Karei is dying to be heard out, but he's weak, a liar, crazy, and rotten

Karei is related to Jophie Bosma, kindred, equally terrible. So read on!

>From: "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>
>Reply-To: "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>
>To: Max Herman <[email protected]>
>CC: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
><[email protected]>
>Subject: RE: RHIZOME\_RAW: problems on Rhizome Raw
>Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 13:52:03 -0700 (PDT)
>On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Max Herman wrote:
> > I meant, being under the irrefutable condition of empire, Now that we
> > in NegriHardt2002-space. Sin preference (without). Luke Skywalker is
> > imperial.
> It's a very chimerical empire.

So, admit you were too idiotic to understand what I meant, because you are a
psychotic AIVR freak. You make blunders like Billy Ray Cyrus. You're a
chess computer and can only see to the horizon; beyond that you make worst
moves not even a sleeping child would make.

You're sick. Get help.

But as all chimeras, the more you fight
> it, the stronger it grows.

You are one preachy Ichabod, a cyber-pedant, vestigial and crippled,

Take care of yourself. The empire rules only
> those who buy into it.

I think the Empire also rules the slaves who have no choice but to exist
under it or be crucified should they speak up even one quantum. Because one
quantum is all it takes. You are an idiot, a sick rotten Swissophile.
Switzerland is perhaps the sleaziest, most slavetrading nation on the earth.
Right where you belong yes.

You live in the Survivor Cult as Elias Canetti wrote in a book Eryk bought
for me.

> Hence the general opportunistic stance to 'bash America' is idiotic–
> it only feeds the monster which strengthens its grasp in both
> directions–

You beg all questions. You must not see it. I doubt you are 47 at all.
You beg all questions in service of your a priori, and you got the nuts to
call me a premature ejaculatoire! Man do I hate you, like rotten food.

inwardly towards the 'American population' and 'outwardly'
> towards other countries.

You are crazier than HAL and the computer in "Rollerball" combined. HAL in
Rollerball said "Energy is Genius", go rent it ya dirty lying bag of hateful
necrotic liebestod.

Karei is perhaps worse than anything else on earth.

> The battle is for your Self. All else is chimera.

Yes, pollution for example, that is a chimera, there is never a worthwhile
reason to speak or act against companies that break the law and poison the
environment. Only egotistical masturbators press ecological concerns in
public debate fora. It's a priori.

Karei is a Copenhagen Fascist, and having lived my monarchical year (number
six) on Danish soil I have to say he is seven times shittier than the
shittiest shit, his Mom was a yucky yeasty francofister, and he has recently
suffered a personal emotional trauma that has turned him into Gollum with
Sarumanic aspirations.

> That is not to say that all chimeras are equal–but sans the self
> they might as well be.

Oh yeah great whatever ya jerk. You are worse than a Dr. Pepper commercial,
plus an idiot, plus insane and fetid like a big dirty zit a foot wide.

>`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

Gar you love to write your names don't you, glad the Nazi goldmongers dig
your putrid constricted whatever-it-is-you-articulate.

Karei cannot even hold a tiny stub of candle to NN, even if he and his other
psycho AI-deprivation-VR testpilot frat buddies invented her. If they did,
they are one trick ponies, the brain trust of Satanco.

A lot of people are sick and asleep and stupid, but Karei and his
FrankenGeist is the disease.

The smell of death surrounds him, you fool you!

>+ une dans la gueule, and two for tea !
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, D42 Kandinskij

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Max Herman wrote:

> Karei is related to Jophie Bosma, kindred, equally terrible. So read on!


> So, admit you were too idiotic to understand what I meant, because you are a
> psychotic AIVR freak.

There is nothing to understand Max. You're a moron.

> You make blunders like Billy Ray Cyrus.


> You're a chess computer and can only see to the horizon; beyond that you
> make worst moves not even a sleeping child would make.

Nein + nein. You haven't been near the horizon, baby.

> You're sick. Get help.

No, dear. I'm very healthy. Unlike you.

> You are one preachy Ichabod, a cyber-pedant, vestigial and crippled,
> footbound.

You're talking about yourself again–Max.

> I think the Empire also rules the slaves who have no choice but to exist
> under it or be crucified should they speak up even one quantum.

Bollpcks. Abrogation of self-responsibility.

> Because one quantum is all it takes. You are an idiot, a sick rotten Swissophile.

No, Max. The idiot here is you. And you're refusing to see it.

> Switzerland is perhaps the sleaziest, most slavetrading nation on the earth.
> Right where you belong yes.

Dada originated in Zurich. By individuals far more intelligent
than to take sides in wars.

> You live in the Survivor Cult as Elias Canetti wrote in a book Eryk bought
> for me.

Nothing of the sort. Avoid flashing your idiotic mind-cutouts and
presenting them as me.

> You beg all questions. You must not see it.

I don't. You simply are illiterate.

> I doubt you are 47 at all.

You're right. I'm 62.

>> You beg all questions in service of your a priori,

Nein Max. I don't function from a 'brain'. I can see why your brain
might be feeling icky however.

> and you got the nuts
> to
> call me a premature ejaculatoire!

Ne–you lack the ability to orgasm. Es tout.

> Man do I hate you, like rotten food.

Where does hate originate in the body?

> You are crazier than HAL and the computer in "Rollerball" combined. HAL in
> Rollerball said "Energy is Genius", go rent it ya dirty lying bag of hateful
> necrotic liebestod.

You're talking about yourself, baby.

> Karei is perhaps worse than anything else on earth.

Again–speaking of yourself. I am not you.

> Yes, pollution for example, that is a chimera, there is never a worthwhile
> reason to speak or act against companies that break the law and poison the
> environment.

There isn't. I'm sorry that you lack the intelligence to grasp what I
say. I'm also sorry to hear that you fail to understand that many
cultures whose view I am presenting never built any polluting

I love the white ape monkey-soooooooooooooooooooo concerned.
And yet–responsuble for destruction en masse.

Only egotistical masturbators press ecological concerns in
> public debate for


>. It's a priori.


> Karei is a Copenhagen Fascist,

Nice ascription here baby: but the one fascist is you.
And many of your eco-concerned 'colleagues'.

> and having lived my monarchical year (number
> six) on Danish soil I have to say he is seven times shittier than the
> shittiest shit, his Mom was a yucky yeasty francofister, and he has recently
> suffered a personal emotional trauma that has turned him into Gollum with
> Sarumanic aspirations.

Pathetic idiocy.

> Oh yeah great whatever ya jerk. You are worse than a Dr. Pepper commercial,
> plus an idiot, plus insane and fetid like a big dirty zit a foot wide.

The only one who is 'insane' idiotic and fetid here is you max–
and G2K–and you cause destruction with your activity–and you
will murder everyone who stands in your *ahem* 'concerned'
'savior' ape way.

masochistic twit.

, Max Herman

Yes you cretin but very smart enough to steal all the money stolen by
Hitler. Switzerland is not intelligent but inbred, deformed, insular, and

Plus, why do you always say "the only one here" all the time? You've said
that to every single person, "you're the only idiot here."

Ish. I'm not talking to you or reading you anymore, but since I don't know
how to use a filter, I'm just going to hit the delete button.

Intelligent warprofit hider Switzerland. Holy God are you horrid.

> The only one who is 'insane' idiotic and fetid here is you max–
> and G2K–and you cause destruction with your activity–and you
> will murder everyone who stands in your *ahem* 'concerned'
> 'savior' ape way.
> masochistic twit.

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, D42 Kandinskij

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Max Herman wrote:

> Yes you cretin

The only cretin here is you, max Herman.

> but very smart enough to steal all the money stolen by Hitler.

Spare us your malformed schoolboy notions of political and finacial
matters–none of which you have any direct experience with.
You're a mediocre politicking ape who is grappling for power,
and hence your continuous commentaries–fraudulent and slandering–
on various figures of 'prominence'–real or imagined.

Your world saving stance is little but the stance of an impotent ape
attempting to steal power + energy from those whomight have it
by public abusive masochistic masturbation.

> Switzeland is.. dying.

Absolutely. Why don't you go murder all Swiss.

> Plus, why do you always say "the only one here" all the time? You've said
> that to every single person, "you're the only idiot here."

Because it's appropriate, whether it fits in your skull or not.
Your illiteracy is your own problem.

> Ish. I'm not talking to you or reading you anymore, but since I don't know
> how to use a filter, I'm just going to hit the delete button.

Do it.

> Intelligent warprofit hider Switzerland.

And don't forget Nazi KGB NKVD weapons-builder.

Your behavior is laughable. Why don't you regurgitate
some more mediocre propaganda stuck in your head in high-school
aboit matters which you have ZERO understanding of?

> Holy God are you horrid.

Don't abuse words which don't belong into your mouth, idiot.
Your 'opinion' on God–and yoir 'verbal calling' on it is impotent

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42