Practical Application of Old Media #4

Check out:

Protests Set to Begin in Europe; Mass Arrests in D.C.

As the first day of protests in Washington D.C. winds down after mass
arrests and corporate media misrepresentation, activists across the world
are preparing to protest against war in Iraq on Saturday. The largest
expected peace demonstration in decades will gather in London, while
hundreds are expected to gather in St. Louis, and the quarantine of the
World Bank and IMF begins in D.C.

Breaking news of all of these events is available from DC Indymedia, UK
Indymedia, and St. Louis Indymedia.

Tranlated coverage is available in Italiano and en espanol.

[Stopping the war in London] Protests Against War in Iraq Building

Saturday, September 28 sees the national 'Don't Attck Iraq - Justice for
Palestine' demonstrations in London, with protestors converging from all
points of Britain. Called by the Stop the War Coalition, the Muslim
Association of Britain, and supported by the Campaign for Nuclear
Disarmament , the march is expected to be the largest peace demonstrations
in the nation since the 1960s, reflecting the widespread opposition to
military action.

On September 26, as the peace camp [
<> 1 ] in front of the
Imperial War Museum continues, activists took to the street of London in
preparation for Saturday, touring the city with a large cardboard tank [
<> 1 | 2 ]. With masks of
Bush and Blair, and carrying mock firearms and rocket launchers, they
visited Parliament, Downing St., the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and an
army recruitment exhibition. Meanwhile, reports have surfaced that the BBC
has been pressured to limit coverage of anti-war events. Rejection of the
Blair Dossier is spreading, as well, as there are more calls for Parliament
to reject war.

Beyond the UK, protests against Bush and war in Iraq a continuing rapidly. A
demonstration [ <> 1 ] in
Portland, Maine against war in Iraq on Thursday ended in fourteen arrests.
Meanwhile, Bush was met with protests again the same day in Houston, and on
September 23 as he gathered campaign contriubtions for a Senate race in
Trenton, New Jersey.

This swell of anti-Bush sentiment is building, as Bush was protested in
Flagstaff, Phoenix, and by over 3,500 people in Denver [
<> 1 | 2 |
<> audio ] today. Sit-ins for
peace at congressional offices have been held in Seattle and the Twin
Cities, while oil companies, the greatest beneficiaires of war in Iraq, are
starting to get picketed. In Chicago, church parisioners are organizing for
peace, while teach-ins and banner drops [
<> video ] build in the
Research Triangle area of North Carolina. Democracy Now! reports that
Republican and Democratic Congressional offices are receiving overwhelming
opposition to war from constituents. Large peace demonstrations are also
planned for Saturday at the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, while U.S.-wide peace
actions are planned for the weekend of October 5-7.

More information is available from the Belgium and Seattle IMC features
discussing more anti-war activism this weekend in the U.S. as well as in
Rome, Paris, and Marseilles, and from past global Indymedia coverage [ Sep
26 | Sep 17 | Sep 14 | Aug 21 | Aug 16 | Jul 30 ].

[ UK IMC ]

[Corporate Trojan Horse in front of World Bank building on September 26]
Preparations Intensify on Eve of Protests

Thursday, September 26 witnessed a broadening of the debate over the World
Bank and IMF meetings and protests in Washington, DC, as well as police
preparations for the weekend's demonstrations. Educational events were held
across the city.

Activists from Chad, Cameroon, Senegal, South Africa, Colombia, Venezuela,
Chiapas, Argentina, and elsewhere spoke all day to hundreds at a church to
share stories of struggle and resistance to the two financial institutions.
Panelists at the teach-in discussed what the IMF had meant to them
personally as well as to their countries. Outside of the World Bank building
in Murrow Park in the rainy morning, a Trojan Horse [
<> 1 |
<> 1 | 2 ] was unveiled,
representing the corporate invasion into developing nations in the guise of
financial aid. Speakers at the rally denounced environmentally destructive
oil, gas, and mining World Bank projects to the dripping and enthusiastic
crowd. At the AFL-CIO headquarters, workers from the US and around the world
offered personal accounts of working in a global economy that makes the
world's rich richer while lowering the standard of living for working
families. This Global Workers Forum was held in contrast to the global CEO
summit meeting in conjuntion with the World Bank and IMF. Local
anti-homelessness organizing is continuing, as well.

On the streets, there have been more signs that police are preparing to use
force, possibly preemptively. Police are equipped with chemical munitions,
fleets of vans have been deployed [
<> 1 ] and special rules are
in place for the subway system, and fences [
<> 1 | 2 ] have been erected
in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood around the institutions. More general
police operations seem to be oriented around surveillance and the
observation of assemblies of persons, including convergence spaces and
meetings. There have also been reports of several arrests for minor offenses
and random street questioning.

Corporate media coverage has been predictable, as one Wednesday column in
the Washington Post was denounced as specious by activists, and juxtaposed
against the 1773 Boston Tea Party. The IMF published a report on Wednesday
forcasting continuing global economic woes, but continues to prescribe the
same neo-liberal policies reponsible for the troubles. Preparations continue
for futher protests and social forum programs [ 1 | 2 ] this weekend, while
messages of solidarity from Canada and the west coast have been sent to
activists preparing for the Peoples' Strike today.

More information is available en espanol and in previous global Indymedia
features [ Sep 25 | Sep 22 ]. Full breaking coverage is available at the DC

[ DC IMC | Anti-Capitalist Convergence | Mobilization for Global Justice ]

[Protest for Oneida Democracy] Traditional Oneidas Fight Casino Kingpin to
Remain on their Land

As activists in the U.S. gear up for a weekend of protests against the World
Bank and IMF, the continuing crisis at the Oneida reservation in central New
York stands out as a story of homegrown neo-liberalism run amok. Since 1993,
Harvard-educated Chief Ray Halbritter has usurped his people's traditional
matrilineal political structure, installed an all-male governing council,
closed the communal longhouse, built gas stations and casinos and hired an
all-white private police force to terrorize traditional Oneida families who
will not acquiesce to his vision of "progress". There's a diverse resistance
movement as well fighting for Oneida democracy.

Meanwhile, capitalism's relentless assault on indigenous peoples also
continues at Big Mountain, in Chiapas, and in Newe Segovia (Nevada), where
Bureau of Land Management agents are cattle rustling and trying to
confiscate vast tracts of mineral-rich Western Shoshone land for pennies per
acre amid growing opposition. Meanwhile, after 510 years of conquest and
plunder, organizers in Colorado are working to transform Columbus Day in
several weeks into a celebration of resistance.

[ NY Capitol IMC | Oneida Action News Center | Indian Country Today ]

['No War in Iraq' banner in front of Downing St.] Opposition to War in Iraq
Increasing in Britain

The Bush administration continues to pursue war with Iraq to secure a
'regime change' at any price. Military action is to be justified on the
grounds of Iraq's supposed development of weapons of mass destruction, along
with highly suspect allegations that the Iraqi regime has links with al
Qaeda. Attacks on Iraqi military and civilian infrastructure by U.S. and
British aircraft have increased in recent months, as well. Washington is
rapidly finding itself isolated in this policy, aside from the unfailing
support of UK Prime Minister Tony Blair who is himself increasingly isolated
in the UK.

Protests against war in Iraq and years of sanctions [ video ] have been held
in London for more than a month. On August 9, the Stop the War Coalition
announced a broad-based demonstration in central London on Saturday,
September 28 to oppose Blair's push for war, and organizing has been
building since. In early August, the Westminster Council looked to evict a
peace activist from his 11 month 'pavement protest' in Parliament Square,
yet the vigil continues. On September 2, activists protested [ video ] in
front of Downing St. A peace camp was set up [ 1 | 2 ] at the Imperial War
Museum on Monday, September 23, and though threatened with eviction, will
continue through the demonstrations on Saturday. On Tuesday, protests were
held outside of Parliament against 'naked aggression' [ 1 | 2 ], and in
support of MPs opposing Blair.

Beyond demonstrations, the peace movement in Britain continues gather
momentum. Members of War Resisters' International are facing legal action
over withholding the portion of their tax to be used to fund illegal
aggression. Moreover, over 160 Labour Party backbench MPs have signed an
Early Day Motion against attacking Iraq.

Iraq, via the United Nations, has promised unconditional access to weapons
inspectors. The US, however, has dismissed the offer as a delaying tactic
and remains determined to press ahead with military action, counting on
pressuring international support. Inside the U.N. on Tuesday, delegates
scrambled to slow the Bush Administration's seemingly relentless drive to
war, but "in its efforts to adopt a new and responsive U.N. Security Council
resolution, the U.N. is falling behind the U.S. schedule for [military]
action." More are also concluding that oil [ pdf ] is the dominant factor
behind the war drums. On September 24, Blair presented to Parliament a
dossier (pdf) purporting justification for war. The dossier, however,
contains very little new information, and has been criticized from nearly
all quarters.

Direct action is planned at the forthcoming demonstration [ 1 ] on Saturday,
and groups are making plans ranging from chants to an anti-captialist bloc.

[ UK IMC | Active Resistance to the Roots of War | Direct Action Against the
War Now ]

[IMF: Pack of Lies] Actions Begin as Police and Corporate Media Rhetoric

Protests have begun in DC as activists prepare for the major demonstrations
against the World Bank and International Monetary Fund on Friday and
Saturday. At the same time, police and corporate media attention towards the
event has emerged amid threats of preemptive arrests.

On the afternoon of September 23, the Washington D.C.-based corporate
accountability organization Essential Action, held a press conference [
video ] outside the IMF headquarters. They presented their case against the
deregulation of tobacco trade policies, which the IMF pushes upon developing
nations such as Bulgaria, Mali, Djibouti, Peru, and Uganda among others, and
leads to increased smoking rates and attendant health problems. The press
conference was accompanied by a report detailing the IMF's disregard for the
global public health. On September 24, a DC activist graced [ video ] a posh
reception from outside the World Bank building. As the attendees ate and
drank inside, she held up a sign reading "Eat the Rich" for attendees.
Meanwhile, a Tent City in solidarity with the poor was established on
Tuesday in NW DC.

The corporate media treats the grassroots opposition to global corporatism
and U.S. foreign policy as a seasonal event, and has rarely reported that
the movement originated in the "third world" decades ago. While airing clips
of past demos and concentrating on specific points of violence quoted by
police, it fails to address the specific grievances that demonstrators, NGO
workers, and organizers present during their direct actions, teach-ins and
lectures that frequently take place, peacefully, throughout the city during
and leading up to major convergences. Though posted for months, DC media
outlets and and global wire services have focused for several days on a web
page hosted on a website edited by single individual. The page includes a
mock scavenger hunt with points awarded for vandalism towards commercial
property among other actions. This has been a long standing joke among some
of the activist community and something seen in bad taste by many others.
Meanwhile, in the face of the decentralized nature of the planned People's
Strike on Friday, DC authorities have threatened preemptive arrests.

More information is available from previous global Indymedia coverage: [ Sep
23 | Sep 22 ].

[ DC IMC | | Calendar of Events ]

GLOBAL AUDIO Sep 24 2002
Indymedia On Air This Week

Indymedia On Air is a compilation show of IMC and allied audio from around
the world, and is uploaded weekly to the global Indymedia newswire. The show
is produced from the LA IMC. For the week of September 26, 2002:

Part One
- CKUT Montreal - Ibdaa refugee camp report
- Unwelcome Guests - Javier Sanchez and the Colombian community of San Jose
de Portado
- LA IMC - Part 1 of Bronwyn Maldin's series of interviews with 3 African
women on debt in the Global South

Part Two
- John Feelgood for Indymedia Netherlands and the Europe report
- IMC Houston reports on MOVE
- Community IMPACT with DC IMC, Youth Radio Documentary "The Way We Do" with
youth on violence and police brutality


, Lee Wells

Rock on, dont get hurt. I use to think it was fun to stick my camera in a
cops face.
Now I have a zoom lens.
Good luck and Cheers
Lee2 8:40 AM, furtherfield at [email protected] wrote:

We are marching in London today 28th

—– Original Message —–
From: Lee Wells <mailto:[email protected]>
To: Max Herman <mailto:[email protected]> ; [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 5:18 AM
Subject: RHIZOME_RAW: Practical Application of Old Media #4

Check out:

Protests Set to Begin in Europe; Mass Arrests in D.C.

As the first day of protests in Washington D.C. winds down after mass
arrests and corporate media misrepresentation, activists across the world
are preparing to protest against war in Iraq on Saturday. The largest
expected peace demonstration in decades will gather in London, while
hundreds are expected to gather in St. Louis, and the quarantine of the
World Bank and IMF begins in D.C.

Breaking news of all of these events is available from DC Indymedia, UK
Indymedia, and St. Louis Indymedia.

Tranlated coverage is available in Italiano and en espanol.

[Stopping the war in London] Protests Against War in Iraq Building

Saturday, September 28 sees the national 'Don't Attck Iraq - Justice for
Palestine' demonstrations in London, with protestors converging from all
points of Britain. Called by the Stop the War Coalition, the Muslim
Association of Britain, and supported by the Campaign for Nuclear
Disarmament , the march is expected to be the largest peace demonstrations
in the nation since the 1960s, reflecting the widespread opposition to
military action.

On September 26, as the peace camp [
<> 1 ] in front of the
Imperial War Museum continues, activists took to the street of London in
preparation for Saturday, touring the city with a large cardboard tank [
<> 1 | 2 ]. With masks of
Bush and Blair, and carrying mock firearms and rocket launchers, they
visited Parliament, Downing St., the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and an
army recruitment exhibition. Meanwhile, reports have surfaced that the BBC
has been pressured to limit coverage of anti-war events. Rejection of the
Blair Dossier is spreading, as well, as there are more calls for Parliament
to reject war.

Beyond the UK, protests against Bush and war in Iraq a continuing rapidly. A
demonstration [ <> 1 ] in
Portland, Maine against war in Iraq on Thursday ended in fourteen arrests.
Meanwhile, Bush was met with protests again the same day in Houston, and on
September 23 as he gathered campaign contriubtions for a Senate race in
Trenton, New Jersey.

This swell of anti-Bush sentiment is building, as Bush was protested in
Flagstaff, Phoenix, and by over 3,500 people in Denver [
<> 1 | 2 |
<> audio ] today. Sit-ins for
peace at congressional offices have been held in Seattle and the Twin
Cities, while oil companies, the greatest beneficiaires of war in Iraq, are
starting to get picketed. In Chicago, church parisioners are organizing for
peace, while teach-ins and banner drops [
<> video ] build in the
Research Triangle area of North Carolina. Democracy Now! reports that
Republican and Democratic Congressional offices are receiving overwhelming
opposition to war from constituents. Large peace demonstrations are also
planned for Saturday at the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, while U.S.-wide peace
actions are planned for the weekend of October 5-7.

More information is available from the Belgium and Seattle IMC features
discussing more anti-war activism this weekend in the U.S. as well as in
Rome, Paris, and Marseilles, and from past global Indymedia coverage [ Sep
26 | Sep 17 | Sep 14 | Aug 21 | Aug 16 | Jul 30 ].

[ UK IMC ]

[Corporate Trojan Horse in front of World Bank building on September 26]
Preparations Intensify on Eve of Protests

Thursday, September 26 witnessed a broadening of the debate over the World
Bank and IMF meetings and protests in Washington, DC, as well as police
preparations for the weekend's demonstrations. Educational events were held
across the city.

Activists from Chad, Cameroon, Senegal, South Africa, Colombia, Venezuela,
Chiapas, Argentina, and elsewhere spoke all day to hundreds at a church to
share stories of struggle and resistance to the two financial institutions.
Panelists at the teach-in discussed what the IMF had meant to them
personally as well as to their countries. Outside of the World Bank building
in Murrow Park in the rainy morning, a Trojan Horse [
<> 1 |
<> 1 | 2 ] was unveiled,
representing the corporate invasion into developing nations in the guise of
financial aid. Speakers at the rally denounced environmentally destructive
oil, gas, and mining World Bank projects to the dripping and enthusiastic
crowd. At the AFL-CIO headquarters, workers from the US and around the world
offered personal accounts of working in a global economy that makes the
world's rich richer while lowering the standard of living for working
families. This Global Workers Forum was held in contrast to the global CEO
summit meeting in conjuntion with the World Bank and IMF. Local
anti-homelessness organizing is continuing, as well.

On the streets, there have been more signs that police are preparing to use
force, possibly preemptively. Police are equipped with chemical munitions,
fleets of vans have been deployed [
<> 1 ] and special rules are
in place for the subway system, and fences [
<> 1 | 2 ] have been erected
in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood around the institutions. More general
police operations seem to be oriented around surveillance and the
observation of assemblies of persons, including convergence spaces and
meetings. There have also been reports of several arrests for minor offenses
and random street questioning.

Corporate media coverage has been predictable, as one Wednesday column in
the Washington Post was denounced as specious by activists, and juxtaposed
against the 1773 Boston Tea Party. The IMF published a report on Wednesday
forcasting continuing global economic woes, but continues to prescribe the
same neo-liberal policies reponsible for the troubles. Preparations continue
for futher protests and social forum programs [ 1 | 2 ] this weekend, while
messages of solidarity from Canada and the west coast have been sent to
activists preparing for the Peoples' Strike today.

More information is available en espanol and in previous global Indymedia
features [ Sep 25 | Sep 22 ]. Full breaking coverage is available at the DC

[ DC IMC | Anti-Capitalist Convergence | Mobilization for Global Justice ]

[Protest for Oneida Democracy] Traditional Oneidas Fight Casino Kingpin to
Remain on their Land

As activists in the U.S. gear up for a weekend of protests against the World
Bank and IMF, the continuing crisis at the Oneida reservation in central New
York stands out as a story of homegrown neo-liberalism run amok. Since 1993,
Harvard-educated Chief Ray Halbritter has usurped his people's traditional
matrilineal political structure, installed an all-male governing council,
closed the communal longhouse, built gas stations and casinos and hired an
all-white private police force to terrorize traditional Oneida families who
will not acquiesce to his vision of "progress". There's a diverse resistance
movement as well fighting for Oneida democracy.

Meanwhile, capitalism's relentless assault on indigenous peoples also
continues at Big Mountain, in Chiapas, and in Newe Segovia (Nevada), where
Bureau of Land Management agents are cattle rustling and trying to
confiscate vast tracts of mineral-rich Western Shoshone land for pennies per
acre amid growing opposition. Meanwhile, after 510 years of conquest and
plunder, organizers in Colorado are working to transform Columbus Day in
several weeks into a celebration of resistance.

[ NY Capitol IMC | Oneida Action News Center | Indian Country Today ]

['No War in Iraq' banner in front of Downing St.] Opposition to War in Iraq
Increasing in Britain

The Bush administration continues to pursue war with Iraq to secure a
'regime change' at any price. Military action is to be justified on the
grounds of Iraq's supposed development of weapons of mass destruction, along
with highly suspect allegations that the Iraqi regime has links with al
Qaeda. Attacks on Iraqi military and civilian infrastructure by U.S. and
British aircraft have increased in recent months, as well. Washington is
rapidly finding itself isolated in this policy, aside from the unfailing
support of UK Prime Minister Tony Blair who is himself increasingly isolated
in the UK.

Protests against war in Iraq and years of sanctions [ video ] have been held
in London for more than a month. On August 9, the Stop the War Coalition
announced a broad-based demonstration in central London on Saturday,
September 28 to oppose Blair's push for war, and organizing has been
building since. In early August, the Westminster Council looked to evict a
peace activist from his 11 month 'pavement protest' in Parliament Square,
yet the vigil continues. On September 2, activists protested [ video ] in
front of Downing St. A peace camp was set up [ 1 | 2 ] at the Imperial War
Museum on Monday, September 23, and though threatened with eviction, will
continue through the demonstrations on Saturday. On Tuesday, protests were
held outside of Parliament against 'naked aggression' [ 1 | 2 ], and in
support of MPs opposing Blair.

Beyond demonstrations, the peace movement in Britain continues gather
momentum. Members of War Resisters' International are facing legal action
over withholding the portion of their tax to be used to fund illegal
aggression. Moreover, over 160 Labour Party backbench MPs have signed an
Early Day Motion against attacking Iraq.

Iraq, via the United Nations, has promised unconditional access to weapons
inspectors. The US, however, has dismissed the offer as a delaying tactic
and remains determined to press ahead with military action, counting on
pressuring international support. Inside the U.N. on Tuesday, delegates
scrambled to slow the Bush Administration's seemingly relentless drive to
war, but "in its efforts to adopt a new and responsive U.N. Security Council
resolution, the U.N. is falling behind the U.S. schedule for [military]
action." More are also concluding that oil [ pdf ] is the dominant factor
behind the war drums. On September 24, Blair presented to Parliament a
dossier (pdf) purporting justification for war. The dossier, however,
contains very little new information, and has been criticized from nearly
all quarters.

Direct action is planned at the forthcoming demonstration [ 1 ] on Saturday,
and groups are making plans ranging from chants to an anti-captialist bloc.

[ UK IMC | Active Resistance to the Roots of War | Direct Action Against the
War Now ]

[IMF: Pack of Lies] Actions Begin as Police and Corporate Media Rhetoric

Protests have begun in DC as activists prepare for the major demonstrations
against the World Bank and International Monetary Fund on Friday and
Saturday. At the same time, police and corporate media attention towards the
event has emerged amid threats of preemptive arrests.

On the afternoon of September 23, the Washington D.C.-based corporate
accountability organization Essential Action, held a press conference [
video ] outside the IMF headquarters. They presented their case against the
deregulation of tobacco trade policies, which the IMF pushes upon developing
nations such as Bulgaria, Mali, Djibouti, Peru, and Uganda among others, and
leads to increased smoking rates and attendant health problems. The press
conference was accompanied by a report detailing the IMF's disregard for the
global public health. On September 24, a DC activist graced [ video ] a posh
reception from outside the World Bank building. As the attendees ate and
drank inside, she held up a sign reading "Eat the Rich" for attendees.
Meanwhile, a Tent City in solidarity with the poor was established on
Tuesday in NW DC.

The corporate media treats the grassroots opposition to global corporatism
and U.S. foreign policy as a seasonal event, and has rarely reported that
the movement originated in the "third world" decades ago. While airing clips
of past demos and concentrating on specific points of violence quoted by
police, it fails to address the specific grievances that demonstrators, NGO
workers, and organizers present during their direct actions, teach-ins and
lectures that frequently take place, peacefully, throughout the city during
and leading up to major convergences. Though posted for months, DC media
outlets and and global wire services have focused for several days on a web
page hosted on a website edited by single individual. The page includes a
mock scavenger hunt with points awarded for vandalism towards commercial
property among other actions. This has been a long standing joke among some
of the activist community and something seen in bad taste by many others.
Meanwhile, in the face of the decentralized nature of the planned People's
Strike on Friday, DC authorities have threatened preemptive arrests.

More information is available from previous global Indymedia coverage: [ Sep
23 | Sep 22 ].

[ DC IMC | | Calendar of Events ]

GLOBAL AUDIO Sep 24 2002
Indymedia On Air This Week

Indymedia On Air is a compilation show of IMC and allied audio from around
the world, and is uploaded weekly to the global Indymedia newswire. The show
is produced from the LA IMC. For the week of September 26, 2002:

Part One
- CKUT Montreal - Ibdaa refugee camp report
- Unwelcome Guests - Javier Sanchez and the Colombian community of San Jose
de Portado
- LA IMC - Part 1 of Bronwyn Maldin's series of interviews with 3 African
women on debt in the Global South

Part Two
- John Feelgood for Indymedia Netherlands and the Europe report
- IMC Houston reports on MOVE
- Community IMPACT with DC IMC, Youth Radio Documentary "The Way We Do" with
youth on violence and police brutality

, marc garrett

Practical Application of Old Media #4We are marching in London today 28th

—– Original Message —–
From: Lee Wells
To: Max Herman ; [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 5:18 AM
Subject: RHIZOME_RAW: Practical Application of Old Media #4

Check out:

Protests Set to Begin in Europe; Mass Arrests in D.C.

As the first day of protests in Washington D.C. winds down after mass arr=
ests and corporate media misrepresentation, activists across the world are =
preparing to protest against war in Iraq on Saturday. The largest expected =
peace demonstration in decades will gather in London, while hundreds are ex=
pected to gather in St. Louis, and the quarantine of the World Bank and IMF=
begins in D.C.

Breaking news of all of these events is available from DC Indymedia, UK I=
ndymedia, and St. Louis Indymedia.

Tranlated coverage is available in Italiano and en espanol.

[Stopping the war in London] Protests Against War in Iraq Building

Saturday, September 28 sees the national 'Don't Attck Iraq - Justice for =
Palestine' demonstrations in London, with protestors converging from all po=
ints of Britain. Called by the Stop the War Coalition, the Muslim Associati=
on of Britain, and supported by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament , the =
march is expected to be the largest peace demonstrations in the nation sinc=
e the 1960s, reflecting the widespread opposition to military action.

On September 26, as the peace camp [ <
es/photo.gif> 1 ] in front of the Imperial War Museum continues, activists =
took to the street of London in preparation for Saturday, touring the city =
with a large cardboard tank [ <
gif> 1 | 2 ]. With masks of Bush and Blair, and carrying mock firearms and =
rocket launchers, they visited Parliament, Downing St., the Foreign and Com=
monwealth Office, and an army recruitment exhibition. Meanwhile, reports ha=
ve surfaced that the BBC has been pressured to limit coverage of anti-war e=
vents. Rejection of the Blair Dossier is spreading, as well, as there are m=
ore calls for Parliament to reject war.

Beyond the UK, protests against Bush and war in Iraq a continuing rapidly=
. A demonstration [ <> 1 ] i=
n Portland, Maine against war in Iraq on Thursday ended in fourteen arrests=
. Meanwhile, Bush was met with protests again the same day in Houston, and =
on September 23 as he gathered campaign contriubtions for a Senate race in =
Trenton, New Jersey.

This swell of anti-Bush sentiment is building, as Bush was protested in F=
lagstaff, Phoenix, and by over 3,500 people in Denver [ <http://www.indymed=> 1 | 2 | <
es/audio.gif> audio ] today. Sit-ins for peace at congressional offices hav=
e been held in Seattle and the Twin Cities, while oil companies, the greate=
st beneficiaires of war in Iraq, are starting to get picketed. In Chicago, =
church parisioners are organizing for peace, while teach-ins and banner dro=
ps [ <> video ] build in the=
Research Triangle area of North Carolina. Democracy Now! reports that Repu=
blican and Democratic Congressional offices are receiving overwhelming oppo=
sition to war from constituents. Large peace demonstrations are also planne=
d for Saturday at the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, while U.S.-wide peace acti=
ons are planned for the weekend of October 5-7.

More information is available from the Belgium and Seattle IMC features d=
iscussing more anti-war activism this weekend in the U.S. as well as in Rom=
e, Paris, and Marseilles, and from past global Indymedia coverage [ Sep 26 =
| Sep 17 | Sep 14 | Aug 21 | Aug 16 | Jul 30 ].

[ UK IMC ]

[Corporate Trojan Horse in front of World Bank building on September 26] =
Preparations Intensify on Eve of Protests

Thursday, September 26 witnessed a broadening of the debate over the Worl=
d Bank and IMF meetings and protests in Washington, DC, as well as police p=
reparations for the weekend's demonstrations. Educational events were held =
across the city.

Activists from Chad, Cameroon, Senegal, South Africa, Colombia, Venezuela=
, Chiapas, Argentina, and elsewhere spoke all day to hundreds at a church t=
o share stories of struggle and resistance to the two financial institution=
s. Panelists at the teach-in discussed what the IMF had meant to them perso=
nally as well as to their countries. Outside of the World Bank building in =
Murrow Park in the rainy morning, a Trojan Horse [ <http://www.indymedia.or=
g/local/images/photo.gif> 1 | <
gif> 1 | 2 ] was unveiled, representing the corporate invasion into develop=
ing nations in the guise of financial aid. Speakers at the rally denounced =
environmentally destructive oil, gas, and mining World Bank projects to the=
dripping and enthusiastic crowd. At the AFL-CIO headquarters, workers from=
the US and around the world offered personal accounts of working in a glob=
al economy that makes the world's rich richer while lowering the standard o=
f living for working families. This Global Workers Forum was held in contra=
st to the global CEO summit meeting in conjuntion with the World Bank and I=
MF. Local anti-homelessness organizing is continuing, as well.

On the streets, there have been more signs that police are preparing to u=
se force, possibly preemptively. Police are equipped with chemical munition=
s, fleets of vans have been deployed [ <
es/photo.gif> 1 ] and special rules are in place for the subway system, and=
fences [ <> 1 | 2 ] have be=
en erected in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood around the institutions. More g=
eneral police operations seem to be oriented around surveillance and the ob=
servation of assemblies of persons, including convergence spaces and meetin=
gs. There have also been reports of several arrests for minor offenses and =
random street questioning.

Corporate media coverage has been predictable, as one Wednesday column in=
the Washington Post was denounced as specious by activists, and juxtaposed=
against the 1773 Boston Tea Party. The IMF published a report on Wednesday=
forcasting continuing global economic woes, but continues to prescribe the=
same neo-liberal policies reponsible for the troubles. Preparations contin=
ue for futher protests and social forum programs [ 1 | 2 ] this weekend, wh=
ile messages of solidarity from Canada and the west coast have been sent to=
activists preparing for the Peoples' Strike today.

More information is available en espanol and in previous global Indymedia=
features [ Sep 25 | Sep 22 ]. Full breaking coverage is available at the D=

[ DC IMC | Anti-Capitalist Convergence | Mobilization for Global Justice ]

[Protest for Oneida Democracy] Traditional Oneidas Fight Casino Kingpin t=
o Remain on their Land

As activists in the U.S. gear up for a weekend of protests against the Wo=
rld Bank and IMF, the continuing crisis at the Oneida reservation in centra=
l New York stands out as a story of homegrown neo-liberalism run amok. Sinc=
e 1993, Harvard-educated Chief Ray Halbritter has usurped his people's trad=
itional matrilineal political structure, installed an all-male governing co=
uncil, closed the communal longhouse, built gas stations and casinos and hi=
red an all-white private police force to terrorize traditional Oneida famil=
ies who will not acquiesce to his vision of "progress". There's a diverse r=
esistance movement as well fighting for Oneida democracy.

Meanwhile, capitalism's relentless assault on indigenous peoples also con=
tinues at Big Mountain, in Chiapas, and in Newe Segovia (Nevada), where Bur=
eau of Land Management agents are cattle rustling and trying to confiscate =
vast tracts of mineral-rich Western Shoshone land for pennies per acre amid=
growing opposition. Meanwhile, after 510 years of conquest and plunder, or=
ganizers in Colorado are working to transform Columbus Day in several weeks=
into a celebration of resistance.

[ NY Capitol IMC | Oneida Action News Center | Indian Country Today ]

['No War in Iraq' banner in front of Downing St.] Opposition to War in Ir=
aq Increasing in Britain

The Bush administration continues to pursue war with Iraq to secure a 're=
gime change' at any price. Military action is to be justified on the ground=
s of Iraq's supposed development of weapons of mass destruction, along with=
highly suspect allegations that the Iraqi regime has links with al Qaeda. =
Attacks on Iraqi military and civilian infrastructure by U.S. and British a=
ircraft have increased in recent months, as well. Washington is rapidly fin=
ding itself isolated in this policy, aside from the unfailing support of UK=
Prime Minister Tony Blair who is himself increasingly isolated in the UK.

Protests against war in Iraq and years of sanctions [ video ] have been h=
eld in London for more than a month. On August 9, the Stop the War Coalitio=
n announced a broad-based demonstration in central London on Saturday, Sept=
ember 28 to oppose Blair's push for war, and organizing has been building s=
ince. In early August, the Westminster Council looked to evict a peace acti=
vist from his 11 month 'pavement protest' in Parliament Square, yet the vig=
il continues. On September 2, activists protested [ video ] in front of Dow=
ning St. A peace camp was set up [ 1 | 2 ] at the Imperial War Museum on Mo=
nday, September 23, and though threatened with eviction, will continue thro=
ugh the demonstrations on Saturday. On Tuesday, protests were held outside =
of Parliament against 'naked aggression' [ 1 | 2 ], and in support of MPs o=
pposing Blair.

Beyond demonstrations, the peace movement in Britain continues gather mom=
entum. Members of War Resisters' International are facing legal action over=
withholding the portion of their tax to be used to fund illegal aggression=
. Moreover, over 160 Labour Party backbench MPs have signed an Early Day Mo=
tion against attacking Iraq.

Iraq, via the United Nations, has promised unconditional access to weapon=
s inspectors. The US, however, has dismissed the offer as a delaying tactic=
and remains determined to press ahead with military action, counting on pr=
essuring international support. Inside the U.N. on Tuesday, delegates scram=
bled to slow the Bush Administration's seemingly relentless drive to war, b=
ut "in its efforts to adopt a new and responsive U.N. Security Council reso=
lution, the U.N. is falling behind the U.S. schedule for [military] action.=
" More are also concluding that oil [ pdf ] is the dominant factor behind t=
he war drums. On September 24, Blair presented to Parliament a dossier (pdf=
) purporting justification for war. The dossier, however, contains very lit=
tle new information, and has been criticized from nearly all quarters.

Direct action is planned at the forthcoming demonstration [ 1 ] on Saturd=
ay, and groups are making plans ranging from chants to an anti-captialist b=

[ UK IMC | Active Resistance to the Roots of War | Direct Action Against =
the War Now ]

[IMF: Pack of Lies] Actions Begin as Police and Corporate Media Rhetoric =

Protests have begun in DC as activists prepare for the major demonstratio=
ns against the World Bank and International Monetary Fund on Friday and Sat=
urday. At the same time, police and corporate media attention towards the e=
vent has emerged amid threats of preemptive arrests.

On the afternoon of September 23, the Washington D.C.-based corporate acc=
ountability organization Essential Action, held a press conference [ video =
] outside the IMF headquarters. They presented their case against the dereg=
ulation of tobacco trade policies, which the IMF pushes upon developing nat=
ions such as Bulgaria, Mali, Djibouti, Peru, and Uganda among others, and l=
eads to increased smoking rates and attendant health problems. The press co=
nference was accompanied by a report detailing the IMF's disregard for the =
global public health. On September 24, a DC activist graced [ video ] a pos=
h reception from outside the World Bank building. As the attendees ate and =
drank inside, she held up a sign reading "Eat the Rich" for attendees. Mean=
while, a Tent City in solidarity with the poor was established on Tuesday i=
n NW DC.

The corporate media treats the grassroots opposition to global corporatis=
m and U.S. foreign policy as a seasonal event, and has rarely reported that=
the movement originated in the "third world" decades ago. While airing cli=
ps of past demos and concentrating on specific points of violence quoted by=
police, it fails to address the specific grievances that demonstrators, NG=
O workers, and organizers present during their direct actions, teach-ins an=
d lectures that frequently take place, peacefully, throughout the city duri=
ng and leading up to major convergences. Though posted for months, DC media=
outlets and and global wire services have focused for several days on a we=
b page hosted on a website edited by single individual. The page includes a=
mock scavenger hunt with points awarded for vandalism towards commercial p=
roperty among other actions. This has been a long standing joke among some =
of the activist community and something seen in bad taste by many others. M=
eanwhile, in the face of the decentralized nature of the planned People's S=
trike on Friday, DC authorities have threatened preemptive arrests.

More information is available from previous global Indymedia coverage: [ =
Sep 23 | Sep 22 ].

[ DC IMC | | Calendar of Events ]

GLOBAL AUDIO Sep 24 2002
Indymedia On Air This Week

Indymedia On Air is a compilation show of IMC and allied audio from aroun=
d the world, and is uploaded weekly to the global Indymedia newswire. The s=
how is produced from the LA IMC. For the week of September 26, 2002:

Part One
- CKUT Montreal - Ibdaa refugee camp report
- Unwelcome Guests - Javier Sanchez and the Colombian community of San Jo=
se de Portado
- LA IMC - Part 1 of Bronwyn Maldin's series of interviews with 3 African=
women on debt in the Global South

Part Two
- John Feelgood for Indymedia Netherlands and the Europe report
- IMC Houston reports on MOVE
- Community IMPACT with DC IMC, Youth Radio Documentary "The Way We Do" w=
ith youth on violence and police brutality

, D42 Kandinskij

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002, furtherfield wrote:

> We are marching in London today 28th

I'm sure Bush is quaking in his boots over your marching.