cigarette break pt.2

The only world Truman knows is the safe, mechanical and endlessly
repeating world of Seahaven, where every morning neighbors give
Truman the same greeting, evoking the same response from him "Good
Morning! and oh if I dont see you later today Good Afternoon!
Good Evening! And Goodnight!" Truman is thus the fool of the tarot
who, uncritically (though I would have said undiscerningly, as
'criticism' has become yet another knee-jerk recently) believing
in the reality of his impressions, becomes encased in false mannerisms,
(or josh zeidner's 'if you don't behavem knowledge will go away
from you) (or that poetry-spamming dork's 'bad manners make you
look bad'), postures, intonations and facial expressions (tzzt,
wally wanker, joseph mcelroy). The silent omnipresent horror of the
situation is that if Truman doesnt wake up to the lie of his life, hell
die within that lie, never having truly experienced anything.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42


, joseph mcelroy

Quoting "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>:

> The only world Truman knows is the safe, mechanical and endlessly
> repeating world of Seahaven, where every morning neighbors give
> Truman the same greeting, evoking the same response from him "Good
> Morning! and oh if I dont see you later today Good Afternoon!
> Good Evening! And Goodnight!" Truman is thus the fool of the tarot
> who, uncritically believing
> in the reality of his impressions, becomes encased in false mannerisms,
postures, intonations and facial expressions (tzzt,
> wally wanker, joseph mcelroy). The silent omnipresent horror of the
> situation is that if Truman doesnt wake up to the lie of his life, hell
> die within that lie, never having truly experienced anything.

Good movie that. Since you mentioned my name, I assume you can point to
something that allows you to include me as one of the unwakened? Not that I
totally disagree with you, last year I realized the lie of my life and have
spent the year making it honest. It is quite easy to put on a personna and then
get trapped by the false personality. Its a head game, listen to voice in the
front and get trapped, listen to voice in the back and find honesty - only the
voice in the back is very hard to hear and the voice in the front is very


> `, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42
> ——————————————————————–
> t h i n g i s t
> message by "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>
> archive at
> info: send email to [email protected]
> and write "info thingist" in the message body
> ——————————————————————–

, D42 Kandinskij

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002 [email protected] wrote:

> Good movie that. Since you mentioned my name, I assume you can point to
> something that allows you to include me as one of the unwakened?

Certainly: most of your responses are instinctual-reactionary
or brain-circuitry standard responses.

Imagine it like a very grand piano including various impulses
instead of notes. If consciousness is present, when you try to
play the piano (I don't mean push buttons btw:), you interact
with someone alive. When consciousness is absent, it's like
one is playing on and listening to a badly tuned piano, and
all one hears are the various mechanisms.. and no voice.

> Not that I totally disagree with you, last year I realized the lie of my life and have
> spent the year making it honest.

Hm, well consciousness is about being sincere. Reality is too
complex for the simplistic concept most humans think of as 'honesty'.
A lot–not saying you–give up the 'game' and settle for ungenuine,
flat simplicity, usually ends up as identification with a set of
impulses (brain) or (sexual). so some become 'intellectuals'..
or 'don juans,' or say gourmet chefs. Etc. easiest +very common is when
people get 'settled' and live a 'simply family life' and just give up.

> It is quite easy to put on a personna and then get trapped by the false personality.

Certainly it is. But taking of the 'false personality' isn't that easy,
since the build up of that starts since one is born more or less.
And is fully encouraged by–all 8as the film example shows). Not
maliciously, mind you, as most humans haven't a clue what they're
doing these days and there is no premeditation–but the damage is
real–and there.

How's that for 'fair'? :)

> Its a head game,

It's not just_ a head game but yeah it tends to be because of
the favorite brain-game (and the 'pleasure' of it). Though in actuality
it is not REALLY pleasure, it is neither–it's programmatic behavior
and the 'pleasure' that derives from it is that it's 'easy'–
and going 'against' it is 'difficult' and the brain sends of a signal
of 'pain' (biologically). Hence certain practices to overcome
(pleasure & pain) on a physical level IN PART. This also gets perverted
in to abuse or used as an excuse for masochism (another 'pleasure'
mechanism)–so it's not a trivial task.

> front and get trapped, listen to voice in the back and find honesty - only the
> voice in the back is very hard to hear and the voice in the front is very
> pursuasive.

How about stopping all voices altogether :>

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, joseph mcelroy

Quoting "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>:

> Certainly: most of your responses are instinctual-reactionary
> or brain-circuitry standard responses.

Is it not also possible that someone who is aware (or to a degree - I am
finding new abilities so I assume that I have more to go) will use standard
responses as a method of testing/learning.

> Imagine it like a very grand piano including various impulses
> instead of notes. If consciousness is present, when you try to
> play the piano (I don't mean push buttons btw:), you interact
> with someone alive. When consciousness is absent, it's like
> one is playing on and listening to a badly tuned piano, and
> all one hears are the various mechanisms.. and no voice.

This implies that the entity is a static instrument and is making no attempts
to play your instrument. Two aware pianos could be playing different,
discordant tunes and only hear noise from each other.

> Hm, well consciousness is about being sincere. Reality is too
> complex for the simplistic concept most humans think of as 'honesty'.
> A lot–not saying you–give up the 'game' and settle for ungenuine,
> flat simplicity, usually ends up as identification with a set of
> impulses (brain) or (sexual). so some become 'intellectuals'..
> or 'don juans,' or say gourmet chefs. Etc. easiest +very common is when
> people get 'settled' and live a 'simply family life' and just give up.

I agree. I see and hear people of my acquaintance constantly trying to steer
me to the same bad decisions that they made for their lives, trapping me in the
same sad existence and justifying their lives all in one fell swoop. Thinking
they are doing it for my best interest. I have fallen into two of these traps
before and it has take tremendous efforts to escape them.

> How's that for 'fair'? :)

Close enough

Joseph Franklyn McElroy
Cor[porat]e [Per]form[ance] Art[ist]

, D42 Kandinskij

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002, Joseph Franklyn McElroy Cor[porat]e [Per]form[ance] Art[ist] wrote:

> Is it not also possible that someone who is aware (or to a degree - I am
> finding new abilities so I assume that I have more to go) will use standard
> responses as a method of testing/learning.

It is possible that someone attempting to develop consciousness
uses the above, though 'testing'? Testing is a senseless
brain-faux-science affair.

> This implies that the entity is a static instrument

No, it doesn't imply that the entity is a static instrument.
It implies that is mechanical, and subject to mechanical laws.
Which it is. (And I don't mean robots or physics.mechanics).

> and is making no attempts to play your instrument.

Attempting? Sure. All the time. I am perfectly aware of it.
Two pianos playing each other is mindfuck button pushing.
hasn't got anything to do with consciousness.

Second, conscious pianios don't interact by 'playing'
each other. Thirdly, it is never done without
'permission'–and the latter does not mean what you think.

You're operating from your brain still.

> Two aware pianos could be playing different,
> discordant tunes and only hear noise from each other.

No. Awareness implies universal harmonious development.
Individuality sans discord. It's a rare, rare thing,
among humans, as most attempt to present their 'current'
state as individuality, and their noise as 'secret' 'obscure'
consciousness. No such thing. Consciousness is not HIDDEN
from others possessing such as a presence.

Also, no, consciousness implies empathy and modes of communication
which preclide hearing other consciousness as 'discordant'.
But talking to you about this is senseless data imprinting,
as this will not be understandable to you until you can
understand which involves exeriences which would render these
'questions' as well as the idea of 'testing' and 'playing pianos'
(which you hear as button pushing interaction you do, and that's
not what I wrote) senseless.

> I agree. I see and hear people of my acquaintance constantly trying
> to steer me to the same bad decisions that they made for their lives,
> trapping me in the same sad existence and justifying their lives all
> in one fell swoop.

Advertising loves that. Celebrate becoming like your parents.
Those lovable 'traditions' ;Z

> Thinking they are doing it for my best interest.

And sometimes even justifying to themselves what they're doing
with said thinking as an afterthought. Sometimes humans don't
even have a glint of understanding of what they're doing.
Or is that most of the time :X

> I have fallen into two of these traps
> before and it has take tremendous efforts to escape them.

It happens. It's no end of the road. But ultimately, a proper
'teacher' would instill in anyone that they're 'alone'–ie,
in the end, it is up to you.

So, I'm 'feeling' charitable on the teacher issue and make it patently
obvious: testing is no use. What is use is verifying for yourself,
observing yourself + questioning if you feel like it.
But don't do it with the assumption you know the answer better :)
Also a teacher does not suoercede you; what is not very obvious
is that a genuine 'teacher' connects you to knowledge, ie gives you
the way to get it on your own, c'est tout. And when they 'act out'
the 'image' that is appropriate for your development + one should
'interact' with that–rather than imprinting a standardized routine.
Even if Reality is objective and certain traditions and things would
appear 'inflexible' to the undiscerning eye.

What interests me, however, is the path without 'teachers'.
It's feasible, it's direct, it's effective.
But it's going to be a while before I have anything ready to present on
the 'subject' >ahem<. Or so it seems.
This is what is 'applicable' to modern humans.

As I've written before, 'teachers' and teacher-lines are almost
extinct. Difficult times, but also times for great things,
for those who have what it takes to go for it, and dont get
mottled in stupidity along the way. Not the 'easy' way.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42