, anti-Americanism, anti-Israel feeling and, to a
> certain extent, anti-Semitism. What is the internal logic behind this
> combination?
> "This is not a very new phenomenon. In the German left, these
> attitudes existed during the 1920s with the idea of `a shortened
> anti-capitalism' that distinguished very sharply between financial capital
> and productive capital, and demonized financial capital. This idea was
> adapted by the Nazis, and is in itself anti-Semitic because Jews are
> identified with the circulation sphere - with banks. Whoever does not
> criticize capitalism in a Marxist way, but criticizes only the surface
> [aspects] of capitalism - the huge banks or the monopoly capitalists - is
> automatically using an anti-Semitic phraseology, even if he is not
> about Jews or Israel. This is what some of the anti-globalization rhetoric
> is about.
> "These associations are so deeply written inside European and
> especially German history, that you can be anti-Semitic without even
> mentioning Jews. This way of thinking was kept alive in certain Leninist
> groups and in the far right wing in the '60s and '70s, and now it is more
> less unfolding in the mainstream movements. It is always a question of
> whether these resentments, which are quite common, are taboo or whether
> government is signaling that they can be voiced. Until 1989, anti-Semitism
> and anti-Americanism were taboo in Germany. These views found space on the
> left and on the far right. In the middle of society, they were hidden in
> signals and phrases communicated in the subtext. Now, due to the new
> international constellation, the taboo has broken down and these ideas can
> be found in the mainstream.
> "So you have more or less the same idea that you had since the '20s:
> There is a global struggle pitting the `good' people who are fighting
> against colonialization against a conspiracy between the huge American
> trusts, banks and the Jews, which wants to force the world to adapt a
> universal capitalism. The Jews were also accused then of being the
> of the global communist principle, but since 1989, that has been
> These old ideas were re-animated now due to the ethnic conflicts in the
> Balkans and the conflict in the Middle East, and especially since
> 11, when the focus has been on the conflict between the Palestinians and
> Israel, and the conflict between Iraq on one side and the U.S. and Britain
> on the other."
> Leaving aside the overt anti-Semitism, what do you, as a Marxist,
> as the primary mistake of this ideology that is attacking the U.S. as the
> purveyor of global capitalism?
> "The moment this anti-globalization ideology brings together Hamas,
> Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, nationalistic movements in the Balkans,
> Zapatists in Mexico, and the neo-Nazi right wing, which is very active in
> the anti-globalization movement, it means they are not fighting for
> universal freedom, liberation and emancipation, but are reproducing
> anti-universalist, anti-Semitic stereotypes that are only leading to
> barbarism. Rosa Luxemburg once said that the question is socialism or
> barbarism, and that question is still valid. But at the moment, I think
> fight is to defend the Western world against those who would like to be
> successors. These people are also, dialectically, the products of the
> Western, capitalistic world. Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden grew out
> the bad politics of the U.S. and Europe in the Middle East. They didn't
> from the moon.
> "But at the moment, I think one has to support the West, which means
> in this case America, Britain and Israel, in its battle against its own
> creations. Then you can think again of how to create a much better world.
> The questions the anti-globalization movement raises are very important -
> issues like the environment, world hunger and the enrichment of a very
> minority of people while the vast majority become poorer. But with the
> Ba'ath Party and Hamas as your actors, you will not change anything. They
> are not the historical subjects who are carrying the idea of emancipation.
> "In extremis, you have a constellation that reminds one of the '30s.
> On the one hand, you have Britain, the U.S. and Israel - the Jews are
> in the metaphysical center of these conflicts. This side is fighting for a
> capitalistic Western ideology. Then you have these National Socialist,
> self-determination ideas, which are always led by the Germans. In 1939,
> Germans said that they were fighting universal capitalism and for
> self-determination in the Third World. They had a very anti-colonialist
> phraseology. You can find the same words and the same phrases as are being
> used today in the '40s when the Germans were supporting India's and the
> Arabs' revolt against the British. Even France is again in the same
> position - supporting Britain and the U.S. half-heartedly.
> "Ten years ago, everyone thought Germany was a close ally of the
> supporting its policy. But no. In this conflict, Germany is signaling that
> it is standing on the other side. Everywhere in the Middle East, in the
> Syrian press, in the Hezbollah press, in the Baghdadi press, Germany is
> being praised for taking the same side they did 50 years ago. So people
> understand what the Germans are doing. And I think that that is quite
> interesting - and quite horrifying."

, Wally Keeler

—– Original Message —–
From: "furtherfield" <[email protected]>
> Scary!
> Wally - er, are you an artist or an FBI fag,

What an incredibly stupid remark. Is that what you call discourse,
arguement, dialogue? I've published and exhibited, so what does that make

> I cannot believe what you are
> saying.

Perhaps that is because you have your head stuck somewhere and are incapable
of reading AND comprehending. I happen to regard Thomas von der
Osten-Sacken"s caveats seriously. He has been there. He is a humanitarian.
Similar to George Orwell, he is a leftist critical of leftists.

> It's like the age of enlightenment never happened. Not in your neck
> of the woods, anyway…

Obviously, you are unable to see that hand-wringing tut-tut is a cause of
much death. Read the article and tell me that the deaths in Iraq did not
happen. Tell me that those deaths could not have been preventable. Or
perhaps you are a Saddam sucker, and you haven't a single clue about how to
make Iraq safe for the Iraqi people or perhaps you couldn;t care less about
THOSE people.

> > For those peace activists who advocated Big Bush refrain from marching
> to
> > Baghdad as part of Desert Storm, bear responsibility for the miserable
> > deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. For those peace activists who
> > oppose regime change in Baghdad, please take responsibilty for the tens
> > thousands of deaths yet to come at the hands of the Saddam Baathist
> > dictatorshit. More lives would be saved if the pressure was placed on
> > establishment of democracy in Iraq – established first by annihilating
> the
> > Baathist regime. The pressure should be properly placed on the long-term
> > aftermath of the destruction of the Baathists.
> >
> >
> > ========================================
> >
> > Thursday, October 10, 2002 Cheshvan 4, 5763 Israel Time: 01:32
> > (GMT+3)
> >
> > Interview / Vicious circles closing in
> > By Micha Odenheimer
> >
> > Thomas von der Osten-Sacken: "The most regressive and
> > elements in the Arab and Islamic world depend on Saddam Hussein."
> >
> > A journalist, human rights activist and intellectual, Thomas von
> > Osten-Sacken is considered one of Germany's leading authorities on human
> > rights in Iraq. He began traveling to Iraq in 1991, when he spent eight
> > months doing humanitarian work in the southern part of the country just
> > after Saddam Hussein crushed the Shi'ite uprising there. In 1992, Von
> > Osten-Sacken co-founded an aid and advocacy organization called Wadi,
> > operating in Iraqi Kurdistan - the semi-autonomous safe haven carved out
> for
> > Kurdish refugees after the Gulf War - and on behalf of Iraqi refugees in
> > Germany. He spends part of each year in Kurdistan where Wadi has founded
> the
> > first shelter there for women in distress and is also involved in
> > the local government reform the prison system that has been left over
> > Iraqi rule. In Germany, Wadi advises Iraqi opposition groups and works
> > closely with the Coalition for a Democratic Iraq.
> >
> > Von der Osten-Sacken, 34, publishes articles in German magazines
> such
> > as Jungle World and Konkret, and has co-edited a book on Iraq called
> > "Saddam's Last Battle?", which is due to be published next month. He is
> one
> > of the relatively few contemporary German writers and thinkers on the
> > who consider themselves pro-Israel and have developed a left-wing
> > of the anti-globalization left in today's Europe. Along with his other
> > activities, he is conducting research for his doctoral thesis on
> > German-language Zionist newspapers in the 1930s for the German
> > department at the University of Frankfurt.
> >
> > This interview was conducted with him earlier this week.
> > ======================================================
> >
> > When did you first realize that the Iraqi regime was not just
> another
> > Middle East dictatorship?
> >
> > Von der Osten-Sacken: "When I first came to Iraq, I very quickly
> > realized that I could not compare the situation there to other Middle
> > Eastern countries I had been in, like Syria, Jordan or Egypt. This
> > was hell. We were the only Europeans in a city called Amara in the
> > area of southern Iraq near Basra, and we arrived just a few weeks after
> the
> > uprising had been crushed. There was a belt of tanks around the city.
> > majority of buildings were burned out. There was no food in the market.
> > There was also a terrible degree of malnourishment there.
> >
> > "People in Iraq won't talk freely, because they are terrified that
> > their friends are working for one of Saddam's nine horrible security
> > services. Because of this atmosphere, it took us three or four months to
> > learn some details about the uprising. The Iraqis made people lie down
> > the streets and then buried them alive under asphalt. They killed
> > who looked a little religious, because this was a Shi'ite area. It was
> > forbidden to take the corpses from the street. All in all, 60,000 or
> 70,000
> > people were killed in this area in 1991.
> >
> > "The first thing that was done after the uprising was crushed was
> > repaint the pictures of Saddam Hussein. People had riddled them with
> > bullets. Not one had been left. We were shocked at how neglected the
> > was, with open sewage systems, even though it is rich in oil. Saddam
> > before smashing the uprising that these Shi'ites were dirty people, not
> > really Iraqis. We left there in October '91 when we felt we could not
> > continue our work without unintentionally helping the government."
> >
> > What was the atmosphere like in Baghdad then?
> >
> > "Baghdad was 300 kilometers away, and we went quite often - for a
> good
> > dinner, to have a meeting with another organization or even to make a
> phone
> > call to Germany. The fear in Iraq, a BBC reporter said recently, is so
> > palpable you can eat it. It's really indescribable. Syria is a
> dictatorship,
> > but the fear and control in Iraq reaches into your living room. If there
> is
> > no picture of Saddam Hussein in your living room, you might be arrested.
> > There is no privacy. The Iraqi government considers everything
> In
> > Syria, as long as you are not a member of the opposition, you can relax.
> You
> > know you will not be harmed. But in Iraq, if you are in the wrong place
> > the wrong time, you may be arrested, tortured, killed."
> >
> > "When I was in southern Iraq in '91, we had a lot of conversations
> > with a very nice, very sophisticated doctor. One day, he was watching
> > television and the Iraqi army was being praised for having won the
> > part of the Gulf War [after the initial U.S. attack aimed at driving
> > out of Kuwait]. The doctor just said, `Well, it is a strange victory if
> > daily children are dying of hunger.' That was enough. Someone heard him.
> He
> > was taken, tortured for three weeks and brought back a broken person.
> > Letting one sentence slip is cause enough for a person to vanish into an
> > Iraqi prison or even to be killed."
> >
> > You have said that estimates are that Saddam has killed
> approximately
> > one million of his own citizens since 1979.
> >
> > "Yes, that would include Kurds, Shi'ites, Christians and Sunnis.
> There
> > were two huge massacres. There was the so-called Anfal campaign against
> the
> > Kurds at the end of the 1980s when 4,000 villages were destroyed, and
> about
> > 100,000 to 150,000 persons were killed, some with poison gas. Up to a
> > million people were sent into internal exile. The other big massacre was
> in
> > the south in the 1990s, where the regime has killed about 300,000
> > in the last 10 years. In addition, there have been enormous massacres
> > against communists over the past two decades.
> >
> > "The estimate of one million killed only includes civilians. A
> million
> > Iraqi soldiers were killed in the Iran-Iraq war. A half-million Iraqis
> died
> > of hunger or disease because of sanctions on Iraq, and more were killed
> > the Gulf War. Some 1.5 to two million people have been internally
> displaced,
> > and 4.5 million Iraqi refugees are scattered across the globe. Ten
> > of the Iraqi population has been killed or deported during the rule of
> > Saddam Hussein. That is the essence of his regime. It is not an
> It
> > is systematic."
> >
> > What is the ideology behind Saddam Hussein's regime?
> >
> > "The Ba'ath ideology mixes pan-Arabism with admiration of
> > and Hitler, some ideas of state socialism and the notion of an Arab
> > supremacy which will be realized after the Arabs have liberated
> > from foreign - that means mainly Jewish - influence and British and
> American
> > imperialism. Ba'athism is strongly anti-communist and anti-imperialist,
> and
> > it is anti- Semitic from its beginning. Everything in Iraq is explained
> > through this huge conspiracy theory against the Arabs, in general, and
> Iraq,
> > in particular. Iraq is thought to be the greatest Arab nation and the
> > natural leader of Arab unity."
> >
> > So Iraq sees itself as the center of the Arab world?
> >
> > "Yes, the leader of Arab unity. Saddam Hussein dreams of ruling a
> > united Arab nation that would become a superpower confronting East and
> West.
> > Iraqi children are taught in kindergarten that they have to be strong
> > fighters."
> >
> > Is Iraqi Ba'athism Islamist?
> >
> > "Pan-Arabism has always said that Mohammed is the forefather of
> > pan-Arabism and that Islam was spoiled when it crossed the borders of
> > Arab world to Iran and Turkey. The task now is to `re-animate' the real
> > Islam that was taught by Mohammed as an Arab ideology. Especially during
> the
> > Iran-Iraq war, when Iraq had to face the Iranian revolution, they loaded
> > their own ideology with Islamic content. The Iranians and the Zionists,
> they
> > said, are part of a 2,000-year-old plot to smash Iraq and divide the
> Arabs.
> > `We are fighting for the real Islam' the regime said, not the kind of
> > spoiled Islam that Iran represents. I think it was a mistake for the
> > Americans to believe, as they did, that Iraq was a stronghold against
> > Islam."
> >
> > Is it conceivable that Al Qaeda and Iraq have cooperated?
> >
> > "Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden share the same enemies, the
> > conspiracy theories. They share the claim that they are fighting in the
> name
> > of the Arab masses. Both these men grew up in the same poisoned climate
> > Arab dictatorships. Their ideologies are quite close, even if Saddam is
> not
> > an Islamist. And since he has been supporting many terror organizations,
> > would not be surprised if there are close ties on the ground between
> > and Al Qaeda.
> >
> > "I think that Osama bin Laden is trying to walk in the footsteps
> > Saddam Hussein. At the same time, Saddam Hussein in the 1990s was trying
> to
> > strengthen the ties between Iraq and the Islamic movements. He put
> > Akhbar' [`God is great'] into the flag of Iraq and also financed
> > Islamic groups in Palestine and other places in the Arab world. There is
> > terrorist education center in Baghdad called Salmanpak and according to
> the
> > Iraqi opposition, in the mid-'90s, terrorists from other countries were
> > being trained there in such skills as how to hijack planes and use
> chemical
> > weapons. They may be cooperating and even if they are not, these are two
> > trees growing in the same soil."
> >
> > So you would not agree with the idea that the war on Iraq is a
> > distraction from the war against terror that President George Bush has
> > proclaimed.
> >
> > "American policy in Iraq is a series of huge mistakes. Firstly, it
> was
> > a mistake to support that horrible regime in the 1980s knowing, for
> example,
> > about the massacres against the Kurds. Secondly, it was a huge mistake
> > to let the Iraqi people topple Saddam in '91. The Americans feared
> democracy
> > in the Middle East, they feared the breakup of Iraq because it would
> > strengthen Iran, so they allowed Saddam to crush the uprising.
> >
> > "With regimes like the Iraqi one, there will be no peace in the
> Middle
> > East. You cannot contain a regime like Saddam Hussein's. That was a
> mistake
> > of the West. So the question is: Is America ready to face up to the
> mistakes
> > it made in '91 and in the '80s? Are the Americans ready to support
> > democracy? Because people like Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden grew
> > of the Middle East. They are not products of Afghanistan."
> >
> > What kind of influence does Saddam have in the Arab street, and
> > kind of affect could it have to topple him?
> >
> > "The most regressive and dangerous elements in the Arab and
> > world depend on Saddam Hussein. Really toppling Saddam Hussein means
> > uprooting the Ba'ath regime, with the help of the Iraqi people. This
> > give the final blow to pan-Arabism in the Middle East. Syria and a lot
> > very radical factions in Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt and the Gulf states
> would
> > be affected. These factions look up to Saddam Hussein as a pan-Arabist,
> > anti-imperialist hero - although he is anti-imperialist in the tradition
> of
> > the Nazis, not the left. Also, Saddam is financing organizations like
> > Arab Liberation Front in Palestine, which is a Ba'ath organization. He
> > paying the families of suicide attackers. He is directly and indirectly
> > responsible for a lot of terrorism in the Middle East."
> >
> > What is his relationship with Yasser Arafat and the PLO?
> >
> > "Part of the Palestinian establishment has very close ties to Iraq
> > since 1991 when the Palestinians decided to support Saddam, which was a
> huge
> > mistake. This includes some quite influential figures within the
> > apparatus of Yasser Arafat and the PLO. There is a struggle within the
> > Palestinian establishment right now over whether these elements should
> > isolated. I think that certain people like Abu Mazen and some of the
> > security forces who were trained by the CIA are struggling against
> > who have very close ties to Baghdad, and who still want to join Iraq in
> the
> > next battle with terrorist attacks, or worse - with chemical or
> > attacks on Israel or somewhere else in the world. That, I think, would
> > another terrible mistake for the Palestinians to make."
> >
> > What will have to be done, the day after Saddam is gone, to make
> > distinction between merely switching Iraqi regimes and starting
> > completely new and democratic?
> >
> > "In 1991, the Americans feared the results of a public uprising.
> They
> > hoped to find someone within the military who could topple Saddam
> > and rule Iraq with some cosmetic changes, but with the same security
> > apparatus. This hope proved a failure because for 25 years, Saddam has
> been
> > trying to get rid of anyone that might pose a threat to him. Every
> > influential general has been killed. Yearly cleansing campaigns are
> carried
> > out against high-ranking members of the Ba'ath Party so that no one can
> > threaten the position of his family, which is more or less ruling Iraq.
> The
> > hawks in the U.S., people like Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney or Richard
> > Perle, analyzed the situation and realized that they cannot just change
> > someone at the top. It is not like a South American dictatorship. If
> > really want change, they have to create a new Iraq.
> >
> > "Iraq is so ruthless and cruel against any opposition that people
> > cannot rise up without an outside trigger. But the moment a possibility
> > created, the vast majority of the Iraqi people will rise up. They will
> > uproot the Ba'ath Party and even take personal revenge on the ruling
> regime;
> > you won't have any Ba'ath Party anymore. So you really have to think
> > what to do afterward. The only alternative is creating a democracy,
> is
> > a real experiment because nothing like this exists in the region. Iraq
> > considers itself an Arab country, but actually contains nearly all the
> > different minority and ethnic groups of the Middle East.
> >
> > "So, if it is really done with heart, it is the first step to
> creating
> > a new Middle East. A democracy in the region will very much affect other
> > countries. It is a huge challenge and experiment. The question is: Do
> > Americans know what they are going to do there? Because Turkey, Iran and
> > Europe will all try to impose their own policy. Iraq is an oil-rich
> country
> > and you don't know if this great game will not lead to catastrophe."
> >
> > Does Iraq have a national identity that could come together as a
> > democracy? Or are these fears that the Shi'ites and Kurds will split off
> > legitimate?
> >
> > "Iraq is very unique in the Arab world. First of all, you already
> have
> > a very long tradition of opposition to the central regime. And you have
> > tradition of a national identity. Even the Kurds in Iraq never wanted to
> > split off, unlike their brethren in Turkey. They want a federal Iraq
> > strong Kurdish autonomy. I don't think the Shi'ites want to split off.
> > Usually the minority is the one that wants to split off. The Shi'ite are
> the
> > majority in Iraq. What they want is more influence in Baghdad. From my
> > experience from living there, I don't think the Shi'ites are attracted
> > the mullah regime of Iran. You also have a strong leftist tradition,
> mainly
> > in places like Basra and Amara, and Iraq has one of the oldest and
> strongest
> > communist parties in the Middle East. This tradition has been strongly
> > repressed by the Ba'ath Party, but it still exists.
> >
> > "I think the Kurdish autonomy is a positive example for Iraq.
> > Kurdistan has horrible conditions. It's not recognized internationally.
> > is more or less under double embargo: the international sanctions
> > Iraq and some internal sanctions from the central government. Turkey,
> > and Syria are all trying to destabilize the Kurds. But even under these
> dire
> > circumstances, the Kurds have been able to build up what is not really a
> > democracy, but a place which is, except for Israel, the most liberal and
> > free in the Middle East. There are a lot of newspapers, freedom of
> > up to a limit - you are not allowed to insult the Kurdish political
> > leaders - but in comparison with central Iraq, you can really call it
> > paradise. And there is to a certain extent democracy. If the Kurds are
> able
> > to do it, why shouldn't the Iraqis, with assistance from abroad?"
> >
> > Are you in favor of waging war against Iraq?
> >
> > "Let me say first that I am not in favor of war, especially until
> > know how the Americans want to conduct the war. But one also has to
> consider
> > that what the Lebanese intellectual Fouad Ajami has said: that for 30
> years,
> > Iraq has been conducting a war against its own society. Saddam Hussein
> > conducting a war against his own people and it must be stopped. It is
> > to think of another people who have suffered in the last 20 years like
> > Iraqi people have suffered at the hands of Saddam Hussein and because of
> > international policy aimed at containing him. If Americans are really
> ready
> > to topple him, it might be very good for the Iraqi people and very good
> for
> > the region. If the Americans start just another stupid war like the one
> > 1991, then I am against it, too.
> >
> > "At this very moment there is a huge Arabization campaign against
> > Kurds living in Karkuk. People are systematically deported because the
> > regime wants to change a Kurdish city into an Arab one. Just now there
> > tremendous prison cleansing campaigns. Every Wednesday, the security
> forces
> > come into the largest prison in Baghdad and say: You, you, you and you.
> Five
> > hundred people are taken out to be killed just because the prisons are
> > overcrowded. The Iraqi National Congress says that there are 600,000 to
> > 700,000 political prisoners in Iraqi detention camps at present.
> >
> > "So the question is: Are they really ready to support democracy in
> the
> > Middle East? In that case, I think the war is necessary and good. Or do
> they
> > just want to put some horrible general in instead of Saddam? Then I
> > this war very much."
> >
> > During the Gulf War in 1991, Israel refrained from retaliating
> > the Scud missile attacks. How should Israel respond if it is attacked
> > time?
> >
> > "Seventy percent of the Iraqi people are allies of the Americans.
> > the war is waged correctly, it will focus on the regime, on the leaders,
> on
> > the security apparatus and on this horrible Ba'ath Party, but not on the
> > Iraqi people. So if Israel is attacked, it should consider this point:
> This
> > is a war against the regime, and the Iraqi people are allies in fighting
> > Saddam Hussein. So it is very important to refrain from attacking
> civilians.
> > There has been a debate about Israel nuking Iraq if attacked with
> of
> > mass destruction. That would be a disaster - the end of the
> democratization
> > of the Middle East. Everyone would be against the Iraqi opposition and
> > against Israel. If there is a need for Israel to strike back, it should
> only
> > be against military targets. Israel should openly declare that it is not
> > conducting a war against the Iraqi people, and that it is ready to
> a
> > multi-ethnic democracy in Iraq, friendly to the Iraqi people and only
> > hostile to this government."
> >
> > What is the attitude toward Israel and the United States in
> liberated
> > Kurdistan?
> >
> > "The United States created the safe haven in 1991 not for the
> > but to protect Iran and Turkey from the influx of refugees. Still,
> > know that they are protected by the U.S. and they have a positive
> > toward it. I spent September 11, 2001 in Kurdistan in front of the
> > television and the next day, I crossed through Syria to Jordan. In
> > people told me that it was a conspiracy against the Arabs, but in
> Kurdistan,
> > people were deeply shocked and sorry for the victims of the World Trade
> > Center attack.
> >
> > "In regard to Israel, it's astonishing: The Kurds were all taught
> > Iraqi schools that the Jews and Israel are the main enemy,
> > part of a huge conspiracy, but I did not find any real anti-Israel
> > sentiments. Critics of the occupation, of the settlements, yes, there
> > some, and I think that is legitimate, but no anti-Semitic conspiracy
> theory.
> > In fact, people in Kurdistan are now starting to reflect on the mass
> > immigration of Kurdish Jews in the 1950s when 99 percent of the Jewish
> > community left mostly to Israel. Many times, I heard Kurds saying that
> > was sad that this living together with Jews had stopped, and that the
> Jewish
> > heritage of Kurdistan should be kept alive.
> >
> > "Also, you have to understand the dynamic. Nearly every week,
> > Hussein or a leading Ba'ath member declares that Iraqi Kurdistan is the
> > Israel of Iraq, or accuses the Kurds of being Zionists agents. The same
> > thing is said about every opposition party - be they Islamists,
> > nationalists, communists or Christians. People who are anti-Zionist
> > themselves, such as Iraqi communists, are put into prison, tortured and
> > killed as Zionist spies. That forces people to have a different attitude
> > toward the whole Middle East conspiracy theory. I think this is why
> > intellectual Iraqis abroad are much less likely to be anti-Israel than
> other
> > Arab intellectuals. Iraqis oppose pan-Arabism and Ba'athism much more
> > they oppose Israel. So, it may be more possible to find a way to work
> a
> > future Iraqi government than with any other government in the region. If
> the
> > Kurds are strong in Baghdad, the Jews will not face this irrational
> > anti-Jewish sentiment."
> >
> > What do you think drives German policy against U.S. intervention
> > Iraq?
> >
> > "Germany gains very good material benefit from Iraq. One should
> > forget that German technology enabled Iraq to enlarge the range of the
> Scud
> > missiles so that they could reach Israel, that without German
> > Iraq would not have been able to gas Iranian soldiers or its own people
> > Kurdistan or to threaten Israel. So there are deep relations. Iran,
> > and Syria, but especially Iraq, have this relationship with Germany.
> German
> > policy has always put its eggs in Saddam's basket and gained from trade
> with
> > Iraq, especially after '91 when America and England were out of Iraq.
> >
> > "Also, ideology is important, especially at such times as during
> > last election campaign when the Social Democrats start to play on the
> > anti-American piano. There are very close ties between a certain German
> > ideology dating back to the 19th century, running through World War I
> > escalating in World War II with the Nazis and continuing afterward,
> > has close ties to pan-Arabism. One that shares the same enemies:
> > the Jews, Israel. Anti-American and anti-Israel resentments are very
> strong
> > in Germany and they have become stronger since 1989.
> >
> > "Saddam Hussein is not usually seen in Germany as a horrible
> dictator
> > murdering his own people. People blame the sanctions and not him, and
> people
> > blame the Israeli occupation for the whole situation in the Middle East,
> not
> > Palestinian terrorists or Saddam for continually destabilizing the
> > Also, since 1945, many Germans have very strong anti-war feelings,
> > especially if these wars are conducted by the United States. The
> of
> > people opposed the second part of the Gulf War; there were tremendous
> > demonstrations against it. Now this opposition is stronger, because
> Germany
> > is stronger.
> >
> > "Germany is now conducting its own independent foreign policy,
> > in the last two to four years, has become simply to contrast itself to
> > U.S. If the U.S. is supporting a government, we should support the
> > opposition to this government. In the Middle East, there is an attempt
> > tighten relations with Syria, Lebanon, the Palestinians and Iraq. Also,
> the
> > Germans are quite afraid of the archives in Baghdad and what they tell
> about
> > the poison gas and other weapons deals that were made between Iraq and a
> lot
> > of German enterprises."
> >
> > So both the left and the right in Germany have strong
> > feeling?
> >
> > "Anti-American and anti-Israeli-anti-Semitic. At the moment, you
> > hardly distinguish between the very far right wing and the very far left
> > wing. The far right openly supports Saddam Hussein, saying that he is
> > fighting the Jews and the Americans and thus supporting the German
> > And certain left-wingers from an orthodox left-wing tradition think that
> > Saddam Hussein is anti-imperialist, anti-globalization, that he is
> fighting
> > for the rights of the Arabs to self-determination. Others on the left
> > that Saddam may be horrible, but another American war will not solve any
> > problems. The war will just help Israel's interest, so we should oppose
> it.
> > This is also the governmental policy at the moment."
> >
> > The European and Third World left have developed an ideology that
> > unites anti-globalization, anti-Americanism, anti-Israel feeling and, to
> > certain extent, anti-Semitism. What is the internal logic behind this
> > combination?
> >
> > "This is not a very new phenomenon. In the German left, these
> > attitudes existed during the 1920s with the idea of `a shortened
> > anti-capitalism' that distinguished very sharply between financial
> > and productive capital, and demonized financial capital. This idea was
> later
> > adapted by the Nazis, and is in itself anti-Semitic because Jews are
> > identified with the circulation sphere - with banks. Whoever does not
> > criticize capitalism in a Marxist way, but criticizes only the surface
> > [aspects] of capitalism - the huge banks or the monopoly capitalists -
> > automatically using an anti-Semitic phraseology, even if he is not
> speaking
> > about Jews or Israel. This is what some of the anti-globalization
> > is about.
> >
> > "These associations are so deeply written inside European and
> > especially German history, that you can be anti-Semitic without even
> > mentioning Jews. This way of thinking was kept alive in certain Leninist
> > groups and in the far right wing in the '60s and '70s, and now it is
> or
> > less unfolding in the mainstream movements. It is always a question of
> > whether these resentments, which are quite common, are taboo or whether
> the
> > government is signaling that they can be voiced. Until 1989,
> > and anti-Americanism were taboo in Germany. These views found space on
> > left and on the far right. In the middle of society, they were hidden in
> the
> > signals and phrases communicated in the subtext. Now, due to the new
> > international constellation, the taboo has broken down and these ideas
> > be found in the mainstream.
> >
> > "So you have more or less the same idea that you had since the
> > There is a global struggle pitting the `good' people who are fighting
> > against colonialization against a conspiracy between the huge American
> > trusts, banks and the Jews, which wants to force the world to adapt a
> > universal capitalism. The Jews were also accused then of being the
> purveyors
> > of the global communist principle, but since 1989, that has been
> forgotten.
> > These old ideas were re-animated now due to the ethnic conflicts in the
> > Balkans and the conflict in the Middle East, and especially since
> September
> > 11, when the focus has been on the conflict between the Palestinians and
> > Israel, and the conflict between Iraq on one side and the U.S. and
> > on the other."
> >
> > Leaving aside the overt anti-Semitism, what do you, as a Marxist,
> see
> > as the primary mistake of this ideology that is attacking the U.S. as
> > purveyor of global capitalism?
> >
> > "The moment this anti-globalization ideology brings together
> > Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, nationalistic movements in the Balkans,
> the
> > Zapatists in Mexico, and the neo-Nazi right wing, which is very active
> > the anti-globalization movement, it means they are not fighting for
> > universal freedom, liberation and emancipation, but are reproducing
> > anti-universalist, anti-Semitic stereotypes that are only leading to
> > barbarism. Rosa Luxemburg once said that the question is socialism or
> > barbarism, and that question is still valid. But at the moment, I think
> the
> > fight is to defend the Western world against those who would like to be
> its
> > successors. These people are also, dialectically, the products of the
> > Western, capitalistic world. Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden grew out
> of
> > the bad politics of the U.S. and Europe in the Middle East. They didn't
> fall
> > from the moon.
> >
> > "But at the moment, I think one has to support the West, which
> > in this case America, Britain and Israel, in its battle against its own
> > creations. Then you can think again of how to create a much better
> > The questions the anti-globalization movement raises are very
important -
> > issues like the environment, world hunger and the enrichment of a very
> small
> > minority of people while the vast majority become poorer. But with the
> > Ba'ath Party and Hamas as your actors, you will not change anything.
> > are not the historical subjects who are carrying the idea of
> >
> > "In extremis, you have a constellation that reminds one of the
> > On the one hand, you have Britain, the U.S. and Israel - the Jews are
> always
> > in the metaphysical center of these conflicts. This side is fighting for
> > capitalistic Western ideology. Then you have these National Socialist,
> > self-determination ideas, which are always led by the Germans. In 1939,
> the
> > Germans said that they were fighting universal capitalism and for
> > self-determination in the Third World. They had a very anti-colonialist
> > phraseology. You can find the same words and the same phrases as are
> > used today in the '40s when the Germans were supporting India's and the
> > Arabs' revolt against the British. Even France is again in the same
> > position - supporting Britain and the U.S. half-heartedly.
> >
> > "Ten years ago, everyone thought Germany was a close ally of the
> U.S.,
> > supporting its policy. But no. In this conflict, Germany is signaling
> > it is standing on the other side. Everywhere in the Middle East, in the
> > Syrian press, in the Hezbollah press, in the Baghdadi press, Germany is
> > being praised for taking the same side they did 50 years ago. So people
> > understand what the Germans are doing. And I think that that is quite
> > interesting - and quite horrifying."
> >
> >
> >

, marc garrett

I didn't know discourse was allowed any more in the states - but I am
reassured by your need for it.


> —– Original Message —–
> From: "furtherfield" <[email protected]>
> > Scary!
> >
> > Wally - er, are you an artist or an FBI fag,
> What an incredibly stupid remark. Is that what you call discourse,
> arguement, dialogue? I've published and exhibited, so what does that make
> me?
> > I cannot believe what you are
> > saying.
> Perhaps that is because you have your head stuck somewhere and are
> of reading AND comprehending. I happen to regard Thomas von der
> Osten-Sacken"s caveats seriously. He has been there. He is a humanitarian.
> Similar to George Orwell, he is a leftist critical of leftists.
> > It's like the age of enlightenment never happened. Not in your neck
> > of the woods, anyway…
> Obviously, you are unable to see that hand-wringing tut-tut is a cause of
> much death. Read the article and tell me that the deaths in Iraq did not
> happen. Tell me that those deaths could not have been preventable. Or
> perhaps you are a Saddam sucker, and you haven't a single clue about how
> make Iraq safe for the Iraqi people or perhaps you couldn;t care less
> THOSE people.
> > > For those peace activists who advocated Big Bush refrain from marching
> on
> > to
> > > Baghdad as part of Desert Storm, bear responsibility for the miserable
> > > deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. For those peace activists
> > > oppose regime change in Baghdad, please take responsibilty for the
> of
> > > thousands of deaths yet to come at the hands of the Saddam Baathist
> > > dictatorshit. More lives would be saved if the pressure was placed on
> the
> > > establishment of democracy in Iraq – established first by
> > the
> > > Baathist regime. The pressure should be properly placed on the
> > > aftermath of the destruction of the Baathists.
> > >
> > >
> > > ========================================
> > >
> > > Thursday, October 10, 2002 Cheshvan 4, 5763 Israel Time: 01:32
> > > (GMT+3)
> > >
> > > Interview / Vicious circles closing in
> > > By Micha Odenheimer
> > >
> > > Thomas von der Osten-Sacken: "The most regressive and
> dangerous
> > > elements in the Arab and Islamic world depend on Saddam Hussein."
> > >
> > > A journalist, human rights activist and intellectual, Thomas von
> der
> > > Osten-Sacken is considered one of Germany's leading authorities on
> > > rights in Iraq. He began traveling to Iraq in 1991, when he spent
> > > months doing humanitarian work in the southern part of the country
> > > after Saddam Hussein crushed the Shi'ite uprising there. In 1992, Von
> der
> > > Osten-Sacken co-founded an aid and advocacy organization called Wadi,
> > > operating in Iraqi Kurdistan - the semi-autonomous safe haven carved
> > for
> > > Kurdish refugees after the Gulf War - and on behalf of Iraqi refugees
> > > Germany. He spends part of each year in Kurdistan where Wadi has
> > the
> > > first shelter there for women in distress and is also involved in
> helping
> > > the local government reform the prison system that has been left over
> from
> > > Iraqi rule. In Germany, Wadi advises Iraqi opposition groups and works
> > > closely with the Coalition for a Democratic Iraq.
> > >
> > > Von der Osten-Sacken, 34, publishes articles in German magazines
> > such
> > > as Jungle World and Konkret, and has co-edited a book on Iraq called
> > > "Saddam's Last Battle?", which is due to be published next month. He
> > one
> > > of the relatively few contemporary German writers and thinkers on the
> left
> > > who consider themselves pro-Israel and have developed a left-wing
> critique
> > > of the anti-globalization left in today's Europe. Along with his other
> > > activities, he is conducting research for his doctoral thesis on
> > > German-language Zionist newspapers in the 1930s for the German
> literature
> > > department at the University of Frankfurt.
> > >
> > > This interview was conducted with him earlier this week.
> > > ======================================================
> > >
> > > When did you first realize that the Iraqi regime was not just
> > another
> > > Middle East dictatorship?
> > >
> > > Von der Osten-Sacken: "When I first came to Iraq, I very quickly
> > > realized that I could not compare the situation there to other Middle
> > > Eastern countries I had been in, like Syria, Jordan or Egypt. This
> country
> > > was hell. We were the only Europeans in a city called Amara in the
> Shi'ite
> > > area of southern Iraq near Basra, and we arrived just a few weeks
> > the
> > > uprising had been crushed. There was a belt of tanks around the city.
> The
> > > majority of buildings were burned out. There was no food in the
> > > There was also a terrible degree of malnourishment there.
> > >
> > > "People in Iraq won't talk freely, because they are terrified
> > > their friends are working for one of Saddam's nine horrible security
> > > services. Because of this atmosphere, it took us three or four months
> > > learn some details about the uprising. The Iraqis made people lie down
> in
> > > the streets and then buried them alive under asphalt. They killed
> everyone
> > > who looked a little religious, because this was a Shi'ite area. It was
> > > forbidden to take the corpses from the street. All in all, 60,000 or
> > 70,000
> > > people were killed in this area in 1991.
> > >
> > > "The first thing that was done after the uprising was crushed
> to
> > > repaint the pictures of Saddam Hussein. People had riddled them with
> > > bullets. Not one had been left. We were shocked at how neglected the
> south
> > > was, with open sewage systems, even though it is rich in oil. Saddam
> said
> > > before smashing the uprising that these Shi'ites were dirty people,
> > > really Iraqis. We left there in October '91 when we felt we could not
> > > continue our work without unintentionally helping the government."
> > >
> > > What was the atmosphere like in Baghdad then?
> > >
> > > "Baghdad was 300 kilometers away, and we went quite often - for
> > good
> > > dinner, to have a meeting with another organization or even to make a
> > phone
> > > call to Germany. The fear in Iraq, a BBC reporter said recently, is so
> > > palpable you can eat it. It's really indescribable. Syria is a
> > dictatorship,
> > > but the fear and control in Iraq reaches into your living room. If
> > is
> > > no picture of Saddam Hussein in your living room, you might be
> > > There is no privacy. The Iraqi government considers everything
> political.
> > In
> > > Syria, as long as you are not a member of the opposition, you can
> > You
> > > know you will not be harmed. But in Iraq, if you are in the wrong
> at
> > > the wrong time, you may be arrested, tortured, killed."
> > >
> > > "When I was in southern Iraq in '91, we had a lot of
> > > with a very nice, very sophisticated doctor. One day, he was watching
> > > television and the Iraqi army was being praised for having won the
> second
> > > part of the Gulf War [after the initial U.S. attack aimed at driving
> Iraq
> > > out of Kuwait]. The doctor just said, `Well, it is a strange victory
> > > daily children are dying of hunger.' That was enough. Someone heard
> > He
> > > was taken, tortured for three weeks and brought back a broken person.
> > > Letting one sentence slip is cause enough for a person to vanish into
> > > Iraqi prison or even to be killed."
> > >
> > > You have said that estimates are that Saddam has killed
> > approximately
> > > one million of his own citizens since 1979.
> > >
> > > "Yes, that would include Kurds, Shi'ites, Christians and Sunnis.
> > There
> > > were two huge massacres. There was the so-called Anfal campaign
> > the
> > > Kurds at the end of the 1980s when 4,000 villages were destroyed, and
> > about
> > > 100,000 to 150,000 persons were killed, some with poison gas. Up to a
> > > million people were sent into internal exile. The other big massacre
> > in
> > > the south in the 1990s, where the regime has killed about 300,000
> Shi'ites
> > > in the last 10 years. In addition, there have been enormous massacres
> > > against communists over the past two decades.
> > >
> > > "The estimate of one million killed only includes civilians. A
> > million
> > > Iraqi soldiers were killed in the Iran-Iraq war. A half-million Iraqis
> > died
> > > of hunger or disease because of sanctions on Iraq, and more were
> in
> > > the Gulf War. Some 1.5 to two million people have been internally
> > displaced,
> > > and 4.5 million Iraqi refugees are scattered across the globe. Ten
> percent
> > > of the Iraqi population has been killed or deported during the rule of
> > > Saddam Hussein. That is the essence of his regime. It is not an
> accident.
> > It
> > > is systematic."
> > >
> > > What is the ideology behind Saddam Hussein's regime?
> > >
> > > "The Ba'ath ideology mixes pan-Arabism with admiration of
> Mussolini
> > > and Hitler, some ideas of state socialism and the notion of an Arab
> > > supremacy which will be realized after the Arabs have liberated
> themselves
> > > from foreign - that means mainly Jewish - influence and British and
> > American
> > > imperialism. Ba'athism is strongly anti-communist and
> > and
> > > it is anti- Semitic from its beginning. Everything in Iraq is
> > > through this huge conspiracy theory against the Arabs, in general, and
> > Iraq,
> > > in particular. Iraq is thought to be the greatest Arab nation and the
> > > natural leader of Arab unity."
> > >
> > > So Iraq sees itself as the center of the Arab world?
> > >
> > > "Yes, the leader of Arab unity. Saddam Hussein dreams of ruling
> > > united Arab nation that would become a superpower confronting East and
> > West.
> > > Iraqi children are taught in kindergarten that they have to be strong
> Arab
> > > fighters."
> > >
> > > Is Iraqi Ba'athism Islamist?
> > >
> > > "Pan-Arabism has always said that Mohammed is the forefather of
> > > pan-Arabism and that Islam was spoiled when it crossed the borders of
> the
> > > Arab world to Iran and Turkey. The task now is to `re-animate' the
> > > Islam that was taught by Mohammed as an Arab ideology. Especially
> > the
> > > Iran-Iraq war, when Iraq had to face the Iranian revolution, they
> > > their own ideology with Islamic content. The Iranians and the
> > they
> > > said, are part of a 2,000-year-old plot to smash Iraq and divide the
> > Arabs.
> > > `We are fighting for the real Islam' the regime said, not the kind of
> > > spoiled Islam that Iran represents. I think it was a mistake for the
> > > Americans to believe, as they did, that Iraq was a stronghold against
> > > Islam."
> > >
> > > Is it conceivable that Al Qaeda and Iraq have cooperated?
> > >
> > > "Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden share the same enemies, the
> same
> > > conspiracy theories. They share the claim that they are fighting in
> > name
> > > of the Arab masses. Both these men grew up in the same poisoned
> of
> > > Arab dictatorships. Their ideologies are quite close, even if Saddam
> > not
> > > an Islamist. And since he has been supporting many terror
> I
> > > would not be surprised if there are close ties on the ground between
> Iraq
> > > and Al Qaeda.
> > >
> > > "I think that Osama bin Laden is trying to walk in the footsteps
> of
> > > Saddam Hussein. At the same time, Saddam Hussein in the 1990s was
> > to
> > > strengthen the ties between Iraq and the Islamic movements. He put
> `Allah
> > > Akhbar' [`God is great'] into the flag of Iraq and also financed
> different
> > > Islamic groups in Palestine and other places in the Arab world. There
> a
> > > terrorist education center in Baghdad called Salmanpak and according
> > the
> > > Iraqi opposition, in the mid-'90s, terrorists from other countries
> > > being trained there in such skills as how to hijack planes and use
> > chemical
> > > weapons. They may be cooperating and even if they are not, these are
> > > trees growing in the same soil."
> > >
> > > So you would not agree with the idea that the war on Iraq is a
> > > distraction from the war against terror that President George Bush has
> > > proclaimed.
> > >
> > > "American policy in Iraq is a series of huge mistakes. Firstly,
> > was
> > > a mistake to support that horrible regime in the 1980s knowing, for
> > example,
> > > about the massacres against the Kurds. Secondly, it was a huge mistake
> not
> > > to let the Iraqi people topple Saddam in '91. The Americans feared
> > democracy
> > > in the Middle East, they feared the breakup of Iraq because it would
> > > strengthen Iran, so they allowed Saddam to crush the uprising.
> > >
> > > "With regimes like the Iraqi one, there will be no peace in the
> > Middle
> > > East. You cannot contain a regime like Saddam Hussein's. That was a
> > mistake
> > > of the West. So the question is: Is America ready to face up to the
> > mistakes
> > > it made in '91 and in the '80s? Are the Americans ready to support
> > > democracy? Because people like Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden grew
> out
> > > of the Middle East. They are not products of Afghanistan."
> > >
> > > What kind of influence does Saddam have in the Arab street, and
> what
> > > kind of affect could it have to topple him?
> > >
> > > "The most regressive and dangerous elements in the Arab and
> Islamic
> > > world depend on Saddam Hussein. Really toppling Saddam Hussein means
> > > uprooting the Ba'ath regime, with the help of the Iraqi people. This
> would
> > > give the final blow to pan-Arabism in the Middle East. Syria and a lot
> of
> > > very radical factions in Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt and the Gulf states
> > would
> > > be affected. These factions look up to Saddam Hussein as a
> > > anti-imperialist hero - although he is anti-imperialist in the
> > of
> > > the Nazis, not the left. Also, Saddam is financing organizations like
> the
> > > Arab Liberation Front in Palestine, which is a Ba'ath organization. He
> is
> > > paying the families of suicide attackers. He is directly and
> > > responsible for a lot of terrorism in the Middle East."
> > >
> > > What is his relationship with Yasser Arafat and the PLO?
> > >
> > > "Part of the Palestinian establishment has very close ties to
> > > since 1991 when the Palestinians decided to support Saddam, which was
> > huge
> > > mistake. This includes some quite influential figures within the
> security
> > > apparatus of Yasser Arafat and the PLO. There is a struggle within the
> > > Palestinian establishment right now over whether these elements should
> be
> > > isolated. I think that certain people like Abu Mazen and some of the
> > > security forces who were trained by the CIA are struggling against
> others
> > > who have very close ties to Baghdad, and who still want to join Iraq
> > the
> > > next battle with terrorist attacks, or worse - with chemical or
> biological
> > > attacks on Israel or somewhere else in the world. That, I think, would
> be
> > > another terrible mistake for the Palestinians to make."
> > >
> > > What will have to be done, the day after Saddam is gone, to make
> the
> > > distinction between merely switching Iraqi regimes and starting
> something
> > > completely new and democratic?
> > >
> > > "In 1991, the Americans feared the results of a public uprising.
> > They
> > > hoped to find someone within the military who could topple Saddam
> Hussein
> > > and rule Iraq with some cosmetic changes, but with the same security
> > > apparatus. This hope proved a failure because for 25 years, Saddam has
> > been
> > > trying to get rid of anyone that might pose a threat to him. Every
> > > influential general has been killed. Yearly cleansing campaigns are
> > carried
> > > out against high-ranking members of the Ba'ath Party so that no one
> > > threaten the position of his family, which is more or less ruling
> > The
> > > hawks in the U.S., people like Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney or Richard
> > > Perle, analyzed the situation and realized that they cannot just
> > > someone at the top. It is not like a South American dictatorship. If
> they
> > > really want change, they have to create a new Iraq.
> > >
> > > "Iraq is so ruthless and cruel against any opposition that
> > > cannot rise up without an outside trigger. But the moment a
> is
> > > created, the vast majority of the Iraqi people will rise up. They will
> > > uproot the Ba'ath Party and even take personal revenge on the ruling
> > regime;
> > > you won't have any Ba'ath Party anymore. So you really have to think
> about
> > > what to do afterward. The only alternative is creating a democracy,
> which
> > is
> > > a real experiment because nothing like this exists in the region. Iraq
> > > considers itself an Arab country, but actually contains nearly all the
> > > different minority and ethnic groups of the Middle East.
> > >
> > > "So, if it is really done with heart, it is the first step to
> > creating
> > > a new Middle East. A democracy in the region will very much affect
> > > countries. It is a huge challenge and experiment. The question is: Do
> the
> > > Americans know what they are going to do there? Because Turkey, Iran
> > > Europe will all try to impose their own policy. Iraq is an oil-rich
> > country
> > > and you don't know if this great game will not lead to catastrophe."
> > >
> > > Does Iraq have a national identity that could come together as a
> > > democracy? Or are these fears that the Shi'ites and Kurds will split
> > > legitimate?
> > >
> > > "Iraq is very unique in the Arab world. First of all, you
> > have
> > > a very long tradition of opposition to the central regime. And you
> a
> > > tradition of a national identity. Even the Kurds in Iraq never wanted
> > > split off, unlike their brethren in Turkey. They want a federal Iraq
> with
> > > strong Kurdish autonomy. I don't think the Shi'ites want to split off.
> > > Usually the minority is the one that wants to split off. The Shi'ite
> > the
> > > majority in Iraq. What they want is more influence in Baghdad. From my
> > > experience from living there, I don't think the Shi'ites are attracted
> by
> > > the mullah regime of Iran. You also have a strong leftist tradition,
> > mainly
> > > in places like Basra and Amara, and Iraq has one of the oldest and
> > strongest
> > > communist parties in the Middle East. This tradition has been strongly
> > > repressed by the Ba'ath Party, but it still exists.
> > >
> > > "I think the Kurdish autonomy is a positive example for Iraq.
> > > Kurdistan has horrible conditions. It's not recognized
> It
> > > is more or less under double embargo: the international sanctions
> against
> > > Iraq and some internal sanctions from the central government. Turkey,
> Iran
> > > and Syria are all trying to destabilize the Kurds. But even under
> > dire
> > > circumstances, the Kurds have been able to build up what is not really
> > > democracy, but a place which is, except for Israel, the most liberal
> > > free in the Middle East. There are a lot of newspapers, freedom of
> speech,
> > > up to a limit - you are not allowed to insult the Kurdish political
> > > leaders - but in comparison with central Iraq, you can really call it
> > > paradise. And there is to a certain extent democracy. If the Kurds are
> > able
> > > to do it, why shouldn't the Iraqis, with assistance from abroad?"
> > >
> > > Are you in favor of waging war against Iraq?
> > >
> > > "Let me say first that I am not in favor of war, especially
> we
> > > know how the Americans want to conduct the war. But one also has to
> > consider
> > > that what the Lebanese intellectual Fouad Ajami has said: that for 30
> > years,
> > > Iraq has been conducting a war against its own society. Saddam Hussein
> is
> > > conducting a war against his own people and it must be stopped. It is
> hard
> > > to think of another people who have suffered in the last 20 years like
> the
> > > Iraqi people have suffered at the hands of Saddam Hussein and because
> > > international policy aimed at containing him. If Americans are really
> > ready
> > > to topple him, it might be very good for the Iraqi people and very
> > for
> > > the region. If the Americans start just another stupid war like the
> in
> > > 1991, then I am against it, too.
> > >
> > > "At this very moment there is a huge Arabization campaign
> > > Kurds living in Karkuk. People are systematically deported because the
> > > regime wants to change a Kurdish city into an Arab one. Just now there
> are
> > > tremendous prison cleansing campaigns. Every Wednesday, the security
> > forces
> > > come into the largest prison in Baghdad and say: You, you, you and
> > Five
> > > hundred people are taken out to be killed just because the prisons are
> > > overcrowded. The Iraqi National Congress says that there are 600,000
> > > 700,000 political prisoners in Iraqi detention camps at present.
> > >
> > > "So the question is: Are they really ready to support democracy
> > the
> > > Middle East? In that case, I think the war is necessary and good. Or
> > they
> > > just want to put some horrible general in instead of Saddam? Then I
> oppose
> > > this war very much."
> > >
> > > During the Gulf War in 1991, Israel refrained from retaliating
> after
> > > the Scud missile attacks. How should Israel respond if it is attacked
> this
> > > time?
> > >
> > > "Seventy percent of the Iraqi people are allies of the
> If
> > > the war is waged correctly, it will focus on the regime, on the
> > on
> > > the security apparatus and on this horrible Ba'ath Party, but not on
> > > Iraqi people. So if Israel is attacked, it should consider this point:
> > This
> > > is a war against the regime, and the Iraqi people are allies in
> > > Saddam Hussein. So it is very important to refrain from attacking
> > civilians.
> > > There has been a debate about Israel nuking Iraq if attacked with
> weapons
> > of
> > > mass destruction. That would be a disaster - the end of the
> > democratization
> > > of the Middle East. Everyone would be against the Iraqi opposition and
> > > against Israel. If there is a need for Israel to strike back, it
> > only
> > > be against military targets. Israel should openly declare that it is
> > > conducting a war against the Iraqi people, and that it is ready to
> support
> > a
> > > multi-ethnic democracy in Iraq, friendly to the Iraqi people and only
> > > hostile to this government."
> > >
> > > What is the attitude toward Israel and the United States in
> > liberated
> > > Kurdistan?
> > >
> > > "The United States created the safe haven in 1991 not for the
> Kurds,
> > > but to protect Iran and Turkey from the influx of refugees. Still,
> people
> > > know that they are protected by the U.S. and they have a positive
> attitude
> > > toward it. I spent September 11, 2001 in Kurdistan in front of the
> > > television and the next day, I crossed through Syria to Jordan. In
> Syria,
> > > people told me that it was a conspiracy against the Arabs, but in
> > Kurdistan,
> > > people were deeply shocked and sorry for the victims of the World
> > > Center attack.
> > >
> > > "In regard to Israel, it's astonishing: The Kurds were all
> in
> > > Iraqi schools that the Jews and Israel are the main enemy,
> blood-suckers,
> > > part of a huge conspiracy, but I did not find any real anti-Israel
> > > sentiments. Critics of the occupation, of the settlements, yes, there
> are
> > > some, and I think that is legitimate, but no anti-Semitic conspiracy
> > theory.
> > > In fact, people in Kurdistan are now starting to reflect on the mass
> > > immigration of Kurdish Jews in the 1950s when 99 percent of the Jewish
> > > community left mostly to Israel. Many times, I heard Kurds saying that
> it
> > > was sad that this living together with Jews had stopped, and that the
> > Jewish
> > > heritage of Kurdistan should be kept alive.
> > >
> > > "Also, you have to understand the dynamic. Nearly every week,
> Saddam
> > > Hussein or a leading Ba'ath member declares that Iraqi Kurdistan is
> > > Israel of Iraq, or accuses the Kurds of being Zionists agents. The
> > > thing is said about every opposition party - be they Islamists,
> > > nationalists, communists or Christians. People who are anti-Zionist
> > > themselves, such as Iraqi communists, are put into prison, tortured
> > > killed as Zionist spies. That forces people to have a different
> > > toward the whole Middle East conspiracy theory. I think this is why
> > > intellectual Iraqis abroad are much less likely to be anti-Israel than
> > other
> > > Arab intellectuals. Iraqis oppose pan-Arabism and Ba'athism much more
> than
> > > they oppose Israel. So, it may be more possible to find a way to work
> with
> > a
> > > future Iraqi government than with any other government in the region.
> > the
> > > Kurds are strong in Baghdad, the Jews will not face this irrational
> > > anti-Jewish sentiment."
> > >
> > > What do you think drives German policy against U.S. intervention
> in
> > > Iraq?
> > >
> > > "Germany gains very good material benefit from Iraq. One should
> not
> > > forget that German technology enabled Iraq to enlarge the range of the
> > Scud
> > > missiles so that they could reach Israel, that without German
> assistance,
> > > Iraq would not have been able to gas Iranian soldiers or its own
> in
> > > Kurdistan or to threaten Israel. So there are deep relations. Iran,
> Libya
> > > and Syria, but especially Iraq, have this relationship with Germany.
> > German
> > > policy has always put its eggs in Saddam's basket and gained from
> > with
> > > Iraq, especially after '91 when America and England were out of Iraq.
> > >
> > > "Also, ideology is important, especially at such times as during
> the
> > > last election campaign when the Social Democrats start to play on the
> > > anti-American piano. There are very close ties between a certain
> > > ideology dating back to the 19th century, running through World War I
> and
> > > escalating in World War II with the Nazis and continuing afterward,
> which
> > > has close ties to pan-Arabism. One that shares the same enemies:
> America,
> > > the Jews, Israel. Anti-American and anti-Israel resentments are very
> > strong
> > > in Germany and they have become stronger since 1989.
> > >
> > > "Saddam Hussein is not usually seen in Germany as a horrible
> > dictator
> > > murdering his own people. People blame the sanctions and not him, and
> > people
> > > blame the Israeli occupation for the whole situation in the Middle
> > not
> > > Palestinian terrorists or Saddam for continually destabilizing the
> region.
> > > Also, since 1945, many Germans have very strong anti-war feelings,
> > > especially if these wars are conducted by the United States. The
> majority
> > of
> > > people opposed the second part of the Gulf War; there were tremendous
> > > demonstrations against it. Now this opposition is stronger, because
> > Germany
> > > is stronger.
> > >
> > > "Germany is now conducting its own independent foreign policy,
> which
> > > in the last two to four years, has become simply to contrast itself to
> the
> > > U.S. If the U.S. is supporting a government, we should support the
> > > opposition to this government. In the Middle East, there is an attempt
> to
> > > tighten relations with Syria, Lebanon, the Palestinians and Iraq.
> > the
> > > Germans are quite afraid of the archives in Baghdad and what they tell
> > about
> > > the poison gas and other weapons deals that were made between Iraq and
> > lot
> > > of German enterprises."
> > >
> > > So both the left and the right in Germany have strong
> anti-American
> > > feeling?
> > >
> > > "Anti-American and anti-Israeli-anti-Semitic. At the moment, you
> can
> > > hardly distinguish between the very far right wing and the very far
> > > wing. The far right openly supports Saddam Hussein, saying that he is
> > > fighting the Jews and the Americans and thus supporting the German
> battle.
> > > And certain left-wingers from an orthodox left-wing tradition think
> > > Saddam Hussein is anti-imperialist, anti-globalization, that he is
> > fighting
> > > for the rights of the Arabs to self-determination. Others on the left
> say
> > > that Saddam may be horrible, but another American war will not solve
> > > problems. The war will just help Israel's interest, so we should
> > it.
> > > This is also the governmental policy at the moment."
> > >
> > > The European and Third World left have developed an ideology
> > > unites anti-globalization, anti-Americanism, anti-Israel feeling and,
> a
> > > certain extent, anti-Semitism. What is the internal logic behind this
> > > combination?
> > >
> > > "This is not a very new phenomenon. In the German left, these
> > > attitudes existed during the 1920s with the idea of `a shortened
> > > anti-capitalism' that distinguished very sharply between financial
> capital
> > > and productive capital, and demonized financial capital. This idea was
> > later
> > > adapted by the Nazis, and is in itself anti-Semitic because Jews are
> > > identified with the circulation sphere - with banks. Whoever does not
> > > criticize capitalism in a Marxist way, but criticizes only the surface
> > > [aspects] of capitalism - the huge banks or the monopoly capitalists -
> is
> > > automatically using an anti-Semitic phraseology, even if he is not
> > speaking
> > > about Jews or Israel. This is what some of the anti-globalization
> rhetoric
> > > is about.
> > >
> > > "These associations are so deeply written inside European and
> > > especially German history, that you can be anti-Semitic without even
> > > mentioning Jews. This way of thinking was kept alive in certain
> > > groups and in the far right wing in the '60s and '70s, and now it is
> more
> > or
> > > less unfolding in the mainstream movements. It is always a question of
> > > whether these resentments, which are quite common, are taboo or
> > the
> > > government is signaling that they can be voiced. Until 1989,
> anti-Semitism
> > > and anti-Americanism were taboo in Germany. These views found space on
> the
> > > left and on the far right. In the middle of society, they were hidden
> > the
> > > signals and phrases communicated in the subtext. Now, due to the new
> > > international constellation, the taboo has broken down and these ideas
> can
> > > be found in the mainstream.
> > >
> > > "So you have more or less the same idea that you had since the
> '20s:
> > > There is a global struggle pitting the `good' people who are fighting
> > > against colonialization against a conspiracy between the huge American
> > > trusts, banks and the Jews, which wants to force the world to adapt a
> > > universal capitalism. The Jews were also accused then of being the
> > purveyors
> > > of the global communist principle, but since 1989, that has been
> > forgotten.
> > > These old ideas were re-animated now due to the ethnic conflicts in
> > > Balkans and the conflict in the Middle East, and especially since
> > September
> > > 11, when the focus has been on the conflict between the Palestinians
> > > Israel, and the conflict between Iraq on one side and the U.S. and
> Britain
> > > on the other."
> > >
> > > Leaving aside the overt anti-Semitism, what do you, as a
> > see
> > > as the primary mistake of this ideology that is attacking the U.S. as
> the
> > > purveyor of global capitalism?
> > >
> > > "The moment this anti-globalization ideology brings together
> Hamas,
> > > Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, nationalistic movements in the
> > the
> > > Zapatists in Mexico, and the neo-Nazi right wing, which is very active
> in
> > > the anti-globalization movement, it means they are not fighting for
> > > universal freedom, liberation and emancipation, but are reproducing
> > > anti-universalist, anti-Semitic stereotypes that are only leading to
> > > barbarism. Rosa Luxemburg once said that the question is socialism or
> > > barbarism, and that question is still valid. But at the moment, I
> > the
> > > fight is to defend the Western world against those who would like to
> > its
> > > successors. These people are also, dialectically, the products of the
> > > Western, capitalistic world. Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden grew
> > of
> > > the bad politics of the U.S. and Europe in the Middle East. They
> > fall
> > > from the moon.
> > >
> > > "But at the moment, I think one has to support the West, which
> means
> > > in this case America, Britain and Israel, in its battle against its
> > > creations. Then you can think again of how to create a much better
> world.
> > > The questions the anti-globalization movement raises are very
> important -
> > > issues like the environment, world hunger and the enrichment of a very
> > small
> > > minority of people while the vast majority become poorer. But with the
> > > Ba'ath Party and Hamas as your actors, you will not change anything.
> They
> > > are not the historical subjects who are carrying the idea of
> emancipation.
> > >
> > > "In extremis, you have a constellation that reminds one of the
> '30s.
> > > On the one hand, you have Britain, the U.S. and Israel - the Jews are
> > always
> > > in the metaphysical center of these conflicts. This side is fighting
> a
> > > capitalistic Western ideology. Then you have these National Socialist,
> > > self-determination ideas, which are always led by the Germans. In
> > the
> > > Germans said that they were fighting universal capitalism and for
> > > self-determination in the Third World. They had a very
> > > phraseology. You can find the same words and the same phrases as are
> being
> > > used today in the '40s when the Germans were supporting India's and
> > > Arabs' revolt against the British. Even France is again in the same
> > > position - supporting Britain and the U.S. half-heartedly.
> > >
> > > "Ten years ago, everyone thought Germany was a close ally of the
> > U.S.,
> > > supporting its policy. But no. In this conflict, Germany is signaling
> that
> > > it is standing on the other side. Everywhere in the Middle East, in
> > > Syrian press, in the Hezbollah press, in the Baghdadi press, Germany
> > > being praised for taking the same side they did 50 years ago. So
> > > understand what the Germans are doing. And I think that that is quite
> > > interesting - and quite horrifying."
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

, D42 Kandinskij

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, furtherfield wrote:

> Wally - er, are you an artist or an FBI fag, I cannot believe what you are
> saying. It's like the age of enlightenment never happened. Not in your neck
> of the woods, anyway…

But the age of Enlightenment is one of the major forces responsible
for the flattening out of humanity, luv. Even your anarchist heros
know it. If you read them through actually, instead of subscribing
to the fashionable uniform.

, Max Herman

Man this makes me want to kick some butane.

Germans back in charge? That's psycho, they're all pricks.

>From: "Wally Keeler" <[email protected]>
>Reply-To: "Wally Keeler" <[email protected]>
>To: <[email protected]>
>Subject: RHIZOME_RAW: PussyFoots of Peace
>Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 21:07:16 -0400
>For those peace activists who advocated Big Bush refrain from marching on
>Baghdad as part of Desert Storm, bear responsibility for the miserable
>deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. For those peace activists who
>oppose regime change in Baghdad, please take responsibilty for the tens of
>thousands of deaths yet to come at the hands of the Saddam Baathist
>dictatorshit. More lives would be saved if the pressure was placed on the
>establishment of democracy in Iraq – established first by annihilating the
>Baathist regime. The pressure should be properly placed on the long-term
>aftermath of the destruction of the Baathists.
> Thursday, October 10, 2002 Cheshvan 4, 5763 Israel Time: 01:32
> Interview / Vicious circles closing in
> By Micha Odenheimer
> Thomas von der Osten-Sacken: "The most regressive and dangerous
>elements in the Arab and Islamic world depend on Saddam Hussein."
> A journalist, human rights activist and intellectual, Thomas von der
>Osten-Sacken is considered one of Germany's leading authorities on human
>rights in Iraq. He began traveling to Iraq in 1991, when he spent eight
>months doing humanitarian work in the southern part of the country just
>after Saddam Hussein crushed the Shi'ite uprising there. In 1992, Von der
>Osten-Sacken co-founded an aid and advocacy organization called Wadi,
>operating in Iraqi Kurdistan - the semi-autonomous safe haven carved out
>Kurdish refugees after the Gulf War - and on behalf of Iraqi refugees in
>Germany. He spends part of each year in Kurdistan where Wadi has founded
>first shelter there for women in distress and is also involved in helping
>the local government reform the prison system that has been left over from
>Iraqi rule. In Germany, Wadi advises Iraqi opposition groups and works
>closely with the Coalition for a Democratic Iraq.
> Von der Osten-Sacken, 34, publishes articles in German magazines
>as Jungle World and Konkret, and has co-edited a book on Iraq called
>"Saddam's Last Battle?", which is due to be published next month. He is one
>of the relatively few contemporary German writers and thinkers on the left
>who consider themselves pro-Israel and have developed a left-wing critique
>of the anti-globalization left in today's Europe. Along with his other
>activities, he is conducting research for his doctoral thesis on
>German-language Zionist newspapers in the 1930s for the German literature
>department at the University of Frankfurt.
> This interview was conducted with him earlier this week.
> ======================================================
> When did you first realize that the Iraqi regime was not just
>Middle East dictatorship?
> Von der Osten-Sacken: "When I first came to Iraq, I very quickly
>realized that I could not compare the situation there to other Middle
>Eastern countries I had been in, like Syria, Jordan or Egypt. This country
>was hell. We were the only Europeans in a city called Amara in the Shi'ite
>area of southern Iraq near Basra, and we arrived just a few weeks after the
>uprising had been crushed. There was a belt of tanks around the city. The
>majority of buildings were burned out. There was no food in the market.
>There was also a terrible degree of malnourishment there.
> "People in Iraq won't talk freely, because they are terrified that
>their friends are working for one of Saddam's nine horrible security
>services. Because of this atmosphere, it took us three or four months to
>learn some details about the uprising. The Iraqis made people lie down in
>the streets and then buried them alive under asphalt. They killed everyone
>who looked a little religious, because this was a Shi'ite area. It was
>forbidden to take the corpses from the street. All in all, 60,000 or 70,000
>people were killed in this area in 1991.
> "The first thing that was done after the uprising was crushed was to
>repaint the pictures of Saddam Hussein. People had riddled them with
>bullets. Not one had been left. We were shocked at how neglected the south
>was, with open sewage systems, even though it is rich in oil. Saddam said
>before smashing the uprising that these Shi'ites were dirty people, not
>really Iraqis. We left there in October '91 when we felt we could not
>continue our work without unintentionally helping the government."
> What was the atmosphere like in Baghdad then?
> "Baghdad was 300 kilometers away, and we went quite often - for a
>dinner, to have a meeting with another organization or even to make a phone
>call to Germany. The fear in Iraq, a BBC reporter said recently, is so
>palpable you can eat it. It's really indescribable. Syria is a
>but the fear and control in Iraq reaches into your living room. If there is
>no picture of Saddam Hussein in your living room, you might be arrested.
>There is no privacy. The Iraqi government considers everything political.
>Syria, as long as you are not a member of the opposition, you can relax.
>know you will not be harmed. But in Iraq, if you are in the wrong place at
>the wrong time, you may be arrested, tortured, killed."
> "When I was in southern Iraq in '91, we had a lot of conversations
>with a very nice, very sophisticated doctor. One day, he was watching
>television and the Iraqi army was being praised for having won the second
>part of the Gulf War [after the initial U.S. attack aimed at driving Iraq
>out of Kuwait]. The doctor just said, `Well, it is a strange victory if
>daily children are dying of hunger.' That was enough. Someone heard him. He
>was taken, tortured for three weeks and brought back a broken person.
>Letting one sentence slip is cause enough for a person to vanish into an
>Iraqi prison or even to be killed."
> You have said that estimates are that Saddam has killed
>one million of his own citizens since 1979.
> "Yes, that would include Kurds, Shi'ites, Christians and Sunnis.
>were two huge massacres. There was the so-called Anfal campaign against the
>Kurds at the end of the 1980s when 4,000 villages were destroyed, and about
>100,000 to 150,000 persons were killed, some with poison gas. Up to a
>million people were sent into internal exile. The other big massacre was in
>the south in the 1990s, where the regime has killed about 300,000 Shi'ites
>in the last 10 years. In addition, there have been enormous massacres
>against communists over the past two decades.
> "The estimate of one million killed only includes civilians. A
>Iraqi soldiers were killed in the Iran-Iraq war. A half-million Iraqis died
>of hunger or disease because of sanctions on Iraq, and more were killed in
>the Gulf War. Some 1.5 to two million people have been internally
>and 4.5 million Iraqi refugees are scattered across the globe. Ten percent
>of the Iraqi population has been killed or deported during the rule of
>Saddam Hussein. That is the essence of his regime. It is not an accident.
>is systematic."
> What is the ideology behind Saddam Hussein's regime?
> "The Ba'ath ideology mixes pan-Arabism with admiration of Mussolini
>and Hitler, some ideas of state socialism and the notion of an Arab
>supremacy which will be realized after the Arabs have liberated themselves
>from foreign - that means mainly Jewish - influence and British and
>imperialism. Ba'athism is strongly anti-communist and anti-imperialist, and
>it is anti- Semitic from its beginning. Everything in Iraq is explained
>through this huge conspiracy theory against the Arabs, in general, and
>in particular. Iraq is thought to be the greatest Arab nation and the
>natural leader of Arab unity."
> So Iraq sees itself as the center of the Arab world?
> "Yes, the leader of Arab unity. Saddam Hussein dreams of ruling a
>united Arab nation that would become a superpower confronting East and
>Iraqi children are taught in kindergarten that they have to be strong Arab
> Is Iraqi Ba'athism Islamist?
> "Pan-Arabism has always said that Mohammed is the forefather of
>pan-Arabism and that Islam was spoiled when it crossed the borders of the
>Arab world to Iran and Turkey. The task now is to `re-animate' the real
>Islam that was taught by Mohammed as an Arab ideology. Especially during
>Iran-Iraq war, when Iraq had to face the Iranian revolution, they loaded
>their own ideology with Islamic content. The Iranians and the Zionists,
>said, are part of a 2,000-year-old plot to smash Iraq and divide the Arabs.
>`We are fighting for the real Islam' the regime said, not the kind of
>spoiled Islam that Iran represents. I think it was a mistake for the
>Americans to believe, as they did, that Iraq was a stronghold against
> Is it conceivable that Al Qaeda and Iraq have cooperated?
> "Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden share the same enemies, the same
>conspiracy theories. They share the claim that they are fighting in the
>of the Arab masses. Both these men grew up in the same poisoned climate of
>Arab dictatorships. Their ideologies are quite close, even if Saddam is not
>an Islamist. And since he has been supporting many terror organizations, I
>would not be surprised if there are close ties on the ground between Iraq
>and Al Qaeda.
> "I think that Osama bin Laden is trying to walk in the footsteps of
>Saddam Hussein. At the same time, Saddam Hussein in the 1990s was trying to
>strengthen the ties between Iraq and the Islamic movements. He put `Allah
>Akhbar' [`God is great'] into the flag of Iraq and also financed different
>Islamic groups in Palestine and other places in the Arab world. There is a
>terrorist education center in Baghdad called Salmanpak and according to the
>Iraqi opposition, in the mid-'90s, terrorists from other countries were
>being trained there in such skills as how to hijack planes and use chemical
>weapons. They may be cooperating and even if they are not, these are two
>trees growing in the same soil."
> So you would not agree with the idea that the war on Iraq is a
>distraction from the war against terror that President George Bush has
> "American policy in Iraq is a series of huge mistakes. Firstly, it
>a mistake to support that horrible regime in the 1980s knowing, for
>about the massacres against the Kurds. Secondly, it was a huge mistake not
>to let the Iraqi people topple Saddam in '91. The Americans feared
>in the Middle East, they feared the breakup of Iraq because it would
>strengthen Iran, so they allowed Saddam to crush the uprising.
> "With regimes like the Iraqi one, there will be no peace in the
>East. You cannot contain a regime like Saddam Hussein's. That was a mistake
>of the West. So the question is: Is America ready to face up to the
>it made in '91 and in the '80s? Are the Americans ready to support
>democracy? Because people like Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden grew out
>of the Middle East. They are not products of Afghanistan."
> What kind of influence does Saddam have in the Arab street, and what
>kind of affect could it have to topple him?
> "The most regressive and dangerous elements in the Arab and Islamic
>world depend on Saddam Hussein. Really toppling Saddam Hussein means
>uprooting the Ba'ath regime, with the help of the Iraqi people. This would
>give the final blow to pan-Arabism in the Middle East. Syria and a lot of
>very radical factions in Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt and the Gulf states
>be affected. These factions look up to Saddam Hussein as a pan-Arabist,
>anti-imperialist hero - although he is anti-imperialist in the tradition of
>the Nazis, not the left. Also, Saddam is financing organizations like the
>Arab Liberation Front in Palestine, which is a Ba'ath organization. He is
>paying the families of suicide attackers. He is directly and indirectly
>responsible for a lot of terrorism in the Middle East."
> What is his relationship with Yasser Arafat and the PLO?
> "Part of the Palestinian establishment has very close ties to Iraq
>since 1991 when the Palestinians decided to support Saddam, which was a
>mistake. This includes some quite influential figures within the security
>apparatus of Yasser Arafat and the PLO. There is a struggle within the
>Palestinian establishment right now over whether these elements should be
>isolated. I think that certain people like Abu Mazen and some of the
>security forces who were trained by the CIA are struggling against others
>who have very close ties to Baghdad, and who still want to join Iraq in the
>next battle with terrorist attacks, or worse - with chemical or biological
>attacks on Israel or somewhere else in the world. That, I think, would be
>another terrible mistake for the Palestinians to make."
> What will have to be done, the day after Saddam is gone, to make the
>distinction between merely switching Iraqi regimes and starting something
>completely new and democratic?
> "In 1991, the Americans feared the results of a public uprising.
>hoped to find someone within the military who could topple Saddam Hussein
>and rule Iraq with some cosmetic changes, but with the same security
>apparatus. This hope proved a failure because for 25 years, Saddam has been
>trying to get rid of anyone that might pose a threat to him. Every
>influential general has been killed. Yearly cleansing campaigns are carried
>out against high-ranking members of the Ba'ath Party so that no one can
>threaten the position of his family, which is more or less ruling Iraq. The
>hawks in the U.S., people like Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney or Richard
>Perle, analyzed the situation and realized that they cannot just change
>someone at the top. It is not like a South American dictatorship. If they
>really want change, they have to create a new Iraq.
> "Iraq is so ruthless and cruel against any opposition that people
>cannot rise up without an outside trigger. But the moment a possibility is
>created, the vast majority of the Iraqi people will rise up. They will
>uproot the Ba'ath Party and even take personal revenge on the ruling
>you won't have any Ba'ath Party anymore. So you really have to think about
>what to do afterward. The only alternative is creating a democracy, which
>a real experiment because nothing like this exists in the region. Iraq
>considers itself an Arab country, but actually contains nearly all the
>different minority and ethnic groups of the Middle East.
> "So, if it is really done with heart, it is the first step to
>a new Middle East. A democracy in the region will very much affect other
>countries. It is a huge challenge and experiment. The question is: Do the
>Americans know what they are going to do there? Because Turkey, Iran and
>Europe will all try to impose their own policy. Iraq is an oil-rich country
>and you don't know if this great game will not lead to catastrophe."
> Does Iraq have a national identity that could come together as a
>democracy? Or are these fears that the Shi'ites and Kurds will split off
> "Iraq is very unique in the Arab world. First of all, you already
>a very long tradition of opposition to the central regime. And you have a
>tradition of a national identity. Even the Kurds in Iraq never wanted to
>split off, unlike their brethren in Turkey. They want a federal Iraq with
>strong Kurdish autonomy. I don't think the Shi'ites want to split off.
>Usually the minority is the one that wants to split off. The Shi'ite are
>majority in Iraq. What they want is more influence in Baghdad. From my
>experience from living there, I don't think the Shi'ites are attracted by
>the mullah regime of Iran. You also have a strong leftist tradition, mainly
>in places like Basra and Amara, and Iraq has one of the oldest and
>communist parties in the Middle East. This tradition has been strongly
>repressed by the Ba'ath Party, but it still exists.
> "I think the Kurdish autonomy is a positive example for Iraq.
>Kurdistan has horrible conditions. It's not recognized internationally. It
>is more or less under double embargo: the international sanctions against
>Iraq and some internal sanctions from the central government. Turkey, Iran
>and Syria are all trying to destabilize the Kurds. But even under these
>circumstances, the Kurds have been able to build up what is not really a
>democracy, but a place which is, except for Israel, the most liberal and
>free in the Middle East. There are a lot of newspapers, freedom of speech,
>up to a limit - you are not allowed to insult the Kurdish political
>leaders - but in comparison with central Iraq, you can really call it
>paradise. And there is to a certain extent democracy. If the Kurds are able
>to do it, why shouldn't the Iraqis, with assistance from abroad?"
> Are you in favor of waging war against Iraq?
> "Let me say first that I am not in favor of war, especially until we
>know how the Americans want to conduct the war. But one also has to
>that what the Lebanese intellectual Fouad Ajami has said: that for 30
>Iraq has been conducting a war against its own society. Saddam Hussein is
>conducting a war against his own people and it must be stopped. It is hard
>to think of another people who have suffered in the last 20 years like the
>Iraqi people have suffered at the hands of Saddam Hussein and because of
>international policy aimed at containing him. If Americans are really ready
>to topple him, it might be very good for the Iraqi people and very good for
>the region. If the Americans start just another stupid war like the one in
>1991, then I am against it, too.
> "At this very moment there is a huge Arabization campaign against
>Kurds living in Karkuk. People are systematically deported because the
>regime wants to change a Kurdish city into an Arab one. Just now there are
>tremendous prison cleansing campaigns. Every Wednesday, the security forces
>come into the largest prison in Baghdad and say: You, you, you and you.
>hundred people are taken out to be killed just because the prisons are
>overcrowded. The Iraqi National Congress says that there are 600,000 to
>700,000 political prisoners in Iraqi detention camps at present.
> "So the question is: Are they really ready to support democracy in
>Middle East? In that case, I think the war is necessary and good. Or do
>just want to put some horrible general in instead of Saddam? Then I oppose
>this war very much."
> During the Gulf War in 1991, Israel refrained from retaliating after
>the Scud missile attacks. How should Israel respond if it is attacked this
> "Seventy percent of the Iraqi people are allies of the Americans. If
>the war is waged correctly, it will focus on the regime, on the leaders, on
>the security apparatus and on this horrible Ba'ath Party, but not on the
>Iraqi people. So if Israel is attacked, it should consider this point: This
>is a war against the regime, and the Iraqi people are allies in fighting
>Saddam Hussein. So it is very important to refrain from attacking
>There has been a debate about Israel nuking Iraq if attacked with weapons
>mass destruction. That would be a disaster - the end of the democratization
>of the Middle East. Everyone would be against the Iraqi opposition and
>against Israel. If there is a need for Israel to strike back, it should
>be against military targets. Israel should openly declare that it is not
>conducting a war against the Iraqi people, and that it is ready to support
>multi-ethnic democracy in Iraq, friendly to the Iraqi people and only
>hostile to this government."
> What is the attitude toward Israel and the United States in
> "The United States created the safe haven in 1991 not for the Kurds,
>but to protect Iran and Turkey from the influx of refugees. Still, people
>know that they are protected by the U.S. and they have a positive attitude
>toward it. I spent September 11, 2001 in Kurdistan in front of the
>television and the next day, I crossed through Syria to Jordan. In Syria,
>people told me that it was a conspiracy against the Arabs, but in
>people were deeply shocked and sorry for the victims of the World Trade
>Center attack.
> "In regard to Israel, it's astonishing: The Kurds were all taught in
>Iraqi schools that the Jews and Israel are the main enemy, blood-suckers,
>part of a huge conspiracy, but I did not find any real anti-Israel
>sentiments. Critics of the occupation, of the settlements, yes, there are
>some, and I think that is legitimate, but no anti-Semitic conspiracy
>In fact, people in Kurdistan are now starting to reflect on the mass
>immigration of Kurdish Jews in the 1950s when 99 percent of the Jewish
>community left mostly to Israel. Many times, I heard Kurds saying that it
>was sad that this living together with Jews had stopped, and that the
>heritage of Kurdistan should be kept alive.
> "Also, you have to understand the dynamic. Nearly every week, Saddam
>Hussein or a leading Ba'ath member declares that Iraqi Kurdistan is the
>Israel of Iraq, or accuses the Kurds of being Zionists agents. The same
>thing is said about every opposition party - be they Islamists,
>nationalists, communists or Christians. People who are anti-Zionist
>themselves, such as Iraqi communists, are put into prison, tortured and
>killed as Zionist spies. That forces people to have a different attitude
>toward the whole Middle East conspiracy theory. I think this is why
>intellectual Iraqis abroad are much less likely to be anti-Israel than
>Arab intellectuals. Iraqis oppose pan-Arabism and Ba'athism much more than
>they oppose Israel. So, it may be more possible to find a way to work with
>future Iraqi government than with any other government in the region. If
>Kurds are strong in Baghdad, the Jews will not face this irrational
>anti-Jewish sentiment."
> What do you think drives German policy against U.S. intervention in
> "Germany gains very good material benefit from Iraq. One should not
>forget that German technology enabled Iraq to enlarge the range of the Scud
>missiles so that they could reach Israel, that without German assistance,
>Iraq would not have been able to gas Iranian soldiers or its own people in
>Kurdistan or to threaten Israel. So there are deep relations. Iran, Libya
>and Syria, but especially Iraq, have this relationship with Germany. German
>policy has always put its eggs in Saddam's basket and gained from trade
>Iraq, especially after '91 when America and England were out of Iraq.
> "Also, ideology is important, especially at such times as during the
>last election campaign when the Social Democrats start to play on the
>anti-American piano. There are very close ties between a certain German
>ideology dating back to the 19th century, running through World War I and
>escalating in World War II with the Nazis and continuing afterward, which
>has close ties to pan-Arabism. One that shares the same enemies: America,
>the Jews, Israel. Anti-American and anti-Israel resentments are very strong
>in Germany and they have become stronger since 1989.
> "Saddam Hussein is not usually seen in Germany as a horrible
>murdering his own people. People blame the sanctions and not him, and
>blame the Israeli occupation for the whole situation in the Middle East,
>Palestinian terrorists or Saddam for continually destabilizing the region.
>Also, since 1945, many Germans have very strong anti-war feelings,
>especially if these wars are conducted by the United States. The majority
>people opposed the second part of the Gulf War; there were tremendous
>demonstrations against it. Now this opposition is stronger, because Germany
>is stronger.
> "Germany is now conducting its own independent foreign policy, which
>in the last two to four years, has become simply to contrast itself to the
>U.S. If the U.S. is supporting a government, we should support the
>opposition to this government. In the Middle East, there is an attempt to
>tighten relations with Syria, Lebanon, the Palestinians and Iraq. Also, the
>Germans are quite afraid of the archives in Baghdad and what they tell
>the poison gas and other weapons deals that were made between Iraq and a
>of German enterprises."
> So both the left and the right in Germany have strong anti-American
> "Anti-American and anti-Israeli-anti-Semitic. At the moment, you can
>hardly distinguish between the very far right wing and the very far left
>wing. The far right openly supports Saddam Hussein, saying that he is
>fighting the Jews and the Americans and thus supporting the German battle.
>And certain left-wingers from an orthodox left-wing tradition think that
>Saddam Hussein is anti-imperialist, anti-globalization, that he is fighting
>for the rights of the Arabs to self-determination. Others on the left say
>that Saddam may be horrible, but another American war will not solve any
>problems. The war will just help Israel's interest, so we should oppose it.
>This is also the governmental policy at the moment."
> The European and Third World left have developed an ideology that
>unites anti-globalization, anti-Americanism, anti-Israel feeling and, to a
>certain extent, anti-Semitism. What is the internal logic behind this
> "This is not a very new phenomenon. In the German left, these
>attitudes existed during the 1920s with the idea of `a shortened
>anti-capitalism' that distinguished very sharply between financial capital
>and productive capital, and demonized financial capital. This idea was
>adapted by the Nazis, and is in itself anti-Semitic because Jews are
>identified with the circulation sphere - with banks. Whoever does not
>criticize capitalism in a Marxist way, but criticizes only the surface
>[aspects] of capitalism - the huge banks or the monopoly capitalists - is
>automatically using an anti-Semitic phraseology, even if he is not speaking
>about Jews or Israel. This is what some of the anti-globalization rhetoric
>is about.
> "These associations are so deeply written inside European and
>especially German history, that you can be anti-Semitic without even
>mentioning Jews. This way of thinking was kept alive in certain Leninist
>groups and in the far right wing in the '60s and '70s, and now it is more
>less unfolding in the mainstream movements. It is always a question of
>whether these resentments, which are quite common, are taboo or whether the
>government is signaling that they can be voiced. Until 1989, anti-Semitism
>and anti-Americanism were taboo in Germany. These views found space on the
>left and on the far right. In the middle of society, they were hidden in
>signals and phrases communicated in the subtext. Now, due to the new
>international constellation, the taboo has broken down and these ideas can
>be found in the mainstream.
> "So you have more or less the same idea that you had since the '20s:
>There is a global struggle pitting the `good' people who are fighting
>against colonialization against a conspiracy between the huge American
>trusts, banks and the Jews, which wants to force the world to adapt a
>universal capitalism. The Jews were also accused then of being the
>of the global communist principle, but since 1989, that has been forgotten.
>These old ideas were re-animated now due to the ethnic conflicts in the
>Balkans and the conflict in the Middle East, and especially since September
>11, when the focus has been on the conflict between the Palestinians and
>Israel, and the conflict between Iraq on one side and the U.S. and Britain
>on the other."
> Leaving aside the overt anti-Semitism, what do you, as a Marxist,
>as the primary mistake of this ideology that is attacking the U.S. as the
>purveyor of global capitalism?
> "The moment this anti-globalization ideology brings together Hamas,
>Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, nationalistic movements in the Balkans,
>Zapatists in Mexico, and the neo-Nazi right wing, which is very active in
>the anti-globalization movement, it means they are not fighting for
>universal freedom, liberation and emancipation, but are reproducing
>anti-universalist, anti-Semitic stereotypes that are only leading to
>barbarism. Rosa Luxemburg once said that the question is socialism or
>barbarism, and that question is still valid. But at the moment, I think the
>fight is to defend the Western world against those who would like to be its
>successors. These people are also, dialectically, the products of the
>Western, capitalistic world. Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden grew out of
>the bad politics of the U.S. and Europe in the Middle East. They didn't
>from the moon.
> "But at the moment, I think one has to support the West, which means
>in this case America, Britain and Israel, in its battle against its own
>creations. Then you can think again of how to create a much better world.
>The questions the anti-globalization movement raises are very important -
>issues like the environment, world hunger and the enrichment of a very
>minority of people while the vast majority become poorer. But with the
>Ba'ath Party and Hamas as your actors, you will not change anything. They
>are not the historical subjects who are carrying the idea of emancipation.
> "In extremis, you have a constellation that reminds one of the '30s.
>On the one hand, you have Britain, the U.S. and Israel - the Jews are
>in the metaphysical center of these conflicts. This side is fighting for a
>capitalistic Western ideology. Then you have these National Socialist,
>self-determination ideas, which are always led by the Germans. In 1939, the
>Germans said that they were fighting universal capitalism and for
>self-determination in the Third World. They had a very anti-colonialist
>phraseology. You can find the same words and the same phrases as are being
>used today in the '40s when the Germans were supporting India's and the
>Arabs' revolt against the British. Even France is again in the same
>position - supporting Britain and the U.S. half-heartedly.
> "Ten years ago, everyone thought Germany was a close ally of the
>supporting its policy. But no. In this conflict, Germany is signaling that
>it is standing on the other side. Everywhere in the Middle East, in the
>Syrian press, in the Hezbollah press, in the Baghdadi press, Germany is
>being praised for taking the same side they did 50 years ago. So people
>understand what the Germans are doing. And I think that that is quite
>interesting - and quite horrifying."

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