Re: Kandinskij Walking the Dog Mama (fwd)

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Wally Keeler scribbled ina childish tantrum:

> I don't recognize your qualifications,

That doesn't have any bearing on them.
The world does not revolve around your dick.

> nor do I acknowledge your assertion that I am not qualified to judge.

You are not qualified. This is not an assertion or is it mine.
Go play your juvenile lexical-shifting + self-denial games
with your dog.

> I will be the judge of that.

No, you won't. You're not capable of judgement.

> > You're simply throwing a fit
> There is no fit whatsoever. I am just replying, just that, no loud language,
> just merely replying.

No baby. You're throwing a fit.
You may choose to be self-delusional about it–and likely you will
but there is no such thing as 'merely replying'.

> > because you can't accept
> Only I know what I can or cannot accept. You are presumptuous once again,
> and erroneous to boot.

Ne. No presumptions and no errors. Just a very clear observation
of your mode of functionining. You can froth at the mouth and pretend
you're invisible–or attempt to pretend that this is not valid
because 'it's just my opinion'–but the observation of what you are
is there.

> Shrivelled or otherwise, I am exceedingly comfortable with my ego. Regarding
> the "unwavering authority outside" — PRZT!

You say this as this as if it's some achievement.
The ego is made to be comfortable, baby.
As for your 'przt'–this is why you will die,
as senor Tzara says it–so lovely.

> > Come on, stomp that little foot. Pose. Scream.
> > No dogma will appear even if you scream it until
> > you turn blue in the face.
> There's been no screaming, just a calm assertion

No baby, it hasn't been calm. maybe you should start denying
what goes on inside you to yourself.

> that you largely walk the dog mama.

You don't know what a dogma is. Anything that isn't
according to your ego is 'dogma'.

> > > > Reality is neither dogmatic, nor a subject reflective of
> > No dear. Don't throw big words you don't understand in order to pad the
> > value of your childish opinionated fit.
> > Objective reality is not dogma.
> Your assertion that it is, is your walking the dog mama.

I make no assertion baby. You're a pathetically logical ape.
Nor do you know what dogma is.

> > > I love my narcissistic ego-self — it feeeeeeeels good.
> >
> > Yes, we know.
> Speak for yourself, not that silly Queen Victoria conceit, "We are not
> amused."

I do speal for myself. Consciousness is not singular.
Queen Victoria hasn't got anything to do with it,
besides with your pathetic card-board cut out knee-jerks.

Yet another one who thinks logic will get him out of anything.


`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42