The Kittler Project

A 8:50 AM -0500 le 10/2/02, Max Herman a ecrit:
>I've been realizing that you can't choose just the g or the 2k, and
>so, to tell the diff, you gotta lotta lotta hard work today.

``` <0B@@$ggG%3^`
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(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0^ ^< ^
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.@@@@@@@@@@@@@%`^ >Yes, i like it!
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N!C3 S!MULC4ST STR34M!!! hTTp://


, eye scratch

A 4:25 AM -0700 le 10/2/02, -IID42 Kandinskij @27+ a ecrit:
>On Sat, 28 Sep 2002, Max Herman wrote:
>> Who is eyescratch, and what is going on.
>Someone who attempted an idiotic 'mindfuck' trick or two.
>And attempted to 'use' what I say 'against' NN.
>So clever. Mindfuck, as well as USING other people
>works only if one 'subscribes' to it, boys.
>My subscription ran out years ago.
>`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

thanks for the review, karei. ^very flattering^.
must say your logic resembles that of NN - thinking
that anyone is against anyone. kind of skittish.
the difference is your work has no content -
just drivel of context. reply to reply to reply.
you are actually quite lucid in that. and if we
believe some, THAT will be the next wave.

I actually miss Miss NN, gagged while embroiled
in her lawsuit, and you are filling in quite nicely.
the problem is, there will always be an original.
did it really read that AGAINST? or do you simply
feel that method is the form of the ATTACK?

my advice to you - step back and feel the repercussion::
and maybe tune into another flavor this SUNDAY @
be warned, there may be an ape or two in the bunch.

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, D42 Kandinskij

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, [iso-8859-1] eyescratch

, eye scratch

Yes! I ^see^ it now, ^the content!^

It's like a slinky going down a spiral staircase:

A 10:56 PM -0700 le 10/2/02, -IID42 Kandinskij @27+ a ecrit:
> It wasn't a review, nor it wasn't flattering.
> There has been no 'logic' nor does it
> resemble NN in any way. The only 'resemblance'
> is inside your brain, dearest.
> I am not thinking.
> Nor have I expressed anything of the sort.
> Your idiotic misinterpretations are off the mark.
> You are, skittish yes. Unintelligent, asleep, knee-jerk.
> Ignorant + self-debasing.
> Dearest, my work has plenty of content.
> It's just not accessible to you–nor will it ever be,
> if you continue along the same path.
> If you want to content, you're going to have to
> get it yourself baby. You're whining cuz I don't feed you
> for free.
> You're talking about yourself.
> You're talking about yourself.
> You're talking about yourself.
> Your words betray nothing of the sort.
> No dearest, I am not 'filling' in anything.
> Don't attempt to dress me in clothes that don't
> belong to me.
> No there will not. NN has never been an 'original'.
> And your childish kindergartenish attitude on
> 'original' reflects on you only.
> Meaningless gibberish. I did neither,
> you ain't that clever.
> You're not qualified to give out advice to anyone baby.
> So my advice is to you– take your own ego-driven slave-shit
> behavior and shove it up your arse.
> No thanks. I've seen enough of your mediocrity.

``` <0B@@$ggG%3^`
X@@@B$$$$@@@@@@$0B$$BBBB0( ^VGB$B$@@@@$$@(^
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(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0^ ^< ^
%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@V `
.@@@@@@@@@@@@@%`^ >Yes, i like it!
B@@@@@@@@@@0(.^^` ^^
:$@@@$$0$@V< .^^^.. ^</XX$0<(8%
3@@@@3%%^` ^^^`.` ^ :3G@0C/G3
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`<(((((:((((/VVCVVCC//^^<:(((((<^^ V%<^
N!C3 S!MULC4ST STR34M!!! hTTp://

, D42 Kandinskij

On Thu, 3 Oct 2002, [iso-8859-1] eyescratch

, eye scratch

A 8:33 PM -0700 le 10/3/02, -IID42 Kandinskij @27+ a ecrit:
> Dearest, you're blind as a batling.
> Couldn't see a fly if it landed on your nose.

z zzzz
z z z zzzz z
z z z zzt!

> What's the matter little fly?
> Didn't know some flowers eat humans?

z zzzz
z z z zzzz z
z z z zzt!

, D42 Kandinskij

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, [iso-8859-1] eyescratch

, Max Herman

Eyescratch, what SFMOMA ripoffs were you talking about? Answer!

Plus I respect and support NN regardless of listening to Karei, who is
hardly the dumbest voice I've heard about the new world of humans in
imperial wartime. He can't hurt NN I don't think, nor do I think he wants
to, but if he were to try, I would be able to prevent I think. Or help
cheerlead for people who are able. Or just cry in my soup and pray, which
can achieve everything.

>From: eyescratch

, D42 Kandinskij

On Fri, 11 Oct 2002, Max Herman wrote:

> He can't hurt NN I don't think,

That would be easy.

> nor do I think he wants to,

Ne. I do not hurt others. There are other laws.

> but if he were to try, I would be able to prevent I think.

You wouldn't even register it, luv. Nor would NN.
have already been inside NN.

> Or help cheerlead for people who are able. Or just cry in my soup and pray, which
> can achieve everything.

Baa: Who cares?

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, Max Herman

Fuck you Karei ya bitch, watch yer pony.

>From: "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>
>To: Max Herman <[email protected]>
>CC: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: RHIZOME_RAW: The Kittler Project
>Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 10:05:40 -0700 (PDT)
>On Fri, 11 Oct 2002, Max Herman wrote:
> > He can't hurt NN I don't think,
> That would be easy.
> > nor do I think he wants to,
> Ne. I do not hurt others. There are other laws.
> > but if he were to try, I would be able to prevent I think.
> You wouldn't even register it, luv. Nor would NN.
> have already been inside NN.
> > Or help cheerlead for people who are able. Or just cry in my soup and
>pray, which
> > can achieve everything.
> Baa: Who cares?
>`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

, D42 Kandinskij

On Sun, 13 Oct 2002, Max Herman wrote:

> Fuck you Karei ya bitch, watch yer pony.

Or what? You're going to stab yourself in the foot?

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42