Re: help! this is driving me nuts!!!

Calling all experienced flash users, tech-minded or generally nice
I've finished a piece that I have been working on for Michael's call
(below) which I'm completely stuck on, but seeing as its a 6 minute
dance/video/audio/choreography installation is soon became clear that
it was only going to run well on a ISDN or Broadband connection. I
don't have too much of a problem with this all long as it does run (albeit
with a long preload) on a 56k modem connection.
My problem being that 'run' is not the word for this on a dial-up
connection. 'Walk VERY slowly with at least two stops to get breath
back' is a more accurate description and that's with a 1 minute+
preload - which i wouldn't wait for.

Can anyone please help!!!!???
I think the problem is
a) the piece is based around 3 separate movie clips ( 2x animation 1 x
Video) each 100- 125k. These create 'spikes' in the loading which
forces the preload up and means you can never stream enough without
the music 'catching up' and stuttering.
b) fellow collaborator (who happens to be husband) will divorce me if I
compress his music to under 32kbps (although it still streams fine if it
wasn't for the 'spikes'). As the movement of the piece is 'choregraphed'
to the music I have to have that embeded in the movie, rather than
calling it in (which is what I usually do and works fine, even with huge
files) which makes the file size enormous.
c) have tried 3x compression tools which bugger up video and alpha

The thought of redoing the piece from scratch is driving me nuts.
Anyone any suggestions???

> Remix/Remake/Remodel - a small competition
> with modest prizes:
> please feel free to forward ,repost &c.
> Michael.