Kandinskij is Impoetent.

—– Original Message —–
From: "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>
> Human beings as

Operative word is "as"

> 'dolls' or 'things' or 'puppets'–have been present
> in ALL cultures across the globe–outside of any political agendas:
> native american kachinas, japanese dolls, russian dolls, chinese
> figurines, italian marionettes

Those are all things. Joseph Franklyn McElroy is a human being. You asserted
that he is a "thing." He is not.

> Write back when you have something non-childish-reactionary to say.

I will write back or up front whenever it suits ME. Your orders and
conditions are completely impoetent as far as I am concerned.

You are laregly irrelevent to me.


, D42 Kandinskij

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Wally Keeler wrote:

> Operative word is "as"

No, it isn't. 'As* means that they're study-structures.
Or symbolic. It does not mean inaccuracy.

> Those are all things. Joseph Franklyn McElroy is a human being. You asserted
> that he is a "thing." He is not.

JosePh McElroy is a human animal-unit. A thing.
I don't 'assert' anything: this is what he is.
You 'assert' that he is something which doesn't even exist.

> I will write back or up front whenever it suits ME.

Flip-flip. Ok, princess-ego. You're a 'human being'.

> Your orders and conditions are completely impoetent

There have been no orders and conditions, dear. Learn to read.

> as far as I am concerned.
> You are laregly irrelevent to me.

I'm sure your world is absolutely FULL of your 'i-ego'–and everything
else is irrelevant.

Mechanical doll.