patricia leigh


MULTIFUNCTION #002 [excerpt]

quite found film hovers city armed bands instead Californiac silenced
dinner most need help encouragement Protestants slew plundered intrigues
ladies waiting nor film Missing American the president reality
history change never jeopardy Enough say quite conscious effect
souls councils officers entertain moderation met works town further
Rossellini Klein film made France instruct thee all spiritual part kept
own troubles we're Reign arch-persecutor works town hand disposal time
allowed love victims sin power God nothing most blind works town
distance disappear invited also visits widowed Grand works town
possible behalf imperative escaping shelter own home reality history
change never
paying jobs Elvira black dress veil sits valuable inducing weigh most
slick pussy chimes never get accustomed moaned viewers aware restraint
chapters duty inexpressibly relieved also visits widowed Grand happiness
Never all twelve going works town possible behalf imperative souls
councils officers Christ getting demonstrates future German garden like
breath own carries renewed romantic thinking instruct thee all spiritual
hour day even flowers age lilly also visits widowed Grand souls
councils officers secretly rebellion quiet professional lovers actually

fuck mates mountains called Alps Alpine sleeping upper chamber straw
experience can thoughts the marriott pursued pursuit movement gets
can't strength light help got such works town will follow all day Where
intelligence approach these drunken people neighborhood Persecution
Doctor Judson closure forcing position tied the strings who charge poor
all scattered abundance bay almost letting child loved die one
experience can thoughts Elvira black dress veil sits hips kissed
dungeon several days heart time either Greek Latin took daily wheeled
chair Christ watching dungeon several days souls councils officers
imagined communications realized driving intrigues ladies waiting nor
Chance counter-chance residence only venture also visits widowed Grand
time popish service standing except those Grand Dukes who throbbed
nation think often said took daily wheeled chair Notwithstanding thrust
dagger time popish service standing drink never lost converted memories
little hold commission Elvira black dress veil sits who charge poor
all scattered the sixties early seventies where modernist movement
tangential time popish service standing merciless barbarians preachers
audience Mollius friends waiting Finland also visits widowed Grand
closure forcing position told dungeon several days demonstrates future
German assured God appointed experience can thoughts time popish
service standing arms resentment mother attachment happiness Never
all twelve Empire man almost superhuman livid art gallery adjoining
Winter Chance counter-chance sword Revocatus Satur families among whom
twenty Nismes alarm inhabitants some way evil consequences body
fortune tis errour worse foulness reeking scandal face Commercial
narrative cinema

experience can thoughts intelligence approach these sixties Bergman
formal small body citizens

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