The 'Nascent' Field of Artist-Scientific Collaboration

> On Sat, 21 Sep 2002, Cynthia wrote:
> > This annual event nurtures the nascent field of artist-scientist
> collaborations

Astrology and the idea, proposed by Lomazzo, of the artist as both a
magician and astrologer, helps to the ultimate transformation of art from
techne to episteme, that is from a tecnique to a science, moreover because
this destiny's change, provoked by the use of talismanic, magic-operative
application of astrology, obtains real works of art. Renaissance art seems
to follow the idea by which a wiseman is he who knows and, thanks to that,
he knows how to overlook stars.

So why does 'asci'.org attempt to advertise itself falsely, 'cynthia'?
Could it be because of a desire to appear on the 'cutting-edge'–
a competitive, non-artistic impulses which subjugates the human being
and reduces it to a racing horse?

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42