Re: Kadinskij as Still Born Still Life (fwd)

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Wally Keeler continued withhis childish imbecility:

> > > Finally, you got something right.
> >
> > No, baby. Been right all along.
> I don't believe that for a moment.

That's not going to change a thing.

> > No dear. Not in 'my estimation'.
> > This is your objective state.
> No it isn't.

Yep, it is.

> > No, baby. This is not 'about me'.
> > I am not expressing myself–and my opinions.
> > Even though that's the only sort of communication
> > available to children like yourself, I am not you.
> I know you are not me. Fortunately.

No, you don't. You ascribe your internal knee-jerks to me.
You identify just like a baby does.

> > What you say is–objectively meaningless.
> > If I died tomorrow, it'll still be true.
> So saith the Omnimpoetent One!

I never claimed Omnipotency. Moron.

> > Not at all. Idiotic knee-jerk.
> Only in the circles and squares of bureaucrazy

Right. Knee-jerking hasn't got anything to do with
'bureacuracy' idiot.

> > Rest of meaningless drivel and sniveling posturing snipped.
> Or how your impoetence has no come-back.

I am not impotent, unlike you.
And this is not about 'comebacks'. Twit.

Go bat something in your backyard.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42


, D42 Kandinskij

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Wally Keeler made yeta nother attempt to ejaculate
and failed:

> I have only an interest in what I can change.

You can't change anything.

> No it isn't.

Yep it is. Come on–stomp your foot–in dogmatic denial.

> > No, you don't. You ascribe your internal knee-jerks to me.
> > You identify just like a baby does.
> Let me check. Hmm. Yep, I was right. You are not me. And it is becoming more
> fortunate by the minute.

Ie, idiotic self-debasing condescension on your part.
Tell us something new.

> I never claimed that you did, Moron. I regard you as the Omnimpoetent One.

No, you don't. You cannot 'regard'.

> The word is "bureaucrazy" idiot. There is a significant difference.

Not really. All that you write is meaningless mechanistic drivel.

> The word I used is "impoetent", dumbbell.

Sorry, I am not a dumbbell.

> You need to work on your reading and comprehension skills.

No, I don't. Your intent was quite patent.
Your 'wrapping' interests me not.

> > Go bat something in your backyard.
> Go learn to read.

Unlike you, I can read.
You unfortunately don't even know what literacy is.
Besides the drivel that's been stuffed in your head by a mediocre

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42