anti-war rally

.how long before humans learn that they cannot want what they want?


I attended the anti-war rally in Central Park yesterday. It was sponsored
by a group called Not In Our Name, and was one of several demonstrations
held throughout the country (I haven't looked exhaustively yet, but of
course couldn't find this in today's New York Times, but see BBC News: )

There seemed to be tens of thousands there, perhaps more attended than were
there at any one time, since there was a constant stream of people coming
and going. At one point, one of the speakers urged the crowd to move to
make room for the people who couldn't get into the East Meadow where it was
being staged (not far from the Cooper Hewitt). It happened that they had to
move to the left, which the speaker loved asking them to do: "Move to the
left, please!"

An interesting mix of people, lots of students, but also lots of average New
Yorkers with kids. It was very moving when the Pledge of Resistance was
recited by all, pledging that war should not be waged in our name, and with
out money. State Senator Tom Duane spoke, actors Gabriel Byrne, Susan
Sarandon and Tim Robbins, a high school student named "julian" from
stuyvesant high school, a Mormon official, and several others. A glimmer of
hope in an oppressive and nightmarish situation.

Also, 1-800-839-5276 for Senator Robert Byrd's office, to support his
filibuster of pending legislation authorizing the President's unilateral
power to wage war. And call your representatives!

Sorry to politicize here, but…


, joy garnett

some coverage compiled here:


Part 1
0. Editorial Note:
1. Peter – Journalisms – Anti-War Rally in Central Park
2. Rene – Reporting the Protest ++
3. Francois – *Not again*
4. John – The Nation and a Longtime Columnist Are Parting Ways
5. Year Zero – MP3 files of Pilger at London Demo
6. Rene – Scramble to carve up Iraqi oil reserves lies behind US
7. Rene – Robert Fisk: How the League of Nations ended up as debris
8. Peter – Gore on War and Terror
9. John – AI – Human Rights in Iraq
