Call for Chapters for book series .fwd

Max should write a chapter on e-Government :)

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Dear Colleagues

FORMATEX, a Spanish technological and educational organization, in
collaboration with the Computer Science and Physics Department of the
University of Extremadura (Spain), is now editing a volume within our
Information Society book series, on Techno-Legal aspects of Information
Society. Some of the topics covered by this edition are:

Security of Information Systems
Legal protection of sotware and digital contents
Rights Management in the Digital Era
Copyright in the Informational Societies
Networks and Liberties
Informatic crimes
Public security vs. secret communications
Digital Libraries
Electronic signature
Electronic means of payment
Ethical issues
Law and Computer Science
Legal Expert Systems
Cybersquatting, Typosquatting, etc
Domain names and Trademarks
Thesaurus and documental techniques
Law Databases
Law in Internet

The Call for Papers' website is available at

with details on deadlines, manuscripts format, etc. Deadline for articles
submission is November 25th for this volume. If you and/or your team is
interested in contributing to this volume, please contact us at
[email protected] or directly to the editor-in-chief A.Mendez-Vilas,
which can be reached at:

Departamento de Fisica
Universidad de Extremadura
Avda. de Elvas s/n
06071 Badajoz
[email protected]

and provide us an abstract and a tentative title as soon as possible, along
with the list of authors and afilliations.A list of received/accepted
proposals is being posted at the Call for Papers' website (Preliminary
Content section).

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any inquiry or suggestion.


J.A.Mesa Gonzalez
FORMATEX Secretariat
Phone/Fax: +34 924 258 615
E-mail: [email protected]

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