Paolo Javier

During his residency at the Department of Micro Poetics, Queens Poet Laureate PAOLO JAVIER will complete obb a.k.a. the original brown boy, a collaborative multimedia poetry comic begun in 2006 that imagines an octopus and a catfish moving through New York City at the turn of the new millennium. Comic (book art) history, (trans)nationalism, race, and desire are among obb’s many intersections and collisions. The work also foregrounds the presence of the poetic in comic books, and experiments with it in a fragmented text built on/with/from/through illustration, cut-up, collage, video, and painting.

Javier will be joined by his collaborators ERNEST CONCEPCION, MIKE ESTABROOK, and ROBERTO JAMORA during the residency, and will exhibit the entirety of their collaboration with a talk and performance on the last day.