Electronic-Protest In Support of the Indigenous Bill of Right's In Mexico - October 12th, 2002


[[ Electronic-Protest In Support of the Indigenous Bill of Right's In Mexico
And Against the Mexican Sumpreme Court Decision on Dia de la Raza]]

[[by the Electronic Disturbance Theater]]

[[On October 12th From 9am to Oct.14th 12 pm EST ]]


La Jornada
Sunday, August 8, 2002.

The State Views the Indian Peoples as "Domestic Enemy":
by Saramago and Sabato

From the point of view of ethics and human respect, the decision by the
Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation means that the Mexican State
considers the indigenous peoples to be their domestic enemies.

A State which has demonstrated little evidence of national honor in the face
of the degrading demands, political as well as economic, which have come
from outside, a State which has dealt indifferently, when not in complicity
with, the expansion of crime and corruption of all kinds, is now the one
which is using its judicial, and clearly discriminatory, power against the
weakest part of the Mexican Nation.

The Indians of Mexico, who, like all their peers in America, have throughout
History suffered the worst insults and the worst humiliations, have just
received one more contemptuous slap in the face. It has been given to them
by the very ones who have the duty to defend them and to safeguard their
interests and needs: the State of Mexico, the government of Mexico, the
tribunals of Mexico. A dark page has just been written.

When President Fox declared, not very long ago, that he and his government
wanted the Zapatista Army of National Liberation as social and political
interlocutor, there was one of two things at play: either he was unaware of
the meaning of his words, which is unforgivable in a politician with his
degree of responsibility, or he had this card hidden up his sleeve, which is
unforgivable in any self-respecting person.

Now the government will be hiding behind a decision by the Supreme Court
which, by no strange coincidence, will serve its systematic policies of
exclusion of the indigenous communities. History will not forget to note
that President Fox and his government mandated a tremendous judicial error.
Now it is the turn of the Indians of Mexico to speak.


Jose Saramago
Ernesto Sabato

In Spanish:

"El Estado ve en los pueblos indios al "enemigo interno" por Saramago y


Listing of all on the Ground Actions on Dia de la Raza
on Oct. 12, 2002:





This Performance by the Electronic Disturbance Theater
Is Sponsored by 7th International Theatre Festival "Confrontations",
October 9-13, 2002, Lublin, Poland.


Queridos hermanas y hermanos,
De nuevo le pedimos que caminen con nosotros y que griten "