Go to go to you saucy boy

Magna Carta: Awake or asleep?

Or, why fascist euphoria is unnecessary, makes messes, wastes time, and
sucks dirty ass.

Oxford historian revises theory of cause and effect in WWI, blames idiocy
and mismanagement by bloated egos for 20th century catastrophe.

The Commies Burnt the Reichstag: True vs. False

Poor people are lazy: "Exterminate the brutes" and insanity inc.

Infectious Insanity and Sanitary Extermination: Bad Outcomes in
Sufficiently Complex Populations of Geniuses

Ignorance of the law is no excuse

Forget it brother you can go it alone
Quit holdin' out and draw another breath
The ice age is coming
London calling to the zombies of death

The trees are now kept equal by hatchet axe and saw

Absolute power corrupts absolutely

Josef Mengele was really not so bad after all–I mean look how well Krupp
and Daimler did.

Reagan was more guilty on paper than Nixon, but the ruling geniuses in 1989
didn't want to bring down another president by exposing the fact that he was
not following the laws. "They'll tell you that there's a time and a plate/
Where you gotta make a mark and you gotta save face"–Shlagel, "Where Does
It Come Down"

Seppuku–death before dishonor and self-immolation among early 21st century

There's a buzz in the speaker

Total control or controlled totality–which is it?

Galileo was evil because he made the Bible look sorta not literally
true–Bertolt Brecht

Noam Chomsky refuses to ever discuss art, literature, the humanities,
cognitive-aesthetic theory and practice, even when Max asks him, because "he
has no special expertise in that area." Go figga.

Brian Williams of MSNBC said last night "we are stronger now than any
country since the Roman Empire."

Never interfere with developing intelligent species–the Prime Directive

Come on honey help me pick up the change–Jeff Tweedy

Be well, do good work, and keep in touch–Garrison Keillor

"It's gonna be some good shit"–Jesse Ventura on the XFL, at opening of son
Tyrel's first short digi feature "Generation Lost", at Heights Theater on
Central Ave. NE Mpls MN, which Max was at specially invited by the producer
who contributed to g2k Conf2000, and which Max was in earshot of

The Gutenberg Galaxy in one paragraph

Humans will periodically murder themselves in large numbers, physically
(genotype) and behaviorally (phenotype) as the crow flies, until harmonious
sustainability is practicable, if ever

Never fly into the sun because you might burn the scales off your eyes

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is what destroyed America, because it implied
that democracy and rights could not be sustained at all if they remained
permanently propaganda-lies only

De Tocqueville said, people's ability must increase proportionately to their
equality if democracy is to remain hospitable to freedom


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