"32,000 Light Brigade, FistFighting, or How I Came Back to"

[size=45]"32,000 Light Brigade, FistFighting, or How I Came Back to"[/size]


[size=25]New Work by Rebecca Gaffney, featuring performances by Enoch: A.L.N.[/size]

Show runs: October 22-November 4
Opening Reception Friday, October 22 7-11

"Experiments in teleportation/transnegotiation, mountaineers and l—t rotations strikingly shining and sh-t"…High Mirror-Video Church

Opening performances by Enoch : A.L.N. : Rebecca Gaffney, Michael Mahalchick, Jon Williams, Jon Winfield Nicholson, Chris Anderson, Todd Pendu

Bring sunglasses. If you forget, we’ve got you covered.

Several performances and events will take place in neighboring locales during the run of this show, culminating with a final jam at Secret Project Robot in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY

Rebecca Gaffney is a Brooklyn based artist working primarily in video, sculpture, and improvised music. She is obsessed with out of phase strobelight, aerial views, reflections and amplifying the ephemeral qualities of light and sound waves. Enoch A.L.N. is her project with Michael Mahalchick, Jon WIlliams, and a rotating cast of chums. Rebecca and Enoch has performed at and curated work for CANADA Gallery and at BronxArtSpace in NYC and St. Cecilia’s Convent and Monkeytown (R.I.P.) in Brooklyn. Upcoming exhibitions for Rebecca/Enoch include shows with Art Fag City’s "Sound of Art", Pendu Gallery and Secret Project Robot.

For more info on this and other exhibitions please visit www.louisvesp.com

140 Jackson St #4D
Brooklyn NY 11211
[email protected]