21st C. Digital Boy--ain't life a mystery//////Deliver Us From Evil

Thanks for the good action Lewis. Bush wants us to go on a crusade, no
other explan. Bush stole a large sum of cash, so did Cheney, but that's
just a piccadildo, silly pencil-pushers are the only ones who'd call that
impeachable. Fact is, people are more scared of blowjobs than of greedy
fuckers in the corridors of power. Our country USA is abominably craven and
gutless right now. Inexcusably so.

Here's some hard-on G2K:

"Advances in our understanding of the brain do indeed pose a challenge to
the moral concept of blame or fault or guilt or, yes, even evil. But the
challenge is not necessarily insurmountable. (Robert Wright explores and
explains all this in his wonderfully lucid book "The Moral Animal.") In any
event, wrapping yourself in the flag and burying your head in the sand is
not an appropriate way to deal with an unwelcome philosophical challenge. It
may not be evil, but it isn't very nice."

So get me Kinsley on the horn kids (just kiddin). There is a much far
better way to deal with big T than what Bush is giving–he's about to
mortgage the whole future, and make no mistake, his crosshairs are smack on
the forehead of culture, thought, science, and love as we know it to exist.
Where's Bruce Sterling? Did he get iced or give out? He's a champ kid too,
plus Brace, one mean-ass pitching staff is just waiting for the bus to

So it's time to show some fucking balls in defense of what civilization is
REALLY about.

The bus is flying over the cliff children. Yes Hussein is a jerk and a
torturer, and the easy (even tasty-like-ribs) answer is let's kick his butt.
NYT had an article that war on Iraq won't help the economy, but that's
intellectual misdirection and shit on a fork. They want to win the November
elections and grab some more oil (basically all the rest of it) so their
shitty system of shitcycling can not plop right over. And no one with
spirit and gravity is saying boo. So here comes Radley.

Christ's message is that everyone can be saved, everyone, everyone. He had
some ideas how to do it. The Arminians in Holland told Calvin to take his
elect and shove it right in the backhole. UnChristian it was. Wars were
fought, torture, racks, human bbq galore.

I got an old Bad Religion cassette at a garage sale today. Not too shabby!
But it's pop music let's face it. "I don't need anything–Let's talk about

"I'm afflicted, you're addicted."

Actually I think people plan on working a decent non-genocidal cure for
terror after we get Iraq under control. I say don't pull my chain–the time
for sanity is now. It's always after/after/after thus and so. 2000 years
of vomit to get out.

I'm fucking pissed, and sober. Satan is someone who is torturing you and
won't ever quit. A liar. The deceiver. There is a million reason not to
hit Sadie for a year or two. Act ye not in wrathful haste.

Anyone hear Condoleeza say "before 9-11, no one could have imagined anyone
would use passenger planes as missles, and slam them into…" (choose your
own innocent orifice or edifice). Of course plenty dipshits like me read
Running Man in the mid 80's so we did imagine it pretty fucking flat out.
So outline many reports in the sub-trickle the Bush admin is giving up to
the Senate Intelligence committee. I wonder what all that sealed-up shit
says? Boy I bet it's pretty hot. No wonder we can't be allowed to read it.

Ejaculatory hesitancy is no excuse. Only G2K can dispel the fear and avert
the disaster–and not just in the arts and farts, but in econ and education
and religion and the whole fucking burrito. Make me do it myself if your
conscience allows. I mean have at 'er, getcha freak on dipshits.

He who loses his life shall find it. He who finds his life shall lose it.

This is far from nonsense; if Jesus was here me and him would be shaking the
garage down to the jumper cables.

God damn it.

I can't believe the way you look sometimes. Civilized bar-code, mommy's on
valium, so ineffectual. I don't know how to breathe but I gotta lotta toys.
My daddy's a lazy middle-class intellectual.



>From: lewis lacook <[email protected]>
>Reply-To: lewis lacook <[email protected]>
>To: "arc.hive" <\_arc.hive\[email protected]>, cupcake kaleidoscope
><[email protected]>, Renee <[email protected]>,
>rhizome <[email protected]>, wryting <[email protected]>
>Subject: RHIZOME\_RAW: Deliver Us From Evil Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 15:21:58
>-0700 (PDT)
>Deliver Us From Evil
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