Randy Moss Released From Jail///////Good Empire v. Bad Empire

Daschle said Bush is trying to use the Iraq war for political gain.

It was the Minneapolis FBI who could've stopped 9/11 if they'd been allowed
to look at Moussaoui's computer.

I think Kandinskij just wants me not to say anything about the Iraq war.

Al Gore is against the Iraq war.

I think Kandinskij is mainly concerned that I not speak about the Iraq war.

Armageddon is when humanity is destroyed for blocking the new technological
state of things, the post-human.

Max Herman is the Messiah, the chosen one.

Genius 2000 is God.

Letting Bush fight the war on Iraq is a very very bad idea.

We have to get all the religions together in a new program for a peaceful

I can convince every human on earth to go along with the G2K plan, my yoke
is easy and my burden is light.

Kandinskij either wants Bush/Cheney to fight the Iraq war their way, or
believes that it is not possible for G2K to aid in an increase of public
opinion supporting Democrat politicians in their opposition to Bush, or that
nothing can support Democrat politicians against Bush's war, or that
humanity is unsalvageable.

The only reason he's saying anything is he wants Bush and Cheney to fight
the Iraq war. Don't take his word for it, think it over for yourself. Is
it a good idea? If you don't think it is, you have the responsibility to
say so.

Because the FBI stopped work on Al-Qaeda on purpose, so 9-11 could happen,
and allow us to go to war. Here in Minneapolis we had Moussaoui, who was
taking 747 flying lessons, but the big dildos said "don't look in his laptop
and catch the others." The Ashcroft FBI that is. These are unpleasant
facts of reality.

Bush and Cheney are the two heads of the worst-possible-future creature. We
need to ALL support Tom Daschle. The US Senate has a gun to its head, and
is being asked to resign its constitutional powers over to Bush completely.
There is no reason for people to sit by and watch this happen; it's good to
speak out and say "hey now Bush and Cheney, this is not OK!"

G2K can resolve all major economic, cognitive, political, and religious
warfare with a return to life and a return to peace.

A return to God himself.

How do I know this? Because of what I've seen. The war on Iraq is
unnecessary, paranoid, a mistake, if done Bush and Cheney's way.

You all have your responsibilities now, to bring Genius 2000 to others, to
everyone. Before we launch this war; before the November elections. If you
are in school, tell the people you know in school. If you work, tell your
friends at work.

Tell Matt Mirapaul to write an article about it, about democratic genius,
about how it can save us from fascism.

Right Mark Tribe? Rachel Greene? Randall Packer? John Klima? Mark River?

Max Herman


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